Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1958)
Winside Fizzles Out for Opener Coach Don Templemeyer’s St Mary's academy Cardinals are searching for a foe with whom to open the 1958 eight-man grid campaign. Winside. starting eight - man ball this year, had been tenta tively scheduled for the opener at Winside next Friday—Septem ber 12. But the Wayne county ans sent word to O'Neill this week saying they couldn’t be ready for the Hilltoppers’ experienced out fit. Tempiemeyer is now looking elsewhere for an opening foe. Schedule: September 19— At Verdigre; 26 Butte, here. October 3 — Niobrara, here, 3 p.m,; 10 open; 17-Greeley Sac red Heart, here; 22 — Naper, horC; 27 — Spencer, here; 30—At Spalding academy. Novemlier 1— At Lynch. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Joey Dobias of Papiliion were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs Billy Marcellu returned Tuesday from a tb’< day vacation in the Black Hi" Mr. and Mrs George McCarth/ Lynn and Jim attended the fair in Lincoln from Friday until Tuesday. Ronald Murphy and Bill Foltz of Omaha were weekend guests of his father, John Murphy, and the home of his sister, Mrs. Lai ble. Mr. and Mrs. Marlene Luber wit Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pheifer ot Spencer attended the state fair it Lincoln on Tuesday. Miss Norma McClellan returned and Jeannie spent the week of August 21 vacationing in Denver and l-ook Out Mt. Returning with them was their daughter, Marg ery of Denver, who visited until Monday with her parents. Oelolt’s new school . . . two large cassroonis, 27 pupils now, 34 after Christmas.—The Frontier Photo. Attention Home and Auto Owners: Certain insurance companies have increased their prem iums for dwelling and auto insurance. I can furnish dwelling and auto insurance in reliable com panies for less premium than that charged by these certain companies before they raised their rates. Before placing dwelling or auto insurance, see: L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agency O’NEILL — Phone 114 or 218 — NEBRASKA I Legal Notices __ (First pub Sept. 4. 1958' William W. Griffin. Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND HEIRS COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY NEBRASKA. E S - TATE OF JOHN NIEWOHN ER. DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: NOTICE is hereby given that Edward T Campbell. Adminis trator of said Estate, has filed a l>etition herein, alleging that said deceased died February 13th, 1958, a resident of Holt County, Nebraska, • and intestate; that the deceased left him surviving as his sole and only heirs at law, and the sole and only persons in . terested in his estate or entitled to inherit the same, his widow, Marie Niewohner, his sisters, Mamie Hunke, Anna Kemp, Kath erine Wolken and Christine Tem me, his brother William Niewoh ner, and his niece. Delores Aus demore; that the prayer of said petition is to have the Court en ter a decree determining the I identity of the heirs at law of the HapougaH 1 heir decrees of kin ship, and the right of descent of real and personal property be longing to the deceased. Said petition will be for hear ing in this Court on the 25th day of September, 1958, at ten o’ I clock A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER, COUNTY JUDGE I (COUNTY COURT SEAL! 19-21c FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire tears. Big and rugged with extra length. Allred llansen, 5 miles west, 4 south and Va west of Plainview. 19” Mr. and Mrs. Leo Labile . .. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laible, of Atkinson spent Iron. August 23 to 26 in he Black I Ji Monday guests of Mr. and M John Laska were Mr and Mrs' Jack Kane of Lincoln, his • i Mrs. Kane and sister, Linda of l Wayne. Corrine Murphy Bride of Georgian St Patrick's church was the setting for the wedding of Miss Corrine Murphy and Barney W. Pass on Saturday, August 30 Rev. Robert Duffy officiated at the 10 o’clock double-ring cere mony. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy of O'Neill and Mr and Mrs Barney j V. Poss of Lincoln ton, Ga. Bouquets of vari-colored flow ers decorated the altar and large baskets of yellow mums and fern were placed on the altar railing. Miss Alvara Ramm. organist, accompanied Miss Sharon Murray, who sang "Mother Beloved "Ave Maria" and "On this Day" as the bride placed a bouquet be fore the Blessed Virgin altar. The bride, escorted to the altars by her father, wore a chapel len gth gown of white chantilly lace over net fashioned with a fitted bodice and featuring a scalloped neckline edged with seed pearls and iridescent sequins and a three tier skirt. Her finger tip veil of illusion was trimmed with matching lace and was held by a crown of seed pearls She car ried a fan bouquet of red roses and lily-of-the-valley. Miss Lonnie Langan, was maid nf-honor and Miss Patricia Brady | of Omaha was bridesmaid. They wore identical gowns of Dior I blue crystallne in ballerina len gth. A scalopcd hemline was for med by the tucking up of the skirt at intervals with tiny bow's of velvet. They wore matching headbands of taffeta with short veils and carried bouquets of blue and white feathered carna tions. The flower girl was Patty Mur phy of Sioux City, la , niece of the bride. She wore a floor-len gth gown of blue and carried a I bouquet of white daises. Richard I Bosn was ringl>earer and carried ! tUrt «{n.TC nn u wh ifp sntin nil low Robert Baperkemper of Omaha was bestman and Harney Simi of Omaha and Leo Laible of O’Neill were ushers. The bridegroom and his attendants wore dark suits with white carnation boutonnier es. Following the service a break fast for 19 guests was given by the bride's parents at the Town House. A reception was held from 2 until 4 at the home of the bride. The bride’s table was de corated with a three tier white wedding cake trimmed with blue roses, white bells and blue slip pers. A miniature bride and bridegroom under an arch graced the top. Matching blue candle in candelabra were placed on each side. Miss Barbara Hill of Omaha re gistered the guests. Mrs. Leo Laible served coffee and Cather ine Gregorson of Omaha served punch. The wedding cake was cut and served by Miss Barbara Mc Carthy. Servers were Misses Kay McCarthy, LaDonna McNul ty and Joanne Lansworth. Mrs. Poss was graduated from st Marv’s academy and the Commercial Extension school in Omaha and is now employed as a clerk-typist for Mutual. Mr. Poss is a graduate of Lin j i-olnton high school of Lineolnton. Ga., and is an electronic special ist in the air force He is sta tioned at Offut air base. Omaha. For a wedding trip to the home I of the bridegroom’s parents in Georgia, the bride wore a black j sheath dress trimmed at the neck i line with white chiffon, whi^h draped in the back almost to the hemline. She wore a corsage of red roses. The couple will reside at 120 South 33d street in Omaha. Ninth Birthday — Mrs. John DeWitt entertained Little Miss Janet Langan of Col umbus, on her ninth birthday with a party at Ford’s park for 12 guests. Cake and ice cream were served. Arrives from Chicago — Marcelline Claussen of Chicago arrived Friday and is a guest < ' Mr. and Mrs. Marlen Luber an I her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jake Classen of Spencer. "fll* fi'&i.’H qffli'L; ®"^ k ^° ,, ^ °° -• o^ kWx^’ rts s°, \ Vmm'Tv 'Ka:>^,o\f., <V*J$V ^1117; V* ^ 'V' ;$.<<\ ^,0° fi\^ w\o^ -i 0^® l **•;* o4"!o'*'-t'o,'-tw<^o1’‘ ' «e0',iv>«<'l\,\0°\^ C°«W"* <£*’£>•'ft**’ V . ^s«*2 ■ 1 H I Mr. and Mrs. Barney W. Boss . . . the bride is the former C’orrlne Murphy.—O’Neill l’hoto Co. O’Neill Locals Miss Barbara McCarthy ol Catherine’s in Omaha was home from Wednesday until Monday, at the home of her brother, Ron ald McClellan of Omaha. Mr and Mrs. William Mcl tosh and Gertrude Gribble at tended a gift show in Onr over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snowardt and Connie and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peters spent the past week going through the Bad Lands and Blaen Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goree a Long Pine spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mc Elvain. Evelyn and Francis Darky o Omaha spent the weekend w Mr. and Mrs. Chris McGinn Sun , day guests were Mr. and M : I Bob White. Don McKamy met Hr, i Kamy and children in Grand Is I land recently. They were return | ng from a several weeks vis* ! the home of her