Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1958)
Lynch News Mr, and Mrs, Robert Lwhl of Soda Springs, Colo., spent thi weekend with tfie former's sister, Mrs. Dennis Kube, und tamiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Vein T rk. All- n and Donnie of Grass called at th* Frank Weeder home Fi ida;, Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Rub, and family attended the county iau a‘ Bloomfield Sunday, August 24, Frank Mati-jcek visited ul Al bert Kalkowski's Monday August 25. Mrs. Elta .Soul-:k and children returned here after spcmling th summer in California. Mr and Mrs. Ed May mi Duane of .Nioiiowi were Sunday dinner guests at the Dwivh Micanek horn Mr. and Mn Beryl Moody • family » anted at Henry \on* uses s near Vtfttal Thursday « v< tung. Mr and Mrs. Hilt Elsasser of Ainsworth spent the weekend her with relatives • Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stewart spent Tuesday evening, August 26, at the Dwight Micanek home. Mareeiyn Moody spent Tuesday and Wednesday , August 26--’7, w ith her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sixta and Roger also Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cizek and Mr. and Mrs Wayne Cizek and Joey were Sunday dinner guests at the Emil Micanek home. Mr. und Mrs. Leslie Stewart and sons returned Tuesday, August 26, from a trip through the Black Bills. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farran at Custer, S.D., while away. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Davy and family of Merna accompanied h> Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davy spent a week's vacation in Minnesota vis iting friends and relatives and fishing at the lakes They returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs Calvin Spencer of Texarkana, Tex., and the latter's mother, Mrs. Ben Gardner visited Mrs. Glayds Spencer during th.v August 23-24 weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Nolan spent Sunday evening at the Clarence Kolund home. Sally Shaw returned home from Phoenix, Ariz., where she had had employment. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiser returned home from Omaha last Saturday where Herman had a physical checkup. Mrs. Veldon Lee accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Holtz to Sioux City Friday where she un derwent a physical checkup. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Spencer and Mrs. Ben Gardner of Texar FEDERAL LAND BANK Loan Rate REDUCED ,0 A11 Land Bank loans now out standing at 5 percent also viB be reduced to 4y2% effective with the July 1 installment payment. We are proud to be nble to nelp farmers cut interest costa at a time when other farm expenses are at an all-time high. Now is the time to use a Land Bank loan to improve the effi ciency of your farming opera tion. See us for a Federal Land Bank Loan on Your Land Your cooperative . . . Elkhom Valley Association LYLE ULEHRS, 8oc. O’NEILL TRANSFER JOHN J. TURNER. Prop. Call Us for {prompt, Efficient Service DAILY direct service to and from Omaha Pick up & door-to-door Delivery in O’Neill Also: Emmet, Atkinson, Stuart, Bassett, Newport and Springvlew Moving our specialty — anywhere in Nebraska (U. S. and Canada by agents interline) If You’ve Get It — A Truck Brought It Your business will be appreciated Patronize a Home Owned and Operated Firm Phone: O Ne.ll 578 Omaha AT-0500 In Fairness to All... I FIRST COME ... FIRST SERVED Act NOW to be comfortable snap. Then your household can the first chilling morning that be SURE of a comfortable flow comes along. Call vour heating of heat the moment vou want appliance dealer or local it. We can service calls onlv in Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas the order in which they are Company manager today. Ask received. And we cannot serve that your furnace be chetkcd everyone on the first cold dav. and your pilot light lighted n. , NOW, before the big rush. 1 vour own comfort ... do call your heating apph We urge you to ask for th's ance dealer or local Kansas service BEFORE the first cold Nebraska office now! For Dependable GAS Service kana, Tex., also Mrs. Gladys Spencer spent Saturday afternoon at the Bill Stauffer home and at the Fred Spencer home Saturday evening and at Alford Davy's for a 8 p m. supper. Rev, and Airs, Paul Aleyers of the .Wesleyan Alethodist church left Sunday for North Platte where Reverend Meyers has a new pastoi ate, Mr. and Airs. Jake McuHer are f iamily i t turn--d fi me Saturday ; loni a w ek's visit with relatives in i.» aeh, N'-D. i he Rev Willard Lloyd urn family of S.ijiti.i, Kans., came Monday and Reverend Lloyd wtD be the new pastor of the Wesley if, Alethodist church here. The Norris Bjornsen family felt for their home ui California after a 10-day visit here with relatives. Mr. and Airs. Ai ic Brockemei. spent the weekend in Omaha vis jtuig the former's sister who had been in an automobile accident. Air. and Alia, Leslie Stewart at tended the play off baseball . m » at O’Neili. The Lynch Pee Wee * .won second in the all star tourna ment, , Mrs, Don Alien, Jill and Judd visited with Mrs. Albert Kalkow ski Wednesday afti rnoon. Frank Svolioda, sr,, of Davit', City spent the past week at Un Frank Svoboda home south east of town. Mr. and Mr-. Homer Tonne» and family spent last weekend with relatives in Scottsbluft Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woeder ami family also Carl Kayl of Spent- • and Mr. and Mrs Lee Blitzke- and family. Larry and Lyle Koenig of Wisner were Sunday supper guest; at the Ray Kayl home near Spen« cer. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Liska of Niobrara v isited at the Dwight Micanek home Thursday. Mrs. Beryl Moody called at the C. L. Haselhrst home Tuesday evening. The Wesleyan Methodist Cireli from Sunshine Bottom met with Mrs. Birger Thursday afternoon They presented Mrs. Paul Mey ers. the minister’s w-ife, with a gift. The Haselhorst family reunion Willi II 1» dll dlliiuui .11 i “II was ut-iW in the Niobrara state park Sunday. Relatives from Osmond, Ran dolph, Lynch, Butte, Verdel and O'Neill numbering alxiut sixty were present Harlene Holtz and Abbie Gray left Tuesday for Chadron where they plan to teach thin coining year. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Meyers left Sunday for North Platte where Reverend Meyers will be pastor of : the Wesleyan Methodist church I there. Mr. and Mrs Norman Kube and i Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kube of’ I Crofton were Wednesday, August 2t dinner guests at the Denis | Kube home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vomacka | and family and Mrs. Annie Vo macka of Gregory, S.D., and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kopeeky and family of Spencer were last Sunday vis* itors at the Ludwig Placek home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowsk1 visited Mrs. TilLie Novak at Bris* tow Wednesday evening, August 27. Mrs. Robert Courtney visited Mrs. Dwight Micanek Frday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Micanek and Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Johnson were Friday visitors at the Bery' Moody home. Rev. Willard Lloyd and family arrived Monday from Salina Kalis. Reverend Lloyd is the new Wesleyan Methodist minister here. Mrs. Leo Blitske and Lavlna Pele of Spencer visited at the Frank Weeder home Friday. Tuesday 6 o’clock dinner guests at the Iwslie Stewart home were Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Dickey of O'Neill also Mr. and Mrs. Lorii Micanek and Mr. and Mrs. R. M Ducker and family. Mrs. Gladys Spencer left Friday fol Denver Colo., for a few week’s visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs Alford Davy motored there with her and spent the weekend there Try Frontier want ads foi , quick results! The John K, Hollenbecks . . . to reside In Kentucky. Conita J. Bazelman, John R. Hollenbeck in August Nuptials At a 9:30 mass at St. Patrick's Catholic church in O'Neill on Sat urday . August 22, Miss Conita Joan Bazelman of Omaha, daugh ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Bazelman of O'Neill, was united in marriage to Sp-3 John R. (Jack) Hollenbeck of Ft. Camp bel, Ky., son of the late Mr and : Mrs. Harry Hollenback. Very Rev. Timothy O'Sullivan performed the double-ring cere mony before an altar decorated with garden cut flowers. Patrick Carr and James Sullivan wen acolytes. Given in marraige by her father, the bride appeared in a floor length gown fashioned of French lace and nylon net over taffeta. It featured a tight fitting bodice top ped with cap sleeves and a scal loped neckline of French lace dot ted with sequins. The bouffant skirt featured panels of French lace and nylon net over tiers ot ruffles and was worn over wide spreading hoops. She wore match ing gauntlets. A small hat held her fingertip illusion veil. She car | ried a lace covered prayer bool land a cascade bouquet of whitt j feathered carnations. She won I her grandmother’s pearl neeklaci and a sweetheart bracelet given t< I her by Mrs. John Melvin. She car ried out the old tradition of some thing old, something new, some thing borrowed, something blue | and a penny in her shoe. Miss Carlene Schoenle of Kan ' cas City was maid of honor. Miss Eunice Van Horn of O'Neill ant Miss Janice Brown of Omah were bridesmaids. All won matching dresses of blue and white nylon screen lace over taf feta featuring hands and bows at At • i re _i T..11 TU, , IUC UUU’IUI auu »uii *U. J wore white hats and gloves and carried cascade bouquets of white carnations. Debby Clements, cou sin of the bride, and Cathy Hol lenbeck, niece of the groom, were flower girls. They wore white play length nylon dresses featuring a tucked bodice trimmed with lace and rhinestone buttons and larg sash bows. They carried baskets of white carnations resting on a large blue how. The ring-bearer was Don Hildreth, cousin of the bride. He was dressed in a blue suit and carried the rings on ;■ satin pillow trimmed with lace. Serving as Mr. Hollenbeck's best man was Larry Fox of O Neill. His attendants were Bei' Bazelman, cousin of the bride, an Tom Langan, both of O'Neill. The bridegroom and his attendants wore blue shades of business suit • and carnation boutonnieres. Ush ers were Ronnie Hollenbeck, nep hew of the bridegroom and Steve and Roy Fox of Em met. They wore dress ed in white shirts and dark trous ers and wore Usher cards made ( by Sister Maxine The bride's mother chose a yel low linen dress with yellow and white accessories. Mrs. Wayne 1 Fox. wore a powder blue linen dress with white accessories. Mrs. Harry HoUenback wore a navy linen dress with navy and white : : accessories. Mrs. R. R. Reed, grandmother of the bride, wore a lavender print dress with white ; accessories. All wore corsages of white carnations. Miss Sharlene Shoemaker of O' Neill accompanied Miss Bonnij Bunval who sang "Ave Maria , "Pams Angelieus”, "O Lord I am not Worthy and "On This Day" as the luide placed flowers beforo the altar of the Blessed Mother. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Town House for about 150 guests. Mrs. Frank Reed of Lincoln, aunt of the bride, cut the wedding cake baked by Mrs. Homer Ernst. The four-tier cake was decorated with wedding bells, white roses and blue forget-me nots and topped with a cross and open prayer book decorated with blue forget-me-nots on one side and the names "Connie and Jack on the other. Miss Hilda Desieve of Atkinson poured. Mrs. Lyle Trease of Lincoln and Mrs. Ben Bazelman of O'Neill, cousins of the bride, and Miss Donna Hen rich of Omaha, had charge of the gift table. Miss Delores Semin of Omaha took care of the guest book. The Misses Kay McCarthy, Ellen Donohue, Jean Schoenle, Lorna Marcellus, Mrs. Duane Lin denberg and Mrs. David Maughan seVved. Mrs. Hollenback is a graduate of St. Mary’s