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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1959)
O'Neill Locals Homo for the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs Dominick were John, teaching in I^tup City and Richard, a parole officer in Lincoln. Here for the weekend from Lin coln where they are employed were Lnma Marcellus and Carol John son Mr and Mrs. Robert McNichols swi Stephen, Omaha ami Mr and MtN L. A Ott were dinner guests . Sunday at the Alvin Ott home I Mrs McNiehols, who spent the past week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alvin Ott, returned with her family to Omaha. Coming this week to visit at the Stewart Paseoe home are Mr and Mrs. Bill Agnew and sons, Chica go and Mrs Adeline Paseoe, Grand Island. Attending a family gathering at the V. II. Magwire home, TUden, held Easier Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Paulsen. Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson, CITY-WIDE CLEARANCE SPECIALS! 16-2 Rubber Covered Heavy-Duty Extension Cords Complete with ends 5c ft (any length) Free Ceiling Paper With All Stock^Wallpaper All 1958 Seat Cover Patterns... xk price 1 10-f». Upright Freezer New, Reg. 249.95 ^ 1 17<u. ft. Chest Type Freezer .“r.,23950 HOME GROWN BLUEGRASS SEED 50c pound SCOVIE’S WORK SHOE SPECIAL! $5.95 for really tough wear W».. . yet alt day wear will show yam how comfortable they can be. Ceapare These Features: 1. Heavy Cowhide Uppers. 2. Welt Sewed Sole, no nails. 3. Heavy Long Wearing Corklite Soles. 4. One Piece Bade. 5. Leather Insole. 6. Made to Sell for $7.95. Oar Price $595 McCARVILLES CLOTHING SHOES For the Entire Family! jr. and family spent the weekend | with relatives and friends in Genoa ! and St. Edward. Mrs, George Peterson sr. re- | turned Sunday night from Sioux O-, ty where she visited at the Dot | Huser home. Guests at the Reginald Pinker man home for Easter Sunday din ner were Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pin kerman and Valdean and Mrs. Faye Pinkerman. Redbird. At the Reginald Pinkerman home I Sunday evening for supper were j Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Christensen and Sharon, Lynch. At an Easter Sunday dinner at the C. W\ Porter home were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shavlik and Pam, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hubbard and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hubbard and son Rickey, Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eason. Mr*. .John Pruts and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pruts and family were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. (•eorge Kies und family, Atkin son. Guests at Easter Sunday dinner at the Jack Passieux home were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rohde. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zakrzewski and fam ily, Mrs Marvin Greene and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs Cletus Weine berger and family, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mulhair, Lynch and Victor Weineberger, Norfolk. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak took their daughter, Nyla, to Omaha where she made train connections for her return trip to St. Mary’s College, Xavier, Kansas. Elizabeth Schaffer, presently teaching physical education in Sid ney, spent the Easter weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer. Easter Sunday guests at the Joe Brewster home, Stuart, were Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak. Attending an Easter family ga thering at the Joe Kamphaus home in Redbird Sunday were the Glen Pochop family, Stanley Peters family, Robert Shaw family, Bill Shaw family and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Willis. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Hickey spent Easter Sunday at the Ed ward Martin home, Spencer. The Milton Sindeiar family, Norfolk, spent Sunday at the Or ville Sindeiar home. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Solfer moser were weekend guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Magary, Johnstown. Easter dinner guests at the Ri chard Straka home, Stuart, were Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allyn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Allyn, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lofquest, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Straka sr. and Bert, Mrs. Lottie Lofquest and Mrs. Vina Munson. Diane Philbrick celebrated her 8th birthday Friday afternoon with a party for nine neighborhoond playmates. Diane is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dendinger and Marcella were guests for din ner Sunday at the John Vitt home. A former superintendent of O’ Neill High School and his family, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Grill, their son and daughter of Denver and Mr. and Mrs. John Grill, Wallace, spent the week before Easter at the J. D. Osenbaugh home. Phone Your News To The Frontier— Atkinson Feature German Harp, Guitar Is Cowboy's Hobby By Mr*. Merrill Anderson Lee Anderson, ranch hand of Ainsworth, doesn t spend all of his time in the saddle, but finds time to strike up some very good har mony with his guitar-harp duo combination. Lee recently returned from Ger many where he spent 13 months of his three year stretch in the serv ice with Uncle Sam, with the army