sister, Mrs : Russel Grilbarth in Lxjs Angeles j They went to Rodgers Ark., froi ' Grand Island and visited a vv ! with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kell Daily Lincoln Star By Mail 5 Weeks $ 1 THE DAILY Lincoln Star can give you up to two to ten hours later news on rural routes because of editions printed right up to favorable train times. The morning Star arrives in time for mail delivery on publi cation date either in town or on the rural route. Reports, Crossword Puzzles. THE LINCOLN Star sells from three to six dollars a year less than papers printed on the Iowa line and is priced as low as smaller papers. RY MAIL offer in Nebraska and Northern Kansas-Outside of Lancaster County 5 weeks $1.00 daily; IVt weeks Daily and Sunday $2.00; a year $9.00 daily; with Sunday $13.00. ORDER direct or/ through The Frontier. 52c YOU’LL GET Dick Tracy, Mary I Worth, Joe Palooka, Donald I Duck, Roy Rogers, Associated ! Press, International News Sup- j vice, T.V., Complete State | News, Latest Sports, Market To Wed in January Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holder announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Louise (above* to James Morrison of O’ Neill, son of the kite J. P. Mor rison Miss Holder is a grad uate of Grand Island high school and the Grand Island Beauty academy. She is em ployed by the Western Union Telegraph company and recent ly returned to Grand Island from Westfield, N. J*., where she had been employed. Mr. Morrison is a graduate of the Boys Town high school, served two years in the army, and is now cmploy’ed as assistant man ager at the Hested’s store in Grand Island. A January wed ding is planned. MM (dub— Winners of MM club held Tues day at the home of Mrs. H. G. Kruse were Mrs. L. A. Burgess and Mrs Kruse. A guest was Mrs. C. W. Porter. Zastrows Move— Mr and Mrs. Louis Zastrow and family moved inlo their new home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane McF and family returned Sunday a week’s vacation at Rush Lake. Mrs. Richard Minton was host ess at a pre-nupital shower given for Corrine Murphy on Thursday Twenty guests attended. Mrs. David J. Leighton . . . before her marriage Saturday she was Miss Frances Gotschall of Atkinson.—O’Neill Photo Co. Couple Exchanges Vows at Stuart STUART* The wedding of Miss Karen Margaret O b e r m i r e. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Obermire of Stuart, and Bruce Duane Hanshew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren E. Hansken of Ian- j coin, took place Saturday, Aug ust 30 at 3:30 o'clock at St. Boni face Catholic church. Rev. A J. Paschang performed the double ring ceremony. Sr. M. Vera was organist. The bride appeared in a gown which she designed featuring a Ivtdice of rosepinted lace and a voluminous floor-length skirt of white faille. Long sleeves tapered | to bridal points at the wrists and a draped Italian neckline dipped to a V in the back above the tiny ! lace covered buttons. The Ixxiiee j front continued into a draped pannier which was caught up in the hack by a pouf bustle. Lace | streamers extended from the bustle to the hem of her gown, i The gown was made by the bride’s mother and her sister, Nola. She carried a cascade bouquet , of pink and white feathered car nations and baby's breath inter- j persed with poufs of pink tulle | and tied with flower-accented j satin streamers. Her white pearl rosary was made by her grand mother, Mrs. Mary Henning of Atkinson. Miss Nola A. Obemire of Lin coln was maid of honor and Mrs. Janet Crisler of Lincoln and Mrs. Janet Crisler of Lincoln and Mrs. Karen Reyne of Norfolk were brides matrons. They wore street length frocks of pink silk with bouffant skirts, fitted bod ices with V necklines and cowl draped backs and brown velvet sashes. Matching crowns held their whisper length veils. The flower girl, Doris Kaup, wore a similar dress of pink silk and carried a ribbon trimmed basket of rose petals. Greg Scott of Lincoln was the ring bearer. Harold Crisler of Lincoln was bestman and the groomsmen were Joe Obermire of Manchester, la., and James B. Scott of Lin coln. The ushers were Robert Henning of Atkinson and Francis Obermire. A reception for 100 guests was