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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1958)
( FOR SALE Tliiele's Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2 M miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SALE: Fancy new crop Blue grass seed one to 10 lbs., 50c, I over 10-lbs. 45c. IJoyd Gibson, V* mi. E. of sale barn, O’Neill. ! 17-22pd Cornpicker Bargains NEW AND USED, General Imp lement and Farmrite, one- and two-row, pull-type or mounted. New Deal Oil Co. TONY ASIMUS O'Neill - Phone 392 19-21C 1 For Sale! TOP PRODUCING Wisconsin and Minnesota bred, fresh and heavy springers at all times Me mile south of Ewing Rud ie Juracek 11-22c Surge Dairy Equipment COMPLETE line of parts Dill ion Sales & Service, Ixtng Pine, j phone 2127, or Harvey Tomp kins, Inman 9tf FOR SALE: No. C two-row New) Idea cornpicker, $200,00. — Al bert Wasson, Atkinson, phone 7838. 18tf | FOR SALE: 1946 lMi ton Chevro, It'l II Ul IV Will I MUt l\ IttUIV.-^ John P. Conway, O'Neill. 19-21 p85 Machinery Bargains 2—1948 J-D B tractors 2—1946 H Farmall tractors 1955 Fort! %-ton pickup SEVERAL 450 diesel Farmall trac tors, new, special prices. 1951 Farmall C tractor, reverse. with sweep head. ON HAND the new 2-M Interna tional two row com pickers. Storjohann Equipment BUR WELL FOR SALE OR RENT: Gross Cash Store. Building, fixtures and Stock. Quitting business in the near future due to health condition. Good opportunity for right party. Phone 7924 or con tact — J. J. Ixiukota, Gross, Nehr. 18-19p MACHINERY Farmall 100 1948 MD Farmall 1947 Farmall II 1941 Farmall M 1941 Farmall H 10-ft. VanBrundt drill 15-ft. disc IHC Rye drills IHC corn binder Selection of Cornpickers Harvey sheller John Deere Mill Harvey mill DON'T FORGET IHC Field day, at Ainsworth Friday, September 5 APPLIANCES Freezer bargains IHC - Gehl - RCA Whirlpool Shelhamer Equip. Co. O'NEILL. NEBR.__ FOR SALE: Two super deluxe air cushion nylon tires, 8.20-15 4-nlv. Practically new. Priced $35.00.— Elmer Hagensica, w Neill, Phone 538-R. FOR SALE: 1956 Ford Victoria. fullv equipped.—Bernard Lorenz, O’Neill, phone 18F11. 18tf CURTISS CALVES are tattooed for future identification. All breed associations must follow this practice. It is cheaper to raise your own replacements. Your CURTISS technician to Duane Gray, phone 470, O’NeUL loti See Us Today for — New 2-row pull-type compickers MM & New Idea (in transit) Wm. Krotter Co. O’Neill - Spencer - Stuart 18tf AU. KINDS of light trucking any time—Roy Shull. O’Neill, phone 517-J, 18-20p85c Mobile Trailer Homes BE SITRE and see our Trailers and prices and terms before you >>uv. We trade for furniture or Automobiles or anything mov able. Up to 5 yrs. on unpaid bal ances. We deliver any place. New 59 Travel Trailer 5745 New 59 36-ft.-8-wide - 52995 New 59 42-ft.-8-wide - 53595 New 59 30-ft .-10-wide - 53045 New 59 36-ft.-10-wide - 53495 New 59 46-ft-lO-wide- 53995 New 59 50-ft.-10-wide — 54495 LARGE STOCK of Used Trailers in various sizes and prices. IF WE do not offer you a better deal than anyone else we will not expect you to deal with us. Tell us what you can do and we will try and deal with you. Open Evenings Sc Sundays Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. 15tf Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neil] CORNPICKERS New J.D 227 compickers USED PICKERS include J-D 200 226, Oliver single-row. Woods Bros, single-row. Farm Rite two-row. TRACTORS— 48 A J-D '48 B J-D 44 B J-D 1840 A J-D 40 B J-D No. 62 International combine J-D Tilers M-M 14-ft. grain drill, good con dition Plows, all sizes 5- No. 9 IHC trail mowers with hitches No. 24 IHC mower, like new. No. 5 J-D mowers PLYMOUTH AND JDD BINDER TWINE FOR SALE: Metal clarinet with case, used alxnit 3 months.— Mrs. Merle DeLong. Inman 18-211 iS") FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock Select your color.— Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16,50 a ton; American $20 50 a ton; white block 75c Located 3 hlks. on st, 4 blks north of traffic li"ht Everett Gorgan, Ph 164, O'Neill. 51 tf ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEW7NG MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We m dersell anybody in price snd outsell anybody in quality. O’NEILL, NEBR PH. 269 52tf YOU CAN get the money the same day you borrow it from mo _.P H Pnrkor O'lMotll Nebr. 3tf. SEWING MACHINE REPAIR: Our serviceman will be in this area the week of Sent. 15. For service in vour home write MODERN SEWING MACHINE CENTER. 2415 Leavenworth. Omaha 5, Nebr. 19c Combine Bargains! 1 1958 No. 92 Self-propelled 14-ft. cut. 1 1956 No. 6 Pull type with motor, 8-ft. cut. 1—1952 No 27 Self-propelled, 14-ft. cut. Pickups for all if wanted New Deal Oil Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 18-19c SEE ITS for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes. 25% down, 5% int , up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf; ROOM AND BOARD for high school girl. Private room near bath and all meals in exchange for baby sitting and light house work after school.—Mrs. Dwight Worcester, phone 530, O’Neill. _ 18-19c FOR DITCH DIGGING service sewers, water service or foot ings.—See. O. E Davidson. Phone 126, O’Neill. 47tf FARM LOANS.—R. H. Parker. 3tf TOR SALE: Aeromotor windmills, towers. Stock tanks, all sizes, pressure systems.—Clifford So botka, Inman, phone 435. 52tf. SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or write us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no .1.11_At_ uuugauuii. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. SEWING MACHINE BARGAIN: 1958 model, all attachments, 6 payments $6.20. Write P.O. Box 14 Station B, Omaha 5, Nebr. 19c WANTED EXPERT Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’NeiD IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O'Neill, Nebr. 34tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days. Monday. Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562. phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO.. O’Neill 3 blks W & 3 Vi blks N stoplight lltf Opportunity Man or Women RESPONSIBLE person from this area, to service and collect from automatic dispensers. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and $800.00 work ing capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets up to $300.00 monthly. Possibility full - time work. FOR LOCAL interview give phone and particulars. Write United Sales & Mfg Co., Dept. S, 5922 Excelsior Blvd., Min neapolis 16, Minn. 19p HELP WANTED: Young woman wanted for part - time or full time office work. — The Fron tier, O'Neill. 19c TOWN OR FARM women want ed. Make extra money in you? own locality—Write P. O. Box 1904 Lincoln. 19. MONEY TO LOAN cm farms, ranches and town residential property.—The O'Neill Company, Virgil Laursen, O'Neill, phone 434. 13tf. WANTED! DRY CTJEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pi cl up and Delivery! 47ctf COMPLETE AERIAL spraying and dusting service. Custom seed harvesting and a complete line of chemicals for sale All work 100% guaranteed.—Bruce Fletcher or Ed Butterfield, Or chard, Nebr., phone TW 3-3686. 3tf. DO YOU want to borrow money on your City Property or on your Farm or on your Ranch? I have Eastern Money and I have private money to loan.— ‘ See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr 3tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: All modem 2-bed room house, close in. Lawrence Jonas, O’Neill, 115 West Clav st. 18-19p60 FOR RENT: Two bedroom house, close in. Phone 376, O’Neill. 18-19p60 HOUSE FOR RENT: Inquire Pete Petersen, O'Neill, phone 49-W. 18tf EOR RENT’ About ftentpmber 6 furnished upstair 4-room apart ment. Also 3-room basement apartment. Heat and hot water furnished. — Marie L. Crook, 129 E. Clay st., phone 38S-J, I O’Neill. 