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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1958)
Joan Claire Berigan Bride of Omahan in Atkinson Rites i »t left). ATKINSON A % r> beautife 3 fit St. Jost* ph'i Oath It. hurch at 11:30 a.m. when Mis' i Claire Bengali and Thomas I Joye< . in of Omaha wet. mted in marriage Mi g Is the dautshte f Mr. and Mrs. James L. B an. Mr. Jove® is the son of Mr ; i Mrs. Thomas IV Jo\ce. jr if Miami Fla., formerly •. . . ingfield, Hi I \. James B Betvran, O P. Dak Park, 111, a brother of U 1 i id. of lie is ted at the imp . . and double l ing ( creme A.-nlytes were Joseph Met, nil f Hastings and Michael S'in > if Norfolk, nephews of the bt t ' • All white flowers were used ,fe, irate the church. Gladioli a onion leaf graced the center ar. Candela bn ami fern-. > m ,! ed the setting The pftvs wet t with large white bows in topical ferns. The deli a itamed ixiuquets of white eht • .mthcmuips The altar r olio had low basket arrangements , ferns and clusters of chr\ santh mums. The bride, escorted to the tar by her father, appeared it floor-length gown of pure silk i feta, fashioned In Vene and de - igned on princess lines. Ti square neckline was accent* vith 'tucks of the taffeta and an overlap of re-embroidered Alt eon lace. The sleeves were lot • and pointed A full flown * skirt of the taffeta repeated tl - trim of the tucks, with appliques f die Alencon lace, and drifted in to a chapel train. A veil of im ported silk illusion fell from filigree crown trimmed wit! pearls and crystals. She carrier a white gold tnroni orcnin mu stephanotis on a white prayer book with lace coverlet. Miss Mary Kay Berigan was maid of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids were Miss Michel McQuillan of Hastings, a niece ol the bride. Miss Sheila Tobin of Mitchell, S.D., and Miss Ellen Morris of Deadwood, S.D. The maid-of-honor wore a bal lerina frock of romance blu. fashioned in princess style with accents of darker blue at the square neckline and darker blue j taffeta goslets inset into the dark er blue taffeta. She carried a cas- j cade of white chrysanthemum trimmed with blue ribbon The bridesmaids were gowned identi eally to the maid of honor and carried cascades of white chry santhemums trimmed with white ribbon. The bestman was Patrick Joyc > of Springfield, 111., a brother of the bridegroom. Ushers were J Robert Berigan of O’Neill, a brother of the bride, Don Beard, Ben Magsamen and James Arenr all of Omaha. They were attired ( in morning suits. Miss Audrey Coxbill accompan j, ied by Miss Leona Kilmurry sang | "Ave Verum", ''Panis Angelicus’ and "On This Day, Oh Beautiful Mother”. A reception for 200 guests was held at the Town House from 1 .30 to 4 p.m. In charge of the guest Ixxik was Mrs. J- Robert Berigan of O'Neill, a sister-in' law of the bride, and Miss Bar b a r a Birmingham of O’Neill. Pouring were Mrs. W. H Hartv of O’Neill an aunt of the bride and . - • c _____ rlU,.c T .7 iVIlSS OliUlVMi 1 - - Berigan of -O'Neill, an aunt of the bride, and Miss Mary Margaret Slattery cut and served the wed ding cake. Miss Mary Louise Bir mingham and Miss Jean Johnson of Alice, Tex., cut and served the bridegroom's cake. For their trip to Miami. Fla. Mrs. Joyce chose a navy sheatr with matching coat, a matching velvet hat and black shoes and handbag. They will be at home at 60S North 50th Street in Omaha after September 15. i Mrs. Joyce is a graduate of at. Cecelia's high school in Hastings, j She attended Rosary college in . River Forest, 111., for a year. She is a graduate of Creighton Memor ial St. Joseph’s School of Nursing in Omaha. . ... j Mr Jovce will he a senior this i fall' at Creighton University j school of medicine in Omaha. To Be Active in NCe\V Convention— The following committeewomen from the O'Neill deanery will be active in the convention of tn Arehdiocesan Council of Catholic Women to be held Tuesday, Sep tember 9. in Omaha: Mrs. Robert Cole of Emmet. O' Neill deanery president and con vention hostess; Mrs. Ira II Mos of O'Neill, nominating committee , Mrs. A. A. Kalkowski Lynch, tel ler; Mrs. Leonard Knapp o Ewing, auditor Mrs. Nora Quilty and daughter Grace, of Omaha are visiting he sister, Mrs. Elizabeth O'Malley and other relatives. 