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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1957)
Livestock at Its Best — Winners at Fair Henry Wood of Ewing, live stock superintendent at the Holt county fair, has announced the following compilation of plaeings in that section: HABY BEEVES < 4-H and FFA» Ilene Nelson of O'Neill, blue. 4-H. Hereford heifer. James Mellor of Atkinson, FFA, blue, Hereford heifer; 4-H, blue, Hereford heifer Eddie Krugman of O’Neill, 4 H, blue, Hereford steer; 4-H, blue. Angus steer; 4-H, red, Angus steer. Robert Beelaert of Page, 4-H, blue each, two Angus steers. Janette Clemens at Amelia, 4-H, blue, Shorthorn steer, grand champion; 4-H, red, Hereford steer. Larry Dawes of O'Neill, 4-H, red, Hereford steer. Charles Hill of O'Neill, 4-H. red, Hereford steer. Richard Hill of O'Neill, 4-H, red, Hereford steer Donald Clemens of Amelia, 4 H, red. Hereford steer. Roberta Klabenes of Ewing, 4-H, red, Hereford steer. Larry Beck of Atkinson, 4-H, red, Hereford steer. Lynn Grass of Page, 4 - H , red, Angus steer. Marlene Beck of Atkinson, 4 H, two reds, Angus steers. Larry Beck of Atkinson, 4-H, red, Angus steer. Lanny LaRue of Ewing, 4-H, red, Angus steer. Michael Pospchal of Amelia, 4-H, red, Angus steer. Glen Miller of O'Neill, 4-H, red, Angus steer. Fred and Linda Cronk of Page, 4-H, red, Shorthorn steer. Rita Larson of Page, 4-H, red, Shorthorn steer. Danny LaRue of Ewing, 4-H, red, Angus heifer. Carol Gaughenbaugh of In man, 4-H, white, Hereford steer. STOCKER - FEEDER (4-H) Freddie Miller of O’Neill, Ang us steer, blue and grand cham pion; Angus steer, blue. Nick Hammerlun of O’Neill. Angus steer, blue. Marlene Garwood of Amelia Angus steer, blue. Larry Andrus of Atkinson Angus heifer, blue. Gary Fiek of Inman, Here ford steer, blue. Pam Hammmerlun of O'Neill, Hereford steer, blue. Jane Garwood of Chambers. Hereford steer, blue. Robert Swanson of Chambers, Hereford steer, blue. Sharon Watson of Amelia, Hereford steer, blue. Edith Grimes of Chambers, Hereford steer, blue. Phyllis Fullerton of Amelia, Hereford steer, blue. Venita White of Amelia, Hereford steer, blue. Roseanna Blake of Chambers, j Hereford steer, blue. Ijoren Blake of Chambers, Hereford steer, blue. Judy Garwood of Chambers, Hereford steer, blue. Gary Holcomb of Chambers, Hereford steer, blue. Debby Eisenhauer of Cham bers, Hereford steer, blue. Gale Holcomb of Chambers, Hereford steer, blue. Robert Klabenes of Ewing, Hereford steer, blue. Donald Swanson of Chambers, Hereford steer, blue. Carol Hoffman of Ewing, Here ford steer, blue. Faye Garwood of Amelia, two Angus steers, red each. Marlene Garwood of Amelia. Angus steer, red. Janet Garwood of Amelia, two Angus steers, red each. Marshall Slattery of O’Neill, two Angus steers, red each. Daryl Swanson of Amelia, Hereford steer, red. Virginia Billstein of Amelia, Hereford steer, red. Marie Billstein of Amelia, two Hereford steers, red each. Joy Thompson of Amelia, Hereford steer, red. David Green of Amelia, Hereford steer, red. Virginia Thompson of Amelia, | Hereford steer, red. John Hammerlun of O’Neill, Hereford steer, red. Larry Dobrovolny of O’Neill, ! two Hereford steers, red each. Joyce Doolittle of Chambers, 1 Hereford steer, red. Cathy Doolittle of Chambers, Hereford steer, red. William Whitaker of Chambers. Hereford steer, red. —a Special Night SALE At Orchard Sale Pavilion WIS<X>NS1N DAIRY HEIFERS Friday, August 30, 7:30 p.m. 10 close springing cows. 10- 300 to 500 lb. yearling heif ers. GO heifer calves. TB and bangs tested. Anyone wishing to obtain some fine heifer calves from high producing herds be sure to attend tlias sale. Two weeks guarantee on health of these calves. Free heifer calf to be given away—anyone present eligible. Walter