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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1959)
N\\\ \\! '’hj y>\.» l*A h// V\,v »l I/AAS FOR SALE Tluele s Dairy Cattle f< n h>^HDLTCrN|? fla'ry Ca,t,e on hand at all times Wiscon bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second call >ieifers. Arnold Thiele 24 miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12. tl I-OR. SALE: Two C Allis Chalmers tractors; No. 22 Massey Harris tractor; plow and cultivator to fit C A-C tractor.—K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 49tf FOR SALE: Wagner loader with live lift to fit Ford tractor Good as new. Boyd Boelter, O’Neill 49-50p FOR SALE: Two Farmall H trac tors, reasonably priced. Can be seen just east of the Drive-In theater. Vernon Gorgen, O’Neill. 49c FOR SALE: Lincoln Brome Grass Seed. Lewis Sobotka, phone 315, Inman. 49-50p FOR SALE Slide haystacker with cage. Contact Vern Wrede, O’ Neill. 49-50p FOR SALE Choice Holstein, Guernsey and Swiss heifer cal ves. Calves on hand at most A ._ _1J ^_ _A I HUlUil. VJV. I Ul\t V/ VATIU1U1 , 1IV/1 III east corner of Atkinson. 49p PUREBRED HAMPSHIRE fall hoars for sale. Double vaccinat ed. Henry Stelling, 2 miles south. west, Orchard. 49-50c FOR SALE: J-D pull type lister, good shape.—Merlyn Anderson, O'Neill. 49-50p SINGER SEWING MACHINE - Take over 6 payments of $5.95 each on Electric Singer, com plete with attachments. It can be seen in O’Neill.—Sew Vac. Co., 409 Pearl St., Sioux City, la. 49-50p FOR SALE OR LEASE: Kozy Cor ner Cafe Stanton, Nebraska, County Seat Town. Doing an ex cellent business. Immediate pos session. Owner must quit due to age and ill health. Will sell on easy terms.—John Thor Agency, Stanton, Nebr. 49-51c FOR SALE OR LEASE: Ben Franklin Store, County Seat Town, doing over 40,000 gross business each year.—John Thor Agency, Stanton, Nebr. 49-51c FOR SALE: Aerometer windmills, one—6ft at $55; 8 ft.—$75. Both in good repair. — BRUNSWICK PLUMBING and HEATING, BRUNSWICK._42—49c FOR SALE: Choice registered and grade Angus bulls. Musil Bros. O'Neill. _46-51p FOR SALE: Registered Hereford Bull, 2M>-yr.-old Phone Spencer 3633, Bob Krokaugger, Bristow. 48-50p FOR SALE: Rugged, long bodied meat type Hampshire fall boars ready * for service. Vaccinated guaranteed breeders. Priced reasonable. John Kaster, Phone Hunter 5-3360, Clearwater, Neb. 48-49p FOR SALE OR RENT: Last house on E. Benton, south side street.— Keith Abart, O’Neill._48tf FOR SALE: Madison Vetch and Cossock Alfalfa seed. Both state tested. Leon Beckwith, Emmet, Nebr. 48-52c AAA ruiMCDV I V 1/ V V_* I IIMUI\ l 2 USED 18 by 7 McCormick Drills 2 USED McCormick 15-ft. Disks Keating Implement Co. Atkinson, Nebraska 48-49c FOR SALE: 1948 H. International Tractor. Good care and very good condition.—Melvin Mortin son, Plainview or 2 south, 3Vfe east of Brunswick._48tf FOR SALE: 1950 Allis Chalmers combine, 6-ft. complete with pick up and straw spreader. Extra good condition. Priced $650,00 or will trade for good Farmhand See it at Maurice Grahams, 8 miles northwest of O'Neill —Or ville Eppenbach, Ericson, Nebr. FOR SALE: Centrifical irrigation pump and 1,000 feet of 4 in. pipe. Complete unit ready for use. Maynard Steams, phone HU5 3300, Clearwater, Nebr. 46-49c FOR SALE: Four good Holstein cows, just fresh.—Otto F. Lor enz, O’Neill 43tf FOR SALE: Hampshire bred gilts to farrow in March and April, also fall boars ready for ser vice.—John Kaster, phone Hunter 3360, Clearwater. 44-49pd FOR SALE: A 1950 Buick, two door, new rubber, very clean, phone 34, Inman, Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins.__ FOR SALE: McCormick-Deering No. 3 cream separator; Allis Chalmers side rake; McCormick Deering No. 51 2 row com lister, trail type; J-D disc tiller 10 ft.— Alfred Martens. Atkinson. 49-50p FOR SALE: Sorrel, 3-yr.-old sad dle horse. Well broke & gentle. Joe Hambek, Bristow. 