Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1958)
Celia News Mr and Mrs Milton MeKath me .and family and Mrs Emma McKathnie left Friday for Bel grade to attend the wedding of his daughter, Ellen, to Ernest Wimdereheck Saturday evening at 7 p m, Mr, and Mrs. John Sieheneder and daughter also at tended the wedding. On Sunday vnrnute home. McKathnies vis tad the A1 Kaziol family at St. Edwards lionnie Frickel and Dick Wil iams of Albion, who are working (i Lincoln were Saturday over night visitors at the Connie Frick ei home Sunday morning attended the wedding of a friend at Arnold ami Dick went to Albion. Mrs. Hans Lauridsen and sons, Bobby and LeRoy left Monday afternoon for Sutton where the boys will attend school this win ter Mr Lauridsen will go down at a later date. Mr and Mrs. Milton McKathnie and family were Monday evening visitors at the Alec Frickel home and Thursday evening visitors at the Ralph Armold home. Mrs Blanche Rouse and Miss Mildred Keyes of O'Neill were Friday overnight and Saturday visitors at the Milton McKathnie borne. Six-weeks-old Scott Swim i s staying at the Joe Hendricks home awhile, while his mother is teaching Hendricks school. Mr. and Mrs. John Sieheneder and Gail attended the picnic Sun day at Atkinson park which was given for Miss Marian Deermer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Char ■ » . r 4 i« •_ _I__ nn i/fci Hit * ui ninuiijuii, nuu ca pects to enter St. Joseph’s Con vent in Milwaukee September 3. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hend ricks and family of McPherson, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hendricks and sons spent the Labor day weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family. Mrs. George Mintle was a rtmrsday afternoon visitor at the Mdton McKathnie home and the ladies visited at the C. E. Spence home enroute to Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and family were Sunday evening visitors at the Hans l^auridsen home. Mr. Tunink and Raymond were Sunday dinner guests at the Hans Lauridsen home. Wednesday, Aug. 13, Mrs. Beryl Beck and Mrs. Inez Hayes cooked lor threshers at the LeRoy Hoff1 mans as Mrs. Hoffman was in Wayne attending teachers college. She returned home Wednesday, August 20. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wadsworth and two daughters of Intercession City, Fla , were Monday evening August 25 supper and overnight visitors at the Joe Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and family returned Friday eve ning, August 22, from a three weeks trip to West coast states. They visited his sister and hus* hand, C. L. Spalding at Cottage Grove, Ore., also other relatives in Washington and Oregon They reported 40 days of “no rain' at Vancouver. New Mexico Couple Feted at Picnic EMMET Mrs. Georgia Mc Ginnis attended a picnic dinner of the Grant Peacock home in O’ Neill Wednesday, August 27. The dinner was in honor at cousins, Mr and Mrs Bert Tihbets. who ire visiting here from House, N M. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Art Tihbets of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lowery of Oak dale, Mrs Fricke of Oakdale, Mrs Genevieve Bell of Cham bers and Mrs. Hattie Tihbets. Other Emmet News Mr and Mrs. Harold Krugman, Deraid and Terry visited the Ed Winklers Wednesday evening, August 27. Mr. and Mrs. Tony O’Donnell of O'Neill called at the Raymond Richards home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Schaaf visited at the Cecil McMillan home Sunday afternoon. The Golden Rod Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Earl Collins west of Atkinson last Thursday. Mrs. Jess Dobrovolny showed slides of their recent trip to the West coast and Can ada. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Winkler of Denver, Colo., arrived last Thursday to visit his parents, the Joe Winklers. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Winkler and children had arrived earlier in the week from California. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Winkler drove from Omaha nvpr thp ti/rawalr nr 1 Thpt*p vu c ft big family get-together Sunday. Those present, in addition to the aforementioned were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winkler find fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mary Alice. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Richards of Sac City, la., visited their son, Raymond Richards, and family over the labor day weekend. Miss Buelah Haskins of Oma ha visited the Cecil McMillans Saturday. Mrs. Bessie Burge and family atended a picnic in honor of Mrs. Nellie Holcomb of Bay Side, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brinkman and family of Bayside Calif. Mrs. Holcomb is Mrs. Clyde Burge’s mother. Mrs. Bill Brinkman is Mrs. Burge’s sister. In the evening the group went to the Hugh Carr home for home movies. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mattem and family of California stopped to visit Lew Sidak family Mon day evening, August 25. and stay ed overnight. The two families formerly were neighbors near Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cole and friends went on a boat trip Sat urday, August 23. They were boat ing near Niobrara and returned Sunday. Mrs. Joe Pongratz visited Rose and Mae Heeb Tuesday morning, August 26. Marian and Bryan Dusatko spent Tuesday, August 26, with Mrs. Lew Sidak. Mrs. Agnes Heeb, Mrs. Kath ryn Johnson, Mrs. Mike Bonen berger. Jean and Joan called on Mrs. Joe Pongratz Tuesday evening. August 26. Ed Thomas left on Saturday for a vacation trip with his son. Bob. Mrs. Elmer Alder and Mrs. Mc Ginnis visited Mrs. Grace Alder in St. .Anthony's hospital Monday afternoon, August 25. Mr. and Mrs Ben Troshynski and boys of Lincoln arrived Fri da yevening to visit the John Con ard and August Troshynski homes over the labor day weekend. Mr. and Mi's. Elmer Alder and family visited the Carl BoeIters, Orchard last TTiursday evening. They also called on the Tom Ald er family at Redbird. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sidak and family visited relatives in Des Moines and Weldon, la., last week . Mrs. Kathryn Johnson, Mrs. Agnes Heeb, Mrs. Joe Pongratz. Mrs. Connie Gokie, Bonnie and Bob, Mrs Mike Bonenberger. Jean and Joan visited Mrs. Ed. Cavanaugh and Pamela Kay Wed nesday afternoon, August 27. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sipes and family of Lincoln. Mrs. Rob ert Tomlinson and Voidon, and Nancy Fetrow were Saturday evening guests of the Max Gren iers in O’Neill. Delmer Alder returned homo after visiting at Tom Alder’s in Redbird for two weeks Mr. and Mrs. John Conard were hosts at a picnic honoring Mr. and Mrs. Rex Oberle Satur day evening The Oberles were here from Minneapolis, Minn., and were to leave for home Sun day. Others present at the pic nic dinner were Mr. and Mrs. R M. South of Inman, Mr. and | Mrs Harden Anspaeh of O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Ben Troshynski j and Ixiys and Mrs. Georgia Mc Ginnis. The Gilbert Foxes and |ho Max Greniers of O'Neill were | Sunday evening supper guests of the Robert Tomlinson's near Star. Hannah Tuttle Is Picnic Honoree RIVERSIDE—The Vearl Tuttle family entertained the youth group of the United Presbyterian church and their families at wie ner roast Friday evening, Aug ust 29. Those present were Dr. and Mrs. William Ross, Lavern and Loretta Shrader, Karen Napier, Mrs. Hannah Tuttle, the Ralph Shrader, Web Napier and Willie Shrader families and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul. At lunch time the guests sang happy birthday to Hannah Tuttle. It was her 82nd birthday anniver sary. Arrive Sunday — Arriving Saturday to spend the holiday weekend here with Sp-3 and Mrs. Lester Walton and family of Ft. Carson, Colo. They visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barton Walton Other weekend guests of the Par i kers were their daughter and her j husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oet I ter of Omaha Riverside News Mrs. Artthie Johnston and dau ! ghters and Mr. and Mrs Wtl' 1 Shrader visited in Tild* n and Nor 1 folk Friday. Diane Shrader and Sharor Johnstin sent exhibits in cooking | to the state fair. Diane sen* i clover leaf rolls and Sharon white and whole wheat bread- a loaf of each. The Verl Gunter family visit ed Friday evening at the De;» . Pofahl home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson cal led Sunday evening at the DeWitt Hoke home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink were Sunday dinner guests at the Elm er Trowbridge home near Page. Rev and Mrs. Ivan Turner took Wayne Turner to McPherson, Kans., Monday to attend school there. Mrs. Z H Fry and Mrs Dale Napier visited Saturday in Creighton. Mrs. Harold Rodgers began teaching at Riverside school Mon day, September 1. The Lee