'vamrmm—mmmmmmt ■■ ■■■ ^ We would like the Community to have a knowledge of the history of our Church WE INVITE YOU ») TO HEAR THE LECTURE j TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 9, 7:45 TO BE PRESENTED BY - ARTHUR F. GIBBS | of Independence, Missouri THE HISTORY AND THE STORY OK THE REORGANIZED ( MI KOI OF IES( S CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Many books and articles have been written about the historyJ nf f|jp Latter Day Saints church, and much erroneous informa-1 tion has been talked and written about this church. Mr. Gibbsf will attempt to give a first-hand presentation of our history.T . He will present pictures he personally photographed in NewS York. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois and Iowa to illustrate the Pre"jf senkition. The public is invited. 1 - INMAN LATTER DAY SAINT CHURCH | 1-.. Krn -.t Kugene Wondereheck . . - the former Kllen Marie MeKallinie oi Mkinson.—Board man'n Studio, Fullerton. ! M iss McKathnie Yv eds Belgrade Man ATKINSON At 7 o'clock in the evening on Saturday, August 23, at the Methodist church in Bel grade, Miss Ellen Marie MeKath nie became the bride of Ernest' Eugene Wondet check. Rev. Arthur Hurder read tht lines for the double-ring ceremony before a background of lighted candles and baskets of gladioli. Parents of the couple are Mr and Mrs. Arthur Wondereheck sr , of Belgrade anil Milton G. Me • nie of Atkinson and Mis Alpha E. McKathnie of Belgrade. The bride, given in marriagt by her father, wore a street length gown of champagne lace, in princess style and carried pink roses. Miss Barbara Johnson of Lyons was bridesmaid. Her gown of' pink lace was identical in style with the bride’s. Little Miss Kay McKathnie of Atkinson was flowcrgirl and Lana ,Kay WTtndercheck of Belgrade and Terry Dean Jennings o North Platte lighted the candles. The wedding marches were played by Miss Patty McBride of Belgrade, who accompanied the vocalist, Mrs. John Wondereheck of Belgrade. “Because” and "Wedding Prayer” were sung. Social Security .Man Coming— A represntative of the Norfolk social security office will be in the Assembly room of the O'Neill court house on Thursday, Septem ber 11, from 9:30 a.m., to 3:00 p.m Self-employed applicants should bring extra copies of their 1956 and 1957 returns, receipts showing that the self-employment tax is paid, and proof of age. The same representative will be at the Boyd county courthouse in Butte from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.. Friday, September 12. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Johnson and boys of Lincoln were week end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Johnson. Sunday evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Harmon of Bridgeport. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson were Sunday, August 24, dinnet guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Grothe of Emmet. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farr and son of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Toker and family of Broken Bow. Mrs. Sadie Kaiser of Casper, Wyo., is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser. Sunday, August 24 guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaiser of Atkinson. Ray WonciercnecK was ixaunan and Elliott E. Johnson of Oakland and Delmar Wondorcheck of Bel grade seated the guests. Randy Sindelar, raingbearer. carried the rings on a rose pulled from the bride’s bouquet of pin! roses. Following the ceremony, a re' ceptinn for one hundred guests was held in the church parlor. The wedding cake was baked b> Mrs. Milton McKathnie of Atkin son. She also cut the cake. Miss Marcella Neemeyer of Omaha had charge of the gues( hook and Misses Joyce Emory am j Gerri Bauer received the gilts Members of the Belgrade Ladies Aid assisted in the kitchen. The bride was graduated from Belgrade high school and attendee Junior college in Norfolk. She has since been employed by the Nor folk National hank. . , , The bridegroom has complete! four years in the navy and is now employed as a welder by the | Cushman Co., in Lincoln. The couple is at home at Lin coln _ Mrs Charlotte Lord of Corona Del Mar, Calif., and her son-in law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cluff. and children of Santa Ana. Calif., were guests from August 19-29 of Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Clawson here and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink at Ewing. Ray Lawrence O’NEILL - PHONE J74 Dealer of Nixon <& Co. F-E-E-D-S I General Livestock HAUlinjI Deloit News Mrs. Frank Miller Mary anil « their two weeks vacation at th> home of Mi s. Millet > brother an.' family of West Virginia i t Miller who is employnl in Omah . j spent the weekend at Itomi , Gone Huy and a friend it am Onfaha spent the weekend at th Ralph Tom > k homo. Mr. and Mrs Harold W* rknu >> ter and Judy mad. a trip I, Now Me\n » last week . /.