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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1959)
The August kumms have been married 40 years. They were teted Sunday at a dinner and open house la Creighton. Four of the five Kumm children were present. See story. Mr. and Mrs. August Kumm cele brated their 40th wedding anniver sary Sunday with a dinner and open house in Creighton. Following a din ner with close friends and rela tives open house was held during the afternoon. Four of the Kumm’s five child ren were there for the occasion: Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Armin Kumm and family, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Krugman and family, O’ Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Meik le, anti family, Creighton; and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Timmerman and family, Creighton. Not present were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Randall, Myra Loma, Calif. Cheryl Timmerman attended the guest book, Mrs. Walt Timmerman baked and decorated the cake and Mrs. Richard Kumm poured cof fee. The Kumm’s have 18 grand children. At The Courthouse DISTRICT COURT These seven cases were filed March 27, 1959 in District Court by William Griffin, county attor ney, foreclosing on old age assist ance relief: County Board of Sup ervisors of Holt county, plaintiff; vs. Elizabeth Haake, et al; Eliza beth Angus, et al.; John T. Han sen, et al.; George Laney, et al.; Mina L. Myers, et al.; W. A. Ren ner, et al., and Frank L. Watson, et all., defendants. The suit for judgment of E. C. Weller vs. C. L. Sisson was filed in District court, March 26, by County Attorney Griffin. The de fendant has promised and agreed to pay the balance of $3572.96 plus interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum from January 15, 1957 to the Plaintiff. Ainsworth Monument Works Ainsworth, Nebr. Phone 301-J SPECIAL CATTLE SALE MONDAY, APRIL 6th — HOGS AT 12:30 SHARP — If you have any to sell bring them in for this sale. EARLY LISTINGS INCLUDE 19 choice whiteface cows, 3 to 5 years old. just starting to have calves. AU one man’s stock cows. The kind anyone would like to have. 27 stock cows, mostly finished calving, good kind; 83 fat cattle from 700 to 900 lbs., from two different men; 10 black cows; 25 choice yearling steers and heifers, 700 lbs., green; 35 choice 450-lb. white face steers, green; 33 fat cattle, 900 lbs.; 250 cattle, all classes. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Ewing, Nebr. .. _ poi nty corin' March 26 Dick D. Appleby, O’ Neill, speeding night, $10 and $4 costs; officer—R. L. Gude. March 28— Raymond J. Zach, driver for Gerlxild Concrete Pro ducts, Norfolk, overweight on ca pacity plate, $10 and $4 costs; of ficer—Clifford L. Kizzire. March 30 Harold George Pat terson jr., Waterloo, la., speeding, truck, night, $17 and $4 costs; of ficer Donald J. Fiala. March 30 -Bruce Buxton, Orch ard, overnight on capacity plate, $10 and $4 costs; officer—Clifford L. Kizzire. March 31—Alvin C. Veik, Peters burg, No. 1—overload on axle, $70 and No. 2—overweight, $50. and $4 costs; officer Donald F Richardson. April 1—Donald W. Miller of El gin, overweight on capacity plate. $10 and $4 costs; officer—Clifford L. Kizzire. Amelia News Group Discussion AMELIA— Pine Grove Hustlers 4-H cluh met at the home of Roger Waldo on Friday evening. After a short business meeting the group was turned over to our leader for discussion. We discussed livestock, breeds and types of cat tle. We now have a set of cards of 20 breeds of cattle to learn to iden tify; Range management—cool and warm season decreases, increases and invaders of grasses; rope — kinds and construction of rope. The boys started making their knots for display boards; sewing— kinds of stitches and types of fac ing; yeast breads—watched yeast work, result, use new yeast. Roger Waldo guessed the correct number of different kinds of seeds in the bottle. Next meeting to be April 3 with Cathy, Joyce and Vicki Doolittle. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Waldo served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. O. Harlan and Helen, of Basset, and Elmer Schwager of Mills were Easter Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemens and family. Ralph Davis Funeral Ralph J. Davis, 37, of Rainier, Ore died March 9 of cancer. He was the husband of the former Vir ginia Irene Dailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dailey, former O'Neill residents. The couple became the parents of three children, Larry, Phillip and Linda Sue, who with their mother survive. Lynch News Mrs. Joseph David entertained a group of children in honor of Shelly’s sixth birthday Thursday afternoon. Those present were Christine Harris, Douglas Neilson, Ricky Pritchett Ricky Kotas, Joyce Meuller, Gerald Wicker sham, David Mulhair, Ricky Sieler, Nancy Courtney. Rhonda and Mer lin Stewart, Ralph Lee. Mike Rut ledge and Jessie David. Games were played and Mrs. David ser ved a lunch. Easter Sunday guests at the diaries Courtney home were, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit and fam ily, Mrs. Hannah Streit, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Courtney; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kolund and family also Mr. and Mrs. Edward May and Duane of Verdel. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carson of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Papstein and Bruce of Tilden spent Easter Sunday with Mrs. Nata Bjomsen. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson and family of Spencer. Charles Kolar and Anna Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. DOUBLE HEADER SALE For today, April 2, there will be a double header sale. The cat tle that would have been sold last week except for the weather ! will be sold today in addition to this week’s regular run. There will be 800 to 900 head of cattle for certain. This will in clude 600 calves and yearlings. Some of the cattle will be the j Anton Jensen Hereford calves weighing from 400 to 450 pounds. There will be 46 head of Hereford calves from Redbird weighing 475 pounds; 40 head of mixed yearlings; 10 head of yearling heifers from Stuart; 23 head of cross-bred calves and a number of other very good consignments. HOG SALE BEGINS AT 12:30 P.M.—CATTLE SALE AT 1:45 O'NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 V’ern & Leigh Reynoldson I I'' -.1 ■ ■ Harold Bennett and Clayton sur- c prised Mrs. Harold Hansen on her j birthday Saturday evening, March 21. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kolund, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Alford Davy, Mr. and j Mrs. Glen David, Mr and Mrs. Robert Conklin, Howard Martz Marlin Lewis and Mr. and Mrs Vernon Dahlberg attended the ' Farm Bureau Banquet held at 1 Spencer March 24. Over 250 plates < \vere served. , i Former O'Neill Man I Named Assistant Gerald "Bud” Daily of Grand Is- \ land and formerly of O'Neill has ] been appointed conversion assi- | stant for the Grand Island district t of the Northwestern Bell Tele- | phone Company it was announced today by H. Petersen, local mana ger. His principal duties will be that of assisting O'Neill rural telephone companies in preparing their lines for dial service. He will be avail able to help those groups who own their own lines with engineering and construction supervision. Daily has had a varied experi ence since joining Northwestern Bell's Construction department ear ly in 1948. He is well acquainted , with the O’Neill territory, having served as an installer and repair man for the O’Neill office from 1948 to 1951. Since July 1958, he has been working at the Grand Island office of the company. Meetings have been held with all companies owning lines in the O’ Neill rural area in recent weeks at which the need for rearranging and rebulding lines has been dis cussed. Dial telephone equipment is designed to serve no more than i eight customers per line and all | lines must be metallic or ‘‘two ' wire” lines. The planning has now advanced to