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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1959)
Ainsworth School Marching Band Receives Orange Band Invitation Nebraska, and more specifically, the sandhills region will have their own special place in the 1960 Or ange Bowl festivities in Miami, Fla., represented by the Ainsworth j high school band. The Ainsworth band was one of a select few in the nation honored I—————————— by an invitation to the 26th annual Orange Bowl festivities Last year, only eight high school hands out side of Florida aDDeared at the Orange Bowl, Tentative plans call for a ten day trip for the 75 bandsmen and their ten sponsors. They will leave Ainsworth on Saturday, Dec. 26, 1959, and return on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 1960 During their stay in Flor ida, they will have three days for specially arranged tours of the Miami area, including a trip 3 Final Days To Take Advantage of a 9x12 Carpet For Only $295 .. .YES! $2.95 With the purchase of any two piece living room suite, two piece sectional, three piece sectional or a hidabed in our store! Store Wide Sale 2-Pc. LIVING ROOM SUITES or 2-Pc. SECTIONAL Latest styles and covers $14995 — and a 9x12 Carpet for $295 ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT for this SENSATIONAL OFFER! I 7-Pc. DINETTE SET 72” formica top table at only 59.95 5-Pc. DINETTE SET Formica Top Only 39.95 PLATFORM ROCKERS Assorted Colors at only 16.95 GOLD SEAL NAIRON | No. 1—12-ft. Linoleum 82c sq. yd. SMOKING STAND With Tray Only 90c Kelvinator Automatic CLOTHES DRYER Last Call Only 135.95 _ 39" BUNK BEDS Complete with springs, rail and ladder. Blond or Maple— 39.50 VINYL TILE Size 9x9 limited amount at— 5 10c each Or 9x12 Room—$19.00 Call 346-J CASH OR CREDIT We Deliver Meyers Midwest West O'Neill 150,000 FAMILIES HAVE ALREADY MADE THE MAGNIFICENT CHANGE TO THE CLEAN WINGED STYLE OF BUICK ’59! ■..-...W :s. r~' .T N«xt time you look through your windshield at the un mistakably clean, sleek tail of a Buick '59 . . . toke a moment to envy its owner . . . He owns THE Car ... “hottest” thing on wheels today. He owns THE style that’s farthest ahead both in public notice and in future trade-in worth. He commands the most efficient automobile power plant in America today. (Buick’s new Wildcat engines not only deliver an important increase in actual miles per gallon . . . but when you take car weight and perform ance into account, they get more out of each gallon d gas than any others.) . He stops with Buick’s exclusive braking system. (Fin-cooled, front and rear, aluminum drums in front.) When he wants to speed up or slow down, he feels the quick answers of the smoothest transmissions of all . . . (only Buick combines Twin Turbine* or Triple Tur bine* transmission smoothness with Wildcat getaway). But why not find out for yourself? This car’s quietness of motion. Its comfort of roominess and ride. Its wtUmg ness to do exactly what you wish of it. You’ll live so much better in a Buick ’59. Let your Quality Buick Dealer show you why . . . and hoar taniy the man in the Buick could be . . . YOU/ Visit your Quality Buick Dealer soon. He’s assEums is dhow yem why your family belongs in Uu next 160/100 is wafer the magnificent change to Buick '69/ ' TO OWNERS OF CARS IN TUE LEADING LOW RENTED f . . . You’ll be surprised how easily you can own a Buick Le Sabee instead! Be sure to ask your Buick dealer about ~rma moor IMPORTANT *200 IN THE AUTOMOBILE WOBLBTt BUICK ’59 SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY BUICK DEALER NOW ... YOUR QUALITY CLICK DEALERS IN THIS AREA ARE:.. Your Quality Bnlrk Dealer in OTJein USCCI^S Buick 125 W. Douglas St. The Orange Bowl executive committee ha* notified John O. Thomalla (Insert), director of the Ainsworth high school band that they will play In the 1#«0 bowl game. Photo courtesy of the Ains worth Star-Journal. through the Everglades; will ap pear in the King Orange jamboree parade, said to be the largest and most colorful in the world; be guests of the Orange Bowl com mittee at