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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1959)
|--Legal Notices (First pub. March 19. 1959) William W. Griffin, attorney ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE IN THE DISTRICT COURT Ol HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF WILLIAM W GRIFFIN, GUARDIAN OF RAIPI M. CAREY, AN INCOMPETENT FOR IJCENSE TO SELL REAI ESTATE. Now on this 14th day of March 1959 this cause coming on to be heard before the undersigned D R. Mounts. Judge' of the Fifteenth Judicial District in and for the County of Holt and State ol Nebraska, upon the petition o; William W. Griffin, Guardian o the estate of Ralph M. Carey, at incompetent person, praying for £ license to sell the undivided 2/54 thi right, title and interest of Ralph M Carey in and to the Southwes Quarter of Section 21 in Townshii 29 North, Range 11, West of the 6th P M., for the reason that i would be for the benefit of saic incompetent and his estate tha his interest in said real estate hx sold, and the proceeds thereof pui out at interest or invested. TTrwrm nnneiHprntinn vvhprpof anr It appearing from said petition thai it is necessary and would be bene ficial to said incompetent that his interest in and to the real proper ty above described be sold, and the proceeds thereof put out at in terest or invested, IT IS ORDERED that the nexl of kin of said incompetent, and all persons interested in his said es tate, appear before the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, on the 6th day of April, 1959, ir the Court Room in the Court House in the City of O’Neill, Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, at the hour of ter o’clock A.M., then and there tc show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of said incompetent's right, title and in terest in and to all of said real of said petition. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that copy hereof be published three successive weeks lie fore said day of hearing in The Frontier, a week ly newspaper, printed, published and of general circulation in Holt County, Nebraska for said period. D. R. MOUNTS, District Judge. 47-49c I Ticknor. first and real true nami I unknown, husband of Ekzabetf ■ ITicknor; and All Persons having I or claiming any interest in A1 II that part of Outlot B in the Viilagt | of Inman, Holt County, Nebraska bounded as follows: On the NortI j by the extended South line of Se eond Street; on the East by a line liarallel with and distant 277.3 feet f from the West line of said Outlot; '*n the South by a line parallel - an4l distant South 157 feet from . said South line of Second Street; [ and on the West by the West line , of said Outlot as laid down and , described on the plat of said Out ; lot, to said town as recorded in the , office of the County Clerk of said I County, real names unknown. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 27 day of March. 1959, the County Board of ! Supervisors of Holt County Nebras ||ka, as ex officio Board of Public ' I Welfare of said County, as plain II tiff, filed a petition and commen | ced an action against you and 1, each of you in the District Court 11 of Holt County, Nebraska, the ob i ject and prayer of which is to 11 have plaintiff and the County of Holt decreed to be the holder of a lien for old age assistance granted under the laws of the State of Ne braska to George Laney, totaling the sum of $7670.64, and to have j said lien impressed upon the real estate above described, and to have | said lien adjudged and decreed to ; be a first, paramount and prior lien upon said described premises, J against the interests, rights or ti j tie of any and all of the defendants j herein, and to have the Court or der said real estate sold at judi cial sale for the satisfaction of said lien, interest and court costs; that each anti all of the defendants herein be found and decreed to have no right, title or interest in or to said described real estate, paramount to the said lien of the plaintiff, and to subject the inter est of all of said defendants to the satisfaction and payment of said lien upon said real estate, and for such other relief as may be re quired for the satisfaction of the lien. You are therefore required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of May, 1959, or a judgment will be rendered against you accordingly. COUNTY BOARD OK SUPER VISORS OF HOLT COUNTY. NE BRASKA, EX OFFICIO COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE, PLAINTIFF. 