<v Ann Hullniiin. 14-ycar-ol. daughter of Mr and Mrs/sianhy Hui (man. won grand chaipii h.itiors and « bedMtJfuJ tropliy n the o|>eti saddle hoi e division it the \\ heeler county fa; Shi ha also won hunoi s at Ya ntinc u * Bursvell and will si vv Ion . Tone a prize vviiin. tlx \ tiasKa siiiic tan Most of the schools hot • starte Sepiembcr 1 or Merle S> hi is 1 teacher at 1 >* loit. Judy Baidak a! the l’rban school. Mr Pat Burk at the Lucas school, Mi> MosO' at Sunny side. Mis Joe Funk till >k"s. Martin V an Conet at St | Johns, Klayne Reimer second i grade in Plain view and Mr: ! Henry iloitnei', kindci gwtcn and 1 first in the Inman sihool. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson | and Ik>n were Norfolk visitors or : Friday they also visited Mis. | son's sister, Mrs. John Asmu and family near Wtnsirie, The Holt county rural teachers | attended pre-opening day at O * Neill Friday. Mrs II. Reimer and Klayne visited at the Don Starr home in West Point the first of the week, They also v isited Mrs. Lina Smith and the Elmer Pnhls’ in Oakland. On Wednesday Mrs. l>on Starr and Elizabeth and Mrs. Reimer and Klayne were Omaha visitors Mrs. Earl Day is the teacher in the Park Center school for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christen have moved to a different apartment in 1 'em rr. The new address is !270 Colo BJvd Denver, 20. Onk* ndo Most every one is busy in hay ing these fine fall days. ivm Lai son attended pi oh><o| meeting at O'Neill on Friday Mr. and Mrs Ralph 1 mjack s|*ont Friday evening ai th Ret mer home. Hie Klim r l'.dd's of Oakland. 1 Vm Starrs of West 1' md 1 lie Henry lleimers met at flavins Point Sunday for a picnic. lai y Miller who is ein ve in Omaha spent the weekend ai i.'oe Ann Huffman, who will he a :. -liman, entered high - hoe! in* lhi . it last week. O’Neill News Mrs Mary Fitzsimmons Mas m\\ and Mrs. Ike Is Shoulders of Omaha were weekend gimts id Mi F ,T, Oishner. They attend* is! die Berigan-Joyce wedding at Atkinson, Mr Mrs. F N Cronin and ' 1 > Cronin left Stitida-. for ,i ltd Island to spend Kahor day with Mr. and Mrs. C I Cronin nd daughters. Re\ and Mrs. Robert Paul left Kahor day for Sprinrlr-ld. Mo. to \ isit th(>ir son-in-law and duu* liter, Mr and Mrs James Paul Teulter. w ho were married Fri day, August '29. at the Assembly of God church in O'Neill. \. P. Peterson, former Lind t\ |mstmaster who several times has been around the world, Fri day night visited at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Spence H* showed slides of his travels. C. K Spence of Atkinson was also a guest. Mr and Mrs. Roy M. Sauers of Long Bench, Calif, arrived last Thursday a n d nre house guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clauson. ___— In Sioux City, Iowa HOTEL MAYFAIR 150 FIREPROOF ROOMS Rates: $2.75 to $5.75 Children Under 14 FREE! KNOWN FOR GOOD FOOD Free Overnight Parking Wm “Bill” Wachter Owner - Manager Only Ulkui£p00C Gives You Ice Magic! Like Magic! Automatically Replaces Every Cube You Use! No trays to fill, spill, empty or refill. The ICE-MAGIC GAS ICE MAKER gets its own water automatically . . . then automatically freezes it into handy ice circles. AUTOMATICALLY THE ICE-MAKER keeps the ice basket full. Every time you take cubes, they're AUTOMATI CALLY replaced. 10 normal trays-full are on hand ALL the time. Gives You THE NEW SLIM, SMART, CRISP LOOK IN REFRIGERATORS It's Marvelous! It's Motorless! IT’S NOISELESS! IT’S GAS! © (A)kmCj2Qo€ Gas ice-maker Refrigerator Freezer 10 YEAR WARRANTY ON REFRIGERATION SYSTEM AND FULL YEAR ON COMPLETE REFRIGERATOR. ' ryiT!^ "wwrn . MMtMMmMmmmMBmtwtMiUmlBmM For Dependable GAS Service '■ ' v.v: « . . -i.'-m niinr tpiumi iinnmniiiiininiiiiniiimT \ late August bride wan Mr*. Thomas H. Joyce III . . . the former Joan Claire Berigaa. —Rinehart-Marsden Photo. Church Notices M KTHOIMST (Page-In man) Rev. Lisle \ Mewmaw, pastor PAGE Thursday, September 4 (today): Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice meeting. 