the annual New’ Years day game, and be featured in the Orange Bowl fire pageant on Jan uary 2. The trip of 1944 miles to Miami will be made on tw’o chartered buses. Band director Thomalla has es timated that it will be necessary for the band members to raise $10, 000 during the next nine months through various money making projects and donations, for the trip expenses including transpor tation, lodging, meals, insurance and other incidental expenses. Ainsworth high school is a class B school with an enrollment of 231 in the county seat of Brown county. Riverside News Shower Surprise for Couple By Mrs. Lionel Gunter Mrs. Web Napier and Mrs. Wayne Shrader met with Mrs. Dale Napier last Monday evening to plan to shower for Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tuttle and a surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle for their silver wedding anniversary. The party for both couples was held in Methodist basement Friday evening. Mrs. Flora Newman of Napa, Calif, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Emily Johnston and other relatives this week. Sharon Mott and Joanie Miller were overnight guest Tuesday of Cathy Lofquist. Tommy Napier stayed at Alfred Napiers on April 8 and at the Ri chard Napier home on Thursday while his mother, Mrs. John Napier was with her mother, Zeta Dono hue in a Sioux City hospital. Mrs. hue in a Sioux City hospital. Zeta accident. Mrs. Emily Johnston, Mrs. Flora Newman and the Lester Johnston and Archie Johnston families at tended the Janet Johnston and Ro bert Ostdick wedding in a Catholic church at North Bend on Saturday morning. Lenora Tuttle was an overnight guest of Sharon Johnston last Wed nesday. The Rodney Pollocks of Omaha were overnight guests Saturday at Dave Pollocks. On Sunday both families were guests at the Ken neth Pollock home in Neligh. The Bill Lofquist family were guests Sunday at the Melvin Na pn i tuiu miner nunur. Mabel Miller and Mrs. Maisie Phillips called Sunday morning at the Dave Pollock home. The Harold Mlinar family and Louis Vandersnick family visited last Sunday evening at the Wayne Fry home. William Matthews is helping Dale Napier with his farm work this year. Several from this community at tended the musical at the Ewing high school Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton were Neligh visitors Sat urday afternoon. The Jolly Workers club met last Thursday at the Lester Johnston home. Mrs. Will Shrader and Mrs. Auto and Equipment Fair Bargains Clip these Coupons for Big Savings! Set of 3 Plastic Bowls Reg. 1.49 This Coupon and 85c Household Brush Pack Reg. 1.44 This Coupon and $5C Hand Fc: J Mixer Reg. 1.49 This Coupon and f 19 It A A A A At A At A A A A A A /A A RANCHER SUPER SPECIAL ! Bolts—Any Size Machine or Carriage 21/2 lbs. -100 WITH COUPON fc A A A A A A A A A A At 4A A A At 21-ft. Freezer Reg. 304.95 28750 with Coupon fc 4A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A This Coupon Is Worth 2000 on Any Living Room Suite or Bedroom Suite Pack of 6 Pastel Sponges Reg. 98c This Coupon and 55c I Electric Fry Pan Reg. 16.95 This Coupon and 14$ TV. Trays Reg. 8.95 This Coupon and 066 10 H.P. Outboard Motor "The Famous Hiawatha" 26500 WITH COUPON fc A AA A A A A A A A A A A At A 21-in. CORONADO T.V. Custom Deluxe Reg. 229.95 19300 with Coupon t A A A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A ^A A ^A This Coupon Is Worth 400 on Any Floor Lamp Willie Shrader were assistant hos tesses. The ladies sewed carpet rags and tied a comforter. TWenty ladies answered roll call. Mrs' \\ ay ne Shrader received a birth day gift from her mystery pal. Seventeen young folks gathered at the Archie Johnston home Sat urday evening and surprised Don Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier called on the Dave Pollocks Thurs day. Art Busshardts of Neligh were evening visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock vi i sited relahves at Page on Friday. I Larry Larson. Ronnie Mott and 1 Russel Napier left Sunday after noon for McPherson and Sterling Kans , continue with their school