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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1957)
FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at ail times Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 24 mill's southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOR SAL£: Purtfcred spoiled Poland China boars, price $45. One registered Columbia ram. 600 Ford truck 16-ft box. in excellent condition. — George Eickhoff, O’Neill, phone 6F111. 31-32p60 FOR SALE: 21-ft. mobil home, $405, See Richard Doty at the O Neill Sign Service. ‘31-32-p60 NEW 8c USED MOBILE HOMES WHY RENT when you can own your own home? A LARGE selection on hand in 15 to 48 ft., 8 8c 10 ft. widths, equipped with the fabulous alarm-o-matic fire alarm. See it demonstrated. SPECIAL PRICES on all units on hand. WE TRADE for furniture, cars, trucks or what-have-you WE FINANCE up to 5 years, SEE US AND SAVE MONEY Dewey Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, /*?br. FOR SALE: 1—52R. comhine, good, $220 ; 44 John Deere A tractor, $700; mowers John Deere and new Idea, new; some plows and other machinery. Will trade for what have you.—W. H. David, 4 mile east, 4 north of Amelia. 29-31p FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 to 18 mos old.—John Niewohner, 214 miles west of Drive- In, O’Neill. 20-31 p FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. New bloodline for old1 customers At farmer’s prices.— George Winkler, Emmet 24tf FOR SALE: Used piano. Ken neth VanEvery. Page. 31-32p60 FOR SALE: 1 square-turn cable rack; auto guide cable rack; light cable rack with platform; 1951 Chevrolet 2-ton, 16-ft. box; 17-ft. fold down box, like now.— , Hoerle Service, phone 2642. 31-32pl60 FOR SALE 41% COTTON CAKE CUBES. WHOLESALE PRICES ON TON LOTS C. E. McVAY 28tf FOR SALE: Extra choice Duroc Registered, vaccinated, guar anteed and blood tested. -Gant & Sons, 4 miles north, 3 east, 1 north of Atkinson, phone 7845 30-35p FOR SALE: !la\ing entered the Seminary, I have for sale com ing three-year-old white and brown gelding broke, also men size black saddle with hooded stirrups Jimmie Dusatko, c/o Bernard Dusatko, Emmet phone O’Neill 21F210. 30-31c Used Furniture Living room suite 29.50 Bod Springs $10.00 Dresser $14.50 Dining Room Table & Chairs $29.50 Studio Couch $10.00 Tilt Back Chair $12.50 Midwest Furniture and Appliance Co. 209 West Douglas O'Neill. Nebr. FOR SAI.E: Purebred Hampshire boars. Big and rugged with extra length; also a few open gilts. — Alfred Hansen, Plain Vlew. 19tf. FDR SALE: Portable radio-inter com. two speakers, or will trade for a typewriter. Also 50-gal. elec, hot water heater. . Ben GilUgan, O’Neill. 31c FDR SALE: Hampshire male hogs from the McGuire herd; Spotted Poland from the Hattigg herd. Vaccinated 2 ways and guaranteed. — Frank Beelaert, Page. 24tf FOR SALE: We are leaving the farm and have for sale a 1951 M Farmall in A-l shape; Mli nar-built hay stacker with cage; 12 head of diary cattle; 1953 Forney welder, in good shape; 4 stackes of good upland hay.— Harold Dobrovolny. Stuart, phone 2164. 30-31 FDR SALE: 2-ton Ford truck, with or without dump box. excellent condition.—Phone 434 _36tf FDR SALE: Nice apt size elec stove, cheap; power lawn mow er, hospital bed —O. E. David son. O'Neill, phone 126 24tf FOR SALE: 7 RegTY or ks hire boars, serviceable age.— James Conway. O’Neill. 30nc31-33p70. FDR SALE: Yorkshire boars — Otto Lorenz, O’Neill, phone 1SF11. ^ Here’s Good News! SAVE 20% ON ALL G-E AND SUNBEAM SMALL APPLIANCES AT GILLESPIES We Give Green Stamps We Service FOR SALE Minnesota Holstein heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested Rud\ Juracek, Ewing' 31 tf SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16 50 a ton: American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks, north of traflii light Everett Gorgen, Ph. 524-M, O’Neill. 51tf USED MACHINERY CORNPICKERS— Farm Rite 2 row mtd., good 2 JD 226 Oliver, single row J-D 101, single-row J-D 200 Woods Bros. GI 2-row Harvey corn sheller IRACTORS J.D A 1952 John Deere model 50, wide front end, like new 45 A J-D Comfort and lleathousers, for J-D tractors J-D 10" hammermill Case Tractor Spreader J-I) Model E Spreader J-D-D twine and oils Harry R. Smith Impls. Phone 562 - O’Neill FOR SALE: Welch baby carri age. Very good condition. Want ed a teeter-babe.—Phone 511-J. 31c50 I FOR SALE: Aluminum craft boat with accessories, model FD, 14 ft Te-nee trailer, 12-in. wheel with spare. Mercury mo tor, Super 10 Hurricane.— Bernt’s Auto Service, Stuart. 