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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1959)
Lynch News Activity Signifies Approach of Spring By Mrs. A. A. Kalkowskl It's spring! Many farmers in this locality have their grain in the ground and some are busy plowing up alfalfa ground and getting the ground in readiness for planting i and seeding. Mrs. Eunice Teadtke and Sharon of Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. Billy; Teadtke and family and Mrs. Wal lace Courtney spent March 22 at the Jerry Sixta home here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weeder of Omaha spent the Easter weekend at the Frank Weeder home. Mrs. Dennis Steinbach of Nio brara was hostess at an afternoon party at the Eldon Nolan home. Those present were Mrs. Edward Streit, Mrs. Clarence Kolund, Mrs. Robert Courtney, Mrs. Howard Miller, Margaret Stenger, Mrs. Beryl Moody, Mrs. Bernard Web ber, Mrs. Jack Tarr, Mrs. Peter Mulhair, Mrs. Delbert Wade and Mrs. Jake Muller. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Audiss of Anoka, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Von asek and daughters of Verdel, Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Micanek, Mr. and Mrs Edward Streit and family were March 22 dinner guests at the C. L. Haselhorst home. Mrs. Belle Martz is much im proved in health and was able to attend church and Women’s So ciety meeting this week for the first time in four months. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulhair and Loren spent Sunday evening March 22 at the Leslie Stewart home. Harlan Helaer was a Thurs day evening visitor at Frank Fisher’s. Eleanor and Marlin Barnes were March 22 dinner guests at the Harlan Holtz home in honor of Virginia’s birthday. The Fred King family, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moody sr., Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moody and family of Niobrara were six o’clock dinner guests at the Leland Moody home March 22. The Don Kayl family arrived here from California Thursday. Don has a one month furlough af ter which he is to be sent to the Philippine Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Neilson and family visited relatives in Hartington March 25. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schultz of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Micanek and family were Easter Sunday dinner guests at the Wal lace Moffett home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulhair were O’Neill visitors one day this week. Won! from Mrs. Ed Whetham states that she is in now visiting her son, Guy, and family in Cali fornia. She plans to visit a daugh ter and family in Washington be fore she returns to her home here about the middle of April. The extension club leaders trai ning meeting which was to have been held Wednesday was post poned until April 17 on account of the storm March 25. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cranford were Easter Sunday dinner guests at the Ixuis Cranford home in Speneer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cranford of Spencer motored here early Mon day to visit Frank Cranford who wasn’t feeling too well. Ronald Gustafson of Butte was a business visitor here Wednesday. Abbie Gray of Gordon is spen ding Easter vacation with her fam ily. The local senior class presented a NEW! Faster, Longer Relief from Headache and "Butterfly Stomach" BISMA-REX SELTZER WITH MICRONIZED BISMUTH ALUMINATE Rexall’s exclusive new formula contains remarkable bismuth aluminate to soothe ... as it combats excess acids. Special anal gesic ingredient soothes headache and other minor pains. 4!/2-oz.—98c ALSO: Bisma-Rex Powder.$1.98 and 89c Bisma-Rex Gel . $1.19 Bisma-Rex Mates Tablets.