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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1958)
Future Subscribers SC1LMIT Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schmit of McLean, a son, Daniel Eugene, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, bom Tuesday, April 8, at St. J< ..fph’s hospital at Osmond. Mrs. S< bmit is the former Elsie Pokorny, daughter of Mrs. Helen Pokomy of AtJcinson. HANZIK Mr. and Mrs. John Hanzlik of Pilger, a daughter, Dorothy Jean, weighing 7 pounds j 5 ounces, bom Tuesday, April 8. j Mrs. Hanzlik is the former Rose ■ Maly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j J.imes Maly of Lynch. Mr. llanz lui is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanzlik of Creighton. SEDIVY Mr. and Mrs. Robert j Sedivy of Verdigre, a daughter, Karen Mae, weighing 7 pounds; 15 ounces, bom Wednesday, April 9, in I>undl»erg Memorial hospital in Creighton. CASKEY—Mr. and Mi's. Don ald Caskey of Orchard, a son, Kevin Dean, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces, bom Friday, April 11, in Lundborg Memorial hospital, j K1LC0IN Mr. and Mrs. James Kileoin of O'Neill, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 12 Vi ounces, thony's hospital. BOWMAN Mr. and Mrs. Dar old Bowman of Spencer, twins, a son and a daughter, loth weighing 6 pounds, born Friday, April 11, at Sacred Heart hos pital, Lynch. WEBER Mr. and Mrs. Jer ome Welier of Stuart, a daugh ter, Shelly Renaee, weighing 6 jx>unds 12 ounces, bom Saturday, April 12, in Atkinson Memorial hospital. BURGE- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burge of Chambers, a son, weighing 6 pounds 11 ounces, lx>m Sunday, April 13, in Atkin son Memorial hospital. KYRISS—Mr. and Mrs. Marsh all Kyriss of Orchard, a son, Jack Edward, weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces, bom Monday, April 14, in Lundberg Memorial hospital, Creighton. BOLL WITT—Mr. and Mrs. Vic to" Bollwitt of Ewing, a daughter Rita Marie, weighing 8 pounds 6Va ounces, Ixwm Thursday, April 3, at St. Anthony’s hospital. The [ Bollwitts have named their daugh ter, Rita Marie. THEIS — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Theis of Creighton, a son, weigh ing 7 pounds 11 ounces, bom Monday, April 14, in Lundberg Memorial hospital, Creighton. SEGER-Mr. and Mrs. War-! ren Seger of Lincoln, a son, Mark ! Steven, weighing 7 pounds 8 oun-1 ces, Ixirn Tuesday, April 8, at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser of O’Neill are the mater nal grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Seger of O’Neill are the paternal grandparents. McOONNELL Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer McConnell of Atkinson, a son, weighing 5 pounds 8 oun ces, Iwm Wednesday, April 16 at Atkinson Memorial hospital. KKA Demonstration Is Given— Twenty-six members were pre sent at the Willing Workers 4-11 club meeting Friday, April 11, at the home of Perry Dawes. Four members were absent. Project reports were given by David Dawes, Emily Herley, Dianne Gillespie, Lynn McCarthy, Ruth Ann Walker, Ilene Nelson, Grant Peacock, Kenny Peacock, Larry Dawes and Gary Gillespie. Mrs. Louis Wray, Mrs. Fred Salak and Mrs. Lee Brady are on the committee for Rural Life Sunday. Junior leader camp at Bassett was discussed. A REA demonstration was given by Bob Kramer, Ray Fox, Kenny Peacock and their leader, Gary Gillespie.—By Nancy Wray, reporter. Brownie Troop Marks Birthday— Brownie Lone troop 1 celebra ted their first birthday anniver sary at Mrs. Herman Janzing’s home on Wednesday, April 16. The program consisted of two skits with third and fourth grade pupils, vocal and piano solos and group singing. One year pins were presented j to all members. Wings were pre sented to Joan French, Kathy Gallagher, Marlene McManus, | and Anna Marie Fritton. Birthday cake and punch were served to the Brownies and par ents. Dancing Recital Will Be Benefit There were 24 memebrs at St. Anthony’s hospital auxiliary Mon day, April 14. It was decided to sponsor Mrs. W. D. Melena’s dancing recital as a fund raising project. Mrs. Ray Lawrence and Mrs. Herman Janzing are making much needed children's pajamas to use at the hospital. Miss patty Alien showed slides of Lourdes, France. Hostesses were members of the Valley Cen ter extension club of Chambers. Vote $10 to Cancer Fund— The Grattan Farmerettes club met at the home of Mrs. Alvin Vorce on April 9th. Fourteen members were present. Mrs. Marvin Coluse and Mrs. Ed Burival presented the lesson on sandwiches. A variety of sand wiches were prepared and served with the lunch. The club voted to send $10 to the cancer fund 4 The next meeting will he May 14, at the home of Mrs. Boyd Boelter. Club Winners— Winners of the card club, which met Wednesday, April 9, at the home of Mrs. Philiip Hav ercamp. were Mrs. Bernard Sch mitz and Mrs. Francis Holz. Liddy-Conard Winners— Sunday Night Bridge club met I with Mr. and Mrs. John Conard pf I Emmet. Tom Liddy won high for j the men and Mrs. John Conard ! won high for the ladies. r ' — Jeudi Club Meets— Jeudi club met last Thursday j with Mrs. Norman Gonderinger. High scores were won by Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka and Mrs. Max j Wanser. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Raglan of Page were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nutter. ‘Family Life’ Report Given— The Friendly Neighbors club met Tuesday evening at the Joe Sivesend home with II members present and a guest. Mrs. Fred Jones. Homemade Easter hats were mode It'd by the ladies for roll call. Mrs. Carroll Holmes and Mrs Dale Perry volunteered to help with the county eye tests to be given in May. Mrs. Dwayne Phil brick gave a report on the talk "Family Life" by Dr. Joel Moss on April 7. Mrs. Carroll McKay and Mrs. Dale Perry presented the lesson on sandwiches. Several kinds were made and later ser ved for lunch. Mrs. Carroll Mc Kay won the guessing game. The May 20 meeting will be held at the Dwayne Philbrick home. A plant exchange will be for roll call. Cub Scouts met Monday even ning at the Jim Holsclaw home. An apple tree was planted. — By Dick Lieb, reporter. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. C. E. Yantzi returned Sat urday frum a month s stay in Casper, Wyo., where she visited her broher, William Barnard. She also was in Omaha visiting her sis ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. R. J Byers. She was gone most of the winter. Mrs. Gowen Miller of Minnea-, polis, Minn., was expected today (Thursday) to visit her father, Dr. W. F. Finley for u few days. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Krause and son of Cherokee, la., arrived Sunday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBoit. Mr. Krause left Monday for Chero kee. Mrs. Krause and son will re main for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swost of Bloomfield wers weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Becken bauer. Mrs. W. W. Waller and Rita with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell of Page, spent Monday in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. F S. Brittell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fernau in Valentine. Mr. and Mi's. Richard Hovey and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Clay John son, jr., and Harold and Mr and Mrs. Dwayne Philbriek and fam ily were Friday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Curran were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDonald of Plain view. Mr and Mrs Ernest Berger and daughters of Burke, S.D., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Juran. Af ternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Netnec and son of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser atended a family dinner at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Louis Kliment, sr., at Atkin son. Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kliment and family of Wausa, Mr. and Mrs. Loon Thompson and family of Bloom field, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Soucek of Verdigre, and Mr. and Mrs James Dobias, Mr. and Mrs Louis Kliment, jr., and Ivan Kli « ment, aU of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dale llerberg ! visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. An ller berg of Ruthton. Minn., ami her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rieli of Sioux Falls. S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence and daughters visited friends and relatives in Neligii on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff were Sunday guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs George Jeffrey of Ewing. Guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dulick, of Mor gan, Tex., and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kutseher of Austin, Tex. Wed nesday night they entertained at dinner for them at the Town House. Mrs. Mary Lehn and Mrs. O. W. French returned Saturday from Wahoo where they visited rela tives for a week. Mrs. Dave Moler returned Monday from visiting her daugh ters in Rockford, 111., for several weeks. fp,rs , ((PLANTIN’ W TIME! Hardy Rose Bushes Wax dipped, wrapped to retain moisture! No. V/t „ size bushes graded ac- 18 H1U cording to standards set by the American Assn, of Nurseymen. Assorted Shrubbery 98c Garden Hose 50-ft. length $2,69 Unconditionally Green opaque vinyl plastic, j j . 11 solid brass couplings. Easy buaranteed ! to handle light weight. Brass hose nozzle. qq Easily adjustable. O&C I’ imported (lladioli bulbs, 2-3 in. 69c s 8 (1 ladioltis varieties 29c ; 3 Fall Flame ( annas ... 45c j j (limit Dahlias _ 29C I i Giant ' Tuberous I Dahlias Begonias Ea. . 29c Box 98c j Large tuber. Six 1 Vfe-2 in. j g i a nt flower- bulbs in box. I ing type. As- Rooted. As - sorted colors. sorted colors. Colorful Garden Hand Tools Garden Planting Spading Claw Trowel Trowel Fork Weeder Eases Your Gardening! F Strong, useful tools in gay colors. jJ? ^ Lifl. Stool blades, wooden plug handles. *5* X> - - ^T” I H Swansdown Gooch’s Best | WB |^^P T W . 111 ANGEL FOOD OVEN CAKE MIX FLOUR 3 BIG DAYS LEFT ffiKSffuT. ” —39 I ^ — 47‘ 1 , ^TeaLber yournesh..uiiih savings EARLY BIRD SALE # Our Family FOREMOST'S PUSS 'N PURE CONCORD ■*% ■ ■ ■% «*« RIG DIP boots JELLY CAT FOOD 4o^*l°° 2-gal- vk- 59c 2 ™ 29* | SWANSDOWN WHITE - YELLOW • CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX a KRAFT'S SALAD DRESSING _ MIRACLEw" * JOiaflL (BhanxL RED TOP IMITATION BOYSENBERRY — RED RASPBERRY —- STRAWBERRY BIG 3-LB. JAR ^25- ll'BmiEB BAci —■ r 9KKV C9 99 i Chrr^r >-°t |5* ; - fia l<# WILDERNESS BRAND CHERRY OR APPLE ;“fe41' Pit MIX s I POST TOASTIES ‘.-27' new —!LZ!U POST GRAPENUT FLAKES “-29' B T P MARSHMALLOWS =r..2-»25' flavor 1 Miiriiligaa ARMOUR’S BEEF STEW.“53* “«7p I /^k BAKERS CHOCOLATE CHIPS -49' “l/c ARMOURS SPRY SPRY } TDEET pure VEGETABLE LIQUID 1 K C 1 SHORTENING SHORTENING ’tin2, 53c tin 97c pt. 43c ^ NORTHED GOLD SEAL Bathroom Tissue GLASS WAX 4 ROLLS 37' pt. NORTHERN WAX TEX KITCHEN TOWELS WAXED PAPER 2 BOLLS 39' ROLL7'._„ SKIP’S — REG. 25c SIZE F SPREAD IT — 2-LII. BOX CHIPS..... 19c CHEESE. ..59c I VAX VAIJX RED — PKG. CREAMERY — PER LB. RASPBERRIES 29c BUTTER . ... 69c j ^ lTfebuoy breeze TOILET SOAP All Purpose Detergent zSzz* S,35*£84* LUX SURF i 2-2l" zBw. a, 34* £82* ' LUX FLUFFY ALL FLAKES Pot Wonderful Washing £_30* ^ 81* f ORANGE JL JUICE 3 Z *l°° FUSE CONCORD ISgSgk Grape Juice made or aed ure tomatoes Tomato Juice 2% CREAM or GARDEN 1 Peas_=_ B CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL Golden Coni'_6 -gffiWP FANCY CUT ' yjRMpI Asparagus P5^ / IN RICH TOMATO SAUCE j llH / Pork Beans ... 10 'V *1°° f CRUSHED . CHUNK . TIDBITS Pineapple ■ IN HEAVY SYRUP Pear Halves YELLOW CUNG HALVES Vjn Peaches OPWk IN HEAVY SYRUP Fruit Cocktail PURE TAMCY TOMATO Catsup mSfl TANCT SMOOTH ngn\ Peanut Butter r£\ I TOP VALUE AT JACK * JILL | FRESH GREEN ONIONS I [IDAHO RUSSETS--1 .-79c J WIS K PARSON'S n Instant Laundry Detergent SUDSY AMMONIA rt 41* QT. 75* QUART_29* Cal Ironing Time In BTi . . . . . _ Halt With JJJ L I N I T N"S0FT PINT Qp LIQUID STARCH I FABRIC SDFTENER 49*| OTot- _27* 5 SNOWY ""PS UNIT I BLEACH DRYSTARCH os’-_Ar |a^_„4i» - We Carry a Complete Line of NUTRENA FEEDS NOW BOOKING ORDERS FOR APRIL, MAY, .JUNE DELIVERY ON — BABY CHICKS AUSTRA-WHITES — LEGHORNS — WHITT: ROCKS LEG ROCKS AND LEG HAM PS TOP MARKET- PRICES FOR CREAM - EGGS - POULTRY l|| CAMPBELL’S — TOMATO I SOUP CI EXPIRES APRIL 31 MIDNIGHT M