2 p.m ; Junior choir practice, 4 p.m. All lx>ys and girls in the fourth through eighth grades who are interested are urged to come. Sunday, September 7: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a m., MYF, 8 p.m. Monday, September 15: Com missions will meet at 8 p.m. fol lowed by official (ward meeting. INMAN Sunday, September 7: Sunday school, 8:45 a.m.; worship. 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, September 10: Choir practice, 8 p.m. and MYF. Thursday. September 11: Worn- | an's Society of Christian Service meeting, 2:30 p.m.; official board meeting. 8 p.m. FOR BOTH CHURCHES Wednesday, September 1 0 Mid-week prayer hour, 9 am. read Colossians 1:9-17. Friday, September 12: District picnic, 5 p.m., at Plainview. Friday, September 26: District conference, 10 a.m. to -1 p m. at Neligh. Sunday, September 28: District adult rally, 2 to 5:30 p.m., at Page. I NIT ED PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing) Dr. William H. Ross, pastor Saturday, September 6: Choi? iractiee, 8:30 p.m. Sunday, September 7: Bible school, 10 a m.; sermon, "Seek The Lord and Live", 11 a.m.; Youth Missionary Society, 7 p.m. Mrs, Verle Tuttle, sponsor; Junior Fel lowship, 7 p.m., Mrs Ralph Shra der, sponsor; Singspiration, 8 p.m., sermon, "God’s Care for His Works". Monday, September 8: Session 8:30 p.m Wednesday, September 10: Praver and Bible study, 8:30 p.m.. Mrs. Ralph Shrader', leader, i study of Romans 2 (last half), j JEHOVAH'S YVlTNESSES (117 S. 4th Street, O’Neill) Friday, September 5: Theocra tie Ministry School, 7:30 p.m. Subject, "The Ending Quality of The New World”, 8:30 Servic.j meeting, theme, "Imitating the Shulammile in Exclusive Devot ion”. Sunday, September 7: Watch tower study, 2 p.m. Subject, "Bai> tism". Tuesday, September 9: Bible book study, subject, “The Abolit ion of Death”. CENTER I MON (O’Neill) C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, September 7: Sunday school, 10 n m.; preaching ser vice. 11. Young peoples meeting a* 9 in the evening; preaching ser vice following young people’s meet ine. Prayer meeting and Bible study will be in the home of Mr. and Mrs j Otto Lorenz Wednesday evening. . September 10. You are cordially . invited to attend any or all of j these services Mrs. Robert Greenfield and children of Stu..rt were Sunday ' overnight guests of her mother, I Mrs. Abbie Coker. The Green- 1 fields were enroute home after 1 attending the state fair at Lin- 1 coin. . Jerry Cuddy of Minneapolis, j Minn., spent the weekend with i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cuddy. » [!ow Available for Your Home CLEAN • SAFE • CONVENIENT PI gf" ra ^ B p O m2 srsi s ss 5 BJ I A new trend in home heating is here! It's the newest and best home heating method —electric heating. It feels like warming by sunshine—seems to warm you all over in an instant! Today over half a million homes are heated entirely by electricity—many of them in northern areas. And electric home heating is fast becoming popular with Nebraskans- here's why: Electric power rates are low in Ne braska—lower than in many states where electric heating is widely used. It costs less to install electric heating a. ! operating costs compare favorably with combustion type iuels now used. . In addition to true heating comfort, } ;:j enjoy these other advantages: C' "AN AND SAFE—Electric heat is I" -> electric light. No soot-produchg { ;| to burn. No moving air to carry dust. No storing or piping explosive fuel into your house. I SPACE-SAVING CONVENIENCE — E ootric heating systems can be cen c led completely. No furnace spoils y r modern basement. There's no duct work . . no flues, vents or chimneys, because there's no combustion. There are four main types of electric home heating available for your comfort: □ Radiant Electric Cable — Embedded into ceilinq or walls, it's Completely con cealed Like warm inq by sunshine You feel comfortable at lower temperatures. Healthful Baseboard Electric Heaters — Install alonq outside walls Warm eonvected air rise i qently while heet radiates out at floor level. Ends cold floor problem Radiant Electric Panels -G!ass. metal or ce amic panel recessed in to wall radiates sun like heat without draft Ideal tor bath Easy to install and clean Safel Built In Wall Units—Use one 01 mere m a room Some typos have lens to inoease h-'atinq capacity Avai'she w ih built in thermostat' to control heat automatically I • CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT IN COOPERATION WITH NEBRASKA INTER-INDUSTRY ELECTRICAL COUNCIL • NEBRASKA IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL