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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1958)
The Jerry Emmet .McGinn* . . . they were married in Sep tember l rite* at St. Patrick’* church.—O'Neill Photo t o. Sick & Injured O'NEILL — Homer Mullen. Scribner bunker, suffered a heart attack Tuesday. He had spent the Labor day weekend here with Mr Mullen and had returned. Mrs. Mullen left Tuesday to be with him. He had gone to the bank to work and complained a bout not feeling well. The Scrib ner doctor was out of town and he was taken to the hospital at West Point, where they made tests. I)r L. A. Carter was taken to St. Anthony's hospital Wednesday by ambulance. . . George Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller, was taken to St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha Tuesday by his father to have the cast removed. He was injured several months ago when a crawler-type tractor ran over him. . Miss Donna Payne of the Frontier staff, formerly of Elgin and Orchard, entered the Neligh hospital Thursday on an emergency basis and was hos pitalized four days. . ■ Tuesday while at work, Edward Streit had the misfortune of a rivet flying up and hitting him in the eye cutting the eyeball. Mrs Stmt and C. L. Haselhorst rushed him to *the eye specalist at Yankton, s D and he underwent surgery on the eye Friday morning. He is in the Yankton hospital. . . Everitt Miner was painfully in ured Tuesday morning on the Charles Sobotka hay meadows west of Inman, when a load of hav knocked him from the stack He received broken ribs, m, injured neck and hack and bi*uises. The accident took p«*«= with only three more sweep loads ot hay to go on the last stack of the season. . . Homer Mullen of Scrihner suffered a heart attack Tuesday. . . George 1* idler went to Omaha Tuesday by ambulance to have his cast removed. . . Mrs. Sam Robertson, who lives u. miles north of O'Neill, was mow ing the lawn Tuesday. The mower slipped and ran over her foot. She lost one big toe. Mrs. Robert son was taken to St. Anthny s hospital. CHAMBERS Mr. Ray Hoffman of Chambers returned Monday to Methodist hospital in Omaha for further treatment. He was ac companied by Mrs. 1 ^ffmanand Mrs D. A. Baker. . . Mrs. Stanley Elkins returned home Sunday from St Anthony's hospital in O Neill where she had submitted to surgery. EMMET—Mrs. Jessie Lowery, a former resident of Emmet re ■« »ud would appredatd Mdre™ Mrs. Jessu- Oo George Nursing Home, Mi Everett, Caldwell, Ida. A.Phony's hospita lO day^ ^ ^moved^ednesday was accompanied er. Mrs. Clarence Hansen. RIVERSIDE - Lynn Fry *** Jackie to a skin spec™- - folk last week and to***™ 2. lhe- ass sr^Mgy-S hospital m Omaha Ihurso y observation. ATKIN SON—Bra die y ^ermck horse. am FI IA — Lonnie Sparks went to Dr. Serbousek in Atkin son Tuesday evening to have * weed seed removed from his . EWING — Mrs. Earl Wright spent Friday and Saturday mjh Neligh hospital receiving care for an infected finger. BUTTE — Eddie Weber. 4^ badley burned m an RE A wbsta tion accident, is up and aiound a the Lynch hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy. Lynn and Jim. spent from Friday night, August 29 to '<>esd. • • September 2, in Lincoln. They at tended the state fair. Mary Agatha Ryan, Jerry E. McGinn Exchange Vows White vases of white and laven dar asters appointed the altar of St. Patrick’s Catholic church for tile wedding uniting in marriage Miss Mary Agatha Kyan, daugh ter of Neil B. Ryan of O’Neill and Jerry Emmett McGinn, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGinn of O’Neill. Very Rev Timothy O'Sullivan pastor of St. Patrick’s Catholic church, officiated at the 10 a.nv. double-ring ceremony on Monday September 1. A nupital mass fol lowed the wedding ceremony. Mike Hammond and Terry Tomjack were acolytes. Soloists were Wayne Robertson of Norfolk who sang "Ave Maria” and Miss Bonnie Burival of O’ Neill who sang "Mother Beloved” and "Panis Angelicus”. Miss Cecilia Ann Arbuthnot of O'Neill accompanied them on the organ. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride appeared in a gown of Peau De Soie fashioned with a fitted bodice and long tap ering sleeves. The yoke of chan tilly lace featured a Sabrina neck line with tiny seed pearls and iridcscant sequins. The bouffant skirt with a brush train was ac ented wih a large bow i n the center of the back. She carried out the tradition of something old, something new, something borrowed, something hue and a penny in her shoe. Her lingertip illusion veil waa caught by a crown trimmed in tink seed pearls and iridescent sequins. She carried a cascadu bouquet of white carnations and sliver crystal rosary ,a gift of ths orraegroom. Jude K. Ryan of O’Neill was maid of honor for her sister and Miss Eunice Van (Horn of O'Neil) and Miss Judy Royal of Kansas City, Mo., were bridesmaids They were gowned in ballerina length dresses of lavender crys tallette with a chiffon cummer bund of a deeper shade of laven* der. They wore net hats witlj scattered lilies-of-the-valley and carried bouquets of baby pink as* ters. Ushering were James Ryan of Ft. Wayne, Ind., brother of the bride, and Jack McGinn of O' Neill, brother of the bridegroom. James McGinn acted as best man for his brother. Groomsmen were Paul Determan of Norfolk and Gerald Peschal also of Nor-> folk. The brides honorary mother, Mrs. Bonnie Waldo, wore a pink crystallette dress with white ac cessories and a corsage of white carnations. A dinner at the Ryan horn* for 25 guests followed the wed ding ceremony. A reception, given by the bride's father, was held at 124 S. 4th St. for 125 guests with Mrs-. Matt Beha, Mrs. Ralph Van Horn, Mrs. Shefl and Mrs. Snid er in charge. The wedding cakei baked by Mrs. Matt Beha, de corated the reception table. The cake was cut and served * » Kf n_.. T 1 T.ffr>»,l Alii-r UJ nupf J WW • ■ Eileen Murphy poured. Mrs. Bar bara Ollendick and Miss Linda Haynes had charge of the gifts. Miss Betty Schneider was in charge of the guest book. The misses Peggy Jedeicka of Kansas City, Mo., Betty Ft'trow and Sharon Murray, both of O' Neill served at the reception. Mrs. McGinnis a 1957 graduate of St. Mary's academy and attend ed St. Mary College in Omaha fos one year. She is employed at Gamble’s store. Mr. McGinn is also a 1957 grad uate of St. Mary’s academy and is employed by REA. For going away Mrs. McGinn chose a black and gray sheath dress with white accessories. After a wedding trip to Lin coln the couple will be at home at 124Ms So. 4th St.. O'Neill. Bartley and Bob Rotherham of Springfield, 111., sons of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rotheram, spent the past w'eok at the homes of their aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs James Rotherham and Mr and Mrs. Matt Hynes. The Tom Roth erhams are former O’Neill resi dents. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S (O’Neill) ADMISSIONS: September 27 — Mrs. James R. Miller of Wayne; 28— Mrs. Rue ben Mueller of Stuart; 28— Mrs. Marlin Rabutzke of Page; Lean der Menke of O'Neill. Jeanne Louise Vitt of O'Neill. Mrs. Carl Goldapp of O'Neill; 30 — Marlyn McDaniel of Page, Joseph Mc Leish, jr., of O'Neill, Gene But terfield of Inman; 31 — Hugh Troshynski of Page, Mrs. Vernon I Slaymaker of Atkinson, Harold | Seger of O'Neill. August 1 — Lloyd Smith of In i man, Clifford Sawyer of Inman, Mrs. Donald Summers of Page. Max Wanser of Ewing. Mrs. Ar thur Boettcher of Spencer; 2 - Albert Loock of Spencer, Mrs Robert Tomlinson of O'Neill. Vel don Tomlinson of O'Neill. Mrs. Sam Robertson of O'Neill; 3 — Mrs. John Leisure of Ewing, Mrs. Richard Farran of Sioux City, Dr. L. A. Carter of O'Neill DISMISSALS: September 27 Floyd Keyes of Inman, Elmer Foster of Spencer. Fay Doty of O'Neill. Joe Bailey of O’Neill, Mrs. James R Miller of Wayne: 28—Joel Parker of O'Neill* Mrs. Reinhold Kaczor of Spencer. Thomas Schoberg of O’ Neill, George Sedlacek of Spen cer. Mrs. Wayne Sanders and baby boy of Inman. Chuck Dent of Vero Beach, Fla., Mrs. Darrell Heiss and baby girl of Page; 29- - Loander Menke of O'Neill; 30— Marlyn McDaniels of Page, Roy Lowry of O'Neill (expiredi, Mrs. Cora Alder of Lynch; 31 — Mrs. Rueben Mueller of Stuart. Mrs. Stanley Elkins of Chambers. Mrs. Lyle Vequist of O'Neill, Mrs. C. A. Van Valkenlxirg of Ewing. August l — Clifford Sawyer of inmun; 2 Joseph Me Leish, jr., ! of O'Neill. Mrs. Marlin Babutzke and baby girl of Page. MAKRIAtiK LKXNgEg James Paul Teuber, 22, of 2338 Manchester, Springfield, Mo., and Miss Ella Mae Paul, 19, of O'Neill on August 28. Barney Watson Poss, 21, of Omaha and Miss Corrine Cather ine Murphy, 20. of O’Neill on August 29 David John Leighton, 22, 802 North 65th, Pensacola, Fla., and Miss Duns Lee Frances Gotsoh- j all, 22, of Atkinson on August 29. Jerry Emmet McGinn, 20. and Mary Agatha Ryan, 19, both of O'Neill on August 30. Billy D Lyons, 23, and Laura Marie Oetter, IS. both of O’Neill on August 30. Bruce D. Henshew, 20 , 6044 Kearney Ave., Lincoln and Miss Karen M. Obermire. 18, of 1635 No. 58h, Lincoln on August 30. Norman Klasna. 19. of Spencer and Miss Sharon Miner. 19 of O' Neill on September 2. >li« Miner Feted nt show er— Mrs. Robert Evans and t daughter, Miss Mardell Johnson were hostesses at a pronupital shower honoring Miss Sh. r i Miner at a 3 p.m., gathering Sat urda\ Miss Johnson was in charge ot i guestbook and Miss Judy Juraeek assisted with opening of the g.i •. i Miss Miner and Norman Klnsn, of Spencer wil Ih1 married <* 2 pm., ceremony Fridas. S pt- . ember 5 at First Methodist j I'hurch, O’NEllJ LOCAL* Mr. and Mrs Charlie Stout ' were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Kruse, Mi and Mrs Max Jeffers writ honored Sunday on their 18th wedding anniversary as guests of Mr. and Mrs Charles Young of Inman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser attended a family reunion at th • home of Raymond l Hildas i 1 Stuart on Sunday Fifty guestts attended from Wausa V Atkinson and O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs Don Kellner a*vt Lynn were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. lXni Pollock in Neligh. I BACH-TO‘SCHOOL ^ OPEN TIU~" U.S. No. 1 Illinois Elberta Freestone — l_l I DERBY — PET — CHILI, No. 2 can 29c MILK, 2 cans - 31c OWATONNA — CREAM CORN, 2 No. 303 cans_25c PETER PAN — PEANUT BUTTER, 12-oz. jar__3Sc FRENCH’S IJBBY’S BLK. PEPPER PINEAPPLE 1-Lb. Can 79c 5 No. 1 flat tins._ $|, BEEF and POTATOES, 16-oz. can. 39c BETTY CROCKER — Boston Cream PIE MIX, pkg._39c HOLLAND DUTCH — ICE CREAM!, ^-gal-89c REAL LEMON — ORANGE DRINK, 2 No. 46-oz. cans_49c 5-TIE BROOMS, each ...-.-I- 98c PRESERVES 3-lb. jar..59c I YACHT CLUB — AT Pork & Beans, 300 cans 2 LARGE BOX — BISQUICK IB<ac>oo®®c>ooo®c>c>oa<30®oooc>oc:-r ■ - *-* ■ |j ^ Quality HEATS * | { END • CUT — m PORK CHOPS LB 39c I'OKK — | U.S. <i<K)D — I ENDS & PIECES — m KOCKS, lb. __ 29f! Beef Roast, !b 49cl BACON, | lbs... $ jl KARO OREEN LABEL PANCAKE — Cn IIEP QK| IT Iftll UJAR Mil JERSEY CREAM — f JpO LBS 33 CHICKEN OF THE SEA TUNA fani> size can 39c m 25c