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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1957)
Withers-Knepper Exchange X'ow; Syrena Jane Withers ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E rs of Atkinson and Lero; < r son of Mrs. Leslie Kneji ■f O'Neill were married a Methodist church tn O'Neil i «y. August 24 at 2:30 p. m Glenn Krnnleott officiated ride was gowned in a tur chiffon over net of halier ngth. She wore an orchic r ! tilt*. Laverne Clauasen of Atkin itron-of-honor wore a blu< ie nylon ballerina govern, id Strong of O'Neill wa: b* man. i the ceremony, a recep held at the home of thi room’s parents. lee srean cake were served. Thr s ike was decorated wit! miniature bride and bride groom. bride is a graduate'of At j ,m High school class of 1956 <= is iiecn employed in Atkin -1 for the past year. e bridegrom is a graduate o: (>'. ill high school and is em ,,-d in O'Neill. The couple wil |e in O’Neill. \llir Johnson Weds Harry Jolley — Miss Allie Johnson of O'Neill, . of Oakland, and Harry Jolley of O’Neill, were mar ri.-ci Sunday, August 25 at 2:30 p rrt at the Lutheran chuft-h. Rev A S. Gedwillo, pastor, offi ciated. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Sanders v, rc the couple’s attendants. Mivs Betty Schultz, soloist, ac companied by Miss Sharon Nel son at the organ sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "TTirough The Years.” Tlie bride appeared in a navy bln silk dress with matching shot's and hat. She had a white carnation corsage. \ small reception followed in the church basement. Pink and white cake, ice cream and eof fe. were served. Mrs. Richard £ Nelson and Mi's. Francis Mur phy served. The couple will tie at home in O'. ;ll after October 1. Inman News Mi I ,ii Ella Watson returned t! first of the week from Lara mii Wyo., where she spent the summer attending school. En route home she visited her broth er and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mr Thomas R. Watson, at Rap id City. S. D„ and Miss Willa Marie Fische at Wood Lake. Lu Ella will visit her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. E. L. Watson, before going to Holdrege, where she will teach again this year. Miss Beverly Smith spent the pa.-t week in Norfolk visiting her sister, Miss Yvonne Smith. Mrs. Sam Baker and three chillrcn of Sioux City spent the p.i t week visiting in the home of Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Doling. 1and Mrs. W. J. Slusher and Inf int son. William John, stopped foi a brief visit in the home of Mrs Slusher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs 1 L. Watson on Wednesday afternoon. The Slushers were en route to their home at Valentine from Omaha. The W.S.C.S. met Thursday evening at the church annex for their repular meeting. Mrs. L. F. Kopecky, president was m charge Tin members whose names come in the last half of the alphabet were hostesses and a covered dish luncheon was served after the regular business session. Leonard Sawyer, hand director of the Inman school hand, took his members to Spencer on Thursday where they led the parade at one o’clock in the ar ternoon and played a concert at 7 o'clock in the evening at the Bovd county fair. Fifty dollars was added to the treasury of the Band Bosters club to apply on the new hand uniforms. MARRIAGE LICENSES Warren James Gallagher, 24, of Inman and Miss Mary Jo Ma honey. 21 of O’Neill on August 2° ‘ Harry Jolley and Miss Allie Johnson, both of O’Neill on Au rmi^t 23 Leroy Knepper, 20, of O’Neill and Svrena Jane Withers, 18, of Atkinson on August 24. George I. Albrecht, 35, of ivt kinson and Miss Mary Ann Bon cnberger, 23, of Atkinson on Au gust 26. To East Coast— Mr nnd Mrs. Clarence Gokie and sons accompanied by Mrs. Jolui Turner left Sunday on a visit to the East coast. The Go kies will meet their son who has been serving in the navy, at Bos ton and Mrs. Turner wall visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Kostic at College Point N. Y. _ Daily Lincoln Star By Mail 6V2 Weeks $1 The Daily Lincoln Star can give up to two to 10 hours later news on rural routes because of editions printed right up to favorable train times. The morning Star arrives in time for mail delivery on publica tion date either in town or on the rural route. The Lincoln Star sells from three to six dollars a year less than papers printed on the Iowa line and is priced as low as smaller papers. You’ll get Dick Tracy, Mary Worth, Joe Palooka, Donald Duck, Roy Rogers, Associated Press, International News Ser vice, TV., Complete State News, Latest Sports, Markei Reports, Crossword puzzles. Bv-mail offer in Nebraska and Northern Kansas — outside of Lancaster County—weeks SI.00 daily, 8Ms weeks Dally and Sunday $2.00, a year $7.00 daily, with Sunday $11.00. Order direct or through our of fice. O’Neill News Mrs. Herbert Kaiser attended . H”*. Kliment familv reunion in r Norfolk park on Sunday. Kela ■ m** Verdigre. Wahoo. t Uoomfield. Wausa Elba, Val i panso and Atkinson attended the reunion, 95 in all. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kellner and |;inn visited her sister and fam . fly. Mr and Mrs. Melvin Gunter, I in Orchard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ’ones left .1 Thursday for Vinton, la to .spend a week visiting their daughter and family Mr and Mrs. ( Don Anderson. , Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Haynes and family spent Monday in Page visiting relatives. Mr and Mrs Earl Wredc left Monday for Branson, Mo-, after visiting the week with Mrs. Em ma Lawrence and Mrs. Henry Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Lieb spent Iho weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arden Laursen of Venus. Larry returned home with them, having spent tile week there Mrs. I.aur Sen returned Sunday from Lin coln where her daughter, Jeanine, had surgery at Orthopedic hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Mike London at-' tended the wedding of their neiee, Janice Johnson, in Colome, S. D-, Sunday. They returned home with Mr. and Mr*. Donovan of Spalding who spent Monday night with them. Mr and Mrs. Jack MacKmlay of Rapid City, S. D.. were Thurs day until Saturday guests of his brother and family. Mr. and Mrs William MacKmlay. Mr and Mrs. Arnie Mace, jr., \ isited his father. Arnie Mace sr., at Lutheran hospital in Norfolk on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. James Luft of Ft. Polk, La., are spending a few days visiting friends in O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahon were in Verdel over the weekend \isiting Mr. and Mrs Albert Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mahon. Mr and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus and family spent Sunday in Pickstown, S. D. Carolyn Tams of Ft. - Pierre, S. D., visitid a few days at M. B. Marcellus home enroute to Ew i mg. Mrs William Murphy and Mrs. Robert Mathis and children spent Monday in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jonas of Columbus were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McDer mott. Jeanne McElhaney and Kath leen Brady left Saturday to \ isit Mr and Mrs Bruce McElhaney in Uncoln. Mr and Mrs. Carl Berg and family of San Gabriel. Calif . Mr. and Mrs Gordon McIntosh and Mrs. Maude McIntosh of Meadow Grove were Monday and Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William McIntosh, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rartos of Denver. Colo., were Saturday guests of Mr and Mrs Joe Mem ish. Mr and Mrs W. P Melons and family spent Friday evening in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy and Kelvin and Shirley and La verne Mathis spent Sunday in Wood Lake. Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Miller and family wen1 Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller. Mr and Mrs. Robert Mlinar were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. Harold Ohde in Atkinson. Mr. anil Mis. David Vequist and children and Mrs. Anna Brown were Tuesday visitors at the Henry Vequist home. Mrs. Lyle Lower and children returned Sunday from Platte Center after spending the week i visiting her mother. Mi's, Julia I Groeger. - . Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Ltndberg wore in Omaha Saturday and Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs Myron Pollat and Gloria Mr and Mis E G Wilmuth and Mr and Mrs Rodney Wilmuth. also Ted Lindborg of Minneapolis Minn who was there attending the wed ding of a college roommate SM Rob Lawrence of Great Lakes. Ill . is home on a 30-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence. From here ho will go to San Diego. Calif Mr. and Mrs. David Vcquist and family left for their home in Lawrence, Kans,, after several days visit at the Anna Brown home, Mr and Mrs Harry Petersen were in Grand Island Tuesday, rhey expect to spend the week end in Lincoln. \SSKMHIA OK ODD (O’Neill) Ke\. Richard Paul, |>astor Sunday. September 1. Sunday sehol, 10 a m.; worship. 11 a. m., sermon: "The Spirit Filled Life"; Christ Ambassadors, 7 p. m . with youth rally; worship, S p. m . with sermon directed to young people returning to school. Wednesday. September 4: Mid week prayer service, 8 p. m. get Top Value stamps FOR FREE FAMOUS BRAND "GIFTS OF APPRECIATION” Plenty of Parking OPEN 7 DAYS - 7 NIGHTS! TILL 9 P. M. ... PRICES EFFECTIVE THl’RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATt'RDAY, AUG. 20 TO AUG. 81 'h. re’a always plenty of Parkin*. Iff ALL ■ MEAT —1 UIIEIHS c ff ,FEF _ LONGHORN — [ ENDS & PIECES — I BOIL, per lb. - 19c CHEESE, lb — 49c BACON, 2 lbs- 69c ■ WIMMER’S ALL MEAT RING — PER LB. _43! M CUDAHY'S — LKA> ~ ff I BRAUNSCHW’GR, lb._ 49c _ PORK STEAK, lb. 43c | KRAFT SALAD DRESSING — ■ ^ WHIP 49' VAN CAMP’S HOLLAND DITCH I <Joi I) MFD VI ■ PORK & BEANS ICECREAM FLOUR | ! 4 21 cans.. 98c xh- GJ.-59c 1-25 ft- sack -§1.98 | MV - T • FINE — I-m PU0QR1S29C i AMERICAN BEAITY I ft \ SWIFTNING VEGETABLES PEANUT BUTTER I 3 lb. can.... 79c ID 300 cans. 99c y, : 1 P Assorted Varieties ■ VIE. Jill W f Of? ow ff i.-* — M ^BBB4 100 I WILSON S I PALM l/« OIL I 1IOMK ItUANI) M 1 CORNEDBEEF SARDINES PRESERVES I ! 12-oz. can — 39c I 3 tins-29c 1 5 jars - $1-00 1 I LUSHES R.S.P. — ^m IBEBBB1°° Double Luck Green Beans ^ans 29c | Kraft Marshmal’ws 2 10-oz pkgs 35c f f *?Ks" _ ‘fMOAMOf, S9 m nrJ HICeZ ^ CANS 4F 1 iMtAWBERRiEs 7Z - /MSrffrfesm* /sgs^y^s? ,*«KM&sPf Stfe98c OUVtS ", ““27cf ' 2? W4PK//ys ;rl$1'00 / nmpLAT£sii::£j