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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1959)
Celia News Hy Mrs. Mark Hendrick* On March 10th Mrs. Bertha Full erton celebrated her 87th birthday Mrs Fullerton is living with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs Raymond Roby, since last October when she fell and broke her hip. However, she is still ac tive and gets up into her wheel chair every day with the help of her daughter and a trapeze made hy Mr. Roby. Mrs. Fullerton has not let age or illness dampen her spirits where her church work and missions are concerned. She still calls on the ladies to bring her their old sheets, etc., so she can tear them into strips to be sent to the mission fields for bandages. In January a friend asked for her friends to send cheer cards. She received over 200 cards as a result of this, for which she says, “Thank you". Mrs. Vera Humphrey of At kinson baked and decorated a lovely birthday cake for her. Two of her granddaughters, Mrs. Ken neth Ness of Artesian, S.D., and Mrs. Maynard Ness of Fulton, S. D., were among the many guests on her birthday. The Tuesday evening card party group met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Goldfuss, Guests were Mr and Mrs. Ed Walnofer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fare well and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goldfuss, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sicheneder, Mr. and Mrs>. Charles Shane, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dobias and girls and Mr. and Mrs, John Sicheneder. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson visited at the Leonard Chaffin home Friday. The men worked with cattle. Mr and Mrs. Robert Wells and family, Keith Anderson and Twila Wand, all of Monroe, Wise., spent the Easter vacation at the Merrill Anderson Ifpme. Mrs. Wells and Keith Anderson are daughter and son of the Andersons. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson visited at the Skrdla home one day this week. Leon Hendricks of Manhattan. Kans., and Robert Hendricks and Bob Flood of McPherson, Kans., brought a load of Robert Hend ricks furniture to the Hendricks ranch on Saturday. They will live there after next week. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family visited at the Adolph Arp home at Butte Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson entertained the following at din ner Easter Sunday: Mr and Mrs. Claire Anderson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wheeler and family of Long Pine; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Anderson of Bassett; Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson of O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells and family, Keith Anderson and Twila Wand, all of Monroe, Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller of Norfolk visited with Ills moth er, Mrs. Claude Miller, and her folks the David Kahns Tuesday evening and Wednesday. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kill Vaughn on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Points were supper guests of the Mark Hend ricks Tuesday night. Mrs. Merrill Anderson enter tained the study group of the At kinson Wesleyan Methodist Mis sionary ladies Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin visited at the Merrill Anderson home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Byrl Beck and family, Harold and Garold Frlek el and Inez Hayes were dinner guests at the Duke Hoffman home March 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hoffman vis ited at the John Schwindt home Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Schwindt had inter esting guests for dinner Tuesday when she entertained the teacher and pupils of District 40 and then had an Easter party for the chil dren following the dinner. Her daughter Venita is a pupil at Dis- j trict 40. Friday afternoon the pu-1 pils enjoyed an Easter egg rolling contest and hunt at the school house. They had the following as guests: Mrs. Ed Heiser and Linda | and Dorothy Sicheneder and Gail, i Mr. and Mrs Connie Frickel j and Kurt attended the Graff Angus cattle sale at Bancroft. They also visited several friends while there, Donnie and Ronnie Frickel vis ited home folks the week before Easter. They went back to school Sunday evening. Ralph Armold helped Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mintle move to their new home on the Joe Alberts ranch six miles south of O'Neill Saturday. Russell Gustafson visited at i the home of Ids daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mntle, at the Laurldson raneh | Friday. His home Is Aiken, Minn. Saturday he drove to Ainsworth to visit at the home of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mintle and Russell Gustafson were supper guests of the George Mintles Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morsett and children, Linda and Frankie, were guests of the John Sichened er's March 22. Their home is at Merriman. Other guests for the day were Mrs. Feme Morsett, Charley Morsett and Mary Jane Napier, all of Royal, and Lavonne Morsett of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder i i LOANS rot J FARM j NEEDS LOW COST . . LONG TERM borrow with confidence • Consolidate Debts • Buy a Farm or Ranch • Modernize Buildings • Buy Equipment • Buy Livestock • Any Constructive Purpose Owned by formers—tor formers! for full Information contacts National Farm Loan Ass’n LYLE P. DIERKS, SECRETARY-TREASURER Phone 91, O’Neill i ' — ■ * •* * •* • . I visited with Mr and Mrs. & Bausch, Monday evening. Little Miss Gail Sieheneder wa: an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs Stanley Johnson in Atkinson Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dobias am girls were supper guests of the John Sicheneders March 26. Junioi Dobias was also a guest He wiL be leas ing soon for a new job on a ’ farm near Verdigre, Miss Shirley Colfack of Lincoln visited with her parents and bro thers, tlie Emil Cblfaek family i over Easter. Mr. and Mrs. John Sieheneder visited at the Frank Sieheneder , home Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Focken I sr., and family were March 22 I dinner guests at tlie home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Foc ken jr. Other guests of the day were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alien, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Allen sr.. Grand ma Munson and Lottie Lofquist. Rudolph Poessnecker called at the Mark Hendricks home Monday evening. Milton McKathnies entertained about 30 friends and relatives at dinner on March 22nd in honor of Milton's mother, Mrs. Emma Mc Kathnie, who celebrated her 83ni birthday March 26th. Guests were: Mrs. McKathnie, Mrs. Celia Back haus, Ted Backhaus, Mrs. Eva Backhaus and Carolyn, all of At kinson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Porter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Back haus of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Ken noth I II 1 rlmt Ml* arwl Mrc Pmr Boshart and son. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bosehart and son, Mrs. Opal Ham merlin and children, all of O'Neill and Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Evans and family of Emmet. Mrs. Milton McKathnie visited at her mother's, Mrs. Blanche Rouse of Inman on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Markita and Arlin were Friday night supper guests at the Mark Hendricks home. Mrs. Irene Frickel, Beverly and Garold were in Spencer on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel, Beverly and Vicky visited Mrs. Frickel’s brother and family, the Don Colemans, at Thedford on March 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Al bright went along. Bill and Paul Focken were at home at the Clarence Fockens for the Easter vacation. They attend school at Hastings. Paul Focken visited friends at Ord Saturday. |--LegarNotices--| (First pub. March 19, 1959) William W. Griffin, attorney ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN, GUARDIAN OF RALPH j ■ i M CAREY, AN INCOMPETENT, . FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL i ESTATE Now on this 14th day of March, 1959, this cause coming on to be ; heard before the undersigned D. j R Mounts. Judge of the Fifteenth I j Judicial District in and for the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, upon the petition of William W. Griffin, Guardian of | the estate of Ralph M. Carey, an 1 incompetent person, praying for a license to sell the undivided 2/54ths i right, title and interest of Ralph j M. Carey in and to the Southwest! Quarter of Section 21 in Township 29 North, Range 11, West of the 6th P.M., for the reason that it would be for the benefit of said incompetent and his estate that his interest in said real estate be sold, and the proceeds thereof put out at interest or invested. Upon consideration whereof, and it appearing from said petition that ! it is necessary and would be bene ficial to said incompetent that his i interest in and to the real proper ty above described be sold, and the proceeds thereof put out at in ! terest or invested, IT IS ORDERED that the next | ! of kin of said incompetent, and all persons interested in his said es- j tate, appear before the District ' Court of Holt County, Nebraska, i | on the 6th day of April, 1959, in ! the Court Room in the Court House . in the City of O’Neill, Holt Coun- | ty, Nebraska, at the hour of ten I o’clock A.M., then and there to | show cause why a license should not ne granrea ror me saie or said i incompetent’s right, title and In terest in and to all of said real of said petition. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that copy hereof be published three j successive weeks before said day of hearing in The Frontier, a week ly newspaper, printed, published and of general circulation in Holt County, Nebraska for said period. D. R. MOUNTS. District Judge. 47-49c (First pub. March 12, 1959) Julius D. Cronin, attorney NOTICE OF HEARINO OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT. No. 4261 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF EDWARD S. EAR LEY, a/k/ EDWARD S. EARLY, DECEASED THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final set tlement herein, determiniation of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of I estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be . 