18-20c FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — j Phone 537, O'Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: A house, .-rooms I and bath —Call phone 537, O’ Neill. 8tf FOR RENT: Nice three-room un furnished basement apartment j with shower and laundary. Close to school. $25.00 per mo.—Roy Shull, ph. 517-J, O’Neill. 18-19p70, FOR RENT: Storage space. — Phone 505, O’Neill. 37tf FOR RENT: Modern apartment. —A. E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas, O’Neill, phone 515. 12tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms with outside entrance. Close in. — Mrs. Ada Spangler, O’Neill. 18-19p60 FOR RENT: Three - room apart ments on ground floor. $27 per month. Vi block north of New Deal Oil Co. — Tony Asimus. O’Neill, phone 510. 19tf MISCELLANEOUS L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. T AWM IWOWTTP rpnnirlntr Alsn repair parts for Lawson — Reo | —Clinton. DRAGLINE WORK! Sewer Drainage, Dam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work! E. J. (Skip) Shane ATKINSON, NEBR 51-20 FOR REASONABLE* prices try IX)IS FERN BEAUTY SHOPPE 2 blks. west of postoffice. Can serve you days or evenings by appointment or without. 10-19pd NEED MONEY? WHEN YOU need money for any purpose, see Virgil Laursen at the O’Neill Loan Co., O’Neill, phone 434. 13tf Wick's BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf CARDS of THANKS WE WANT to thank everyone for the kindness shown us, fav ors done for us and gifts we received. May God bless you all. — Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mud loff and family. 19p50 CHURCH OF CimiST (Fwingl Jim Caton, minister Sunday, September 6: Worship service, “Can a Person Once Saved Ever be Lost?”, 10 a.m.; Rible study. James cpt. 5, 11 a.m . Evening youth service, 6:30 p.m.; evening worship service, 1 Com i ians, 5th chapter, 8 p.m. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Dwelling. 2 lots, all modem 5-room with bath. 3 bedrooms, gas heat, sewer and water, for quick sale bargin, owner leaving town, $6,000.00.— P. C. Donohoe, O'Neill. 13tf MOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT: All modem. 3 bedrooms, cor ner lot. -Phone 558-J, O’Neill. 16-19p FOR SALE: 4-room house and other out buildings on 2Vt lots. Minnie Sanders, O’Neill, box 566 14tfL FOR SALE: 3 bedroom home in Northheights, $9750. — K i e t h Abart. O’Neill 52tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THOR1N Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 O’Neill Amelia News Mr, and Mrs. Asa Watson, Roth, Joyce, Sharon and Mrs. Rollie Everetts went to Omaha Tuesday of last week. Miss Beth Watson entered business college there and was making prepara tions. She started school Tuesday Mrs. George Fullerton and Phillis and Mrs. Harold Fuller ton, Joan and Beth went to Grand Island Thursday. They took Mrs. George Fullerton’s noice, Elaine Spiith, there enroute to her home in Lancaster, Calif, Elaine had l>een visiting here about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Mrs. Delia Ernst attended the funeral of John McAallister in Atkinson Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Orland Fryrear were Sioux City visitors Wed nesday, August 27. Sam Gilman recently purchas ed a new deep freeze. John Zin kon also purchased a combina tion refrigerator and freezer re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and sons, Roger, Bruce and Larry and daughters, Darla and Debra went to Denver, Colo., Friday >>rt/1 \Mcifnrl r\\ tVm tt'nolronH with her mother, Mrs. Frank Searles and family, and with the Harold Waldo family. Mrs. Wal do’s brother, Bob Friedrich and family of Albuquerque, N.M., al so planned to be there. Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie, and Mrs. Blake Ott were O’Neill callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rees, Mari lyn, Julie, James and Ruby of Denver, Colo., visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Matt hauser at Burwell and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees at Amelia over the Labor day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slaymak er and Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fix and family, all of Scotts bluff spent the weekend at the parental Elmer Fix and Alice Prewitt homes. Mrs. Frank Ryschon and her daughter, Mrs. Jerd Dove of Valentine visited Wednesday and Thursday at the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and were here to attend the bridal shower for their cousin, Mrs. Dick Brau. Miss Myrtle White plans to leave this weekend for Green ville, 111., where she will be a junior in the college there. Page News Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dorr and family left Sunday, August 24, for Lamberton, Minn., where they will visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford French. From there they will go to Cameron and Che tak in Wisconsin, where they for merly residenced and will proceed to the upper peninsula of Michigan where they will spend a few days camnine out before checkine in at their Lapeer home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frels arrived Friday for the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyrr French, sr. That evening they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Mer wyn French, jr., and Juliann and the Duane Dorr family of Lapeer Mich., for a steak fry. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson visited the Clare Anderson family Friday, August 22. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. John Curry of Kansas City, Mo., arrived Tues day for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker, un til the end of the week . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker and Susan of Omaha spent Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Zastrow. The Bakers were in Venus visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Falhauber. Mr Baker returned to work and Mrs Baker and daughter stayed for a longer visit. Phone us your news—51! Hospital Notes VTKlNSON memorial Admitted: August 26- Mrs. Raj« mond Schaaf of Atkinson, med ical; Bradley Kemick of Atkinson-, medical; Mrs. Charles Skopec of Stuart, surgical; Linda Shaw o> Bassett, obstetrical; 27 Millard Ellenwood of Atkinson, medical; Hugh O'Connor of Atkinson, medi cal; 28 Mrs Edward Albrecht of Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Amelia Wewel of Stuart, medical; 29 > Norman Desieve of Stuart, sur gical; Mrs. Robert Steven of O' Neill, obstetrical: 36 Mrs, Joh i Huffman of Bassett, obstetrical: Pamela Sue Dowling of Atkinson: Tamela Jean Dowling of Atkin son; Richard Pospichal of Atkin son, medical; Mrs. Mike L. Seh* aaf, sr., of Atkinson; 31 — Billy Schrunk of Arvada, Colo , medi cal; September 1 Mrs. August Pospichal of Atkinson, medical. Dismissed: August 26 Mr Guy Cadwallader of Stuart; 27 Mrs. Raymond Schaaf of Atkin- i son; Mrs. Harold Vrooman and' daughter; 29 Hugh O'Connor of Atkinson; 30 Norman Desieve of Stuart: Linda Shaw of Bassett; H Gruenberg of Atkinson; Mrs Elmer Allyn and daughter of Stuart; Millard Ellenwood of At kinson; Mrs. Ed Kramer o! Stuart; 31 Mrs. Edward Alhrech* of Atkinson; September 1 Billy ! Schrunk of Colorado. Hospitalized: I ah' Anderson of Long Pine, Mrs. Amelia Wewel of Stuart, R. Pospichal of Atkinson Mrs. Robert Steven and son of O’Neill. Mrs William Possnecke' of Atkinson. Bradley Kemick of Atkinson. Mrs. Mike Schaaf of \tkinson Mrs. C. Skopec of Atkin son. Henry Stolte of Atkinson Mrs. John Hoffman of Bassett Mrs. August Pospichal of Atkin son. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Dismissed: Miss Joyce Budde of Sioux City, la.. Miss Marlene Budde of Sioux City', la., Larry Budde of Sioux City, la., Virgil Fowler of South Sioux City, Baby Julie Sieler of Lynch, Emil Luth of Butte, Larry Bowers of Bris tow Mrs. William Layh of Nap er, Howard Wells of Redbird, Ladimer Scheinost of Bristow, Mrs. Josie Scheinost of Spencer, iviiss L-aineniif nit'iuitui ui uuut, Bernard Carlstedt of Omaha, Mrs. Mary Wesely of Butte. Hospitalized: Ivan Stevenson of Fairfax, S.D., Mrs. Mary Classen of Spencer, Mrs. Carl Gnewuch of Norfolk, Mrs. Lena Connot of Spencer, Mrs. Vera Lewis of But te, Harry Lewis of Monowi, Baby Kelley Mitchell of Butte, Clarence Moody, sr., of Lynch, William Sheldon of Spencer, Mrs. Elmer Torbert of Crescent City, Calif., Eddie Weber of Butte. Laura Marie Oetter Weds William Lyons At a 7 a.m., double-ring cere mony in the First Methodist church. Miss Laura Marie Oetter of O'Neill became the bride of William D. Lyons on Sunday, August 31. • Miss Oetter is the daughter of Ben Oetter and Mrs. Rita B. Pike both of Omaha. Mr. Lyons is the <on of Mr. and Mrs. Don Lyons of O'Neill. Rev. Glenn Kennicott, pastor of Methodist church of O’Neill of ficiated. For her wedding, the bride ap peared in a light blue accordian pleated dress with a blue satin cummerbund. She wore beige ac cessories and a red rose corsage. Maid of honor was Miss Helen Marie Rakes of O’Neill. She wore a beige dress featuring a dark brown cummerbund and white accessories. A corsage of pink carnations completed her outfit. Andrew J. Goeden of O’Neill was bestman. A dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don O. Lyons by Mr. and Mrs. Lyons and Mr. ana Mrs. w. u. j-yons. Mrs. Lyons is a 1957 graduate of O’Neill high school. Mr. Lyons attended O’Neill high school and is employed by the Fox Brother's Hay Co. The couple is making their home in O’Neill. Arrive from Minneapolis — Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beha and Billy of Minneapolis, Minn., arriv ed Saturday and spent until Tues day with his brother and his wife Mr. and Mrs,. Paul Beha. ____ Young Players l eted This is a portion of the O'Neill's throng of Midget, Pecwoe and Junior Legion hasehall play ers who were hosted last Thursday evening in Ford’s park hy Simonson post 93 of the Amer ican Legion. The outdoor barbecue signaled the formal close of the season. The Merri l>r Pep p-?r Bottling company provided soft drinks free for the tribe. The Frontier Photo. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Korina and daughters of Creighton attended the Berigan-Joyce nnpitals Satur day. TIIE I’llll.K' IS INMTEII TO VITI NII V SKIilKS OF ILLUSTRATED LECTURES IN ATKINSON By Alt I'lll It F. l.IBBS Missionary of This Area Sunday, Sept. 7 Topic: "GOG AND MA GOG”. The prophecy of Ezek iel, Chapter 38 and 39, will he illustrated so you can under stand. Wednes., Sept. 10 Topic: "THE FOUR HORSE MEN OF THE APOCALYS PE” or the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelations. Lectures Will Begin at 7:45 p.m. ATKINSON MISSION REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Big Spuds Rill Steskal (above), who lives northeast of Atkinson, l'elieves in raising large pota toes. These fellows tip the beam at one pound (left i and one pound 10 ounces (right). - The Frontier Photo. Mr. and Mrs. James Havran ek sr, Mrs. Dorthy Barrett, Mr. and Mrs L. Havran ek and Larry, of Atkinson, Mrs.’ Anton Jirak and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek and family O’- : Neill, Mary Fuhrer, Shirley ahd ! Kenny and Larry Kahler of Lin coln were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Havranek. Melon Grows in Jug Leonard Blain. 