academy at O’Neill |nd of the Commercial Extension School of Commerce at Omaha. Since March she has been employ ed with the Northern Natural Gas Company in Omaha. Mr. Hollen beck is a graduate of the O’Neill high school. He is in the 101st Airborne Division of the Armed Service and is now stationed at Ft. Campbell, Ky. The bride chose a blue and white linen-like rayon dress with blue and white accessories for travel After a short wedding tin they will leave for Ft. Campbell. Ky.. where they will make their home while he is in the service. Out of town guests were from Lincoln. Orchard, Omaha, Ewing, Brunswick, Page. Atkinson, Tek amah Elgin, Amelia, Emmet, Burwell, Bristow, Pilger, Stanton. Sargent, Tilden, Creighton, Has tings, Chambers, Spencer, Kansas City, Kans , and Galva, la. 0 Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thorin of Cheyenne Wyo., arrived Saturda relatives in the Chambers O’Neill and Ewing localities Their 14-year-old twin sons, Rich ard and Ronald who had been spending the summer with Ihcn grandparents, Mrs. and Mia Frank Smith near Ewing, return ed to Wyoming with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donohoe* 0i Minden spent the weekend Win relatives here. Mr. Donohoe is assistant manager ot the J. jvi McDonald store there. Mrs. Dono hoe has contracted to teach rural school near Minden. Mr. and Mrs. V.,J. Towle of Nor folk and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rid dell of Denver, Colo., were Sun day visitors here. Both couples are former O’Neill residents. Mrs Riddell is the former Miss Time KestenhoUz of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Kevitt and child ren of California were Wednesday August 20 supper guests of .Mr. and Mrs Richard Minton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrow were weekend guests recently ol Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donohoe ot Minden. Miss Carolyn Moseman of Omit ha spent labor day weekend w'ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moseman. Miss Marion left on , Monday to attend Commercial Ex- i tension school in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Rynold Kaczor of Spencer were Monday. August 23. I guests of Mrs. Minnie Bay. Mr. and Mrs. George Mumm at tended the Knox county fair in i Bloomfield Sunday, August 24 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Littn 1 and baby with Mrs. Don Littrel of Ohadron recently visited with Mr, and Mrs. William MacKinlny. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monuments from the factory to the con sumer.—Emmet Crabb, O’Neill. Merrymix club met Tuesday August 26 with Mrs. II L. Lind herg at a 1:30 dessert luncheon. High scores went to Mrs. Arlo Hiatt and Mrs. Paul Shierk. Mrs. Hiatt was a guest. Mr and Mrs. John Gsenbaucb and family of Burnell were Sun day, August 24 guests of his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Oson I nigh. Mrs. Robert Clements and fam ily departed Sunday to visit her Mr and Mrs. E. Gur ule. in Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Boh McLeish and boys of Correction', ilie, la., were reecnt guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLeish. Miss Ella Mae Paul Bride of Missourian At a candlelight ceremony at 7:30 pm. Friday. August 29, at the Assembly erf God church. Mis Gila Mae Paul ami James Teubet . tn marriage. Miss Paul it th daughter of Rev. and Mrs R ert Paul of the Assembly of G< church here. Mr. Teubcr ts the son of Rev and Mrs Andrew Teubcr c Springfield fhe lathers of the couple pertor* med the double-ring ceremony he tore two large baskets ol pink iadioli. Given in marriage by I iidler, the bride appeared m a ava with a bouffant skirt of i ton illusion over satin with . i impel train. 1 w as i imm with lat a medallions, pearls ai milestones. The lace bodice fe i turetl a high neckline outline with sequins • it had long iapeftgu sleeves. Her fingertip veil of il his ion was caught by a small ha of matching lace trimmed wit I carls She wore pearls, whirl, were a gift from the bridegroom, she earned removable enrsa , of pmk sweetheart roses on a 1 1 able. Miss Jane Peters of McCook vv maid-of-honor- The Misses lam ice Teubcr ol Spi ingfield, a sish i ot the bridegroom, and Shari i Burry ol Minatare^ were brides maids. They appeared in iden tical brocade satin gowns with bouffant skirts, V-neeklines and short sleev es. Miss Peter's govv: was pastel green and the othn were pastel pink. They came colonial bouquets of pink earna tions and wore rhinestone neck laces which were gifts from tin bride They wore small hats an matching veils. Candlelighters were Miss Ann i TY»nhr»r of iplrl n sisfpr nf ! the bridegroom, and Jerry Brock man of Emmet. Miss Tueber wore a green brocade gown like the other attendants. . She wore a wristlet of pink carnations. Vicki Wetzler of Verdigre was flowergirl. Her brother, James, was ringbearer. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. AdolpI Wetzler. Little Vicki was dress ed like a miniature bride with a gown styled like the bride’s ir white. She carried a basket of garden flowers. Bestman was Gary Gardner or Springfield. Ushers were William Jay of Minartare, Howard Caugh ron of Drummond, Tenn., Ken neth Perkins of Springfield, r brother-in-law of the bridegroom and Gary Dickinson of Grand Is land. All the men attendants, in eluding the ringbearer. wore white jackets and dark trousers Mrs. Roscoe Leach of Grand ( Island played the traditional wed ding music on the organ and ac companied her husband, Rever and Leach, who sang “Oh Prom ise Me” and “The Wedding Pray er”. Mrs. Paul, the bride’s mother wore a two-piece beige suit with blue accessories. Her corsag was of pink carnations and roses Mrs. Teuber wore a beige dress with blue accessories and had a corsage like that of the bride'* mother. A reception followed in the Methodist church basement. The decorations were pink and green. Talang charge of the gifts were Miss Marian Rosenkrans, Miss Ruth Young and Miss Vernetta Krogh. Miss Judy Cathers of St Petersburg, Fla., had charge of the guest book. A great aunt of the bride, Mrs. William Hoffman ! of Akron, la., cut the cake. Ser : ving were Mrs. Delbert Rouse We are continuing our SEIBERLING Sumwet mmmiiM Brand new first line tire $9 QQ only. i*7” when you buy one tire at price listed below Tl BE-TYPE TTBELESS List Price List Price List Price List Price 1 Tire 1 Tire 1 Tire ] Tire Black White* Black’ White* 528.25 534.60 534.95 539.15 31.35 38.40 .35.00 42.90 34.25 41.95 38.35 47.00 15 37.65 46.10 42.70 52 30 SAME TYPE SALES OX II” SIZES Plus Tax and Recappable Casings ; SIEBERING SAFETY TIRE Buy one at regular price $g* Get 2nd for only. W - I I SAFETY TUBE Tl BELESS List Price List Price List Price List Price SIZE 1 Tire 1 Tire 1 Tire • 1 Tire Black* White* Black White* 6.70-15 $33.25 $40-70 $37.60 $46.05 7.10-15 36.90 45.20 41.20 50.50 7.60-15 40.30 49.35 45.10 55.30 8.00-15 44.30 54.25 50.25 61.55 SAME TYPE SAEE OX It” SIZES Plus Tax and Recappable Casings SEE YOl li SEIBEKLINCi DEALER SOON'! SUPPLY LIMITED! GILLETTE & SON, Chambers ROTHERHAM SERVICE, Ewing MIIXTTY MOTORS, Atkinson WEEK SUPER SERVICE, Naper VVINTZ SINCLAIR SERVICE, Creighton HANSON FARM. EQUIPMENT, Both KEMPS SERVICE, Niobrara LYNCH STANDARD SERVICE, Lynch II. E. BARTON SERVICE, Orchard 1 OX REPAIR, Newport CHET & KENS, Verdigre j . . . popular SPORT SHIR 1 S for Dad and Lad as low as $2 95 JACKETS . . Windbreakers, Par- I kas. Suede Leather, Suburbans. Also a large selection of work jackets. I ■ • ky Buckaroo, Levi s, Key Saddle Kings. 9-oz., 10-oz., 13%-oz. and i Ayroz. . . . polished cottons, rayon and orlon and all-wool. Ideal for students ** . . . just received ... a new, complete line by MUNSINGWEAR UNDERWEAR . . Shirts, Shorts, | | Union Suits. Sizes to fit shorties, regulars I and longs. | SUITS & |TOPCOATS ...