ing. Mr. and Mrs. Allied Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and Mr. | and Mrs. John Napier ate supper j at the Town House Saturday in j honor of the ladies birthday anni j versaries. Ronnie Mott visited home folks this past week coming from Mc Pherson, Kans. Sunday dinner guests at the Bert [Fink home were Mrs. Kitty Fry, I Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and j family, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry I and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons. The dinner was in honor of Bert Fink, Mrs. Lee Fink and Timothy Fink's birthday an niversaries. Z. H. Fry, Wayne Fry and Dale Kt_i__ Kt_r .ii. _ 1 „ . Friday. The Willie Shrader family visit ed last Sunday evening at the l>'e Fink home. Mrs. Rudy Ahlers and Rozella were in Tilden Friday afternoon. They also visited at the Henr> llaake home n Neligh. Ronnie and Sharon Mott, Sharon and Tommy Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family and the Lester Bergstrom family visited Friday evening at the Chet Taylor home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family and the Lorraine Montgomery family were guests for supper April 8 at the Dale Napier home. The supper was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napiers 40th wedding anni versary. Mrs. Howard Miller and Mrs. Fink attended a party in Ewing at the Edna Lofquist home Friday. The Richard Napier family visi ted Thursday evening at the Wayne 1 Fry home the Seek and Share club met 1 last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Melvin Napier at her home. Mrs. Wayne Fry served lunch to i the group. Star Community News By Mr«*. Ewalt Miller The Willovvdale club met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roland Miller. Roll call was answered with a ' ft*Hi com bination. Mrs. Lysle Johnson handed out envelopes to Ik1 filled for the can cer drive. Mrs. Roland Miller was hostess to the club members and their families Wednesday for the special event of the month Following the meeting Mrs. Lysle Johnson g«vc a demonstration of the lesson on | "Lines and Designs in Clothing". Mrs. Ewalt Miller won the door prize. The next meeting will bo on May 13 with Mrs. Bob Tomlin son as hostess. Roll call will be answered with your favorite hymn. A dessert lunch was served before the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson were in Sioux City last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring spent last Monday evening at the Lysle Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson wore last Thursday evening visi tors at the Boland Miller home. Veldon Tomlinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson, ant! a senior of O'Neill high school, at tended the FFA convention in Lin coln last week Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson, Mr. and Mrs Walter Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson and Mr. and Mrs Howard Johnson spent Sunday afternoon bowling in O'Neill. The Ash Grove auxiliary bake sale was termed a great success in O'Neill Saturday. Miss Judy Juraeek of Lincoln, spent the weekend with her folks, Mr and Mrs. Elmer Juraeek, Ir ma and Lyle. The rural schools from this com [ munity are attending the music festival in O'Neill, Monday of this week List week the schools com peted in the arithmetic contest. Mrs. Bill Hibhs spent last Mon day afternoon with Mrs. Ewalt Miller. Larry Johnson spent Sunday af ternoon with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Miller. Phone Your News To The Frontier Number — 788 Emerald Cut Diamonds . . . Why Is the “Moderne" Baguette or Emerald cut diamond not as “Fiery” as the round or Brilliant? . . . The Baguette or Emerald shaped diamond is properly pro portioned when cut to bring out maximum RRIEI.IANCY. where as, “DISPERSION” (fire) is not nearly as important. CON TRARY TO POP! EAR BE1JEF, quality for quality, the Emer aid cut diamond usually runs about lO'r less per Carat than the round or Brilliant diamonds. McIntosh jewelry nr, E. Douglas Phone lw A Trusted Jeweler Is Your Best Advisor