49 52c (First pub. March 12, 1959) Julius D. Cronin, attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT. No. 4261 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF EDWARD S. EAR LEY. a/k/ EDWARD S. EARLY, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO AT.I. CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final set tlement herein, determiniation of j heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of: estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on April 1. 1959, at 10 o’clock, A M. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) LOUIS W. REEMER, County Judge. 46-48c ____ (First pub. March 26, 1959) NOTICE OF HEARING ON SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGE. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, O’Neill, Nebraska In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska the following de scribed change of school district j boundaries is requested: To dis- j solve District No. 110 and the ter- j ritory thereof to be annexed to District No. 88. To be effective June 1, 1959. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room of the Court House on April 7 at 8:30 p.m. J by the Holt County Reorganization Committee. AI .ICE L. FRENCH. Sec. Holt County Reorganizationj Committee. (First pub. March 26, 1959) NOTICE OF HEARING ON SCIKKIL DISTRICT BOUNDARY CHANGE. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, O’Neill, Nebraska In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska the following de scribed change of school district boundaries is requested: NWVi and W1'2NEV4 Section 23, Township 28, Range 9 to be disconnected from District No. 110 and attached to District No. 88. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room of the Court House on April 7 at 8:00 p.m. by the Holt County Reorganization Committee. ALICE L. FRENCH, Sec. (First pub. March 26, 1969) NOTICE OF HEARING ON SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY cniv/lV OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, O’Neill, Nebraska In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska the following described change of school district boundaries is requested: NE14 Section 28, Township 28, Range 9 to be detached from Dist. No. 57 and the same to be attached to Dist. No. 88. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room of the Court House on April 7 at 7:30 p.m. by the Holt County Reorgan ization Committee. ALICE L. FRENCH, Sec. Holt County Reorganization Committee. 48-49c Holt County Reorganization Committee. 48-49c (FTrst pub. April 2, 1959' William W. Griffin. Attorney NOTICE OF SUIT TO: George Laney: The Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Personal Re presentatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of George Laney, Deceased, real names un known; Mary Laney; The Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, personal re presentatives, and all other persons interested in the Estate of Mary I^aney, Deceased, real names un- , known; Joe Laney; Mary Laney. first and real true name unknown, wife of Joe] Laney; Elizabeth Ticknor, John' (First pub. April 2, 1959) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF SI IT To: Elizabeth Angus; The Heirs, levisees, legatees, personal re presentatives and all other per sons Interested in the Estate of Elizabeth Angus, Deceased, real lames unknown; John Angus, first ind real true name unknown, hus band of Elizabeth Angus; Lester \ngus, Mary Angus, first and real true name unknown, wife of Lester \ngus; Lloyd Angus, Mary Angus, irst and real true name unknown, vife of Lloyd Angus; Ray Angus. Mary Angus, first and real true lame unknown, wife of Ray Angus; lohn Angus, Mary Angus, first and -eal true name unknown wife of John Angus; Mary Snyder, first ind real true name unknown, wife if Marcus Snyder; Mary Furley, first and real true name unknown, wife of Jim Furley, Jim Furley; and, All Persons having ir claiming any interest in the real estate described as Lot 10 in Block 12 in Sutxiivision of Outlots A and B of Pioneer Townsite Company’s Addition to the Town of Ewing, Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 27th day of March, 1959, the County Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebra ska, as ex officio Board of Public Welfare of said County, as plaintiff, filed a petition and commenced an action against you and each of you in the Distinct Court of Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to have plaintiff and the County of Holt decreed to be the holder of a lien for old age assistance granted under the laws of the State of Nebraska to Eliza lieth Angus, totaling the sum of $5731.74, and to have said lien im pressed upon the real estate above described, and to have said lien adjudged and decreed to be a first, paramount and prior lien upon said described premises, against the in terests, rights or title of any and all of the defendants herein and to have the Court order said real estate sold at judicial sale for the satisfaction of said lien, inter est and court costs; that each and all of the defendants herein be found and decreed to have no right, title or interest in or to said described real estate, paramount to the said lien of the piainuii, and to subject the interest of all of said defendants to the satisfac tion and payment of said lien upon said real estate, and for such oth er relief as may be required for the satisfaction of the lien. You are therefore required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of May, 1959, or a judgment will be rendered against you accordingly. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPER VISORS OF HOLT COUNTY, NE BRASKA, EX OFFICIO COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE. PLAINTIFF.__ (First pub. April 2, 1959) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF SUIT To: John T. Hansen; The, Heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representati ves, and all other persons inter ested in the Estate of John T. Han sen, Deceased, real names un known; Sarah Hansen; Lewis Han sen; Mary Hansen: first and real true name unknown, wife of Lewis Hansen; Mary Zahnter, first and real true name unknown, wife of James Zahnter; James Zahnter; Nels Hansen, Mary Hansen, first and real true name unknown, wife of Nels Hansen; Louise Harsh, Ro bert Harsh; Maty Misoner, first and real true name unknown, wife of Eldon Misoner; Eldon Misoner; Mary Misoner, first and real true name unknown, wife of Don Mison er; Don Misoner; and. All Per sons having or claiming any inter est in the real estate described as: Lots 16 and 17 in Block F of Mc Cafferty’s Second Addition to the Town of O'Neill, Holt County, Ne braska, real names unknown. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 27th day of ■ March. 1939, the County Board c Supervisors of Holt County, Nebra ska, as ex officio Board of Publi Welfare of said County', as plain tiff, filed a petition and commence* ; an action against you and each o you in the District Court of Hoi County, Nebraska, the object an* prayer of which is to have plaintif and the County of Holt decreed t* be the holder of a lien for old agi assistance granted under the law: of the State of Nebraska, to Johr T. Hansen, totaling the sum ol $1752.80, and to have said lien im pressed upon the real estate abov* described, and to have said her adjudged and decreed to be a first * paramount and prior lien upor 1 said described premises, agaist th* j interests, rights or title of any and I all of the defendants herein, and I to have the Court order said real i estate sold at judicial sale for the i satisfaction of said lien, interest and court costs; that each and all of the defendants herein be found and decreed to have no right, title or interest in or to said described real estate, paramount to the said lien of the plaintiff, and to subject the interest of all of said defen dants to the satisfaction and pay ment of said lien upon said real | estate, and for such other relief j as may be required for the satis tacuon or rne lien. You are therefore required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of May. 1959, or a judgment will be rendered against you accordingly. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPER VISORS OF HOLT COUNTY. NE BRASKA, EX OFFICIO COUNTY HOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE. PLAINTIFF. 