$1.49 and 89c Bisma-Rex Tabs—roll of 12—10c; 3 for.25c Get “THRU” to the Pain! ISOTOPE TRACER TESTS ADDITIONALLY PROVE “THRU” ACTUALLY GOES THROUGH THE SKIN TO KILL PAIN WHERE IT HURTS! Further proof that THRU actually goes through the skin for at the-spot relief of muscular aches, stiffness, simple neuritis, even temporary relief of minor rheumatic and arthritic pain. Liquid or Jel—$149 Also Economy 6-oz. Liquid for. $2.98 NOW-EXTRAVAGANT SAVINGS ON . . . Cara Nome's “GOLDEN LINE" SAVE $2.00—New Golden Fluff Cleansing Cream and Golden Rich Night Cream Try them on our special introductory offer: Regular size of each cream—Together a $8.00 value! BOTH—$3.00 SAVE $1.50—Golden Dew Moisture Cream and Golden Oil Deep Cleanser 2-oz. size of each—A $4.00 value! NOW BOTH FOR $2.50 SAVE 75c—Cara Nome's Matching Cologne and After-Bath Powder Your choice of “Avant”, “Fair Warning”, “Tish-Tish”, or “Plymouth Garden” Together a $2.75 value! NOW BOTH FOR $2.00 SAVE $1.00—Cara Nome's Matching Cologne and Bubbling Bath Fragrance Your choice of the same scents Together a $3.00 value! BOTH FOR $2.00 SPRING SAVINGS ON POPULAR STAG Men's Toiletries SAVE 31c—Stag Cream Hair Tonic Non-greasy formula—leaves hair natural looking Reg. $1.29-NOW JUST 98c SAVE 31c—Stag Shampoo Special Formula for men rinses quickly, cleans throroughly, leaves hair manageable Reg. $1.29-JUST 98c NITRAGIN We carry Nitragin Seed Inoculant-Fresh stock just arrived. Pick yours up NOW—Nitragin Seed Inoculant! PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS I Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 - O'Neill , * • . *.e * * ... • • • * •• their class play, a mystery come dy in three acts, to a large crowd both Wednesday and Thursday. Each participant is to be congrat ulated for their part in the play. The community is justly proud of each and everyone. The local band played several selections. Wilmer Sedivy of Manhattan, Kans., is spending the Easter va cation here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wade spent March 22 at the Vernon Dahl berg home. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sixta left on Thursday for Red Lake Falls, Minn., where they farm each year. Easter Sunday dinner guests at the Tommy Courtney home were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Courtney, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McMeen, Lynch also Beverly Alford of Oma ha were Easter Sunday dinner guests at the W. T. Alford home. Mrs. Don Hurless of Twin Falls Minn, spent the past week visiting friends here. Pat Mahan and Tom Chvala of Lebnon, Kans. spent Easter week end with home folks, Henry Maly, Mr. and Mrs. James Maly sr. and Mrs. Joe Slechta sr., visited at the Albert Tejrak home. Jerome Ertz is visiting Butte relatives over Easter. Francis Fisher spent the week end of March 21-22 in Omaha. Friday March 20 Mr. and Mrs. ;C. L. Haselhorst and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and family were vi sitors at the Henry Vonasek home north of Verdel. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barnes were | Easter Sunday guests at the Elmo Barnes home. The Wesleyan Methodist Mission ary Society met at Mrs. Myron Hodges'home Thursday. Mrs. Glen Davy presented the lesson on the Brainard Indian School at Hot Springs S. D. The ladies prepared a baby layette for Rev. and Mrs. i Melvin Winkelmann of Niobrara. Mrs. Tommy Courtney spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. j Frank Mulhair. The local senior class enjoyed la class party at the Harold Mica J nek home Thursday evening after | the play. Harlan Heiser of Valley spent the Easter week and with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Eiler spent Sunday at the Robert Zach home in Verdel. Jimmy Eiler spent Easter week end at the Rudy Eiler and Robert Zach homes Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulhair were Creighton visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schock enmaier and family of Honest eel, S. D.. Mr. and Mi's. Cyril Burbach and sons of Wynot and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Barta and daughters of Verdel visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski and Lawrence on Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday six o'clock din ner guests at the Frank Fisher home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ve sely and family of Verdel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulhair and Loren were Easter Sunday din ner guests at the Albert Schindler home near Monowi. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman Left Wednesday for Phoenix, Ariz. to visit their sons, Don and Lyle. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mulhair spent March 22 with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Knutsen at Niobrara. Mrs. Leland Moody spent Fri day afternoon with Mrs. Ernest Darnell. Mr. and Mrs Vernon Dahlberg and family and Albert Dahlberg were Easter Sunday guests at the Elmer Dahlberg home. Easter Sunday dinner guests at j the Wallace Moffett home were Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Schultz of - Norfolk, Gary Micanek of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs Harold Micanek and family and Mrs. lion Johnson. Gary showed movie pictures of his trip to the Black Hills. On Tuesday he returned to his school work at Wayne. Harry Moffett and Don Johnson are in Florida to visit Pauline Mulhair at Miami and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Kerbel in Fort Lau derdale, Fla., also doing a lot of sight seeing. Mrs. Nata Bjornsen accompan ied Mrs. Alvin Carson of O'Neill to Tilden on March 22 where they visited at the Ralph Papstein home. Mrs. John Wike returned to her home here Friday form Oma ha where she had been a patient in the University hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ival Bodine of St. Charles S.D. were last Sunday v i sitors at the Harold Bennett home. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sixta visited at the Ernest Klasna home in Spencer Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Stauffer | spent Thursday evening at the Fred Spencer home. Iris Craig of Atkinson spent Easter vacation here with her mo ther and with her sister, Mrs. Fred Spencer, and family. DEMONSTRATION See the new Gehl SHRED-ALL In Action! George Clasey Farm NE Corner Page Friday. April 3. 2 pm. j | SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT Co. * — O’NEIIJ. — 05 Spring Carpet & livingro m = Store - Wide SALE! CA,W p -j Anril Ord at 9:00 a. m. I Sole starts fnday, he„ # a Others say we re traiy-_•"Taxi^CARPcTll ;^ll M h,lif $2.95^ j J*/JtMjI I purchase of any ^ Hide-A-Bed 11 1 ■ in our Storefor$^95^^^^^^^^^^l | THREE PIECE SECTIONAL I HIDE A BED I Smartly designed Reversible I Cushions, Extra Heavy Cover I Famous Certa Construction. Beautiful 3-Piece Curved Sectional in Heavy Frieze Cover. Hf Latest styling, guaranteed lifetime construction. HI $219.95 I SI 9995 PLUS 9x12 CARPET FOR $2.95 I PLUS 9x12 CARPET FOR $2.95 1 OTHER SUITES AT ONLY $149.95-PLUS 9x12 CARPET FOR $2.95 Limited One (1) to a customer — Positively None to Dealers — Open Until 9:00 P.M. { Sensational furniture Carpet Bargains - Almost Every Item In Our Store Reduced For This Sale! Too Many To List, Mentioning Only A Few. Listen toKBRX Party Line For Our Sale! OPENING HOUR OPENING HOUR OPENING HOUR OPENING HOUR OPENING HOUR OPENING HOUR OPENING HOUR I OPENING HOUR SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! i Friday 9:00 A.M. Friday 9:00 A.M. Friday 9:00 A.M. Friday 9:00 A.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. Saturday 9 :00 A.M. . Reg. $20.95 PLATFORM R,B $8‘6° 7 PiZ' $1° 9i BABY CRIBS ReB $9 95 VINYL INLAID Innerspring PLATFORM TABLE /-Piece IRONING ith innerspring j STEP TABLES jo d Seal, needs no I ? MATTRESS ROCKER LAMPS JANETTE SET BOARD “STsta Modem scrub.WnB „ „ „ Smart, brand new, „ . . 72-in. Table. Form- ...... Ycar b e Blonde 2 ,lo,,s at | Full Size. Limited newest fabrics Modern and new ica top. This sale Adjustable Both For $125 $9.95 $16.95 $2.95 $59.95 $5.95 $21.95 $5.95 per Lin. Foot Cash or Easy Credit Cash or Easy Credit Cash or Easy Credit Cash or Easy Credit Cash or Easy Credit Cash or Easy Credit Ca*h or Easy Credit Cash or Easy Credit I ^hhi^^hh^bhihihh^^^ hih^hh^hhi^hhhh^hhf' iHiHiHiiiHUBHBHiHV^ hhhhbbhhh^^bbhbbbb^ ^hh^hhhhhhhhhhhhub^ ^^ ^bhhhhhbbmbbmhi^^bp Regular 49.95 Opening Hour Special—Friday 9:00 A.M. All Plastic I-ast Chance for a Serta Posture 5-PC. DINETTE SET 3;PC. BEDROOM SUITE OCCASIONAL CHAIRS INNERSPRING MATTRESS Formica Top Dresser, Chest, Bed and Mirror. “Blonde” Tilt Back—For This Occasion F,lM Size—Reg. $50.95 3 Only at 2995 10nly at 7995 1395 Only 448$ Kelvtnator Non-Slide I I 8e,ect ,ro™ ^'^££1?***"* °* AUTOMATIC DRYER THRO RUGS I ROCKERS Made from Broadloom Carpet, extra I I Shipment, latest styles and covers Slight Shipping Damage heavy with laytex back I I Truckload I urchase! 1 Only at 13595 At Only 159 | Starting at 1695 CASH OR CREDIT OPEN TIL 9:00 P.M. DURING SALE SALE CLOSES APRIL 18th Meyers Midwest Furniture & Appliance CALL 346-J - WE DELIVER WEST O'NEILL * * • ’ ‘ • * • . * * * »•**••*•*•*• *.• * • . * * • . • * • , • • • . * • • •• * • . • . .* .