mule pack division. The double reed Horner harmon ica which he bought in Germany is made up with six individual harps, each of a different key. While in Germany, he won first place in his particular division in a talent contest. Two years prior, he, with other army talent, played before an audience of 1600, in the spring round-up program honoring the graduating class of Manhattan College, Kansas. He also appeared on a TV show in Los Angeles. At Abilene, Kans., he played tor Memorial day exercises, prepar atory to the opening of the horse racing season. Having had some practice, he was induced to ride in the races as a jockey riding three horses. He won first place, riding a “pan cake saddle’’, hand made and weighing but three pounds. Lee is quite well known here having l>een employed in O'Neill l>efore going into the service. Lee Anderson likes to play his guitar-harp combination for enjoyment after working In the saddle. He has won a contest In (■ermany with the musical com | bi nation. Inman News Mrs. Gannon Home After Visiting Father By Mrs. Carrie Mahan Mrs. Roy Gannon has recently returned from Puylallup, Wash, where she attended the birthday of her father, George Killinger, on his 90th birthday. There were four generations present. Those present besides Mr. and Mrs. Killinger; were daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert (Elva) Clark of Walthill, Mrs. Roy (Grace) Gannon of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur (Alice) Gifford of Puyallup, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Otto (Ruth) Baier of Wayne, Mr and Mrs. Frank (Lois) Parker of Seattle, Wash, and one son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Killinger of Seat tle, Wash. Grandchildren, Arthur Gannon of Bellingham, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Harley Holmes, Puyallup, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jac ques, Puyallup, Mr. and Mrs. Don Briscoe, Seattle, Judy and Geral dine, Parker, Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Davidson, Fort Angles, Wash., Great grandchildren, Steve and Judy Gannon, Bellingham, Lin dy and Jim Holmes. Puyallup, Danny Briscoe, Seattle, Cathy Da vidson, Fort Angles, Wash. A step daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Lola) Kemper and Carol, Longbeach, Wash., and friends Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith, Greg and Cheri, Mo ses Lake, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bradford, Eugene, Oregon and Mrs. Evelyn Klassa, Yakima, Wash. Mrs. R. B. South is a patient at St. Anthonys hospital for medical treatment. Ivan and Gene Couch who are employed near McCook spent the weekend in Inman with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ubben and Christie spent the holiday weekend in Omaha visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burg strums of Omaha spent Saturday evening in the home of Mrs. Burg strums sister Mrs. Pauline Anderl and Francis. Mrs. Vern Wrede and Becky were Monday callers in the home of Mr. and Mis. Roy Gannon. Mrs. Karl Keyes and Miss Mil dred Keyes spent Saturday In Norfolk on business. Sherry and Donald Myer of Oma ha spent the weekend visiting their grandparents Mrs. and Mrs. Merle DeLong and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Luben and daughters of Wisner spent Sunday BUY NOW AND SAVE DURING THE Gold Star Spring Range Sale The Gold Star Is The Emblem Of The WORLD’S MOST MODERN RANGE Tried and Terrific 36" ROTIS-O-GRILL Gas Range See America's Newest and Finest Gas Range with 28 Advances in Performance Automation and Design Including Roper ROTIS-O-GRILL Motorized Rotiwerie Vertical Broiler Large •riddle •oven Neatly It's versatile ... does any cooking |ob better. With range top convenience, you can barbecue or broil with speedy, splatter-free smoke-free infra-red heat. Plus a host of other Roper advances to J J | J | J K Q give you wonderful ^ w new adventures In cookitig every day. we traj# TVs tame Roper, packed with deluxe gold star features, including ROTIS-O-GRILL, Tem-Trol burner with flame set, and much more is also {ayellabU in the compact 30" size ... at a down to earth price. msssasm) For Dependable GAS Service ■ I in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luben and Mrs. May Fra* ka Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Luben and family of West Point spent the weekend in the home of Mr. anil Mrs. Charles Luben. Mr. and Mrs. William McElvain of Omaha spent the weekend v isit ing Mrs. McElvams parents Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry. Mr. and Mi's. Dean DeLong and family of Omaha were visitors Friday evening in the home of Mr. LX'longs parents Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Delong. They were enroute to Gregory. South Dakota to spend Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family spent Faster Sunday in Neligh visiting Mr. Reynolds parents. Miss Linelle Tompkins who at tends college in Lincoln spent the Easter weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins. Mrs. U. E. Ilartigan and fam ily of Norfolk spent several da> s bust week visiting in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. .lames Ooventrv and Mrs. Mary Ilartigan. Miss Margaret Pruss of Clear water sucnt the Easter weekend visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss. Ralph Sholes left Thursday for McCook with the Bell Telephone Co. to help repair lines broken by the storm. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coventry and son Joe of Norfolk spent the weekend in the Kenneth Coventry home. Richard Coventry and Ned Kel ley who attend college in Norfolk spent the Easter weekend in the Kenneth Coventry and W. E. Kel ley homes. Rolland Hansen who attends col lege in Lincoln the Easter va cation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede and family of O’Neill were Inman cal lers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mvrlo DeLancy and family of Omaha spent the weekend \isiting her mother Mrs Violet Stewart and family. Mr. and Mrs. ljwry Sawyer and family of Atkinson spent Sun day In the Clifford Sawyer home. Miss Brenda Colman who is em ployed in Omaha spent the week end visiting her parents Mr anti Mrs. G. L. Colman. Miss Luella Watson and Richard Perry of Perry ton. Texas eame Friday to sjx'lld the Faster week end in the home of Miss Watson's parents Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Wat son. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Webster of Omaha spent the weekend visit ing Mrs. Websters parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutton. Fay Brittell of Atkinson was a Friday visitor in Inman. Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson and Mrs. James MeMuhan spent Mon day evening in the Vent Wrede home north of O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Luben and family of Oak sj>ent the weekend in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luben and Mrs. May Fra ka. Miss Wilma Stamp has return ed to Omaha after spending a few days visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Stamp. Mrs. Rex Oberle of Minneapolis, Minn, is spending some time visi ting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro mie South. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and family entertained Mr and Mrs. Otto Matschullat and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat and family all of Page at Easter dinner on Sunday. Mrs. Leo Mossman and Paul Bittner spent Sunday in Grand Is land visiting Mr. Mossman who is a patient at the Veterans hospital there. Mr. and Mi's. Pearl Cary left Monday for Hastings, Iowa where they will spend a few days visit ing Mr ami Mrs. Vernon Crouse and other relatives. Joe Bittner is employed at the Walter Eggar farm north of O' Neill. 5*gt. and Mr*. Howard Clark and family of Omaha *|*ent the holiday weekend \ I mu yir. Clark* imrent* Mr. a inf Mr*. E. E. Clark. Mrs. Roy TJesscm and daughters of Maywood, 111. came Saturday to spend a week visiting Mrs. Tjes sem's parents Mr. and Mrs K, E. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reis who have been residing at l>es Moines. Iowa \isited Friday and Saturday in the home of Mrs. lieis parents Mr. and Mrs. David Mrshach. The women of the R.L.D.S. I church sponsored a chili supper Monday evening at the church par lors. The proceeds to go for fur ther redecorating on the church. Mrs. Clarence Juracek and fam ily of Orchard spent Friday after noon visiting her mother Mrs. Ray Siders. a il. .. r. Wohoikl \ i>\t S The home economics classes are I moving along with their sewing and cooking projects. The typing class is doing some review work, striving for a high er rate of words and better fingei 1 control. The track boys are practicing for the coming track days. One track day at Stuart, wasn't held because of the weather. The boys have another track day this week. The softball girls are practicing hard. There are alxnit twenty four girls out for softball. This week will be six weeks ex ams for both the high school and grade school. Use Frontier Want Ads City-Wide CLEARANCE % __ WOMEN’S DRESSES [ Early spring styles reduced for clearance. Hurry for best selection! $5 - $7 - $9 GIRL’S DRESSES Assorted styles in cotton. Broken sixes 3-6x and 7-14. $177 - $277 WOMEN S COATS Spring styles in toppers and long lengths. As sorted fabrics. Now is the time to save! Reduced !4 to V3 COTTON DUSTERS Ladies sizes S-M-L. Everglaze emljossed cotton in gay prints. Hurry! $299 BLOUSES One group of ladies blouses. Assorted styles and sizes. Look these over! $167 FABRICS Cotton fabrics in assorted patterns and colors. All fast colors. Sew and save! Yard 33c BRAS - GIRDLES THREAD ” One group of bras and girdles. Odd lots dis- Mercerized sewing thread. White 40-50-60. 800 continued styles. All of a well-known brand. As- yards on spool sorted styles and sizes. Reduced Vi Price Spool 33c BATH TOWELS BLANKETS Firm quality towels. 20”x40” size. Fancy bor- Generous 72x84. Blend of rayon, nylon and cot ders. Assorted colors. ton. Rayon bound. Assorted colors. 2 for $1 Each S344 BEDSPREADS Hob-nail design with metallic thread. Lintless. Full bed size. Wanted colors. Each $444 WORK SHIRTS Each 97c Men’s full-cut shirts. Blue chambray. Sanforized. Sizes 15 to 17. MEN’S JACKETS MEN’S SWEAT SHIRTS Polished cotton. Unlined. Ivy league stripes. Medium weight cotton shirts. Nylon reinforced Most all sizes 36 to 44. collars. S-M-L. Each $399 , Each 99c_ MEN’S BRIEFS White cotton elastic waist briefs. Preshrunk. Double crotch. S-M-L. 2 for $1 .7 —— fl CHECK THESE ITEMS: Women's Crepe Sole MOCCASINS, suede uppers, 4-9.$2.99 SHOE RACKS, hold 9 pair shoes, chrome plated steel.88c IRON BOARD COVERS AND MAT SET.$1.00 MEN'S WHITE T-SHIRTS, quality cotton.each 44c