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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1957)
FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at ail times Wiscon t(i fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele ju miles southwest of Clear iter, Phone 17 on 12 tf FOP. SALE: 1950 Customline 2 dr. Ford V-8, new tires, radio, Iv •iter and overdrive Good con dition. Make good school car.— Leonard Juracek, O'Neill. 17-19pd FOR SALE : Used Venetian blinds: 3 72 in. wide; 2—31% in.; 4— 90% in ; also a used counter approx. 20 ft. long.—Lohaus Co O’Neill 16-ttc FOR SALE: Madison vetch. Very pood state germination and purity test. — I.eon Beckwith, Emmet. 16tf Low Cost Insurance! FOP A THREE-YEAR paid up insurance policy on your hom costing $8 30 per $1,000, or policy for five years costing $12 40 per $1,000; or a five year ixdicy, premium payable In five installments of $2.60 per $1000; or a policy on your farm buddings that never has to tie renewed but can be , ineeded anytime by you, cost mu $8.00 per $1,000, first year and $3.50 the first of each year thereafter. All written in re liable companies. See, write or phone: L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance Agency Phones 218 or 114 O'NEILL 14tf FOR SALE: Small enameled wood and coal heater, like new. Also steel two door wardrobe and used upright vacuum clean er Loretto Enright, 630 E. Benton, O’Neill, ph. 280. 17tf FOR SALE: 1.500 waterproof ce ment blocks, size 8x8x16 at nr)C Lester Zamfaller, Tel. no 7201, Atkinson. 48-20o FOR SALE: Barn.—Loretto En right, 630 E. Benton, O Nedl, ph 280. _ 17tf I AM AT my office in O’Neill, Ncbr., and I have Eastern money and private money to loan on residences and on farms and ranches. — R Parker, O'Neill, Nehr. 15tl FOR SALE: Oats.-Tony Mudtoff. Page. 15-lopa MACHINERY 1946 Farmall 11 1939 Farmall 20 1911 Farmall H IHC No. 24 picker 2 row John Deere pull picker 2 row GI picker 1 row GI picker Valley elevator 750 bu. steel corn cnb 1 row rye drill Bearcat mill IHC one-way, good appliances APPLIANCES Used Motorola TV Used refrigerator Bendix automatic washer Thor automatic washer We trade for farm equipment on all TV and appliances Shelhamer Equip. O'NEILL SEE US for new' SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. Contois Motor Co. Neligh. 30ti FOR SALE: Beer equipment, to be moved. Reasonable. Modern location available in O’Neill.— Ralph McElvain, O'Neill 15-18c. FOR SALE: 1953 Plymouth, first class condition.—Dr. C. W. .Alex ander, Inman. 17-18-19 For Auto Liability & Property Damage INSURANCE Town 5-10-5 1720; Farm. 13.60 Town 10-20-5 19 00; Farm, 15.00 Town 25-50-5 20.20; Farm, 16.00 See, Write or Phone L. G. Gillespie Insurance Agency O'Neill Phone 218 and 114 Used Car Bargains! 1955 Studehaker Commander 1953 Ford 1-ton pickup 1953 Plymouth 1952 Champ, hardtop. 1948 Chevrolet 2-ton truck Smith Motor Co. STUDEBAKER Phone 562 O’Neill MOBILE HOMES ~ NEW SAFEWAY GREAT IJUCES — COMETS TRAVELITES and MALLARDS in sizes 15 to 48 foot. Also Several Good USED TRAILERS WE TRADE FOR Furniture or Automobiles or WHAT HAVE YOU? OPEN WEEK DAYS - SUNDAYS LOWEST PRTCES-REST TERMS We Finance up to 5 years. SEE.US AND SAVE MONEY Miller Trailer Sales Phone 460 Albion, Nebr. hOK SALE | CLI^AN GREEN ’51 Chevrolet, 2-door, radio and heater, skirts, duals, rear speaker, aerial and lights OHL’d 5445. r-BIRD '52 Biscayne blue, wind shield, hi-pipes, new tires, mod. to 40 h.p. 5345. Dude Darnell Box 275, Lynch. 17-18 Mil! SALE Used electric Demp electric water heater and ster water pump and 40-gal some pipe and valves - Shol hamer Equipment Co.. O'Neill. 18c FOR SALE: Trailer. 35-ft. iong^ 2 bedroom, slightly used. Harry Snyder, Inman. 18-19pd USED MACHINERY COMBINES — f-D No. 55 self-propelled combine Massey-Harris 7-ft. Clipper, near new TRACTORS— 16 B JD J-D 10" hammermill MOWERS No. 5 J.P V-25 I H C. Massey Harris mower Disc tillers, all sizes I D 12-ft. rake Case Tractor Spreader I D. Model E Spreader Plymouth binder twine J-D-D twine and oils SEE the new No. 9 John Deere mower, 9-ft. bar Harry R. Smith Impls. Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Minnesota Holstein heifers and cows, TB and bangs tested.—Rudy Juracek, Ewing 8tfc FOR RALE: Dining room table and six chairs; two good mat tresses ; near-new gas-powered lawn mower, used only one season. Mrs. Merle Hickey, O'Neill. 