the stage where actual engineering and construction can begin and Mr. Daily will be avail able to help all these companies Mr. Petersen said. TV Organization Steps Taken Monday Preliminary steps were taken in Atkinson Monday to organize several towns in this area into a cooperative effort for the promo tion of a satellite television station. An attempt is being made by the men to provide north-central Ne braska with dependable, snow-free reception. At the invitation of the Atkinson Chamber of Commerce television committee, Frank J. Brady, chair man, representatives from eight towns in this vicinity met at the Steak House and unanimc^^^^ Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101 Spencer Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding Call 24S-W — 24-hr. Service Northwest Electric red immediate action on the pro osal. I The 23 men present here Mon day night organized the North Central Television Association, which will spearhead the satel lite promotion. They named Brady as chairman and Ron Hhonka of Atkinson as secretary. Towns represented in the group rere Bassett, Stuart, Atkinson, Jutte, Spencer, O’Neill, Chambers md Ewing. Other towns in the ,re<c will be invited to join the ffort. ‘ Most of the towns in north entral Nebraska are in the re note fringe area of television re eption,” said Brady, “and con- j equently have no dependable pro- ■ ;ram reception from any station. Ve get fringe service—very poor nost of the time—from stations to he north, south and east of us, | he best coming from a South Da ;ota satellite. ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING Tax Service MORGAN WARD ACCOUNTANT Golden Bldg.—Phone 4J4 O’Neill, Nebr. JOLOPY BANANA SPLITS They Taste Good — Like A Banana Split Should! OUR RECIPE: Take 1 firm, ripe banana, peel and split lengthwise. Place in a special plastic "banana boat". Add three generous mounds of smooth, rich tasting Jalopy. Coer 1 mound each with fresh frozen straw berries, pineapple, and rich chocolate (or customer's choice) . Garnish with whipped cream and sevre. IT CAN'T BE BEAT - NOT EVEN EQUALLED ! ! ! «- Hornby's Jolopy liTr,":;1 ★ Price* Good Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 2, 3, 4. -oxtngtime is bV a, our SLICED Oi HALVES ELBERT A rUESTONE ■ — PEACHES :.£■* Cl MaLjTC whoummuio* SLICED PEARS C^PIUN^t nm'nruTnnu TOMATOES.m m r\ wr - -v _ , _ w GOLDEN CORN AR if|4 SHOIVA - TO* CHOICE GRADE JWfff Sliced ^ 1M* a j4PINEAPPLE*.2NT°,r/3c * BLADE CUT LB. IJSDA CHOICE GRADE BEEP ROAST KABA HARK FRENCH'S 7-BONE CUT...55' ROUND BONE CUT LB 65C I PURE GROUNO I I IJSDA CHOICE GRADE BEEF FRESH LEAN MEATY CORK \YPIIP Q I 1 P V DCDDCD WBSTEAK —77 SPARE RIBS.-39' MKUK “AjL"I? V* _ FRESH I.F.AN CENTER KID CUTS 1 LB. A^t B<|( «At SLICED BACON S 29e PORK CHOPS.- 53' —47 * 13 29 BLUE BONNET MARGARINE..„.4™sPl PttONQ (DeLTnonbL Freth No. 303 Tin California SPINACH 4-69' I CUT GREEN BEANS. .. TOMATO PASTE.4™ 44' PINEAPPLE-ORANGE DRINK ““43' PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 39< j FRUIT COCKTAIL SLICED PEACHES \ BARTLETT PEARS GRAPEFRUIT _ IDAHO RUSSETS WASHES WOOLS L safelt BATH ROOM WOOL-O-LENE tissue “ — 79‘ 4 ““33* j <L)iLrYrU>nls/**fy'g'-n SUGAR PEAS SWE[THEART t*. UNIT L'”"d" UNIT* NIAGARA STARCH.“£39' LIQUID TREND. Cornbread ™WW01 rfllTy'rnUCVa^ Fricassee M BEADS O’BLEACH.'^43' LUHIf LURtl.fc piibex as.e459c •ooch?bmt - ^ CALGON iSSST,* oocch-bbih UKmmVim ConBreodMix23c nu-soft “ *•* rath packing B™ JACK & JILL COUPON « 33c B Sather Cookie Co. B FlILLY COOKED—READY TO EAT B t1 Q B PICK-ETTES . lb. 49c fl " ^ i PORK 23c I ISAItS 1 I P FULL POUND. 1 9 T B WIMMERS—ALL MEAT ^ B j WEINERS.2 lbs. 89c B “ B fi Gold-N-Rich B EGGS . doie" 29c I CAKE I ALL MEAT H II | \T Wj MINCED 43c B lYSIA 1 pure I PACKAGE . 1 ^■B Offer Expires Apri _GROUND BEEF.3 lbs...$1.00 Offer Expires April 6th BflB GOLDEN VALLEY GOLDEN VALLEY PORK & BEANS. 10 303-size cans $1.00 SLICED PEACHES .*. 4 No. 7l/2 cans $1.00 SNO CROP—Frozen GOLDEN VALLEY STRAWBERRIES.4 pkgs. $1.00 VEGETABLE SOUP. 8 cans $1.00