Vannoy, Owner Kearney, Nebr. Phone 38792 Jerry Robertson of Chambers, Hereford steer, red. Shirley Skrdla of Stuart. Hereford steer, red. Larry Skrdla of Stuart, ft Hereford steer, red. Douglas Jarman of Chambers, u Hereford steer, red. Darold Ermer of O'Neill, r Hereford steer, red. Dale Fullerton of Amelia, Hereford steer, red. Joyce Watson o f Amelia, * Hereford steer, red. * Merd. Lierman of Amelia, * Hereford steer, red. Dale Billstein of Amelia, Hereford steer, red. Shirley Green of Amelia, Hereford steer, red. j Dick Billstein of Amelia. s Hereford steer, red. , Douglas Fredrick of O’Neill, ^ Hereford steer, red. Kenneth Coolidge of Amelia. Hereford steer, red. Garnett Gillogly of Inman. Hereford steer, red. Richard Ernst of O’Neill, t o Hereford steer, red. j c Richard Grimes of Chambers, I Hereford steer, red. Gerald Forbes of Chambers, ! Herefonl steer, red. Ronald Winnings of Atkinson, j Hereford steer, red. Evan Grubb of Chambers, l Hereford steer, red. Danelia Whitaker of Chambers, Herefonl steer, nd. Kenneth Coolidge of Chambers, Hereford steer, red. Judy Mohr of Atkinson, Angus ' steer, white. J Larry Andms of Atkinson, I Angus steer, white. Patricia Grubb of Chambers, 1 Hereford heifer, blue; Hereford t heifer, red. Douglas Jarman of Chambers, Hereford heifer, blue. Gale Holcomb of Chambers, 5 Hereford heifer, blue. . Wayne Burgett of Amelia, ' Hereford heifer, blue. Jeanette Klabenes of Ewing, 1 Hereford heifer, blue. Larry Swanson of Chambers, ' Hereford heifer, red. Leslie Forbes of Chambers, i ! Hereford heifer, red. Darold Ermer o f O'Neill, •' Hereford heifer, red. Keith Halsey of Chambers, ! Hereford heifer, red. Ronald Winnings of Atkinson, • Hereford heifer, red. Jeanette Clemens of Amelia, Hereford heifer, red. V a n i t a White of Amelia, Hereford heifer, red. Kathy Fick of Inman, Hereford heifer, red. Beth Watson of Amelia, Hereford heifer, red. Virginia Billstein of Amelia, Hereford heifer, red. BREEDING HEIFERS (4-H and FFA) Loren Blake of Chambers, Hereford, blue and grand cham pion. Robert Beelaert of Page, Ang us, blue. Glen Miller of O’Neill, Angus, blue. ' Bonnie Hoiss of Page, Short horn, blue. Roseanna Blake of Chambers, Hereford, red. William Whitaker of Chambers, Hereford, red. Milan Welke of Ewing, two; Herefords, red each. Gary Fick of Inman, Hereford, red. Larry Wewel of Newport, FFA, Hereford, red. Shirley Green of Amelia, Hereford, red. Perry Dawes of O’Neill, Angus, red. Robert Revell of O’Neill, FFA, Angus, red. Becky Beelaert of Page, Ang I us, red. Nick Hammerlun of O’Neill, Angus, red. It’s a matter of record... ~Q~ o_ ,-0-j I Consumers' : operating record earns I HIGH CREDIT RATING to assure low-cost electric service for you! ■ Consumers Public Power District’s •ound business management ever since $a organisation has earned the District a highly favorable financial rating in Hmdom market. This means that ad* dittos*, Improvement to the system, aod dependable service always are «MN, at lower eoete. The District has afwsys been able to aril its obligations (Olireb to private investors at low in matet rates. Tbase are no federal loans ar fat Consume— financing. fbet five yearn of careful man and efficient operation, this position became apparent, eo* abling Consumers to consolidate eleven separate bond issues in a refunding issue, saving more than $4,000,000 in interest over the life of the bonds, and with no extension in the retirement period. At the present time, the Interest cost carried by all of the District’s outstand ing bonds averages slightly less than 2.09%, an extremely low rate of inteseat for this type of bonda. Consumers is proud to serve as your efficiently-operated, self-supporting source of dependable, low-cost else* tricity. CONSUMERS™ Hpkg