Fink and Bill Fink families were supper guests Fri day at Leo Miller home. Even ing callers were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller, the Walter Mil ler, Wendell Switzer and Bill Lof quist families Keith Biddlecome spent the weekend with homefolks. Mrs. Glen Masters and child ren of Lincoln were overnight guests Saturday at Earl Pierson home. Mrs. Masters is a niece of Mr. Pierson. Mr and Mrs George Montgom ery attended the wedding and re ception of Mary Ryan and Jerry McGinn in O’Neill Monday. Mr ana ivirs. c.. n ny ttucuuc-u uk reception in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston visited Sunday evening at the De Witt Gunter home. Valonda Biddlecome will teach kindergarten in Columbus at the Lincoln school, i The Harry Johnston, Lester Johnston and Archie Johnston families helped their mother, Mrs. Emily Johnston. celebrate her birthday anniversary by eating dinner with her Sunday, August 31. Guests at the Lorraine Mont gomery home Sunday to help Larry celebrate his eighth birth day anniversary, were Mr and Mrs. Floyd Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Janice and Jerry Jensen and the Lynn Fry family The John Napier and Alfred Napier families were Sunday guests at the Glen Harpster home. The W'illard Fry family left Thursday morning to visit at the ; Victor Vandersnick home and they will stop at Yellowstone park enroute to their home at Tulare, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family were guests Sunday of his mother Anna Miller in Ewing. Mrs. Francis Hall and children left Wednesday, August 27, for home in McPherson, Kans. Mrs. G. E. Lord and daughters and family left for their home in California on Friday they were guests last week at the Bert Fink home. fRttf SMORGASBORD LOTS OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT!!! SEPT. 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 jj COME ONE,.. COME ALL... TO THE - 4th Market For a Free Lunch Saturday, 2 ’til 7 p m., Serving Time_ F-R-E-F GROCERIES Will Be Given Away Saturday ! ... if your cart should be in the checkout lane at the sound of the alarm you will re ceive a FREE sack of groceries! ! WALDORF — MJB BOX CRACKERS - 43c TOWN HOUSE — Crackers, 1-lb. bx. - 29c MANCHESTER VANILLA — Wafers, 1-Ib. pkg.. 35c MEADOW GOLD HOLLAND DUTCH — W OAL ICE CREAM.... 59c FOOD KING — Shortening, 3-lb. cn. 69c BITTERN UT — COFFEE, lb..... 79c FRESH — LARGE CELLO Carots, 2 pkgs. ___ 19c NEW COLORADO — Green Cabbage, lb.5c COLORADO IT.S. NO. I — Onions, 5 lbs.-29c KRAFT ('RACKED BARREL — CHEESE, 8-oz pk. 39c Mild or Sharp INSTANT MAXWELL HOUSE — COFFEE, 6-oz jar 98c 15c Off Pack CUDAHY REX — Sum. Sausage, lb.. _ 69c CUDAHY PURITAN — Brauns’weiger, lb. - 53c GEOROIE PORGIE WH. or YELLOW Popcorn, 2 lb. bag . 25c CUDAHY PURITAN — LARD, per lb 10c SWIFT’S PREMIUM BEEF — Pot Roast, lb._49c Pork Steak, lb.. 4*9C SWIFT’S PREMIUM — Sliced Bacon, lb.... 69c Swift’s SLICED BACON — 5 LB. BOX Ends & Pieces 1.39 CUDAHY PURITAN — READY-TO-EAT PICNIC HAM, lb. 43c KRAFT — 16-OZ. .IAR Cheese Whiz_53c SWIFT’S BAR B-Q — MEAT LOAF, lb. 69c KRAFT — Miracle Whip, qt. 49c ROBIN HOOD — BAG FLOUR, 50-lb. 3.39 STOCK UP ! — J E L L 0,5 pkgs. 39c SI RE - JELL or — Pen-Jell, 2 pkgs— 27c WELCHADE — 32 OZ. CANS Grape Drink, 3 for __ $1 WILSON’S — CHILI, 1-lb can . 25c _With BEANS SHURFINE — 10-OZ. BAG • Marshmallows_ 19c CUDAHY PURITAN — PER LB. MINCED HAM . 49c Camera Visits Page Celebration i ju#- i i ■&; a... The chimpanzee from the circus delighted wide-eyed young sters during the street celebration at Page.—The Frontier Photo. This Page homemakers presented a domestic scene during Monday’s community day parade at Page. I.eft-to rigid — Mrs. C’ordes Walker, Mrs. Melvin Roach, Mrs. Roy Snell and .Mrs. Mel vin Smith.—The Frontier Photo. ■ W Hill— II■ —in— Henrietta, ponderous big elephant, followed the band in the labor day parade at Page. A small circus was a feature of the celebration.