29-31c INVISIBLE REWEAVING. Cigar ette burns, moth holes, cuts and tears. Reasonably.—Mrs. Ed ward Tellier, new address, one block south of stoplight and half a block west. 31-35c Used Car Bargains! 1953 DeSoto club coupe. 1955 Studebaker Commander 1953 Plymouth 1948 \ ton pickup. 1948 Chevrolet 2-ton truck Smith Motor Co. STUDEBAKER Phone 562 O’Neill FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire ; boars. Henry Stelling, 2 ml.' south. west of Orchard. 23tf FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modern location available in O’Neill.— Ralph McElvaln, O’Neill. 26tf CURTISS STUD SERVICE has the greatest battery of bulls In! the nation. There is no shorter or cheaper way to build econ-| omy in your herd than to breed' to plus proven sires. Call 469J Duane Gray, O’Neill 29tf| _ SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or white us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. “Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation” 37tf FOR SALE: Purehred spotted Po land China boars. Vet. vacci nated—Martin Hoffman, Spen cer, phone 3761. 30-32c FOR SALE: 26-inch boys’ bicycle in good condition.—Delbert Addison, phone 3651, Stuart. 30-31p60 FOR SAIJE: Purebred Hampshire boars. Meat type, big, rugged, smooth. New bloodlines for old customers.—3M miles east of Creighton. Nebr Shadylane Hampshire Farm. 21-33c FOR SALE: Easy-spin washer; bottle gas hot water heater; and a beauty shop hair dryer. Mrs. Jack Dailey, 504 East Fremont, O’Neill. 31c FOR SALE: Steel wire cribbing. 500 bushel capacity. Very good shape.—Max Kipple, Inman. 31p35 MACHINERY Farmall B tractor Farmall Regular David Bradley mill niC No. 10 mill me sheller Used wagon & box John Deere elevator MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 will be too late to be eligible for the Free RCA-Whirlpool appliance. See us for details. We have on hand some very good used washers and dryers, priced to sell. We trade for farm equipment on appliances. Shelhamer Equip. Co. Your RCA-Whirlpool Dealer —O’NEILL— (•'OR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf FOR SALE: Purebred Hamp shire boars. Farmers' prices Some herd boars —Walter Soj ka and sons, Page. 24-33p SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down. 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE: One three-year old registered Hereford bull.—Mrs. Austin Hynes, 118 Benton, phone 508-M. 30-32c WANTED HALVA'S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding NEW & USED MOTORS WANTED Gx-ally harvested Na tive Grass seed. Contact the Holt Soil Conservation District before you sell. P. O. box 511. O'Neill, telephone 23, O'Neill Court house annex basement _ 31c WANTED: Man between age of 23 to 45 This could mean full time job for right party with selling experience. No limit to the amount of earnings for ambitious party. Must have good cal', for work in Holt county. Married man prefer red with references — Write box 334, Neligh, Nebr., for date to be interviewed. 26tf WANTED: Baby sitting, nights.— Karen Brooks, O’Neill, phone 589. 31-32c60 WANTED DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf ; HELP WANTED: Married man for year around steady job. Good salary for the right man. --W’rite c/o Box F, O'Neill 30-31c OPPORTUNITY: Free living quarters offered to any quali fied person interested in living and operating the Stuart-At kinson airport. Duties involved, simply watching gas pumps and arranging for transpora tion-Contact Ron Shonka, At kinson, or Cletus Durr, Stuart. 30-31c ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewinding 1 Rebuilding Any make and size up to 100 h.p. NEW — USED MOTORS 1/40 through 10 h.p. single phase Vi through 100 h.p. 3 phase REPAIR ANYTHING Electrical Appliance, Portable Tools, Controls Commercial & REA WIRING Distributors for FAIRBANKS MORSE Motors and Pumps Allen Bradley Controls Gates Belts & Pulleys Also many other types of Electrical Equipment & Supplies IF ITS ELECTRICAL TROUBLES YOU ARE HAVING—CALL 243-W 24-Hr. Service Northwest Electric Motor Service O’NEILL. NEBR. No job is too small or too big No job is too close or too far No service or time too great that NORTHWEST ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE will not take care of you SERVICE TO YOU IS OUR MOTTO HAMIK Refrigeration ★ Air Conditioning ★ Sales and Service We REPAIR all makes of ap pliances: REA and Com mercial wiring. PHONE 714 O’NEILL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: MALE OR FEMALE, from this area, wanted to service and j collect from automatic dis-! pensers. No selling. Age not j essential. Car, references, and $400 to $700 working capital j necessary. 