Hebraska tv ftt betttr... electrical COW AND CALF (4-H) (I'nder One Year) Bob Welke of Ewing. Here >rd. blue and grand champion. Lanny LaRue of Ewing. Ang 5. red. I^le Heass of Page. Shorthorn, ?d. SHOWMANSHIP—Beef Division Robert Beelaert of Page, first; ick Hammerlun of O’Neill, eond; Eddie Krugman of O’ eill, third; Gary Pick of In lan. fourth. SHOWMANSHIP—Dairy Div. (4-H) Warren Hansen of Inman, first; :uth Ann Hansen of Inman, econd; Donna Crumly of Page, lird; James Gilg of Atkinson, xirth. BEST GROl'P OF THREE Dairy Division (4-H) Victory Boys and Girls club f Inman, blue; Eagle Hustlers f Page, blue; Happy Hollow of Iwing, red. BEST GROl’P OF THREE Beef Division (4-H) Eagle Hustlers club of Page, lue; Martha of Ewing, red. BEST GROl’P OF THREE Stocker-Feeder (4-H i Martha club of EwTng, blue; i’illowdale of Ewing, blue; 212 outh Fork of Chambers, blue; i ’rairie Wranglers of Cham ers. red; South Fork Commun :y of Oiambers, red; Up-and ,t-It of O’Neill, led. DAIRY DIVISION James Gilg of Atkinson, Guern ey, blue. Keith Krugman of O'Neill, Juemsey, blue. Jack Gilg of Atkinson, two Juemseys, blue each. Jeanette Klabenes of Ewing, Juernsey, blue. Bonnie Welke of Ewing, Hol tein, blue. Alvin Crumly of Page, Hol tein, blue. John Crumly of Page, Hol tein, blue. Donna Crumly of Page, Hoi-1 tein. blue; Milking Shorthorn, due. Warren Hansen of Inman, two, folsteins, blue each. Denny Ickes of Page, two Hol beins. blue each. Ruth Ann Hansen of Inman, lolstein, blue. Wally Fick of Inman, Hol sein, blue. Faye Scheer of Ewing, two Hol beins, blue each. Kent Stauffer of Page, two Milking Shorthorns, blue each. Randy Stauffer of Page, two Milking Shorthorns, blue each; Brown-Swiss, blue. Lila Jean Miller of Atkinson, Brown-Swiss, blue. Denny Scheer of Ewing, junior herd of three Holsteins, blue. Denny Ickes of Page, Hol beins. blue. Elaine Krugman of O’Neill, Guernsey, red. J e r i 1 y n Luebcke of Page, Guernsey, red. Mary Lou Luebcke of Page, Guernsey, red. Margie Gilg of Atkinson, Guernsey, red. Billy Gilg of Atkinson, Guern sey, red. Jeanette Klabenes of Ewing, Guernsey, red. Bennice Colman of Inman, Holstein, red. Randy Colman of Inman, Holstein, red. Ruth Ann Hansen of Inman, Holstein, red. Bill Coventry of Inman, Hol stein, red. Joe Beelaert, jr., of Page, Holstein, red. Harlan Miller of Atkinson, Holstein, red. Val Stauffer of Page, Milking Shorthorn red. Richard Hansen of Page, Milk ing Shorthorn,, red. Kent Stauffer of Page, Milk ing Shorthorn, red. Richard Flannery of Atkinson, Brown-Swiss, red. Earl Miller of Atkinson, Brown Swiss, red. Ronnie S k r d 1 a of Stuart. Brown-Swiss, red. Terry LaRue of Ewing, Guern sey, white. Gary LaRue of Ewing, Guern sey, white. Seal Luebcke of Page, Guern sey, white. Jim Ciilg of Atkinson, Guern sey, white. Joan Fisher of Page, Holstein, white. Terry Hesse of Page, Hol stein, white. Karen Hesse of Page, Hol stein, white. Karen Brown of Inman, Hol stein, white. Denny Scheer of Ewing, Hol stein, white. Faye Scheer of Ewing, Hol stein, white. Richard Hill of Ewing, Hol stein, white. Francis Bergstrom of Ewing, Holstein, white. Robert Coventry of Inman, Holstein, white. Val Stauffer of Page, Hol stein, white. Rodie Cleveland of Ewing, Holstein, white. Denny Ickes erf Page, Hoi- v item, white. Don Beelaert of Page, Hol itein, white. Charles Hill of O’Neill, Hol itein. white. * Denny Scheer of Ewing. Hoi- ^ itein, white. 