—The Frontier Photo. Verl Gunters Leave for Illinois City RIVERSIDE The Dean Pofahl ! family helped the Verl Gunters ' 'ad their trailer Saturday eve ng Other guests at the Will Shrader home w ere Archie Johnston and Willie Shrader fani I lies and Lionel Gunter. Alice Shrader accompanied the Verl Gunter family Sunday to Spring field. Ill , where the Gunters will make their home. Judy and Johnny started to school Tues day. Verl Gunter will attend Con cordia Theological seminary for this second year of schooling. Thev stpped to visit the James V. Gunter family near Genesco, 111.. Sunday evening. Other Riverside News Mrs. Ralph Mumm and children and Mrs. Richard Napier and children had picnic dinngp in O’ Neill FViday and the youngsters enjoyed the swimming pool in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pollock had a nienir sunner at the Wayne Fry home Sunday. Tuesday evening. August 26, Willard Fry, Uv Fink, Willie Shrader families, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and Mrs. Kitty Fry were guests for a barbecued sup per at the Lynn Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Alders vis ited Friday at the Rolk'rt Aiders home at Wisner. The Louie Aiders family left Friday morning for their home at Blaekfoot, Ida. Mr, and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mrs. Kitty Fry and the Richard Napier family were Sunday dinner guests at the Web Napier home. Janice and Jerry Jensen stay ed at Dale Napier home since Thursday morning while their parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jenson and Anna Marie, went to the Black Hills, returning to their home in Newman Grove Monday. Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer and Gary, the Will Shrader, Archie i Johnston and Vorl Gunter famil ies ate supper Thursday at the Willie Shrader home. The Louie and Rudy Ahlers families ate pienie sttpi>er Satur day. August 2.1. at Robert Ahlers home in Wtsner. Jerry Vandersnick is staying at the Wayne Fry home for a few days while his parents are on vacation Mr and Mrs Otto Retke are visiting at the Z. H. Fry and Kit ty Fry homes. Mr. and Mrs George Mont gomery were Sunday dinner guests at the Robert Montgomery home. Mr. and Mrs Dale Napier. Mr. ami Mrs Floyd Napier and Mr. and Mrs Z. II. Fry attended the state fair at Lincoln Tuesday and Wednesday. The Free Methodist Missionary society met Friday afternoon with Mrs. Melvin Napier. Army Enlistment* Announced Here— The army recruting office at Af /C.rt Willinttl ("Bill") Cousins, announces the following enlistments in this area: Bernard C. Howard of O’Neill, reenlistment, for army duty in Europe; Delbert Carl, Gene Sis son, Robert Welke, for airborne; Eddie Witte of Chadron, for air borne: Henry W. Dorr of Inman, for regular army unassigned; K. Davis of Bassett, for regular army unassigned; Charles Woods of Rushville. for army aviation. Cousins said the army is now offering training in a real life "space age university’’._ Accounting AND BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Morgan Ward ACCOUNTANT Golden Bldg. — Phone 414 O’Neill, Nebr. FRIDAY - SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 5 • « Murk Stevens in GUN FEVER plus CRASHING LAS VEGAS with Leo Gorcey, Hunt/. Hull and the Bowery Boys SUN.-MON.-TUES. SEPT. 7 • 8 » j Ilt’s that “Don’t Go Near The Water” guy ... GLENN FORD IMITATION GENERAL RED BUTTONS\ TAINA ELG • wkms \_ WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY SEPT. 10 - 11 FLESH AND THE SPUR with John Agar, Marla English and Touch Connors IM i i i— i i jI———— —r»*n*i: rM—twi———iiw—wi———i—a— SALE - NEBRASKA’S BIGGEST FURNITURE SALES EVENT: I $32,000 IN NEW FURNITURE STOCK! I Bonus Discounts from 10% to 100% Just a Sample of the Tremendous Savings: FINE FURNITURE BY FAMOUS MAKERS: All New, Factory Fresh Merchandise— Store Under New Ownership, New Management: 9.95 Rigid All-Metal IRONING TABLES Riot Price 5.97 9.95 TABLE LAMPS—Now 4.97 2-PC. LIVING ROOM SUITES Reg. 299.95, foam rubber, reversible cushions Sale Price 194.97 UTILITY CABINETS Select from our entire new stock! Sale Price - 14.97 UNPAINTED CHESTS Reg. 29.95, four-dawer Sale Price 17.97 BRONZE DINETTE SETS Reg. 69.95, five-piece. Hurry! Sale Price 39.97 2-PC. SECTIONALS Reg. 199 97. Nationally-advertised. Custom built. Recognized for fine design and workmanship. Sale Price 124.97 I OTHERS LESS THAN HALF PRICE INNTERSPRING MATTRESS Reg. 39.50, full-size interspring. Select from our brand name stock! ^ • Sale Price 20.00 OTHERS LESS THAN HALF PRICE DINING ROOM SETS Reg. 109.50 Drop Leaf Limed Oak Sale Price ... _ 69.95 OTHER BARGAINS In Smokers, Infant’s Furniture, (AirjM-ting, TV Swivel Rockers, Bunk Beds, Throw Rugs, Knee Hole Desks, Mirrors, Platform Rockers, Ironing Pads and Covers, Step Tables, Folding Chairs . . . storewide FI’KNITURE RIOT EASY TERMS, OF fOCRSE! MIDWEST FURN. & APPL. Phone 346-J —West O'Neill