49—52c (First pub. April 2, 1959) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4321 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA. MARCH 26, 1959. IN THE MATTER OF CHARIES C. APPLEBY, DE CEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limit ed for presenting claims agaist said estate is July 23, 1959, and for the payment of debts is March 26, 1960 and that on April 23, 1959, and on July 24, 1959, at 10 o’clock A.M.. each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W\ REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 49-51c (pub. April 2, 1959) NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL AT RETAIL PACKAGE LIQUOR Notice is hereby given that on March 28, 1959, LaVern Fin ley whose address is Ewing, Ne braska, has filed his application with the Village Clerk of Ewing, Nebraska, for a Package Liquor license on the following described premises, to-wit: 232 Nebraska Street, Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Ewing, Nebr., situated in School District 29, Holt County, Nebr. Hearing will be held on said application by the Board of Trus tees of Ewing, Nebr., on Tuesday, April 7, at 8 p m., at the Office of the village clerk, Ewing, Nebr.. at which time the Board of Trustees shall receive compe tent evidence for and against granting said license. —Eugene W. Zimmerman Villlage Clerk of Ewing (pub. April 2, 1959) NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL AT RETAIL PACKAGE LIQUOR Notice is hereby given that on March 28, 1959, Hallie Maben whose address is Ewing, Nebras ka, has filed her application with the Village Clerk of Ewing, Ne braska, for a Package Liquor Li cense on the following describ ed premises to wit: Lots 5, 6, 7, Block 7, Village of Ewing, situated in School District 29, Holt County, Nebr. Hearing will be held on said application by the Board of Trus tees of Ewing, Nebr., on Tuesday April 7, 1959, at 8 p.m., at the office of the village clerk, Ewing, Nebr., at which time the Board of Trustees shall receive compe tent evidence for and against said evidence. —Eugene W. Zimmerman Villlage Clerk of Ewing 49c (pub. April 2, 1959) NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR LI CENSE TO SELL AT lira-Uli nr.r.iv di THE I HUNK Notice is hereby given that on March 28. 1959, Iva Rouse whose address is Ewing, Nebras ka, filed her application with the Village Clerk of Ewing, Ne braska, for an On and Off sale Beer license on the following de scribed premises, to-wit: Lot 10 Block 9, Ewing, Ne braska. Hearing will be held on said application by the Board of Trus tees of Ewing, Nebr., on Tuesday, April 7, 1959, at 8 p.m.. at the office of the village clerk, Ewing, Nebr., at which time the Board of Trustees shall receive compe tent evidence for and against granting said license. —Eugene VV. Zimmerman Villlage Clerk of Ewing (pub. April 2, 1959) NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR LI CENSE TO SELL AT RETAIL BEER BY THE DRINK Notice is hereby given that on March 28, 1959, LaVem Fin ley, whose address is Ewing, Ne braska, filed his application with the Village Clerk of Ewing Nebraska, for an On an Off sale Beer license on the folowing de scribed premises, to-wit: 232 Nebraska St., Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Ewing. Nebraska. Hearing will be held on said application by the Board of Trus tees of Ewing, Nebr., on Tuesday April 7, at 8 p.m.. at the of fice of the village clerk Ewing, Nebr., at which time the Board of Trustees shall receive compe tent evidence for and against granting said license. —Eugene VV. Zimmerman Villlage Clerk of Ewing Riverside News ; No Easter Vacation For Mumps Victim By .Mrs. Lionel Gunter Rev. and Mrs, Ivan Turner went to McPherson, Kan. late Wednes day for their son, Wayne, who re | turned home with them for his spring vacation. lb>nnie Mott, who I also attends school there has the mumps and was unable to come i home. Misses Cleo and Alberta Butler | of Omaha visited at the Ora Swit — ipub. April 2, 1959* NOTICE OF HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR LI CENSE TO SELL AT RETAIL BEER BY THE DRINK Notice is hereby given that on March 28, 1959, Art Kropp, whose address is Ewing, Nebraska, filed his application with the Village Clerk of Ewing, Nebraska, for an On and Off Sale Beer license on the following described premises, to-wit: Lots 5 and 6, Block 8, Ewing, Nebraska. Hearing will be held on said application by the Board of Trus tees of Ewing, Nebr., on Tuesday, April 7, at 8 p.m., at the office of the village clerk Ewing, Nebr., at which time the Board of Trus tees shall receive competent evi dence for and against granting said license. —Eugene W. Zimmerman Villlage Clerk of Ewing or and Leo Miller homes fror Wednesday to Friday. Mr. amt Mrs. George Montgon’ ery visited last Monday even in at the Johnny Muller home. Miss Alice Shrader. Mrs. Ralp] Shrader, Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, Mrs Dale Napier. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mrs. Richard Na pier and Susan, Mrs. Web Napie were guests Tuesday noon of Mrs Johanna Mac Lachlan and Laur, in Atkinson. Ina Bennett was a dinner gues last Sunday at the Leo Mille home. Mr. and Leonard Hall wen afternoon visitors. Sandra Sharader was an over night guest Wednesday and Thurs day at the Archie Johnston home On Friday Sharon Johnston wen home with Sandra and spent th< weekend at the W'illie Shradei home. Levon D. Gunter is home am visited Paul Gunter in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott and Tama went to Page Saturday afternoon. Mrs. I telle Mott re turned home with them for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Millei and family and Mrs. Anna Millei were guests last Sunday at the John Miller home. The Ernest Mott family of Or ;hard and the Wayne Elliott fam ly were dinner guests Sunday at he Grant Mott home. The Duane Jensen family of New j man Grove were overnight guest> Saturday at the Z H. Fry home The Richard Napier family and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier were also dinner guests Sunday. The Wayne Fry family were guests Sunday at the Lou Vander ! snick home. The Dan Robbins family of Ra icine. Minn were snowbound in Hu - ong Thursday evening as roads were blocked and they couldn't get to the 1 ,ihi Miller or Ora Swit - zer home The roads were partly 1 ( cleared on Friday. Mr. Robbins went on to Miller to \ isit relatives, - j leas ing Mi s. Robbins and children ; I to visit relatives here. Mrs. Rolv I bins is the former Deyn Switzer, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer and sister of Mrs. I,eo Mil . ler and Wendell Switzer. The Darrel Switzer family of • Omaha were also weekend guests at the Ora Switzer. Leo Miller and i Wendell Switzer homes. There was no school In the [ Riverside district Thursday. The teacher, Mrs. Harold Itodgers * had school on Friday. Mr and Mrs. Howard Miller ■ attended a get-together last Mon ■ day evening at the Anna Smith home in Inman in honor of Mrs. Jessie Cronk. who will soon leave for California. Mr. and Mrs Web Napier were Sunday danner guests at the John Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller ate Suday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny. Mi s. Rudy Ahlers returned home last Monday after spending over a week in the Tilden hospital. She is improving. Mrs. Earl Pierson recieved a phone call Friday evening that her mother, Mrs. McOanahan, who is in a rest home at Brunswick wras critically ill. having had two strokes that day, Mr. and Mrs. j Pierson went to see her Saturday. 1 Her condition is about the same. Keith and Vlanda Biddlecome were home tor Easter. The Lynn Fry, Fink and Archie Jolut-.t<>ii families ate Easter dinner with the Willie Shrader family. Miss Anne Lerum and the Alvin Nelson fnmiiy of Plainview, Mr. ind Mrs Dewitt Hoke and Clayton. Mr and Mrs. R. A Hord and ; I Hiane. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Swit/er, Mr. and AD'S. Dewitt Gunter and I Mi ami Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul were dinner guests Sundn\ at the alfred Napier home. Mr, and Mrs dames Gunter of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gunter and daughter of Pieree and Mr, and Mrs. Lafayette Gunter of Hoskins were also guests O'Neill Locals Sunday evening supper guests at the Ora Philbrick home. Stuart, were Mr. and Mrs. IXvayne Phil brick and Mr. anil Mrs. IXvighl Philbrick. In York Sunday for a family gathering at the Ray Johnson home were Mr. and Mi's. Clay Johnson jr. and son and Mr. Clay Johnson sr. Also in York from their home in Kearney were Mr. and Mrs. Don Loy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt were in Fullerton Sunday, where they helped to celebrate the 35th wedding anniversary of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M E. Nesbitt Guests at the J. T. O'Connor home Sunday and Monday were their daughter and her husband, Mr, and Mrs. Ronald McClellan. The O'Connors and McClellans were Easter Sunday dinner guests at the Don MlcClellan home. Mrs. Rita Hoenhne spent the Easter weekend at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. O'Donnell. Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Olleniliek , I and family wore guest* at the Orville Itrandstetter home In Wayne for Faster Sundav dinner. Miss Rita Waller, student at the Norfolk Beauty School, s|>ent the Faster weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs W W Waller. Advertisement Wayne Harmon Gives Macaroni and Cheese Recipe for Meadow Gold Here's an interesting recipe for macaroni and cheese given to us by Wayne Harmon, local salesman for the Meadow Gold Dairy. It should be especially well liked by those who prefer a custard-type consistency in this perennially pop ular dish. It tastes just as good without bacon in case you want to prepare it for a meatless meal, advises Beatrice Cooke, director of the company’s test kitchens in Chicago where the recipe was developed. Macaroni Cheese Casserole (Four servings! lii cup uncooked elbow macaroni cooked and drained 2 egg yolks, beaten 1 cup soft bread crumbs 4 strips crisp cooked bacon, crumbled 1 cup milk, scalded 2 teaspoons grated onion Mi teaspoon salt >4 teaspoon soy sauce 1 cup grated natural cheddar cheese 2 egg whites, beaten stiff Combine all ingredients except pgg whites, mix well. Fold in egg ivhltes. Pour mixture into a but tered 1-quart casserole. Set in pan >f hot water. Bake at 30 degrees for 45-50 minutes or until set. Ad. bifcger ’ft' better GOING* HOTTEST BRAND GOING & Win a Cadillac fill] First Prize! II2 PRIZES.../%/.* twelve terrific *1,000bonuses! i — Sfifond Prize* 1959 STATION WAGON OF IT’S EASY TO WIN I Just complete our new Conoco Jinglal 3econa rnze# YOUR CHO|CE, All you have to do ie write Let a Conoco Dealer lend you a hand, | Choose the Ford, Plymouth, or ^SnSV^wordTf g°P Bra^ Chevy Station Wagon you’ve al- ^ mSet rh“me wi* HlS pr0dUCU "*hu $emCt y0U 11 8e— ways wanted . . . 2-door; 4-door see. —--— . . . 6-passenger; 9-passenger—up lExamplei Perks up your car almost instantly I to $4,000,001 How *o enler. Obtain official entry blank from FaCl» about Continental Oil Company your Conoco Dealer. Complete last line to . ,,, . . , _ , ,._ , „ „ • , ____. ... , . e It a America’! second oldest major oil _ # _ . _ a __ s the jingle. Print your name and address in Tntrn PriyA* FfUlftn PpITA* space provided. Enter as often as you wish, mpuny. tll*w» ■wWnlll Ml IA w e but use only official entry blanks. e The Famous Conoco Red Triangle is man When te .end. Mail to: Conoco Hottest Con- by ov" 48 mU1U>n '"“P1* *very d,y 10 RCA VICTOR 100 RCA VICTOR test Goings Box 6529, Chicago 77, 111. • Conoco mrvee the people of 27 states la COLOR PORTABLE Other nilet. Contest begins April I, 1959 and tta. Wrt of America. through 8,687 mry ry cetc| ry cetci ends May 31, 1969. Entries must be poet- ° '* marked before midnight. May 31.1969. Con- —I test is subject to the complete rules aa eat 1969-nsw television Beautiful, big-screen TV In a trim forth on entry blank. Contest Tips from 1958’s Big Wlnn0f| that adds living color new model really designed to be Hints te help you wini You’ll have a better to your TV-viewing carried. Now, wherever you go, chance of winning if your last line points up ggH ai M you can take tbeehowl TJJ ,b~’ Plus twelve $1,000 Cash Bonuses! , . . The sll-poworful gasoline with built-in pro Awarded to winners of the top twelve prizes (Cadillac, Station Wagon, tection. Boost© power as it cute wear as u or Color TV) who get an oil change with New Conoco all-season Super increases mileage. jLjr* Lloyd E. Graham, Motor Oil or Conoco Super Motor Oil before sending in their entry New Coneco ou-*©o»©n Sup©r Motor on. Forti- KBF of Independence, Kan* b^n^JTJ”! ***”* mtrr *° cartifiad by Conoco Dealer signing in apace W&&M provided. cant at a Motor Oil Price. last line rhymes with •Chooee any Cadillac model (Seriee 62) you prefer: convertible, hardtop, sedan Conoc. Royal Service. The kind of service ^^HhlgH^S see. Study the 'hlnta’ ... or aimllar choice of comparably priced car (maximum retail value: $6,200.00). that’s alwsys prompt, efficient, courteous, column for valuable We’ll All it with $10,000.00 In cash! *»d “Pert- when y°u «et you bflvTO’t «ot clues. Notice the things a driving worry in the world! y0Ur CouQoo does for your car every Get Going in 1959Js 'rarw&ss?,?-*•b' oi»..a»«^.ui Hottest Contest Going—SEE YOUR CONOCO DEALER TODAY • • EBY’S CONOCO SERVICE ROGER BENNETT SECOND & DOUGLAS Phone 606 - CONOCO BULK AGENT - O'Neill Phone 365 Farmer sand Ranchers ASK FOR YOUR CONTEST ENTRY BLANK Ask About Our EXTENDED HARVEST TERM PAYMENT PLAN