5 SADDLE STOCK fc (4-H> X Sandra Whitaker of Cham- P x>rs. two quarter horse mares, 1 alue and white ■ William Whitaker of Cham- « aers, quarter horse mare, blue; I jolt, blue; colt, red; quarter 1 torse, white. Judy Garwood of Chambers, :-olt, blue; quarter horse mare, I red. Danclki Whitaker of Cham- , bers, gelding, blue; quarter aorse mare, red; colt, red. •- ! i Otteles Back form Extended I rip STUART—Mr. and Mrs. P J Ottele returned Wednesday, Au gust 21, from a 3t? months ex tended trip which took them to numerous points in the Pacific Northwest. Enroute they visited their daughter, Mrs. Newell Pock, and tier husband at Casper, Wyo., and another daughter, Mrs Charles Larson, at Anaconda. Mont. They also visited friends at nearby Butte, Mont. In Seattle, Wrash., they were guests of their son, Albert, and family. At Portland. Ore., they ; wished a daughter, Mrs. Lloyd | Beck, and family. At Sheridan. Dre., they were guests of their sons, I ton and Sylvester, and1 their families. During their combination rail-1 auto tour they visited friends at , Salem, Ore., and Hillsboro, Ore. j a Enroute back they visited Mr. 1 and Mrs. Joe Schaaf at Boise, Ida., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keuter a and Barney Keuter, all of Em- 1\ mett, Ida. r - ( Takes Part in <’ Ceremony— f EWING—Sixteen student nurse were "striped” at St. Elizabeth’s £ hospital chapel at Lincoln on ' Thursday, August 15. Among ] them was Miss Helen Rotherham of Ewing. , The ceremony was followed by 1 benediction of the blessed sacra- >' ment and a sermon on "Faith, Hope and Charity” by Monsignor ■ Riordan. After the ceremony, ' punch and cookies were served • the students and their guests at ( the nurses home. Miss Rother- ) ham had as her guest, Miss Mary * Carr of Omaha, a student nurse of St. Joseph’s hospital. Miss Rotherham will resume j ( her studies as a senior at St. Eliz- < abeth after her summer vaation. j She is the daughter of Mr. and I ■ Mrs. James Rotherham of Ewing, j j Visit at Matthews ! Homes Here— Mrs. Rose Shoemaker and 1 daughter, Mary, arrived Friday, , August 16, for an eight-day visit j with Mrs. Shoemaker's brothers, Thomas, James and Leo Mat- , thews. The Shoemakers live at ; Winner, S. D. Another sister of the Matthews brothers, Mrs. Fay Hill of Gor don, arrived by train Tuesday, August 20, for a week’s visit. Mrs. Shoemaker, visiting The Frontier, said she had been a subscriber to this newspaper 47 years and her husband was a sub scriber before that. The Shoe makers homesteaded in Tripp county 47 years ago. To California— EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey left Saturday for Cali fornia. They were accompanied by Ralph and- Judy Simmons and Elizabeth Beene of Cupertine, Calif., who have spent the sum mer here with relatives. Mrs. Anna Pollock will care for the Rockey children during their ab sence. O’Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Ted Zahradnicek of Denver, Colo., formerly of Emmet, were in O’Neill on busi- j ness Friday. They had driven | here by way of Cheyenne, Wyo., and Alliance. The Zahradniceks have been away from Holt about 10 years. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallen de parted Saturday for a two weeks vacation in Canada. They were accompanied by John Obcrt of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reed and daughter, Paula, are on the sec ond week of their vacation. They spent several days at Hastings, returned here, then went to Min nesota. Luveme Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Juran, cele brated his first birthday anniver sary, Friday, August 16. Din ner guests were his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kahler of Bonesteel, S. D. and Miss Au drey Kahler of Rapid City, S. D. His great aunt, Mrs. Paul Shierk, baker the birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fritz were Sunday, August 18, guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Demary and Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz in Elgin. Page Community Day (Labor Day) Monday, September 2 — PROGRAM — ■ 1:00 p.m.—Parade 1:30 p.m.