12 (above), son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blaine of the Middlebranch community, Saturday was ex hibiting a watermelon that had been grown within a one-gallon jug. This spring a young mel on was placed within the jug. Friday he severed the captive melon from the vine. He said he took precaution during the summer to shelter the jug from the sun's hot rays. The experi ment is on display at the Mont gomery Hardware. — The Fron tier Photo. Visitors Here — Sunday, August 24, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Van Every and Carolyn and Miss Geary all of Norfolk. Spending from Friday until Mon day with the Van Everys were Mr and Mrs. Virgil Johnson and three sons of Lincoln. They also visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Johnson. Go to Lincoln — Gordon and Raymond Fox left Sunday for Lincoln. Gordon will attend rush week at the Uni versity of Nebraska, while Ray mond will attend the fair. The A E. Dawes family will bring Raymond home. Last Thursday overnight guests of Frank O'Donnell were a former employer and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hundahl and her mother, Mrs. Moline of Dallas. Tex. They had been on a trip to the coast. ; School Supplies > ^ Gilligan REXALL Drug is The place to ) buy all your School Supplies—Everything ) ^ for the student. } • Zipper Notebooks h • History Paper • Typing Paper I ^ • Dictionaries k . • Esterbrook Fountain Pens with your choice of Points r • Esterbroek Cartridge Ink Pens—your choice of points k t • Bail Pens—including Seripto, Papermate, Parker Jotter * • Pencils | ^ • Notebooks ^ • Shorthand Notebooks | , Remember, Gilligan Rexall Drug is THE place to buy all ) ( your School Supplies. , 4 _ * ^ (jl, f Fall Savings on Cara Nome 1 f Save $1.00 Cara Nome Facial Creams—Skin Cream, Cold . g Cream, or Special Dry Skin Cleansing Cream, 714 oz. reg. $2.50 9 1 —now just $1.25 k 4 Save one-half! Cara Nome Hormone Cream—Contains 10,000 * ^ international units of natural estrogenic hormone per ounce. Reg I ^ $2.00 now only $1.00 I Save one-half; Cara Nome Deodorant Cream—assures 9 | positive protection from bath to bath, 2-oz. jar. reg. $1.00 now a g 50c. 9 d - * Double A Auctions ATKINSON’S MARKET REPORT: Tuesday, September 2, auc tion. Cattle of all classes shared in the reception of higher prices and continued strong demand. Fall calves again topped the sale at $32 90, other calves including spring calves eligible to bring from $32.00 to $35.00 cwt.; heifers from $28.50 to $31.50. Not enough yearling steers to test the market. However, small groups sold up to $27.80 , with the bulk of the yearling heifers from $24.00 to $26.50. A particularly active cow and bull market saw the best beef cows move at. $17.50 to $18.75 with cutters at $16.00 to $17.35. Canner kinds sold at $14.50 to $16.00 cwt. Bulls were mostly $19.00 to $21.25. Next Auction Tuesday, September 9: We will have in the neighborhood of 1,000 cattle. If you have some you want to include in this spec ial sale, let us know as soon as possible so that we might include them in our Sunday paper ads. Atkinson Livestock Atkinson, Nebr. < NEW FROM REXALL!! * | GOLDEN DEW MOISTURE CREAM AND GOLDEN OIL— " . For Deep Cleansing. Actually carry moisture into the skin to ) f help keep complexion supple, dewy-fresh, 4-oz. size $3.50: 2-oz. * g size $2.00 P " Rcxjiil NORMETS—Safe mostening agent gently aids nat- | g ural regularity. Non-laxative; not habit-forming. 30 for 98c " Rex all THRU JEL—Now in addition to the familiar liquid P g form, we have greaseless THRU JEL. Gets deep inside aching . £ muscle tissue to kill pain where it hurts. Won’t irritate the skin- P I guaranteed to give results, just $1.49 a 4 I ^ -- — k i VETERINARY NEEDS f g W | For all your Animal Health Needs, come to Gilligan t I REXALL Drug. We carry a complete line of penicillin, pen- " " icillan-dihydrostreptomycin, vaccines, injectables, and animal k 4 medications. Make Gilligan REXALL Drug your headquarters * for all your Veterinary Needs. ) * PRESCRIPTIONS I The next time your doctor gives you a prescription, take it ) | to Gilligan K EX ALL Drug to be filled bv one of our PRESCRIP- . . TIOX SPECIALISTS ‘ f \ Gilligan’s Rexall Drug j i Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy | < Phone 87 — O’Neill ) wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww o