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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1959)
Ewing Newt Missionary on Leave; Shower With Hankies By Mr*. B II. Harris The Missionary Society of the United Presbyterian Church went to Atkinson on March 24 to be guests at the home of Mrs. Ro bert McLachian for a covered dish dinner and a social afternoon, in honor of her daughter, Miss Laura McLachian, a missionary' home on leave from Pakistan. During the afternoon. Miss Mc Lachlan told of many interesting events pertaining to her work as a missionary. She also showed ma ny articles which she had brought from Pakistan. Attending from Ewing were Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ross, Miss Alice Shrader, and Mcsdumes Floyd Butterfield, Z. H. Fry, Ralph Shrader, Wilbert Napier, Thomas Hutton, Wilbur Bennett, Dewitt Hoke, Richard Napier and Susan Napier. Miss McLacklan was also honor ed with a handerchief shower. Mrs. Anita Lee and son, Virtus, spent a few days at the home of Sgt. and Mrs. Kenneth I^ee and family at Sioux City Sgt. lee brought them home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier en tertained on Easter Sunday at a family gathering at their home. Present were Mr. and Mrs Lafa yette Gunter of Hoskins, Mr. and Mrs Roger Gunter and baby of Pierce, Mr, and Mrs. James Gun ter of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs Alvin Nelson and Jimmie oi Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul, Mr. and Mas. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde, all of Ewing and Duane Horde of Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Outlier and daughter Doris I»u of Ode bolt, la., were guests on Tuesday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter. Floyd Lee who has been under treatment at the Veterans hospi tal in Grand Island, came home Saturday. Mrs. Lyle Dierks became ill at her home in Ewing on Thursday and was taken to St. Anthony's hospital at O’Neill on Friday by ambulance. After some consulta tion by doctors she was sent to an Omaha hospital by ambulance where she underwent surgery at 2:00 a m. Sunday. Her condition is reported to l»e satisfactory. Mr Dierks returned Tuesday evening. Miss Vaulda Welke spent *016 holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. Harriet Welke. Mrs. Walke is a teacher in the Newman Grove public school. Mr and Mrs. Andrew Olson went to the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilson near Elgin to join the other members of their family for East er dinner and a social afternoon. Mrs. Eva Kaczor was hostess for an Easter family dinner parity at her home. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaczor and son of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaczor. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaczor ami family, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kac zor and children, all of Ewing. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sojka. Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs i had as their guests on Sunday Pe i ter Roudybush and Mr. and Mrs. ! John Schiffbauer of Norfolk, who remained overnight. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and family of Ewing, Mr and Mas. John Mackek Don and Sharon of i Elgin, Miss Donna Minarik of Ne ligh were dinner guests on Easier Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Minarik and family. ! Evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. I James Broscky of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Setr spent Monday evening at the home of ; their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. James Minarik. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson spent Easter day at the home of their daughter and husliand. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer Other members of their family were also | guests. Mrs. Grace Briggs went to Oma ha on Wednesday to spend the hol i id ay weekend with tier daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden and fam ily, of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Ri chard Bolwitt and family of Ne ligh, Mr and Mrs. Elvin Walter and family of Grand Island were entertained Easter Sunday at the liome of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Boll witt. Miss Eleanor Pollock of Omaha spent the Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. Anna Pollock. Eas ter Day guests at the Pollock home were, Mr. and Mrs. Don Pollock and family of Neligh and Mr and Mrs. Don Kellner and family of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Conet had as their guests Easter Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dave Burk and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schindler and Mr. and Mrs. James Charvat and daughters of Omaha were Easter day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schindler. Easter Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden were their daughter, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. S. M Burt wistle, also their son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden all of Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Murphy of Omaha, who remained overnight. Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner took Mrs. Florence Butler to Neligh on Monday where she spent some time with her sister. Miss Anna Van Zandt at the Antelope Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs Charles Rother ham took their daughter, Ann back to Allance on Tuesday to resume her school work. She came home for the Easter vacation. Their daughter, Miss Rowena of Omaha also spent the holiday weekend with home folks. Deemer Conner was a guest at the home of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. WB1 Conner a few days last week. The Methodist men have begun work at the parsonage of the First Methodist Church. The old garage has been torn down and a new one I will l>e erected in the near future. Some of the large trees have been "Send 'em by Truck... We Need 'em Fast!" The teen* is the traffic department of any «f the hundreds of manufacturing plants in IMbraaka. The time is 4:00 p.m. on any day •f the wsik. The traffic manager is talking kag to a supplier in another state gbout some parts needed for production. "•sod ’em by truck,” he says, as he pre paras to up, “we need ’em fast!” \ He knows from experience that motor hwapnrt is the fastest link between shipping and receiving. He knows he can depend on it In fact he and thousands of his fellow traffic managers have been the men moet re sponsible for the rapid growth of motor trans port Once they experienced the efficiency and speed of trucks, there was no satisfying them with anything less — and today their companies could not operate successfully without truck transport! That's something for every wags earner In Nebraska to think about O’NEILL TRANSFER JOHN TURNER Daily Service O'Neill-Omaha PHONE 578 On* ot a Sariaa Arfrarrfaaman*. Prapararf bf IWIAIH MOTOR CARRIIM' ASSOCIATION. 100 Saath lllfc Mraat, LINCOLN, I NO RAISA Pages 11-14 'The Voice of the Beef Empire" Volume 78—Number 49 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, April 2, 1959 Seven Cent* Heavy precipitation In the past two months have resulted in a great deal of standing water in meadows and hay fields. Hitches like the one above, (west of O’Neill on Highway 20) have been filled for several weeks. Weather bureau officials report one of the wettest winters in ten years. The Fron tier Photo. removed from the yard. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arehart and family of Norfolk visited re latives in Ewing and community during the Easter holiday. Mrs. Gene Ruby and children of Sioux City came Saturday to be guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ruby. They returned more more more more more more Pvt. Bob Tuttle U.S.N. has com pleted his boot training at a base at Los Angeles, Calif., and is home on leave, a guest of his father, Roy Tuttle and family and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and children went to Tilden to join relatives for a covered dish Ea j ster dinner to be held at a reser jved cabin in the park. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Conner of Da kota City spent the weekend of March 21st with his mother, Mrs. Bhoda Conner, They transacted business in Creighton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Mech<ley and family of Neligh were also guests on Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Pruden recently re turned home from .spending a few days with her sister and husband, Mr and Mrs. P. B. Cooper and family at Chambertain. S.D. Mr. and Mrs. George Thayer of Omaha moved to the rental pro perly of Mrs. Louise VanConet in north Ewing, this week. Dote to the heavy snowstorm on Thursday, the Ewing public school added an extra day’s vacation to the holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud were dinner guests on Good Friday at the home of Mrs. Edna Lofquest. Mrs. Edna Lofquest and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud were entertain ed at dinner on Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lillie Meyers. Miss Beverly Rotherham was a holiday weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham. She is a stu dent nures at St. Elizabeth's school of Nursing at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Graftt and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Slangier at tended the funeral of Mr. Grafft’s sister, Mrs. Aaron Hadfield held March 23 at the Presbyterian Church in Fullerton. Mrs. George Jeffries accompan ied by her daughters, Mrs. Roy Wright of Ewing and Mrs. Mark Mutt of O’Neill attended a meet ing of the Clearwater Creek Ex tension club, held Tuesday after noon at the Ted Twiss home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Magwire and family spent the holiday weekend . -.i 4U Unn nnnnnti- Tlfl »• On/4 Victor Cram. They also called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies before returning to their home at Grand Island. on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies were entertained at dinner on Easter at the home of Mrs. Rose Bauer. Miss Gerladine Bauer of Norfolk was a weekend guest of her moth er, Mrs. Bauer and family. Mrs. Bernice Harlan of Tilden spent the holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. Caroline Sand ers. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bergstrom had as their guests on Easter for dinner, her mother, Mrs. Caroline Sanders and daughter, Mrs. Ber nice Harlan of Tilden. Afternoon and evening guests at the Berg strom home were her brother, and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sanders and family of Laurel. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sanders and children returned to their home in Laurel Monday after spending the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee, and other rela tives. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Vera Anson were her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Rewolinski and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Holquist, all of Omaha. Mrs. Archie Tuttle was a Sunday afternoon caller at the An son home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berg strom of Omaha were calling on relatives in Ewing during the weekend. Miss Patricia Hahlbeck, who is employed in Norfolk, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Noffke left Monday to return to their home in Superior after spending the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Pauline Noffke. On Easter they and Mrs. Noffke were entertained for dinner and evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noff ke. Mrs. Earl Billings returned Sun day evening from Clearwater after spending a few days with her mo ther, Mrs. Myrtle Kimes, who is convalescing at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Dierks of Manhattan, Kan., and Mr. and Mis. Paul Water of Omaha re turned to their homes on Sunday after spending the weekend at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. Mrs. Wilda Carr, Connie and Pat brought her father, Merton H. Dierks on Friday and remained for the weekend, returning to Holdrege on Monday. Mr. Dierks has spent several weeks with his other daugh ters at North Platte and Ogallala. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn did not let the heavy snow storm on Thursday keep them from attend ing a convention held in Omaha on that day. On their w’ay to Oma ha the storm was at its worst but enroute back to Ewing, road con ditions were not much improved but the visibility was better. Brenda Sue, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Butterfield was baptized Easter Sunday at the Wor ship service of the United Pres byterian Church. D. William H. Ross, pastor. Lee Ann, the three month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke was baptized during the Worship hour on Easter Sunday at the First Methodist Church, Rev. Cecil Green of Norfolk, pastor. CITY-WIDE Clearance! GROUP-A GROUP-C BLACK Patent Leather Ladies White HEELS FLATS 488 288 Full Run of Sizes Sizes 4V4-10 GROUP-B GROUP-D FLATS Ladies Black Calf PUMPS SPORT SHOES 588 288 to 488 Med. heel—Sizes 6-10, AA-B i A & M Shoe Store I O'Neill, Nebr. Have yon ever wondered where Oal Stewart Is? That’s him, fourth from the left and his wife aa4 children are at the right-center of the picture. It was taken a few days ago at Hollywood-By-The Sea to Florida. The photo is one of Nebraskans visiting the city for the dedication ceremonies of the ‘ Itrrk 1 of States.” Guests at the Everett Ruby home on Easter were Mr. and Mrs. William Spence and son, Lyle, of O’Neill and Mrs Gene Ruby and children erf Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Coe Butler and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and son, all of Lincoln were weekend guests at the home of Miss Vina Wood. They also visited Mrs. Vera Anson, Mr. Butler’s mother, and the Rockey families. Miss Vina Wood was a dinner guest on Easter Sunday of her nephew and wire, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wood. Judy Wanser of Omaha and Jerry Wanser from Peru state teachers college spent their holi day vacation at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wan ser. Richard Spittler of Valentine was a weekend guest of his mother Mrs. Laura Spittler. His wife and daughter came Sunday to join him for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan were hosts at a family dinner party on Sunday. Guests were her mother, Mrs. Laura Spittler, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family, Mr. and l . Mrs. Robert Bartak and son, all | of Ewing, Dr. and Mrs. I.eo Spitt | ler and family of Norfolk and Mr and Mrs. Richard Spiltler and daughter, Gigi, of Valentine. Mrs. Laura Spittler was an over night guest Saturday at the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak. All at tended the midnight Mass held at St. John's church. Mrs. Harriet Welke and daug ter, Miss Vaulda Welke, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain and children, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Biddlecome and daughter Vlanda, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmiser and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmidt and Warren were entertained at din ner on Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt. Miss Pat Doty of Dakota City was a weekend guest at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Rhoda Donner. Easter Sunday guests at the Arthur Kropp home were, Mr. and Mrs. William Kopp and family of Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kro pp of Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Max Jeffers and family of O'Neill, Mrs. Charles Young of Inman. Robert Tams, sr., and son, Bob, spent the Easter holiday with home folks, returning to their work at Asland and Omaha on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs John Steskal, sr, ind as their guests on Easter, Wi and Mrs. Elmer Steskal of Atknv w>n, Mr and Mrs. James Charvat and family of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal, jr., and famiV jt Ewing. Mrs. John Steskal, sr., and ilav» ghter, Mrs. Nadine Charvat and children were Neligh visitors cr Thursday. Donna Steskal is back in schottt and has almost recovered from her injury of a few weeks ago. Whilr in an Omaha hospital, Donna re ceived letters and gifts from her teacher, Mrs. Ruth Hansen and her schoolmates. John Steskal, sr., and son, Clif ford, made a business trip to O’ Neill on Monday. Clifford al» kept a dental apointment. Pvt. and Mrs. Delbert Carl, Jr spent a part of their holiday leave at the home of his father, Delbert Carl, sr., and her mother, Mrs. Lorraine Wright. They went ta Omaha Sunday to visit at the Dm* aid Drey home and left Monday to return to Clarksville, Tetm^. where they reside while Pvt. Cad’ is stationed at Ft. Campbell, K> Use Frontier Want Adi il 1 II ZIPPER BINDER $122 plus F.E.T. Two or three ring loose-leaf style. 4 roomy pockets. Simu lated Buffalo grain leather. IRONING COVER Regular 59c Now 39c Resists scorching! Silicone al uminized ironing board cover. Smooth lace-on style. □ NYLON HOSIERY 2 pr. $1 51-gauge, 15 denier, fine dark seams! Sizes 8Vi-11. Assorted Enamels Reduced to_15c Nylonized Pants, 4 pair_77c Famous Name Toiletries .. ----- 29c Plastic Cups, 3 for_19c Juice Glasses, 4 for_ 29c Ladies Panties, 3 pair_59c Assorted Paint Reduced to - -- 39c White Bowls, 2 for_19c Shampoo Plus Egg_49c ONE GROUP , WINDOW SHADES Vi Off Regular Price! PRICED TO CLOSE OUTI PATTON'S O'NEILL I