—Children’s Races 2:00 p.m.—Free Show 2:30 p.m.—Baseball—Chambers Midgets vs. Page 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.—Free Watermelons 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.—Suppertime 7:00 p.m.—Band Concert 7:30 p.m.—Free Show 8:00 p.m—Soft Ball 9:30 p.m.—Free Dance Lunch served by Improvement Club — SPONSORED BY — Page Commercial and Improvement Clubs 1 akes F irst Vows Sister Carmela C o u f a 1, [above!, daughter of Mr. and Vlrs Ed Couf&l ol Stuart. took ier first vows for one year, at Maryerest, order of Sisters of St. Francis in Denver, Colo., >n Thursday, August 15. Other sisters taking the same vows vere Sister Mary' Mark Hoff man of Pierce. Sister Louise smith of Dul>ois, Wyo., and Sister Shelia Carroll of Man aattan, Kans. At the same cere mony five brides were given the habit and three sisters took perpetual vows in the same or ler. Venus News Mr. and Mrs. Junior Rohkar nd family left Saturday, August f for the west coast. On Saturday, August 24, Mr. i nd Mrs. Wilbert Widham and frs. Pearl Groeling and family ! lotored to Omaha to meet Pvt. j lary Groeling, who arrived that j ay from Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., 3r a two-weeks furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey nd Suellyn moved from O'Neill a the Arden Laursen farm on Intraday, August 15. Miss Carolyn Groeling return d to her home Thursday, Aug ,st 22, after helping out witli the cork at tire Fritz Rohkar home. Dennis VonSeggren went to Ichuyler Saturday, August 17, chore he is playing in the Von leggren orcrestra while his uncle, Irville VonSeggren, is visiting on he coast. Dennis plays the trom bone. Mr. and Mrs. George Hegge neyer motored to Omaha, Mon lay, August 19, taking their laughter, Helen, that far. She eft Omaha that day for Chicago, 11., where she is employed as a eletypist. Her brother, Richard, net her at Omaha a week earlier. Mrs. Cecil Moser, Marion and lene were O’Neill visitors Fri iay, August 23. Mrs. Pearl Groeing, Mrs. Cecil doser and Mrs. Ralph Brook touser were cleaning at the Sun •ise schoohouse Friday, August 13 and again an Monday, August 16. O'NF.IIJ, MX AI.S Mr. ami Mrs Leigh Reynold son and family returned Satur dav, August 17. from their vaca tion spent in Iowa with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs Harry Gross, and at points m Wisconsin. A1 Gaskill and Neil Ryan at tended the funeral of Dr. Gyer in West Point on Monday, August 19. Mr and Mrs. Glenda Gettert and family spent Sunday, August 18, visiting Mr. and Mrs Wil liam Krysl and Kevin in Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Rennet Gillespie, Gary and Diane spent the Aug ust 17-18 weekend in Omaha vis- | t —————— iting her brother, Bob Eby. Mr and Mrs Frank FVoelich left Tuesday for Hartington where they will visit their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs B E. Wanser and family until today (Thursday Also there and returning with them was another daughter ami her husband, Mr. and Mrs Jack Mc Donald and Pat of Belleville, IU. The Me 1 Wia Ids will also be gut'sts of his mother, Mrs. Marie McDonald. Mrs W. 11. Harty and Mrs P. B. Harts’ were in Omaha over the weekend visiting the form er's daughter, Sr. M Brian. --1 AUCTION REAL ESTATE — SHOl* AN1> GARAGE EQUIPMENT .lAt’KSON REPAIR SERA ICE, AArot Illway 20, AulenUne Nebr. Tuesday, September 3, 1957 Sale to start at 12:30 p m. Real estate to sell at 5• P-JJ RE AL ESTATE: A fine all modern 2 bedroom home with full basement. The basement is finished off into 1 nice rooms one of which is a bedroom. The main floor has Living room, dining room, kitchen, bath and one small room. REPAIR SHOP: 30x40 with large 12x12 overhead dixirs^Uiuk en house and yard and a 10x14 brooder house and 18x24 garage These buildings set on 2 acres of land with o\er 200 feet hiway frontage on west highway 20. The property is nice ly landscaped, has a fine garden plot, and an orchard with bO TERMS- MVie above property may be bought vvitb .50% down, balance on good terms. Hie shop and garage equipment will sell piece by piece. _^ SOME OF THE EQUIPMENT IS LISTED BELOW. Welding mask, acetylene welder, electric welder, Sioux valve refacer Sioux valve grinder, Sioux valve seat-grinder, 53-ton puller OTC. 27-ton puller OTC, sleeve puller equipped, assortment of sleeve puller plates, socket sets, adjustable reamer valve guide, Atlas bench drill, assorted bit drills, cyl- | inder hone, large bushing hone, small bushing hone. Amco cylinder guage. Prom micrometer set. Blue Boy extra long chain, extra welder regulator, clock, assorted radia tor hoses, 1 each CO 2 & CO 4 Randolph fire extinguisher, 2 parts washing tubs, assorted brass and acetylene rods, assorted ; hand tools, 5 work benches, magneto tester and charger, 2 : steel parts bins with drawers. U. S. air compressor and hose, paint gun, 50-ft. air hose, l paint gun, regulator and gauge, blow torch, Lyle ridge reamer, 3 tap and dye sefs, Amco connecting rod—aligned, riveting machine, Key-Way cutter, assortment of Hastings and Seal powder rings, assortment of Seal Power and 1 hompson valves. ! Assortment of fan belts, assortment of head gaskets, pan gasket sets, valve gasket sets, valve seats, New Departure ball and roller bearing connecting rod, bearing needle, bearings, bench grinder, 3 4 Vi-in. vises, jacks, 2 11x28 tractot tubes, 2 Pyrene fire extinguishers, welding rod and supplies, smash proof creeper, assorted filter cartridges, water fire extinguish er, dollies, crow bar, saws, assortment of magneto parts, elec tric parts, rotors, points, electric grinder and stand. Assortment of bolts, nuts, shovels, spades, hammer, wheel wrenches, wheel sockets, acetylene welding stand, drop cord lites, extension cords, oil cans, grease guns, files, AC & Oiamp spark plugs. Owners: Harvey W. & Salina Jackson ROGERS AGENCY Realtors and Auctioneers 505 No. Jeffers Ph. 38X0 North Platte, Nebr. COL ROD GILLESPIE Auctioneers COL. DICK DOLAN ALYCE RRODRECK, Auction Sales Manager We Feature Complete Auction Service ! ‘‘Post Me or Pass Me to a Friend” - — O'Neill Public School Welcomes you... JQ Opens Tuesday, Sept. 3rd i High School and Grade Registration * • COLLEGE PREPARATORY | For those students who expect to attend college or a university, | we offer a full curriculum which is accepted In any college or I university in the United States. I • COMMERCIAL * Full commercial course including two years of typing, two years of shorthand, bookkeeping and office practice. • HOME ECONOMICS Three-year program in one of the best equipped home economics departments in the state. • DRIVER EDUCATION Featuring a complete driver education course with expert instruction. • GENERAL COURSE Suited to students who are not enrolled in the above mentioned courses. • VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE We have a modem shop and all the finest facilities for training. Our Future Farmers traditionally are among the best competitors In this section. • ATHLETICS Two well-trained, experienced coaches handle Intra mural and inter-school athletic program, including football, basketball and track. Also volleyball for girls and a junior high athletic program. A physi cal education course is offered both boys and girls. • FINE ARTS We offer a full course in dramatics. Remedial speech | training is available in both the high school and the ! lower grades Both instrumental and vocal music is offered throughout the school. • LIBRARY Our library facilities will accomodate 60 students at a time.