46-49p FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire fall boars and gilts. — W^ter Sojka and Sons, Page. 45-49p HOUSE FOR SALE: To be moved or tom down—Phone 3255, In man. I • __ _ FOR SALE: NEW 3-BOTTOM PLOW, 14-in. NEW 14-ft. DISC Both with 3-point hitch for either Ford or Ferguson Tractors PRICED WAY UNDER WHOLESALE PRICE! NEW DEAL OIL CO. TONY ASIMUS | _West O'Neill FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, coming yearlings.—Phone 3255, Francis Anderl, Inman. 45tf FOR SALE: State tested Rushmore Barley.—Joe Hambek, Bristow. 46-49p 1 " ————— FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill 47ctf FOR SALE: Holstein heifers, heavy springers — John Sojka, 114 mi. north, 4 east of Page. 39tf FOR SALE: Seven room dwelling In north part of town. See George C. Robertson, phone 534, O’Neill. 44 tf SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolls $16.50 a ton: American $20 50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgan, Ph 164. O’Neill. 5itf FOR SALE: J-D 4-row Lister in good shape.—Joe Hambek, Bris tow. 46-49p WE ARE TRADING WILD at Bur well. Specials on all new equip Some of the Good Used Equipment on Hand: 1954 Super M Farmall, propane burner 1952 MD Farmall 1949 MD Farmall, complete over haul 1944 M gas Farmall. new overhaul 1947 M fuel, new guarantee 1948 H Farmall, good 1947 H Farmall fuel, overhauled 1946 H Farmall, fuel, good 1944 H Farmall, fuel 1952 H Farmall. gas, like new 1953 Oliver 88 Diesel line power 1949 John Deeie B, perfect 1950 John Deere A, very nice Used Trucks and Pickups 1955 V8 cab over Chev. 2 ton. new motor. 16 ft. box new 1955 THC 2 ton. no box. new motor 1956 Oiev Vi ton pickup, new tires, long box 1952 CMC Vi ton pickup, verv clean 1949 KR6 IHC. 16 ft. box with hoist Used plows, listers, planters on all tvpes of farm machines. Tires, oil and grease at lowest whole sale prices Come to Burwell and save dollars Every tractor tested on dyna mometer. We appreciate your business! Storjohann Equipment Co. T,owest equipment prices In USA! PHONE Diamond 6-T185 BTTt WELL NEBR. Machinery 300 IHC Tractor, quick hitch, T.A. live clutch. 400 hours 1951 AC Combine 1950 AC Combine 1948 AC Combine THC 62 Combine THC 64 Combine with motor 1950 AC W.D. 2—AC W.D. Listers &-XI 1 v_y i.K! \_-U 111 v iii'n a W.D, Loader with Hay Boom Oliver string-tie Baler, demonstra tor. A real good buy on this AC 4-14 Plow, demonstrator, good discount Cleveland Farm Supply AI-I.IS CHAI-MERS — OLIVER NEW HOI-LAND — DU-ALL Phone. 1W 3-2905, Orchard, Nebr. 46-49c MACHINERY 4 wheel Idea Spreader on rubber 15 ft. IHC Disc 12-ft. M&M Disc IHC 18-7 Drill, good Several Listers 2 Rake Hitch Pull 2 IHC Rakes 41 John Deere B Cvt <siinpr C 10-ft. Fertilizer Spreader IHC Side Rake Loader with Hay Head No. 24 Mower 48 Farmall H 2-14 Plow PARTS BINS $35 and up APPLIANCES IHC 12-ft. Freezer 7-ft. Refrigerator Maytag Wringer Washer New RCA Whirlpool Appliances Shelhamer Equipment O’NEILL, NEBR. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool _ WISCONSIN’S FINEST Dairy Cat tle. Shores Certified—Fresh and l Springer 1300-lb. Holsteins, Guer nseys, Swiss, Ayrshires, Short horns, Jerseys. $2,000.00 in Shores ; Wisconsin Dairy Cattle brings' $400.00 cream monthly for Sand hill rancher. Calves $45.00 up. Yearlings $100.00 up. Lepto- j Bang’s-shipping vaccinated. De livered. No sale bam or Nebras ka cattle. Travele xpenses re funded. Harold P. Shores, Neligh, Nebraska. Phone Tu 7-4060. 46tf MOBILE HOMES New Mobile Homes from 14 ft. to 52 ft. 10 wide. Large selection of used trailers in all sizes that must be sold. SEE the new deluxe 50 ft. 10 wide, rear kitchen model now in stock. We trade, finance six years, de liver anywhere and service them. Open Sundays & Evenings MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. Phone EX 5-2170 49tf DAIRYMEN A cow will only produce as much milk as her breeding allows. No amount of feed will increase it. CURTISS breeding will utilize your feeding to a better advant age. • Duane Gray Call 470 O’Neill 45 tf FOR SALE: Aeromotor mills, pump jacks, presure systems, stock tanks—10 ft.