'or hearing in this court on April ( L, 1959, at 10 o’clock, A M. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) I LOUIS W. REIMER, ] County Judge. 46-48c -, (First pub. March 26, 1959) NOTICE OF HEARING ON I i DOUBLE A AUCTIONS - NOTICE Big Special Spring Roundup Auction Tuesday, April 7th ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET Early listings Include 1200 head of name brand Stocker-Feeder cattle. Carefully sorted in uniform lots and sold in numbers to < suit the buyers. We urge any of our customers who have cattle to market to consider selling on this Itlg Special Auction. Of special interest to local ranchers are the 250 head of fall and winter calves both Herefords and Angus, average weights 325 to 373 lbs. Don’t miss this Special Auction Next Tuesday. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE 5141 ATKINSON ATKINSON, NEBRASKA I Atkinson Livestock Market j CITY-WIDE CLEARANCE Specials Thursday, Friday, Saturday GENUINE PYREX 1- qt. Casserols with Cover 1 Casserols with Cover § 2- qt. Casserols with Cover 3- qt. Casserols with Cover Round Cake Dish Loaf Pans Utility Dish CUSTARD CUPS. 1c Mon tgomery’s HARDWARE O'Neill ■ . ... • * * • • • SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY C’HLWGE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, O'Neill, Nebraska In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska the following de scribed change of school district boundaries is requested: To dis solve District No. 110 and the ter ritory thereof to be annexed to District No. 88. To be effective June 1, 1959. A hearing of said matter will be field m the Assembly Room of the Diurt House on April 7 at 8 .30 p m ay the Holt County Reorganization Committee. ALICE L. FRENCH, Sec. Holt County Reorganization Committee. (First pub. March 26, 1959> NOTICE OF HEARING ON SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGE. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, O’Neill, Nebraska In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska the following de scribed change of school district boundaries is requested: NWVs and A'CjNE** Section 23, Township 28, Range 9 to be disconnected from District No. 110 and attached to District No. 88 A hearing of said matter will be neld in the Assembly Room of the Court House on April 7 at 8 .00 p.m "'>■ the Holt County Reorganization Committee ALICE L FRENCH, Sec. (First pub. March 26, 1959) NOTICE OF HEARING ON SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGE. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. ' O'Neill, Nebraska In accordance with the School 1 Laws of Nebraska the following described change of school district txHindaries is requested: NEvi ■ Section 28, Township 28, Range 9 : to be detached from Dist. No. 57 and the same to be attached to11 Dist. No. 88. <i A hearing of said matter will be field In the Assembly Room of the Court House on April 7 at 7:30 pm. by the Holt County Reorgan ization Committee. AiJCE L. FRENCH Sec Holt County Reorganization Committee. 48-49c Holt County Reorganization Committee. 48-49c Mrs. George Peterson sr. re turned Sunday night from Sioux Ci ty where she visited at the Don fuser home. Guests at the Reginald Pinker nan home for Easter Sunday din ter were Mr and Mrs Veldon Pin sernian and Valdean and Mrs. "aye Pinkerman, Redbird. At the Reginald Pinkerman home Sunday evening for supper were dr. and Mrs. Wayne Christensen nd Sharon, Lynch. At an Easter Sunday dinner at he C. W. Porter home were Mr. nd Mrs. Glen Shavlik and Pam, Mr. and Mrs. H. \V Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs A, B. Hubbard and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hubbard and son Rickey, Chambers and Mr, and Mrs, C M Eason, America's Favorite MFEiT► fg7| jJTESisri fTA'M % JIM7HWTTHM ~PiM£St Quo&t^- —“1 C YOU’LL SCORE [Mt*** J | HORMELL COLD MEAT SALE ! ff |1||T|| TIIEQC Chunk Style Bologna ( |f | | |i I ll E^91 Chunk Style Garlic Bologna ■ Old Fashioned Ring Bologna v GOOD FOODS1 ££.".d“‘“' I ® • Macaroni and Cheese Loaf % PRICES EFFECTIVE - Braunsweiger 1 Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., April 3-4-5 m PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE ! pgf V f TOP VALUE STAMPS li 9 WITH EVERY PURCHASE! ID.--- 1 U.S.D.A. Grade Good Hormel I End Cut I Fresh Lean PORK SAUSAGE-2 lbs. 79c | PORK CHOPSlb. 35c | Pork or Beef HEART, ,1b. 25c Hormell's Best It Way DILL PICKLES_qt. jar 29c Way Time PEAS_2 303 cans 27c Everyday _ CRACKERS2-lb. box 99c I Hunt’s TOMATOES . 4 300 cans 00c Kills [ Chile Con Came _ 9 300 cans $1 k Sioux Bee HONEY_5-lb. jar $129 | Peter Pan I Van Camp'. Peanut Butter.. 12-oz. jar 39c | DftDIfiP DCAKIC A21/2 *100 RinsoBlue>^"gbox$109 | roKII»-& PEAPD * ”»--- 1 JELLIES'__510-oz. jars$1 ^ mothers best ^®al Lemon -sJlfS.9 ORANGE!®!!!!4-*1.00 Sudahy’s—16-oz. cans Cherry Bing—Regular Price 49c—Save 47c! Bcfif, Spilds & Glf3Vy _ C3H 39^ _ Frozen RSP—Sugar Added TAAIflEC O $1 HO CHERRIES_25-lb. can $449 V-UUI%IC3 |A pkgs._ 1*^^ %VVI1I>U# w WHITING .■■■10-lb. box $149 I My-T-Fine Instant ■ : S~ll PUDDING 3-»-2ft& Fresh m t ^ m _ A .* •«.*••• ..'■,* * ■ * 4 ’•» # • • * * .