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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1958)
Riverside News _ Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery and family ate dinner Easter at the Floyd Napier home. The dinner was in honor of the Floyd Napiers’ 39th wedding anniversary on April 8 and also the wedding anniversary of Mr. j and Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery on Apnl 5. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier, Mrs. Melvin Napier and Mrs. Don I^arson met at the Dewitt Hoke home Tuesday, April 1, to appoint committees and make plans for the aiummi banquet to be held Tuesday evening. May 27, at the Ewing school. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family, Mr. and Mrs, Lee Funk and sons, Mrs. Kitty Fry and Bert Fink ate dinner Sunday at the Willie Shrader home. The dinner was in honor of Ava's and Timothy’s birthday anniversaries. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry were in Neligh Friday. Mrs. Fry at tended the spring council meeting of the extension clubs in Ante lope county and little Miss Shelia Fry stayed with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier. Mrs. Lionel Gunter attended a 4-H meeting in O'Neill Tuesday, April 1. Billy Matthew is helping with the farm work and the remodel ind on the house at the Dale Nap ier place. Alice Shrader and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston entertain ed the Forum group at the church unnex Friday, April 4. Dr. and Mrs. William Ross gave the lesson. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and children, A1 Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and girls ate din ner Easter at the Bill Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton ate dinner Sunday at the George Montgomery home. Mrs. Lynn Fry and children and Mrs Lorraine Montgomery and children visited Tuesday eve ning. April 1, at the Dale Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald wettlaufer j and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and faintly ate dinner Easter at the Will Shra der home. Catherine Lofquist was an over night guest of Linda Larson Tues day. April 1. Catherine and Linda also visited at the Dewitt Hoke home that evening. The Willie Shrader family vis ited Monday evening, April 7, at the Lynn Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow and daughters ot Cedar Rapids ate dinner Easter at U»e Earl Pierson home. Milton Biddlecome left Saturday, April 5, for his navy base in California after spending two weeks visiting relatives at Ew ing He will soon be sent to a buse on Guam. Letters to Editor Ewing, Nebr. April 15, 1958 We wish to thank you in a very special way for your time and ex pense you gave toward our good neighbor fund. It was a big boost morally and financially. Thanks again from the lx>ttom of our hearts and may God bless you. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Parks and family UNITED PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing) "The Friendly Church” Dr. William H. Ross, minister Saturday, April 19: Choir prac tice, 8 pjn. , . , Sunday, April 20: Bible school, 10 a.m.; reception of members, sermon, ‘‘True to God”, 11 a m-; junior high rally at Bethany. 2:30 p.m-; junior fellowship, 7 p.m., Mrs. Ralph Shrader, spon sor: singspiration and missionary address. 8 pun. Miss Laura Mac Lachlan will be the speaker, tell ing of West Pakistan. She will illustrate her message with glides. „ Wednesday, April 23: Prayer and Bible study. 8 p.m, William H. Ross, leader. Friday. April 25: Congrega tional meeting to make a call for _ nnntrvt« unH tn cntp on matters V» 1™*“*“* - . pertaining to union. GOOD HATS deserve factory rebuilding! Cleaned, blocked, re-styled with new bands, bindings and leathers with postage paid back to yon ... tor only — $4 Hats of Distinction Made to Oder Styled to your Individual measurement* $10 to $100 (Style folder on request i Cy Langdale CUSTOM HATTER Box HW Norfolk, Nebr. M iss Gloria Pollat Engaged to W e d Mr. and Mrs. Myron Pollat of Omaha have announced the en gagement of tfwfr daughter. Miss Gloria, to Ted Lindberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lindberg, of O'Neill. The bride is a graduate of the University of Nebraska where she was affiliated with Delta. Delta Delta, social sorority. She currently is teaching commercial in the Omaha public schools. The prospective bridegroom Ls a graduate of the O'Neill high school and attended Wayne State Teachers college for tvro years. He completed his military ser vice, and then finished his educa tion at the University of Nebras ka. • Mr. Lindberg is employed by the Prudential Insurance com pany in Minneapolis, Minn. An early summer wedding is being planned. Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrad drove to Petersburg Sunday where they called at the home of an aged aunt of Mrs. Schrad’s. Enroute home they visited Mr. Schrad’s brother, Henry Schrad at RaeviUe. On Saturday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk attended the fore noon wedding of his nephew, Jack Funk and* Carole Childers, at Elgin. Jack is a graduate of the Eiwing high school with the class of 1955. During the weekend, Mr and Mrs- Ben Larsen visited relatives and friends at Pierce, Norfolk, Plainview' and Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen ac companied by Mi's. Mae Pruden of Clearwater made a combined business and pleasure trip to Sioux City Tuesday, April 8. Deemer Conner of Orchard spent a few days last week with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner. Miss Joellyn Eacker of Louis ville was a weekend guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunter. An afternoon ride was enjoyed in the Verdigre area. Mrs. Eva Kaczor, Mrs. Joe Kaczor and Mrs. Leo Vander snick went to Stuart Tuesday to visit with Mrs. John Vandersnick, who is being cared for at the Stuart Rest Haven. Kristy Drey spent Easter week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffries,, while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Drey, went to Arizona to visit relatives Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmar had as their 12 o’clock dinner guests recently her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming, and Mrs. Dora Townsend of Page. Thp occasion was in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Fleming Mrs. Belmar made the csiKc. On Easter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmar, and daughter, Lorella June, went to Plainview where they were guests at the Clarence Heater home. Other guests were Mrs. Sarah Bonge, Mr. and Mrs. George Bonge and family of Or chard. Merle Lee of Omaha was an overnight guest Saturday, April 5, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee. fooior at tho hnmp of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris and Bertha were Mr. and Mis. Ray Butler. A 1 o’clock dinner was enjoyed. Guests Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrad were their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Schrad, and family and also another son. Francis Schrad of Omaha. Sunday guests in the home of their parents were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Urban, Jimmie and Rakal of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Urban and Rose Mary of O Neill. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knox and son, Melvin and Mrs. Clarence Know of Ewing. Mrs. Willa Carr and daugh ter. Connie, and son, Pat ac companied by her father, M. H. Dierks, left Monday, April 7, to return to Holdrege. The Can family spent their Easter vaca tion in Ewing with her father. Easter guests at home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks, was Miss Mary Alys Dierks, employed as nurse at St. An thony's hospital She returned to work in O’Neill Monday after noon, April 7, and Merton Dierks, a student at Kansas State college at Manhattan, Kans. resumed his studies there. Mrs. Archie Tuttle and daugh ter, Leonora, Judy Tinsley and Lyle Spence became members of the Methodist church Easter Sun day. Baptismal sendees for Louella, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmer. were conducted Palm Sunday by Rev. L. E. Brigden. Mrs. Gilbert Olson of Doming, N. M., is a guest in the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. t rank Urban and family. Easter Guests— Easter weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kurtz were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown and fam ily of North Platte. I— > _ I It « e - as' • X „ e. . • . V ; Mr. ami Mrs. Carrol Hajsemeler . . . the hriile is the former Dorothy Haake.