—bottomless. Ph. 435, Inman. Ciff Sobotka. 45odtf USED CARS ’55 Mercury Monerey, plain '55 Plymouth, 4 dr. '55 Studebaker hardtop '53 Plymouth, 4 dr. '50 Plymouth, 4 dr. SMITH MOTOR CO. Phone 562 O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: Blue grass seed, fancy, high germination, weed free, 50c per lb.—Lloyd Gibson, east of O’Neill sale bam. 47-50p NEW COMFORT COVERS . TRACTORS Model 50 J-DA 1953 Model 60 J-D 1954 Model G J-D 1949 48 A J-D 48 B J-D 40 B J-D •45 B J-D 46 B J-D 1952 GMC % ton pickup J-D tractor spreader J-D 15-ft. disc AC 15-ft. disc 730 J-D lister Farmhand Loader, complete J-D No. 9 comsheller Plows, all sizes 4-sec. Harrow with Evener. WANTED to trade for Brome and Alfalfa seed. Harry R. Smith Imp. for John Deere tractor Phone 562 O’Neill FOR SALE at bargain price a New Model 87 PTO. wire tie, New Hol land baler. Will consider any reasonable offer.—Call or write Balsir Christensen at Gamble Farm Store, Viborg, S.D. 49-50p FOR RENT FDR RENT: Modem apartment. —A. E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas. O'Neill, phone 51T. 12tf FOR RENT: Apartment, 4 rooms and bath. Utilities furnished, call 537 O’Neill 46tf FOR RENT: One bedroom house. Phone 209, O’Neill. 49tf WANTED WANTED: Reliable mechanic to work in service station; must furnish references. Contact Nol an DeLosh, (Tel. 2391 or 2981 in Stuart.) South Side 66 Oil Co., Stuart. 49-50c WANTED—Cattle to take into pas ture.—Contact Charlie Simmons, Page. 49p WANT a reliable person in this area to take over 5 payments of $8.35 each on a 1958 Singer Sew lfiuv/Uiiic * t 1111 a «> tachment. Fully guaranteed. Will discount for a cash sale. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lin coln, Nebraska. 49-50c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone: Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph 3741. tf EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill WANTED: Salesman or saleswom an to sell for Singer Sewing Ma chine company in O’Neill and local territory.—Write Donald Kirstine, 801 South 3rd St., Nor folk. • • 49-52 Wick’s BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo —Clinton. WANTED! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf Money To Loan on ranches and town properties — See Virgil L. Laursen Agency, Phone 434, O' Neill 45 tf WANTED: 200 yearling steers for 1959 pasture season.—Leo Ohri. Spencer, Phone 7328 Bristow. 47tf REAL ESTATE FDR SAI.E: 320-acre Rock County Ranch, located 11 miles northwest of New Port on gravel mail route, modem home, nice set of out buildings. 25 acres under cultivation. 65 acres in alfalfa, 50 acres of prairie hay, balance in pasture j 160 ACRE Holt County, Hay Mead ow in Section 6, Township 30, Range 9. 20 acres under cultiva tion, balance cut 45 stacks of Alfalfa last year. Priced to sell, possession if bought soon. BEAUTTFTTL MODERN Cottage, located in Crofton, close to the Lewis and Clark Lake, possession this spring, can be bought on terms. ALSO several unimproved farms. JOHN THOR AGENCY Stanton, Nebraska 48-52c 3 BEDROOM HOUSE FDR SALE located just South of NuWay Cafe. All modem and extra lot and house may be had at a greatly reduced price. On pavement. Ex cellent terms. 4 ROOM HOME, all modern. South east O’Neill. RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS lots available. Very choice loca tions. Before buying or selling your Real Estate spp— VIRGIL LAURSEN REALTOR Insurance - Loans - Realestate Phone 434 O’Neill, Nebr. 49c Real Estate For Sale 3 BEDROOM dwelling with extra lots, good basement and fruit trees. House insulated, O’Neill. 2 BEDROOM HOME on east Ever ett St., extras will remain in dwelling, O’Neill. 200 ACRE RANCH east of O’Neill on Highway 275, has excellent improvements, best location. 