7 to 12 hours week ly nets to $300 monthly. Possi bility full time work. For lo cial interview give full particu- i lars, phone. Write P. O. Box i 700-1, Mpls 11, Min. 31pl43 Male Help Wanted MAN WANTED: If you are tired of working for someone else or not satisfied with your present work, then you will want to in vestigate the opportunity we of fer for a good full or even part time business of your own cal ling on farm trade. A chance for a secure future and good earnings. No investiment neces sary, but you must have car or panel truck For complete de tails without obligation write ED FLEMING. Box 130, Min nesota City, Minn. 31pl.75 I WISH to express my thanks for the cards, letters and gifts I re ceived while in the hospital and since returning home.—MRS. WALTER JOHNSON. 31p50 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Nice furnished apartment, automatic washer, gas heat.—O. E. Davidson, O’ Neill, phone 126 25-31s RENT: Three-room house with bath —Phone 1. 30c J FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill 16tf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom home! conveniently located. — Phone 171-W. O'Neill. 30tf FOR RENT: Neat two liedroom very close in Available now. basement apartmnt, modem, —J. C. Parker, phone 14f3 or: 434. 31tf. WORK WANTED: Work of any kind, such as domestic or rest aurant. Zita Donohoe. O'Neill Phone 560M, mornings. 30-31p60 MISCELLANEOUS DANKERT’S PROPANE O’NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas 1 leating Systems Dearborn. Seigler, Cbleman Universal Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER and DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert’s Propane 22tf PROFITS OF $50 OR MORE WEEKLY — FULL OR PART TIME: Possible for Man or Wo man to supply famous, nation ally advertised Watkins pro ducts to customers in city of O’Neill. Established business, no investment Start now.— Write J. R. Watkins Co., D-55, Winona, Minn. 29 and 31p AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. O’NEILL, NEBR. PH. 269 52tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill 36 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $ 1,000 or less $25.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO Made on our regular monthly repayment plan and on a Spec ial Plan for Farmers. CONFIDENTIAL,, PERSONAL SERVICE! Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES Phone 14 O’Neill 2tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Old store building to be torn down.—See John So botka, Inman. 29tf FOR SALE: To the highest bid der, small house and six lots.— W. B. and L. J. Lamb, O’Neill, phone 568-R. 28-31p MONEY TO LOAN on farms, r anches and homes. Long term, low interest rates — bonds and insurance of all kinds. See Virgil L. Laursen at The O’ Nem Company. 27-18tfc ” ' " . ' —“ I House Under Construction FOR SALE! WATCH IT GROW! New two bedroom model home being erected in the Spelts-Ray sub division. Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. — O’NEILL - FOR SALE: Quarter section good hay meadow. Also some 3” x 10” redwood.—Sewell Johnson, Atkinson, phone 8534. 31-32p60 FOR SALE: Our 2-bedroom home with basement, garage, and extra lots. Make us a bid.— Glen A. Jones, Spencer. 29tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf i LOST & FOUND STRAYED: One Hereford steer from Mike Higgins’ pasture Branded with a Star Plus.—No tify Boh Clifford, Atkinson or Mike Higgins, O’Neill. 30-31p60 LOST: Man’s yellow gold Benrvs wrist watch on the streets of O’Neill Reward—Larry Parks, Page. 31c LOST: Ladies' black watch band, between Johnson Jewelry and Lohaus Motor. Mrs Roy De Vail. Spencer. ’ 31p35 CARDS of THANKS I WISH to express my thanks for the help of all the good friends and neighbors who gave of their time and willing hands helping with the cornpicking. Also to the ladies who furnished the food and helped serve it. It was all appreciated and their kind deeds will always be remembered.— MRS. ED. WAYMAN. 31p50 MY SINCERE thanks to all who so kindly remembered me in many ways during my recent stay in the hospital and since I came home. I appreciate it all so much. — ARTHUR FLUCKEY. 