„ . i * ol Coats just received. Shop early vv ile there’s a complete selection. We I again will feature styles and sizes for high | school students. ii ■■■iniirw ai, him ; Shon Early and Save at.., I ; McCARVILLES | i and Mrs. James Paul Teuber . . , leaving the altar at the Vssemhlv of (dal following candlelight nuptials.—The Frontier Photo Mrs. Ad 1 Walters and Mrs el W cppel of Ewing. Mrs. And* son poured the e,li fe and Mrs. Gene Libby of Omaha served the punch. Sen ing ice cream were Mrs Do Lineback and Miss I-orene Wit der. Mrs. Teuber wore a white sheatT brocade dress with pink acees sories and a corsage of small pink sweetheart roses for her Aedding trip to the Lake of th Ozarks in Missouri. They re turned to their home on the cam aus of Evangel college in Spring field, Mo.. Tuesday, September 2, Mrs Teuber is a graduate of Vfitchell high school, class o! L956 and completed a year at Evangel college. She will be cm ployed at the college in an office Mr. Teuber is a graduate Central high school in Springfield dass of 1954. and is a junior slu dent at Evangel college, major ing in accounting. LI'NDBKRB MEMORIAL (Creighton) Admitted: Mrs. Joe Fuchtnvi jf Creighton, Charles Chochlousek of Verdigre, Mrs. Warren Witt of Creighton. Mike Wagner of Creigh ton, Diana Blair of Creighton Debby Blair of Creighton, Tim othy Knuth of Royal, Mrs. Elsie Peklo of Niobrara. Dismissed: Mrs. Fred Gatz an daughter of Niobrara, Mrs. Carl Ganz and daughter if Winnetoon Mrs. Melvin Kotrous and daughtc of Verdigre, Adolph Hanefeldt of Center, Sheryl Skokan of Verd igre. Mrs. Lloyd Forsell and (laughter of Neligh, Charles Choc holousek of Verdigre, Mike Wag ner of Creighton, Diana Blair cd Creirhton, Debby Blair of Creigh ton, Timothy Knuth of Royal. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox were Miss Lorna Marcedus of Lincoln. Mrs. Bill Kelly. Gary and Janelle Belzer and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and family of Emmet. Mss Lou Ann Fritton of St. Catherine’s school of nursing in Omaha was a guest from Friday night until Tuesday of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Fritton. Ik' *■ I TIM!;... AT McCARVILLES CIJACC llllvtj. . a complete department I of SHOES for every member of the fam- 1 dy. Styles to fit every need in popular prices O'Neill Locals Mrs. H. L Undberg and Car olyn left Tuesday for Lincoln where Miss Carolyn entered Ne braska Wesleyan university for her second year Mrs Lindl>erg \ (sited Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wil moth during her stay in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cuddy and Steve attended the Neider heide reunion Sunday at t h e George Jeffries home at Ewing. Frank. Sadie ami Carolyn Ken nedy of Omaha were weekend ut sts of their brother, John, at the Mrs. Edna Coyne home. Jerry Morgan of Atkinson was a four-day guest last week at the Dsinanl Davis home. Carol Bridge and Carol Jean Sparks of Grand Island were last Thursday ml Friday guests, . Mrs John Robinson. Mrs. John i Sadie Weeks and Jennie i mt- • do were Wednesday, Aug ust i. guests of Mrs, F, J, Dish icr. They were enivute to their home at Hampton, la., after a trip to Billings, Mont. Harry Vaughan u n d David Welch of South Dartmouth, Mass., were Wednesday. August 27, ov rniglit guests of the Ray Eby ..unity. They were euroute to Koeky Mountain national park and will arrive this weekend tor .1 longer - isit, Mr. Vaughan was a scientist here with the 1953 and i9ati windtests. . 1 Jeffrey and Randy Eymann spent from Thursday until Sun day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Springer at Oakdale, re turning home Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L Ey mann. Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin re turned Sunday from a two weeks vacation in Glacier Park in Mon tana and also points in Canada. Money To Loan! Household Goods, Personal Property, Gars, Trucks, * arm Equipment LOW ItATES HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company