given at the home of the bride s parents. Decorations and the three tier rectangular wedding cake were in the bride s chosen c<x)lrs of pink and brown. The cake was cut by Mrs. W. G Ober mire, aunt of the bride, serving were Mesdames Charles Ankney, Clara D. Pettijohn and S E. Timmermans assisted by Misses Carol Hoffman, Marlene Kaup, Mary Minnig and Carolyn Schaaf. Mrs. Hanshew is a graduate of the Stuart high school and the Lincoln School of Cmmerce and is employed as secretary by the state board of education. Mr. Hanshew was graduaed from Northeast high in Lincoln and also the school of commerce He is employed as a salesma for the Atlas company. After a trip to the Black Hills he couple will reside in Lincoln. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT: One two-bedroom house. — Annabell Asimus O Neill, phone 364, F^R'sALEPG^qdliM Interna tional 3/4-ton pickup track, 4 speed transmission; radio and heater. A real bargain — Rus seU Yusten, O’Neill, phone^S WANTED: Experienced help. Segerwood Cafe, O Neill._ HELP WANTED: M & M Bak cry & Cafe. _______ the family of RoyhpS wishes to express heartfelt thanks to everyone for the con sideration and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of Roy'Lowry. We also wan to express a special word of thanks to the Sisters, ™ and hospital staff Doctor Fin lev and Doctor Carstens, to everyone who sent flowers and f?xxi and to the Elkhom pro ject club members who served lunch-—THE FAMILY. 19P5t) I SEE Bankerslifeman — Ernie Brinkman IN ATKINSON About an Income for life plan COMPANY DIB MOINBB. IOWA PUBLIC AUCTION On the farm 2 miles east and % mile north of Atkinson, Neb Friday September 5th — 1 P.M. Lunch on the grounds Machinery and Equipment Complete line of farm machinery including 1952 Ford trac tor; F-20; listers; disc; power mower; GI compicker; harrow; many other items too numerous to mention. Household Goods 20-ft. deep freeze; refrigerator; gas stove; dining tables; chairs; buffet; bed springs; etc. See complete listing on sale bill. ALBINO MARE—5-yrs. old, saddle broke, very gentle. 2 MILK COWS—Guernsey and Holstein, will freshen in spring DWIGHT W. (JACK) BAAB. Owner ATKINSON, NEBR. EH THORIN, O’Neill, Auct. — CARL LORENZ, O’Neill, Clerk Janet and Helen Langan of Col umbus were Monday to Saturday, August 25-29, visitors in the home of Mr and Mrs. John DeVVitt. IF YOU NEED MONEY You’ll Like Our Way of Doing Business! When you need m^ney lor any worthy purpose, ninh an • Old RIM* • Installment purchases • Medical Attention • Home and Auto Repair* • Seasonal Expenses, and many other things Just tell us how much you can use! WE'VE SERVED thousands of folks in all walks of life, and in our wide experience we’ve answered most every person al financial problem. Y ou May Apply for $25.00 to $3,000 On your ear, furniture, ap pliances or farm equipment. Payments are always arrang ed to best fit your Income, budget and pay dates. At the same time, we substantially reduce high monthly Install ment payments through oar common • sense Consolidation Plan. Best of all, once your credit is established with us, you will have a ready source of extra cash whenever you need It. Central Finance Corporation FRANCIS TIGHE Manager BOB HAYTER Asst. Manager Harmon Bldg. O’Neill, Nebr. The Ilanshews . . . the hrltle Is the former Karen Margaret Ohermlre of Stuart.—O’Neil! Photo Co. ‘TEXAN’ ACTION AS ‘THE TEXAN,’ Rory Calhoun is not n man to blaze away indis* criminately. Here he has a double-barrelled purpose. One is to an nounce the premiere of his new television series starting on CHS-TV September 6, and continuing each Saturday at 8:30 p.m., EDST. The other is to show a scene from “The Texan,” and a typical pose of Rill Congley, the character he portrays, who was the most respected figure in post-Civil War -Southwest. This marks Calhoun’s first regular series on television after completing more than (>0 full length movies. Good Reading for the Whole Family • News ‘Facts •Family Features The Christion Science Monitor One Norway St ., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper tor the time ehecked. Enclosed find my check or money order, I year $18 □ • months $9 □ 3 months $4 50 □ Name ~ Address CHy Zone State