31c I WISH to thank all who sent me cards and gifts and those who called on me during my stay in the Neligh hospital — ROSE BAUER 31p50 Page News Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cunning ham, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cunningham. Mrs. Eva Cunning ham, Don Cunningham and Bill Stevens, all of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunningham and Miss Effie Stevens, all of O’Neill; were Sunday guests of Miss Mau de Martin. The occasion was an advance Thanksgiving dinner which also hoonred the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Dick Cun ningham and Mrs. Eva Cunning ham which occurred Sunday and Thanksgiving day respectively. Mrs. Ethel Park entertained the members of the SOS club Friday evening. Mrs. Ethel War ing received the mystery gift and will be the December 13 hostess. Mrs. Hester Edmisten, Mrs. Frieda Asher, and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Ramsey and son, Lloyd, of Verona, Mo , arived Saturday for a visit with _i-i.; i r j.1 l. . c .« »v iuu »co ui114 tut un wi uu late Fred Carey. They and Ralph Carey were Sunday guests of his sister, Mrs. Frances Stewart. Mrs. Catherine Mudloff was honored with a turkey supper Sunday evening at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and M!rs. Gene Mudloff. The oc casion was the 80th anniversary of her birthday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mudloff and daughters, Leona and Bren da, Dan Mudloff and Mrs. Fran ces Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks visited Sunday afternoon in Plain view with Mrs. John Blezek and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vosberg and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly of Inman spent Saturday evening j visiting in the Owen Parks home. Members of the NOK club and their families were guests of Mr and Mrs. Art Grass Sunday eve ning for their annual family par ty. A no-host supper of chili and pie. was served. The evening was spent informally in visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tegeler were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Held. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gross and children attended church Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Dale Matschullat j Messrs Merwyn French, jr.. Dale Stauffer and Neven Ickes, jr., and their families were afternoon J guests when home made ice cream and cake were sorted. The Gross family was enroute, from Burwell where they visited rela tives, to their home at Omaha. Mesdames Melvin Held, Otto Matschullat and Lorenz Riege at tended the Aid meeting at the Lutheran church a t Orchard Thursday. Mrs. Held was on the serving committee. This was the last regular meeting of the year. Next meeting will be a Christmas party. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson of Lin coln were overnight guests Sat urday of her mother, Mrs. Jud Russell, in honor of her birthday anniversary which was Monday. Mrs. Jerry Lamason entertain ed the members of the Royal Neighbors of America Kensington lodge Thursday evening, Novem ber 21. Mrs. Lee Taylor and her pupils presented the playlet on I "Abe Lincoln’s Life”. Mrs. Buv Wanser was also a guest. A cover ed dish lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Cunn ingham were Tuesday evening November 19, guests of Mr. and I —LONO TERM-* FARM LOANS NFLA. owned by fanner*—for farmer*, mve* you money when you borrow. Low interest rate*. Loan* for mo*t any aonrtructiT* purpose. For full information about a lean en yonr land, plaaaa Elkhom Valley NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSN. O’Neill, Nebraska LYLE P. DIERKS. Secretary-Treasurer Member Federal Land Bank System i Mrs. Kenneth Waring at O I Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kruse and ' daughter of Verdigre and Mr j and Mrs. Vem Sprengel of Lodge pole were supper guests in the ! Arnold Tikalsky home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Homer Rutherford and Mi's. Duane Allen were absent tiecause of illness in their families Tuesday when the members of the KOA club were guests of Mrs Harold lleiss. Lunch was served after a routine tmsiness meeting which folowed a social aftemoor ! spent in visiting Mrs. Iceland Knudsen will be the Tuesday December 3, hostess. # A lxx»k study on "Japan" was commenced Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harry Harper which will continue for three more weeks at the same home Mrs. Edgar Stauffer is the lea der of the study which is spon sored by the Women's Society of Christian Service. Roll call was answered with "some association we have had with the law" Wednesday after noon at the home of Mi's. Kenneth Van Every when the members of the East Side Kountry Kluh met for their November lesson “the lady and the law", with Mrs Harold Kelly and Mrs. Alfred Conner as leaders. Mrs. William Hock was a guest. Plans were dis cussed for the Christmas party which will he held at the home of Mrs. Roger Bowen Wednesday December 18, at which time there will be a gift exchange. Lunch was served. Star News Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson; and sons spent Tuesday evening. November 19. with Mr and Mrs. 1 Ewalt Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alliert Derickson and Mrs. Nels Linquist spent Fri day in Omaha. While there they visited the Tom Boyd family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring visited at the Ewalt Miller home Thursday evening. Mr and Mrs. Robert Miller and Mr amt Mrs Richard Milter at tended funeral services at Hos kins for an uncle, Herman Buss, last Thursday afternoon On Sat urday, Mr and Mrs. Robert Mil ler and Mrs. Bruce Johnson at tended funeral services for an aunt. Mrs. Rose Eckert, at Win side. Ben Miller left last week for LaFayette, Ind., to get his wife, who has lieen visiting with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kielholz and family. The soup supper and bazaar at the Ash Grove hall was a huge success”, spokesmen said, netting over $300. Miss Elsie Downs, Winnetoon won the table lamp. O’Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gallagher left Tuesday Northbrook, 111., to spend Thanksgiving with their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Larson and sons. Guests expected at the Verne Reynoldson home for Thanksgiv ing are Mr. and Mrs. Duane Green and family, Mrs. Clarence Reynoldson, all of Albion; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cook of North Platte and Mrs. Fred Hirsch and Kenny of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Beranrd Rohde and son were dinner and supper guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs R. J. Rohde Monday. Thanksgiving guests expected at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har old Young will be their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wade and two children of Brok en Bow. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wray and family planned to leave Wedns day evening for Kilgore to visit his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pike. They al so plan to spend Thanksgiving with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith in Valen tine. Thanksgiving day guests at the home of the Richard T. Nelsons will be their parents, Mr. and: Mrs. William Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nelson, all of Adrian, Minn. Native Grass Seed Prospects Good’ Native grass seed harvest in Holt county holds prospects of tiring the largest in many years, according to C. R (“Boh") Hill. However. the damp weather made harvesting difficult on that crop as well as others Most of the harvesting has been done and now many farmers and ranchers are in the process of re-cleaning their seed Seemingly the market for this seed has not been well estahlish ixl and although the supply is up, seedsmen are hesitant in setting a selling price at this time The Holt soil conservation dis trict plans to continue the handl ing of locally harvested native grasses on a consignment basis. They feel by performing this ser v ice. locally produced seed can he kept in the area and used for seedings next spring. Locally harvested native grass seed is adapted and will grow l etter and produce more forage them seed moved out of its nat ural climatic conditions. Orders for next spring’s tree planting netxis have l>cen coming into the soil conservation district office heavier than usual this fall and for good reason. Trees, especially cedar, are in short supply The Holt soil conserva tion district has orders at the present time for over .30,000 ce dars The Clarke-MoNary allot ment (orders handled through the County Extension office) is less i than 9.000 and a limit of 200 per I rooperator has lieon set on this source. Most commercial nur series are comple-tely sold out at the present time The Holt Soil Conservation Dis trict plans to have cedar dug locally for use in next spring’s j planting program, hut there is a limit on how many can bo made Last year 3,000 locally dug ce- j dar were planted and their sur- \ vival was better than those re ceived from any other source. The fifth and sixth grades of O'Neill public school with LeRoy Holcomb, teacher, pre-1 pared a display on conservation | activities. The exhibit was displayed at Norfolk at the teachers conven tion and later in the Ponton-Gil dersleeve window in O'Neill. O’NEILL IXICAL8 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sevcik and family spent their week's va cation in Lincoln with her par ents, Mr .and Mrs. Leland Bar rett. They also attended the Ne- j braska-Colorado and Nebraskn Oklahoma games. Before return ing home Sunday they visited rel atives and friends in Omaha. They arrived home Sunday even ing. Spending Thanksgiving in Os mond will be the Leonard Youngs. They will visit her sister, Mrs. Earl Wecker. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stanton and family of Sioux Falls, S. D., are planning to spend Thanksgiv ing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stanton. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva will be Mr. and Mrs. Elam and family of Denver, Colo. They were to arrive Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kyster and) children were to leave Wednesday! to spend Thanksgiving weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kyster, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stemple, in Council Bluffs. Ia. Miss Carolyn Lindberg, stu dent at Nebraska Wesleyan Uni-! versify, arrived Tuesday. Mr. and I Mrs. Rodney Wilmuth of Lincoln' were to arrive Wednesday to; spend Thanksgiving with parents, | Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lindberg. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schaffer of Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Levi! Lower of Valentine were Sunday; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Low- j er. Rock Falls News Mr. and Mrs. Mar\ Peterser and daughters. Betty. Peggy and Mars of KIkhorn. Wise, arrived at the AH<ert Widtfeldt home Sat urdav e\ enuig ami plan to spend Thanksgiv mg with the family After church on Sunda> the twc families motorisl to Pickstown Slv for a pleasant afternoon of rilling and sightseeing. Mr. Peter sen is a lnothei of Mrs. Widtfeldt I-title Shelly Hynes spent Kri iUn with Mrs. l.jou Brown, and 1 Aiu1a came home from sehoo' with 1'erry and Cmd\ for the eve ning. Mrs AHhti Sterns and Kveiyn .spent Sunda.v evening with Mrs Stem s sister, Mrs. Neil Davis, in Atkinson. •he I.vle Vequist family enjoy ed an evening of television Wed nesday. November 20, at the Henry Vequist home. Mr. and Mrs John Schultz and girls had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Joint Kersenbrock Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen had supper and spent the eve ning at the Kloyd Johnson home Wednesday, November 20. The John Schultz family called at the Floyd Johnson home Friday evening. Klwin Grutsch and Francis Curran had dinner last Thursday with the James Curran family. Aoe Yantzi and Danny Wolfe spent the weeeknd with Joe's grandmother. Mrs Kathryn Yant zl. Friday evening, Mrs. Mary Helen Yantzi and children came to the Kathryn Yantzi home bring ing ice cream and a birthday rake, honoring the 3rd birthday anniversary of little Debbie. Mr and Mrs. Sain Derickson and boys also joined in the birthday party. i no sam I vnckson s sawed up n generous pile of wood Satur day by way of preparing for a ‘snowy’ day. Helping with the chore were Neil Hipke and John Schultz. Mrs. Schultz and girls also spent the day there. Mrs Floyd Johnson nnd Linda and Mi's. Bill Murray enjoyed a birthday supper with Theresa Broiner and grandson. Phillip. It was the latter’s 14th birthday an niversary and he spent the week end with his grandmother. ROYAL THEATER — O’NEILL — Wed Thurs. Nov. 27-33 NOT FAMILY NIGHT In Eastman Color RIJM CARTER Starring Jock Mahoney, Julia Adams, Tim Hovey with William Hopper, Joanna Moore, Bill Wil liams and Barbara Hale. Fri.-Sat. Nov. 2» 30 Randolph Scott and Valerie French in DISCUSSION RUNDOWN Sun.-Mon.-Tues . Dee. 1-2-3 The explosive story of young married America revealed for the first time, brought to you by today’s most exciting stars! NO DOWN PAYMENT From the tell-tale novel about young couples thrown together so closely they sometimes forget whom they belong to! Wed.-Thurs. Dee. 4-fl Tills is a picture alioute dope traffic! Columbia Pictures pre sents a Warwick Production PICKUP AIJ.EY Victor Mature, Anita Ekburg, Trevor Howard. Cinemascope. Exposed! The hell-worlds of the “hooked” and the “pushers”! Matinee Saturday & Sunday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free If accompanied by par ent. Wed ii. and Thu™. Family night, family admitted for two Adult tickets. I Special Dairy "CALF AUCTION SATURDAY, NOV. 30th — 8 p. m. — 1 60 to 70 Head Holstein, Guernsey and Brown Swiss I From top Wisconsin herds from 3 weeks old to 450 pounds. All | TB and Bangs tested. From the Butter City dairy cattle country, I Barron, Wise. 1 FREE CALF GIVEN! I O'Neill Livestock Market I