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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1957)
Venus News Wednesday, November 30, the Help U club met with Mrs. George Jeffrey with all 15 member* pre sent Walnut meats were picked and cards were played. Mrs Otto Maichullat received the door prize. The hostess served a lunch eon • Mr and Mrs Clarence Finch and family were Sunday. Novem ber 10 dinner guests at the Elmer Ljchty home near Royal. Harry Smith of Verdigre was a caller at the Ralph Brookhouser home Friday. November 22. Sidney Faulhaber helped Ralph Brookhouser with com picking Wednesday, November 20. Clarence Finch, jr., came home from Fremont over the weekend to help with the farmwork on the farm of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Finch. Lon Pitchier of Norfolk helped his father-in-law, Bryan Finch with compuking. Mr. and Mrs Pitchier and family arrived at the Finch place on Saturday, No vember 10. Mrs. Joyce Lantz and family of Fremont were visitors at the home of her parents during the November 16-17 weekend. Mrs Ora Caskey attended the study center at Creighton Wednes day, November 30, while the twins Larry and Gary, attended the class play presented there that evening. Browns Arrived in Hawaii— Mr. and Mrs Ed Brown and son. Eugene, arrived in Honolulu Haw., in October. Mrs. Brown is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farris of O'Neill and Mr. Brown in the navy. He has served 16 years. Burwell Child Has Early Christmas BURWELL—Debra Lee Homer, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Sterling Homer of Burwell celebrated an "early Christmas" Wednesday, November 13. Monday. November 18. her par ents took her to Minneapolis, Minn., where she entered Shrine Crippled Children's hospital At the Christmas party a trad | itionai tree was decorated as well) as a cake baked and decorated by Mrs. Warwick. Debra Lee was bom with a congential deformity’ of the back and is unable to w alk LXx'tors j gave her parents much encour agement that she would be able to walk when she is discharged from the hospital. Mrs. Kaglaml Is tillest— PAGE Mrs. William Ragland was a guest when Golden Rule extension club met Tuesday. No vember 19, at the home of Mrs. Robert Nissen. Mrs Harold Asher and Mrs Melvin Held gave the lesson on "The Lady and the Law." Mrs A T. CVumly gave the article "While Others Sleep." Mrs. Ivan Heiss was the winner of a guessing game. Cakes and cookies will be baked and sent to a children's home KKAL KSTATK TKANSWKKN WI> Rhoda Darlene Parks, et al., to Gertrude M. Sargent 10* 2.-57 $1 So. half lota 1 & 2 blk. C O’Neill & Hagerty’s Add.— O'Neill. \Vl> Ruth Louise Nlaclaichlan to Eihvard Brandt & wife 8-29 j6 $2300 U>ts 4 & 5 Blk 46 Pioneer Townsite Oo. 1st Add— Vkinson WI> L. B. Nicola to George N. Minnig & wife 10-29-57 $31,000 5W , 29 SE 30 Kti & s\\«4 31 W4 & SEi* 32-32-15 iml NlsNE‘4 6-31-15. “ — - - - - — — - -• - - ■ -—----——-- — - -— ... — ^ :;i, i -n ** Only 47.4 calories par 18 gram slice! Qgk ounces oj Coidou/i Will supply 45.5% o^ the daiy allowances o| p/iotein jjOh an active woman 25 yeaAs o{ aye. Compared with other foods as you buy them, Contour Special Formula Bread gives you generous quantities of balanced protein. Contour Bread contains as much protein in o,,e pound (one loaf) as 3 pints of whole milk, or 8 fresh eggs, or 2Vi pork chops. jpQpkl W The following table lists the percentages by l J Y weight or amounts of the food substances in V A Contour Special Formula Bread essential to A I I body tissue growth and repair: [ \ W Proteins-11.0% Minerals-2.1 % l ) X Calcium —0.08% Lact0|bumin_3., % V I i Vitamin Bi — A \j 2.0 MGS.AB. Vitamin B2 - I ] A Niacin— MGS.AB. ^7 | | I®-® MGS./LB. Iron —14.8 MGS./LB. A Contour Special Formula Bread ha* been fortified with Lactalbumfn, a milk protein contain ing lysine, an essential amino acid that provides nitrogen balance. Whot does this mean in terms of nutrition to a person on a diet? Simply this. These food substances added to bread enable the body to convert 100% of the protein intake from bread for its use. Bread without lysine, only 80% of the protein can be converted, and from bread without milk solids and Lactalbumin only 20% of the protein can be converted for body use. Thus, Contour with these added food substances not only is high in protein but provides a nitrogen balance so necessary for body tissue growth and repair. Comtes an(ma(! and email p/ioteins If you are one of the millions who are calorie conscious, remember this. When low quality pro teins alone are consumed the human body utilizes them mainly as heat and energy. This causes greater surpluses of fat and carbohydrates to be stored resulting in a need for additional protein and subsequently more calories. But the proteins in Contour are balanced, complete proteins, 100% usable for tissue building, so essential to both sexes of all ages. So be sure to eat foHs that are high in balanced proteins. Buy Contour Special Formula Bread Today. Co ntou/i tastes good-toasts good, tool With all the special benefits of Contour you also get a real bonus in flavor because Contour is not only good for you, but it tastes good. For a real treat try Contour toasted. Toasting brings out all the fine, fresh flavor of quality ingredients and makes eating Contour a genuine pleasure. ^Ub SPECIAL FORMULA BREAD A o at ijoak hauoidte hood stoiiel BY THE BAKERS OF RAINBO BREAD