640 ACRE RANCH combination west of Elgin, well balanced and improved. 4 GOOD LOTS in SW O’Neill. POSSESSION to any of the above can be obtained this spring. ED THORIN REAL ESTATE BROKER Private and Auction Sales Phone 207 O’Neill 49c MISCELLANEOUS Battle Creek Mutual Insurance Company BATTLE CREEK, NEBR. A strong Nebraska company organized in 1892 and doing bus iness in the state of Nebraska offers low cost insurance on farm, real and personal proper ty and town dwelling and con tents. Does not use the $50 deductible clause on any of its policies. Wm. D. Claussen, agt. 912 E. Douglas O’Neill, Nebr. Tel. 54-J | 48-50p WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO . O’Neill 3 blks W & 3 Vz blks N stoplight [S YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf. AUCTIONEERING Retd Estate Broker Private Listings and Phone 207 - O’Neill Auctions ED THORIN ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O’NEILL, NEBR. — PH. 269 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts of my wife Francis Kelly Walton.—Willard Walton. 49p CASH LOANS SIGNATURE — AUTO — FURNITURE We have a plan to fit every need & budget. Strictly confi dential, friendly service. O'Neill Loan Company VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill, Nebr. 49 c CARDS of THANKS I WISH TO THANK my friends and relatives for cards, flowers and visits, while I was in St. An thony’s Hospital. A special thanks to all the Sisters, nurses and Dr. Carstens for their kind, thought ful care. I appreciate it all very much.—John I. Gray. 49p < 1 WOULD UKE to thank everyone who remembered me during my stay in the hospital Mrs. Virgil Laursen. 49c USED CARS For Sale! 1950 IXxlge, 2 dr. 1951 Chevrolet. 2 dr. 1952 Pontiac, 6 cyl., 4-dr., r. h. auto-trans. 1953 Ford 8 cyl. custom 4 dr. R. H. OD 1951 Mercury 2 dr. R. H. OD 1951 Ford 2 dr. 8 cyl. RH. OD 1949 Ford 8 cyl. 4 dr. R.H 1956 Ford 4 Ton 6 cyl. pickup. 8 ft. box 1052 Chevrolet % ton pickup, R H 1955 Ford C-600 Tractor. 5-spd, transmission, 2 speed axel, air brakes LOHAUS MOTOR CO. O'Neill Deloit News The worst storm of the winter struck here on Thursday. It was preceded by rain on Wednesday evening followed by about 12 inches of heavy wet snow driven by a howling wind. Roads were blocked, telephone lines down and people stranded also some cars were in the ditches. There w'as no school on Thursday or Friday. Mary and Robert, Miller came home from Omaha on Saturday and spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ray and daughters of Omaha spent the weekend at the Ralph Tomjack home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple and daughters of Hastings arrived at the Henry Reimer home on Saturday for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. MiKe Morn of Plainview were also guests. Sunday dinner guests at the Reimer home were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson, Lyle and Linda, the Temples and the Borns. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and sons were Sunday dinner guests at the John Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee and family of Sioux City spent the weekend in Ewing at the home of his mother. Judy VVerkmeister was home from Lincoln for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartak took Rose Laughery to her home in El-' gin on Sunday after she had been helping in their home for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reinier Lin coln and Echo Fisher of Edward spent Easter vacation at the Sis son home. Mrs. Alice Lodge was ill over the weekend. Mrs. Vonnie Paul and Nancy and Larry and IXm Setting of Elgin : spent Sunday at the L. L. Bart a k ' home. The mail rout** road was openeil I on Saturday afternoon. Star Community News By Mrs. Fualt Miller Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist and daughter, Vicki, were in Sioux City last Tuesday where Vicki had an appointment with an eye special list. George Thieroalf of Creighton, visited last week at the home of his nephew. Bill Hansen, and fam ily. Mr. and Mi's. Wilbert Widhalm and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson and family, Mr and Mrs. Howard Johnson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenson and family had supper with the Lysle Johnson family last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Christ and family of Atcheson, Kans., arrived last Thursday afternoon to spend the Easter vacation with Mrs. Christ s family, Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Miller, Harold, Earl and Mel vin. Miss Kay Hibbs of Norfolk spent the weekend with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hibbs, Rodney. Mike and Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and family had Sunday dinner find sup per with Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Mil ler anti Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson anti family were supper guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Clayton Johnson and family March 22. Several schools were closed Thursday because of the blizzard conditions and heavy snow which amounted to 12 inches and more. AMELIA SCHOOL NEWS l-owcr Room The Circle Ten Club meeting was called to order by our president, Bushels Alfalfa Seed FOR SALE Contact: J. F. Contois O'Neill Phone 368 THE FRONTIER. O N. Ill, Nt< Dehra Waldo Wo answered tx'll call by naming and showing the state that we drew Everyone was present. For next week we will draw and color a state bird for our project. For roll call we will name a way of travel. We had our Easter party Friday The meeting was adjourned until next week. Jacky Doolittle,, Reporter I'pper room The activity club meeting was acid March 23. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. iVe answered roll with a rejtort on a famous athlete. Our project is still collecting wood. Next week we will answer roll Aith a report on different parts Imekii, Thursday, April ?. H*.M) of a car. The meeting was adjourned until next week. Darla Waldo Reporter Constitution Signed The Happy Helpers 4-H club met March 23 at the youth center The constitution was signed for roll call. The 4-H pledge was learned ami the yearliooks were distributer!. Among the members. Lunch was served by Ellen McKay. The club now has 42 members, 8 of which were absent at this meeting. The next general meeting will lie April 13 at the youth center. Connie Johnson News Reporter Paint Clearance Buy a Gallon, Get One FREE! Buy a Quart, Get One FREE! These paints are all discontinued colors. Here's your chance to paint that room or furnishings at a real cash savings! Coyne Hardware Phone 21 O'Neill CITY-WIDE CLEARANCE STUDIO BEDS Quality Frieze Covers Plastic Arms Regular Price $08.95 . HIAWATHA BICYCLES Girls or Boys Style . $38.88 2 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE $9800 Double Dresser and Book case Bed in American Wal nut. Dust proofed and center guided drawers. Regular 149.93 2 PIECE SECTIONAL $12800 In high grade Frieze Regular 159.95 SO-GALLON GAS WATER HEATER $7777 Fibre Glass Lined CUSTOM UKLUAfi GAS RANGE $16688 Regular Price $194.95 2-PIECE BOX SPRING & MATTRESS $4800 Reguler Price 50.05 MIRRORS 98c Round or Oblong Others at 1.79-1.98 11 PLAY PLAY GYM $1995 A Play Ground in Your Own Back Yard TRUCK OR TRACTOR BATTERY ^31 Exchange Prise 24-Month Guarantee! “ PICTURES, Reg. 3.49_ 198 PINUP LAMPS, Reg. 3.95_ 248 TABLE LAMPS, Reg. 4.95_ 388 FLOOR LAMPS, Reg. 27.95_1988 BARLOUNGER, Reg. 69.95 _ 4800 CARD TABLE, Reg. 5.95__. 388 CEDAR CHESTS, Reg. 49.95 .... 3400 SOFA SLEEPERS, Reg. 189.95 . . .4800 TIRES Get Ready for Vacation Let Us Check Your Tires Now! NEW TYREX CORD TIRES Lifetime Guarantee First Tire.At Regular List Price Second Tire.At l/2 List Price Plus Tax EXAMPLE: 6:70x15 Tubeless . First Tire $24.15 Second Tire $12.07 Total for 2 tires.$36.22 Plus Tax ALL SIZES AVAILABLE