—O’Neill 1’hoto Co Annual Spring Concert Is Held INMAN The annual spring concert was presented by the Inman public school band under the direction of Leonard H. Sowyer on Monday, April 14, in the school auditorium. The program opened with “The Star Spangled Banner” and many instrumental solos and duets fol lowed. Band personnel follows: Clari nets: Neal Kelley, Marilyn Fick, Tommy Pribil, Bill Coventry, Sharon Morrow, Edna Fairbanks, Larry Kopejtka, and Sharlene Reyonlds. Flutes: Carolyn Fick and Georgia Lou Fick. Drums: Ruth Ann Hansen, Carol Cadwall ader, and Leonard Butterfield. Bells: Lois Mors bach. Cornets: Bonnie Banks, Dick Appleby, Brenda Colman, Roland Hansen, Roger Tompkins, Bob Pribil, Roger Banks, Keith Kiv ett, Warren Hansen, Terry An thony, and Garnet Gillogly. Saxa phones: Ned Kelley, Bob Ruther, Sharon Michaelis, and Conda Couch. Trombones: Sam Watson, Bob Morrow, Marilyn Siders, Bernice Colman, Anna Mae Her old, Carol Gaughenbaugh, and Lorraine Butterfield. Basses : 1 Donna Barlow and Mary Mors-1 bach. Eh Horns: Karen Brown, Bob Coventry, and Loren Lorenz. Baritone: Linelle Tompkins. The senior class presented Mr. Sawyer with a gift. Following the concert, the band mothers served pie and coffee. Amelia News Bus Gilman held the the lucky number at the cattle sale in At-1 kinson and won a Guernsey dairy 1 calf. Sam Gilman went to Valentine j Monday, April 17, with his nep hew, Jack Gilman, and while there purchased a car. Mrs. Roy Fullerton, Craig, Bruce and Tama accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C F. anH riarv In Tjirnt'ri KLflrts. last weekend where they visited in the home of her brother, Ken neth Small, and family. H. S. White, who has been vis iting since last fall w'ith his daughter and her husband. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Adamson in Mc Pherson, Kans, returned home Tuesday, April 8. He accompan ied Paul Fisher on his return home after taking his daughter, Dorothy, hack to school at Mc Pherson. She had been home for the Easter vacation. A few ladies met at the home of Mrs. Edith Andersen Wednes day evening, April 8, to tie a comforter for the Wade Davis family, whose home and contents had been destroyed by fire. The conforter top was donated by Mrs. Julia White. Those helping with the work were Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Emma Lindsey, Mrs. S. C. Barnett and Mrs. An | dersen. Lawyer Gerald Kilty of Belle vue visited Wednesday night, April 8, with his aunt. Mrs. Floyd Adams and Mr. Adams and his 1 uncles. Blake and Harry’ Ott and ! Mrs. Blake Ott. Mr. Kiltz was re cently admitted to the Nebraska Bar association, and is now prac ticing law in Omaha. One of his assignments is research work in the Starkweather case EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Updike, who resided in Ewing several years ago, are celebrat ing their golden wedding anniver sary on Sunday. April 20. at Arca dia. Calif. Open house is being held They have three daughters. A few of their friends in Ewing have receded invitations to at tend the anniversary party. Visit Here— Miss Mardell Gaskill of Oma ha and Miss Janice Sipes of Lin coln were Easter weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gaskill. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Juran and sons were Easter guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kahler at Bonesteel, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt vis ited Mr. and Mrs Larry Krause and grandson in Sioux City, Mon day, April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Krause now live in Cherokee, la. - I Bowden’s Model T i Clinches It’s Spring ' It's authentic that spring has 1 arrived when Clyde Bowden ' appeal's on the streets of O' Neill in his 1923 model T Ford. 1 The model T was brought out of mothballs Tuesday — a reliable harbinger of spring. The well - groomed, decora tively painted model T, with a small, improvised truck rack in rear, during the summer , months plies regularly between ( Mr. Bowden's home and the ; two bank buildings, where he is custodian, and the Country ] club, where he is custodian. < Attend Meeting at Norfolk— O’Neill partners attending the Madison county Salon 410-Eight and Forty dinner and regular April Marche were Mesdames Robert Lowery, Lester Riege and John Davidson. It was held last Thursday in Norfolk. Among the five partners initiated was Jean Riege. The Salon voted to send $50 to the National Jewish hospital in Denver for food for T. B. child ren. The next marche will be on May 1 at O’Neill with Atkinson, Bassett and O’Neill partners as ostesses. All partners are to wear sack or chemise of their own creation. County Court COUNTY COURT April 10—Earl B. Maier of Ft. Mead, S. D., speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—Sgt. R. R. , Shorney. April 11—John Kubik of O’ Neill, careless driving, fined $25 and $4 costs; officer—Chris Mc Ginn. April 12—Paul Kenneth Rausch, driver for J. T. Barkley of Los Angeles, Calif., overweight, fin ed $50 and $4 costs; officer— Donald F. Richardson. April 14 Michael E. London of Omaha, speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—R. L. Gude. April 16—Robert W. Barber of 1>._ A— nrwto^inrr t17 and $4 costs; officer— R. L. Glide. April 16- Douglas E. Tryon of Gordon, speeding night, fined $17.50 and $4 costs. April 16—Douglas E. Tryon of Gordon, speeding, fined $17.50 and $4 costs. April 16— Rex Owen Moore driver for PIE of Chicago, 111., excessive length, fined $10 and $4 costs. JUSTICE COURT John G. Summer of Page, im proper U turn on West Douglas, fined $5 and $4 officer—Milford Goats. Regional Deaths O. T. Cratty ELGIN — O. T. Cratty,, 77, who moved to Dos Palos, Calif., about 20 years ago after being a longtime resident here, died Friday, April 11, in Dos Palos. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m., Tuesday, April 15, at the Brooks funeral chapel here. Burial was in the West Cedar Valley cemetery. Survivors in clude: Widow -Pearl; son—Melvin of Omaha; adughter—Isabelle, of Omaha; step-daughter—Arlene of North Hollywood, Calif.; brother B. A. of Neligh; sisters—Mrs. R. A. Payne and Mi-s. D. S Hinman, both of Elgin; Mrs. Ota Lewis and Mrs. Belle Kibler of Omaha; Mrs. Mary Alice Melick and Mrs. Dwight Sigworth, both of Long Beach, Calif. Californians to Note 50th Wedding EMMET—Mrs. Georgia McGin nis received an Invitation to the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Updike of Arcadia, Calif. 'TCtese people are remembered the Ewing community as they resided there for years. Mrs. Up dike’s maiden name was ArvWa Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Knapp of Ewing were Monday evening, April 7, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Man son. Haake-Hagemeier Nuptials Read in Chambers Church (Photo at left). CHAMBERS — Miss Dorothy Haake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs ; Walter Haake, and Carroll Hage- 1 moier of Nokomis. 111., were unit- i ed in marriage at 7 p.m., Sat-; unlay, April 12. Rev'. P. Pullman of Neligh performed the double ringce remony at the St. Paul's Lutheran church In Chamliers. The altars were decorated with yellow- jonquils and white snap dragons with candles dow-n the aisle. The bride, escorted by her fa ther. appeared in a floor-length gown with a full net skirt. Lace inserts formed scalk>ps and the V-neckline. Her gauntlets match ed the gown Her illusion veil was caught by a white cap of chenille lace covered with pearls. She carried a white Bible with an orchid. Miss Shirley DeHart, as brides maid, wore a light green polish ed cotton ballerina length gown. Mrs. Dorothy Redeker of Noko mis, 111., as bridesmaid, wore an identical dress in yellow. Both \ wore small white daisy caps and short veils. The wedding march w-as play- ; ed by a sister of the bridegroom, j Mrs. Orland Janssen of Noko- ! mis, 111., Ruben Werner of Battle Creek sang “Oh Perfect Love” and "Trie Lord's Prayer." The flowergirl was Denise Hag emeier of Nokomis. 111. Ring bearer was Larry- Dale Haake. a brother of the bride. Duaine Hagemeier of Nokomis, 111., w-as best man. Alan Janssen of No komis, 111., was an attendant Ushers were Donald Haake of Elwood and Ronald Haake, bro thers of the bride. They all wore white boutonnieres. A reception for one hundred guests followed. The couple will reside in No komis, 111. Mrs. Hagemeier was graduated from Chambers high school and was a telephone operator. Mr. Hagemeier attend school in Nokomis and is a trucker. Real Estate Transfers WD—Lloyd deed to Leo T Adams 3-27-58 $133.70 and ex change of real estate- -NWy4 28 26-13. WD—Fred Fritton to Sophia V Fritton 9-29-50 $1—N%SWy4 26 29-12. WD—Thomas B Jacobson to Lewis M Carter and wf 7-17-56 $200—Lots 8 & 9 Blk 29-Ewing. WD—Carrie Keating, et al to John F Keating & wf—no date $1 —Lots 6 & 7 Blk 32—Frank Bit neys Add—Atk. WD—Bernard C Engler to Or ville P Paxton & Nolan N De Losh 10-10-57 $300—Part of NEVi NWy4 12-30-16. WD—John R Kollman, et al to Leo J Krysl & wf 3-10-58 $12,000 —NE’/4 36-30-15. WD—Mary L Rotherham to Wil liam A Hobbs & wf 3-17-58 $1400 -Lots 12-13-14—Blk 23 Ewing. WD—County of Holt to George Mel lor 3-31-58 $1—Part of EM> SEt4 and Part of EVkSE^iNEyi Sec 24-32-12 (4.6 acres). QCD—Earl F. Stewart to Les ter Stewart 5-17-57 exchange of property not to exceed the value of sixty eight thousand dollars— aii sec 30—swy4 19-SWy4SEy4 19 _ NMi — NV2SWy4 — swy4 swy4 29-32-16 & land in Rock Co. WD—Joe Pribil & Ruth M. Murphy to Grace L Wilson & hus band 3-25-58 $5600—SEy4 11-27-12. WD—Loraine Smith to Ed ward C Smith & wf 3-21-58 $2500 —Lot 8 Blk 1—Bakers 2nd Add - Chambers. Subj to taxes. WD—Loraine Smith to Ralph Adams & wf 3-21-58 $5000—Part of Outlot D Northside Add — Chambers. Subj to taxes. WD—Frank J Weber to Wilma M Weber 3-22-58 $1—Lot 18 Blk 7—Atkinson. WD—Ernest R Zink to George K'piHol Rr wf 3-4-58 SI—NWy4 21 31-15. Griffin, Ref to Oswald Drueke REFEREE’S DEED — Wm. W 3-28-55 $9600- SEV4 31-32-11. WD—Keith J Sexton to Jane Robertson Spann 8-6-56 $5000 - Part of NVfeN1/^ Sec 29-26-12. WD—Hattie R Tibbets to George R Porter & Mrs. Beryl Beed 3 6-58 -1000—Part of NWy4NWy4 29 26-12. WD—Merlin C Grossracklaus, et al to Charles Faquier, 3-4-58 $12,880.00—SV4 35-26-12. WD—Emma C Martin to Roy W Parker & wf 11-5-56 $1000— West 90 ft of Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6 Blk 44— Riggs Add — O’Neill. Alice’s Beauty Shop Res. 3 doors west of Texaco 125 East Douglas Phone 203 — O’Neill Dr. J. L. Sherbahn CHIROPRACTOR Complete X-Ray Equipment Vi Block So. of Bus Depot OlNeill, Nebraska Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL. NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds Ray Lawrence O’NEILL — PHONE 114 Dealer of Nixon A Oo. F-E-E-D-S General Livestock Hauling Itlake anil Abart . . . the Chambers youth exhibited the grand champion breeding heifer—a Hereford—at the 1937 llolt county fair.- -The Frontier Photo. Tomlinson and Bush . . . they talked basketball, of course, at Monday’s all-sports banquet at Ewing.—The Frontier Photo. Sick & Injured O'NEILL — Eddie (“Butch” Tellier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Tellier, had measles. . Randy Lyons, son of Sgt. anc Mrs. James R. Lyons, had meas les. . . Little Andy Donohoe, sor of Mr. and Mrs. Jiim Donohoe' was taken to Omaha to check or his heart. The doctor was pleasec with little Andy’s condition anc said no surgery was comtemplat ed at this time. Andy has to gc back in about six months, for an oth e r checkup. . . Mrs. Henry Benze had mealses. . . Marla Clyde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clyde, had her appendix taken >ut in St. Anthony’s hos pital. . . Sally Stewart had three day measles. . . Julie Kyser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kyser, had three day measles. Marilyn Donohoe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Donohoe, entered St. Anthony’s hospital Friday. After a series of tests, it I was found she has rhemuatic fever and must rest for three months. She is a sixth grade pupil at St. Mary’s academy. She was dismissed Wednesday. . . Sharon McLeish had measles and returned to school Monday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLeish. . . Little Bobby Stuif bergen had his tonisls removed at St. Anthony's hospital. . . T. Joseph Biglin entered St Vin cent's hospital in Sioux City Fri day as a medical patient. He re turned home late Tuesday after five days of hospitalization. . . I Mrs. FTed Appleby submitted to surgery at SI Anthony’s hospital. Janette Lee Woidneck had an ap pendectomy at St. Anthony's hos pital. . . Linda Rae Coats, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Milford Coats, has measles. DORSEY Mr..and Mrs Lloyd Brady left Thursday to visit their son, John, who Monday under went surgery at a Des Moines, la., hospital. He was not too well when they left as they called for his folks to come, but he was “much improved" when they re turned home Sunday so Mrs. Brady could resume her school teaching duties. . . Mrs H. H. Miles motored to Norfolk Mon lay to visit her daughter-in-law. Mrs Don Jenktnson, who entered a hospital Sunday. . . Mrs. Otto Ru/icka is staying at the Mrs. Otto Dryak home in Niobrara. The Indies' mother is in a critical condition. . . Fred Rosenkrans hail the misfortune to fall from a wagon while playing at school Monday, and he fractured his arm. He was rushed to a doctor where he received first aid at once. EWING Sgt. Marvin I> Carl is confined to the hospital in Alas ka where he is stationed. He is suffering from a back injury. His address is Sgt. Marvin D. Carl. RA55406883, Co. B. First Batta lion, BC, 9th Infantry, AIK) 937, Seattle, Wash. . Frank Wilson, who has been a surgical pat ient in the Methodist hospital In Sioux Cty, was able to come home Saturday. . . Mrs. Earl Billings underwent surgery Sat urday at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. Her condition is “satisfactory.” LYNCH -Sid Baker is under the doctor’s care because of a “very lame leg”. . . Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst is on the sick list. CELIA Victor Frickcl went to Omaha Saturday to visit his wife, who is a patient in Omaha hos pital. DELOIT Miss Connie Childers and Jack Funk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Funk were married Saturday morning at St. Boniface Catholic church in Elgin. Never An After-Thirsti SWITCH TO SQUIRT Dr. Donald E. David OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101 Spencer I Hogs Horses The BEST way to sell LIVESTOCK is the Auction Way Butte Livestock Market gives you several BIDDERS on every CONSIGNMENT of livestock, never a Silent Bid and you see all livestock weighed. Ship your stock to us on Wednesday. (No Sheep) Cattle How This Newspaper Helps Advertisers.., Through this man’s work i Actually, he's not on our payroll, but this auditor haips us to help you do a better job. He has been specially trained in the examination of dreuke tion records by the,Audit Bureau of Circulations.* His objective findings tell us how well we are doing in tha dis tribution of your sales messages. They keep us akrt to more effective coverage opportunities. He helps us to help you in another way, too. His ftndtnp are an inventory of our circulation audience—facts that help you invest your advertising money on a sound husinSM basis. Ask to see a copy of our latest A.B.C. Audit Report this week and let us show you how these (acts can help you do a better advertising job. j THE FRONTIER Our slrculatlon'ir audi'udat snoad A.B.C. circulation auditors and thsir n|Nti SM adb MMlIi l» oar advertisers without obligation. MIAIURI OF SERVICE...MARK OP I N T ■ • It I T Y ■ 1 -r— " " * ' ■ * * " * I ’ * • % * 0 - . .. MH