18c FARMERS BEFORE YOU buy that expensive irrigation pipe, check with your soil conservation technician atxxit the possibilities of level ing your land. Smith and Son Const. Butte, Nebr. 13-24 pd SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c-Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic light. Everett Gorgen, Ph. 524-M, O'Neill. 51tf INVISIBLE REWEAVING: Cig arette burns, moth holes, cuts and tears. Reasonably priced.— Mrs. Edward Tellier, across the street south of Wesleyan Meth odist church. 18-21c FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-ft sizes. John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. FOR SALE: Perfection double unit milker, A-l shape. Reason for selling, am now in a wheel chair. Can be seen at Krotter’s Ildw. in West O'Neill.—Julius Gruhn. 17-18c FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried in stock. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or white us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. “Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation" S7tf FOR SALE: An English bicycle. Cheap.$ 12.—John Smith. 524 E. Douglas st., O’Neill.. 17-18p65 ‘‘NEVER USED anything like it,” say users of Blue Lustre for cleaning carpet —Coyne Hardware, O’Neill. 17c FOR SALE: One 1953 36-ft. 2 1 bedroom Pacemaker trailer house, A-l condition.—Dale E. Svatos, Lake Andes, S D., phone 2091. 18-20pl05 REAL ESTATE House Under Construction FOR SALE! WATCH IT GROW! New two bedroom model home being erected in the Spelts-Ray sub division. Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. — O'NEILL — FOR SALE: Improved half sec tion.—Jesse Clark. Ewing. 18-21c FOR SALE 480 Acres, well improved in Page vicinity, would trade for home in O’Neill. Abart Company Phone 209 O'Neill FOR SALE: 255-acre farm, well improved. 2M> miles south east of Fairfax. S.D.— Inquire at the Butte State Bank. But te, Nebr. 16-18c WANTED HELP WANTED: Service station attendant, experienced preferr ed, 18-30. Honest, reliable.— Ray Eby. Eby’s Conoco Ser vice, O’Neill. 18c AT YOUR SERVICE! in REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KTETH ABART Phone 209 O’Neill Salesman Wanted ONE OF the biggest Feed Com panies in the business needs a salesman at once. Top earn ings. Farm background or ac quaintance with farmers most helpful. Experience not neces sary. We completely train you Full time work. Repeat busi ness. Home nights. Must have a car. Write Sales Man ager, 701 South 42nd St., Omaha, Nebraska. 18c W ANTED: Good bright oats weighing 36 lbs. or better. Als wanted, second or third cuttin alfalfa in the bale.—C. E. Me Vay, O’Neill, phone 585-J-13.15tf Exceptional Opportunity FOR RELIABLE person, man or lady, with vision and ability to act immediately for a lifetime of assured income. To service route of cigarette machines es tablished locally for operator. $945 to $1890 cash investment required. THE RETURN OF WHICH IS GUARANTEED IN WRITING BY US. for you to earn up to $260 per month part time. You can net up to $28, 000 annually on a full time ba sis. We are an established rep utable concern with the finest and oldest name brand equip ment. If you have the cash and are sincerely interested please write giving your phone number and brief background for u local interview at your convenience. L & M DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 6513 Cedar Ave. So. Minneapolis 23, Minnesota 17-18c WANTED: Licensed to care for elderly people in my home.— Mrs. F. E. Gesiriech, Phone 7951, Atkinson. 17-19pd. L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. WILL DO Washing and ironing at mv home.—Mary Niemand. O’ Neill, phone 337-W. 17-I8p70 WOMEN earn money for the ex tras. Car and phone necessary. Age 21-50. Convenient hours and high rate of pay. For immediate interview, write Shirley Tingle, Neligh, Nebr. 16-18c AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill E. J. “Skip” Shane Dragline Work Road Building — Drainage Work Sewer Ditches — Basements Clam Work Phone 6221 Atkinson, Nebr. 8-22pd Northwest Electric Motor Service Phone 243-W — O'Neill DISTRIBUTOR for Fairbanks - Morse motors, Wagner motors, Allen Bradley controls, Gates belts and pulleys. REWINDING and rebuilding electric motors (up to 100 hp) and transformers. Portable tools and appliances. 24 - Hour Service COMMERCIAL & REA WIRING 48c tf CURTIS BREEDING service can bring your herd the blood of the best in all beef, dairy and dual purpose breeds. Your techni cian is Duane Gray, phone 469-J O'Neill. 15tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding ! NEW & USED MOTORS WANTED | DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! IDEAL CLEANERS “Approved Sani-Tone Service” Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf HELP WANTED: Salesminded young (21-40) man with car for special route work in this area. Guarantee plus expense allowance for right man. Write, stating qualifications, to FULLER BRUSH CO., 1114 South 94th st., Omaha. 15-18c __ Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O'Neil] WANTED: Hay or alfalfa to bale. Cash or share—See K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 6tfc ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES WE REPAIR all makes. We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. O'NEILL, NEBR. PH. 269 52tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Available after Sep tember 1st, store building be low Western Hotel. — Contact Bill Gatz, O'Neill, or J. F. Vin cent. M.D.. Ft. Dodge, la. 17-18c FOR RENT: Three-room furnish ed apartment with private bath. Private entrance, automatic heat and hot water. Available now. Phone O'Neill 566-J. 17tf. FOR RENT: 3-room house.— Barbara Belzer, O'Neill. 18p FOR RENT: Two modem sleep ing rooms next to bath.—Loretta Enright, 630 E. Benton, O’Neill, Ph. 280. 17tf ROR RENT: 2-room and bath un furnished apartment, 3 blocks from school. Robert Milnar, phone 550. tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O'Neill. 16tf FOR RENT: Two room unfur nished apartment with water and heat furnished. Ideal for woman teacher or school girls. Only two blocks from school. Light housekeeping if desired. Contact Elden Butterfield at the Texaco station or call O'Neill 386-R. 18-19c FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. 49tf FOR RENT: A large two-room unfurnished apartment. Semi modern. Reasonable. — Phone 234, O'Neill. 16-17c FOR RENT: Store building All modern. Good location. Rent right.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 4tf for RENT: Furnished apart ment. Close-in. — Edna Coyne, O’Neill, phone 535. 15tf FOR RENT: Modern two bedroom house with gas; Also modem apartment, 2 rooms and hath, close in. Both immediate pos session—Mrs. J. C. Parker, Q Neill, Phone 14F3 or 434. 17tf MISCELLANEOUS DANKERT’S PROPANE O’NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas Heating Systems Dearborn, Seigler, Coleman, Universal, Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER and DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert’s Propane 22tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf Kelly’s Plumbing YOUR HEADUARTERS f o r plumbing and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located 5 blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station, O’Neill. 43tf Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25tf 3 6 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS S 1,000 or less $23.00 to SI.000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO MADE on our regular monthly repayment plan and on a Spec ial Plan for Farmers. CONFIDENTIAL. PERSONAL SERVICE! Central Finance Corp. C. E. JONES Phone 14 O’Neill 2tf MONE" TO IX) AN on farms, ranches and homes. Long term, low interest rates txmds and insurance of all kinds. See Virgil L. Laursen at The O’ Neill Conmpany. 27-18tfc HAMIK Refrigeration ir Air Conditioning Sales and Service We REPAIR all makes of ap pliances; REA and Com mercial wiring. PHONE 714 O’NEILL CARDS of THANKS WE WISH to thank all of our friends and neighbors for put ting up hay for us. Thanks for the food sent in and those who helped with the dinner in any way. Again we say ‘‘Thank vou" MR. AND MRS. HER BERT STEINBERG 18p50 Dorsey News 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Graham and Mr. and Mi-s. Howard Graham and family drove to Pickstown. S. D., and to Gavins Point to take in the celebration Sunday, August 18. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiseocks, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halstead, also visited Gavins Point. Mrs. Willis Butterfield return ed home Tuesday, August 20, from a trip to the West coast where she visited her son, Doug las, and family. Mrs. Butterfield accompanied the Ed Axbergs of Spencer. The Lucky Clover 4-H cluh held a meeting at the Scottville hall Friday evening. Plans were made for those to send eligible exhibits to Lincoln. Mrs. Faye Pinkerman, Mrs. Anna Carson and Lorvelle Pick ering returned to their homes late Thursday night after having spent several weeks with the group that Miss Elja McCullough look on the tour to various points of interest in the East. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn and Ruth arrived homo late Tuesday night. August 20., from their trip to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. They reported a nice trip, but “there certainly were plenty of grasshoppers" in some parts of southeastern Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar at tended a family reunion at the Niobrara park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hrbek and children motored to Lynch Sat urday evening to visit with Mr. Hrbek's mother, who is in the hospital. Russell Alder was entertained at a birthday anniversary party at his grandmothers in Verdigre on Sunday, August 18. His aunt, Mrs. Marvin Vavak, baked the cake and decorated it. The cake represented a large clock face and the hands pointed to Rus sell’s age. The older folks en joyed the party as much as the children. Among those around here who attended stinker day in O’Neill were Mr .and Mrs. Rud Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn, Mrs. Tom Alder and Russell, Mrs. Grace Alder, Mrs. J. E. Wiley and Albert Ellis and Mrs. Bill Aim and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson were in Lincoln from Sunday until Tuesday. Livestock Producers and Buyers Get ACTION At Our AUCTION Rendering modem, friendly, efficient marketing service ! to please our growing number of customers is one of the basic aims of this progressive Livestock Auction. For the consing or for the buyer ... we offer convenience of location, | adequate facilities, and—most important of all -the profitable advantage made possible through free and open competitive bidding. THE FATREST SELLING METHOD OF ALL! MARKET REPORT—Monday, August 26, 1957 Once again, due to lighter receipts, the buyers were bid ding actively for hogs. Extreme top hit $22.00 with the No. 1 and No. 2 hogs selling from $21.40 to $21.95. Some of the heavier hogs and some of the underweight butchers sold from $20.00 to $21.00. The sow market followed the butcher trend and one select consignment of small butcher sows sold for $20.85. The balance of the sows sold from $18.00 to $20.00. ; Plenty of demand was shown for all sizes of pigs. 85 pound unvaccinated pigs sold for $21.00. Other pigs sold from $12.00 to $15.00 each. We sold about 50 cattle of all classes. More and more people are taking advantage of our Auction to market their cattle. When your livestock is ready to sell, call us, and let us help you with your marketing problems. Verdigre Livestock Market Don Jensen, Mgr. SALE EACH AND EVERY MONDAY WITH HOG SALE STARTING AT 11 A M. Lunch Stand in Sale Pavdllion Phone 86 or 82-W ■Hi™ Page News Mr and Mrs. Henry Poppe and children and Miss Minnie Riege, all of Syracuse, Nebr.. were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. I sir en/ Riege Friday. They are cousins of Mr. Rieges. Mr, and Mrs. Otto Terrill and Marilyn Mrs. Alma Tegeler and Mrs. Ceha Terrill attended fun eral services at Royal and Or chard Saturday for Mrs. Art Ter rill’s mother. Mrs. Leonard Bar ton, Burial was made at Orchard. Mr and Mrs. Alvin I.arson and baby of Storm l.ake and Bernard Terrill of Rembrandt. la., were Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill Mrs. Zoo Carroll and grand daughter. Betty Jo Carroll of Bell Garden. Calif., are spending several weeks with her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ixniis Downey and with her bi-oth er, Elmer Tavener. Mr. and Mrs Carl Seyman of Palmyra, Nebr., were overnight guests Saturday of her aunt, Mrs Jud Russel at Page, enroute from Stuart where they attended funeral services for his uncle, William Brown. Mrs. Hamid Asher was hostess Tuesday to the group that com prise the Golden Rule extension club for an informal afternoon of visiting since no regular lesson was scheduled. Plans for Free Day at Page were discussed. Mrs. Harrison Hallman was the winner of the euessine enme prize. Mrs. Snell will be the host ess for the September meeting, depending on Mr. Snells condit ion. Mrs. Melvin Smith held high score Thursday evening when the members of the Rid or Rye bridge club were guests of Mrs. Melvin Roach. Mrs. Alton Rrad dock received the all-cut award. Miss Marie Heiss of Hastings, Mrs. Harold Kelly and Mrs. Leona Kelly and Mrs. Leona Petersen of Des Moines. Ia., were guests of the club. Mrs. Smith will be the Sept. 5 hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gross and children were Tuesday, Aug ust 20, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French jr., enroute from a summer school term to their new home at Omaha. Jer ome Allen took their household goods to Omaha that night. Mr. Gross will teach biology in the Omaha school system this fall. Guests of Mrs. Merwyn French jr., for the coffee hour on Tues day afternoon, honoring Mrs. Stanley Gross were Mesdames Norman Trowbridge and daugh ter. Mrs. Jerry Summers and children. Clarksville, Tenn., Mrs. Lewie Copple and Mary Lew of Omaha, Mrs. Dale Matschullat and children and Mrs. Dale Stauf fer and children. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Anson of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herring and Mrs. Ryron Hall, all of Royal, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fink ar rived Saturday evening for a vacation visit in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Snyder and oth er relatives. -- ---- — Amelia News The Methodist ViHith fellowship met at the Church Thursday evening Ijonnie Sparks was the host. Rev. and Mrs Dallas Wads worth and family Ipswich, S P , were greeting old friends ami at tending the pictures shown by Rev and Mrs. Frank Adamson at the Free Methodist church Friday evening. I.ynn Meyers, Jefferson, Okla came Thursday, and is helping the Paul Fishers with haying. Mr and Mrs. Merton Fisher, Bonesteel, S, D.. and their daugh ter and husband, Mr and Mrs Karl Banning of California and Mr and Mrs Paul Fisher. Flaine and Dorothy were guests Monday (•vening of Mr and Mrs Will Thompson. Mrs. Gerald Tesch and daugh ters. Sandra and Linda, of Lin coln. visited her parents Mr and Mrs Art IXxxilittle last week The WSCS Indies cleaned the schoolhouse Thursday. School will begin Monday, September 2. Duane Carson will teach in the high school room, and Miss Myr tle White will teach the grade room. Prof, and Mrs. Bower Sageser and Sandra. Mrs. Link Sageser, Mrs. I T Clausson, and Mrs Roseoe Clark returned Thursday evening from a trip through the Black Hills. Mrs. Clmtsson and Mrs Clark left that evening for their respective homes at Louis ville and Bonnieville, Ky. Pro fessor Sageser and family left the following Sunday for their home at Manhattan, Kails. Mi's. Julia White visited at the Ray Coolidge and Dora Moss homes in Chambers several days last week. She expected to re turn home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lierman and Merehon are spending two weeks vacation in Washington and California. Harry Humphrey of Mountain View, Mo., has been visiting the past week with his uncle and aunt. Mr and Min Elmer Cool idge. . * . ' Roger Waldo spent last week with hi-. grandmother Mrs. Frank Searles and family near O'Neill. Mrs. Gloria l.mdrum and Sally went to Sioux City, la , Wednes day August 21. to visit her cous in, Mrs Andy Rohak ami family. The.v returned home Sunday. n'ill Hoagland of Lincoln was calling on old friends in this community recently He spent Thursday evening. August 22. at the Floyd Adams home Mr. and Mrs Harold Sinclair and familj of Omaha visited at the IJoyd Waldo home on the weekend Mrs Sinclair is the former 1 Vris Frcidrieh. a sister of Mrs Waldo's. The ice cream social sponsored by the Methodist Indies on Mon da} evening August 19. was well attended and netted about $55. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Polonske , and son, Jerry, of Norfolk visit ed Sunday, August IS. at the El mer Oetter home Mrs Polonski and Mrs. Oetter are sisters Mr and Mrs. Wilford Hatch of Et. Collins, Colo., are sjtending the week of August 25 with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Edgar Pet erson. Mrs Hatch will teach at Wellington. Colo., this term, and Mr. Hatch will attend the University of Colorado at Ft. Collins. Mrs. Delia Ernst returned home Monday, August 19, after a week's visit with the Blake Ben sons and James Currans Her nephew, Joe Curran of Minne apolis, Minn.. accompanied by bis father, James Curran and Mrs. Francis Curran brought her home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle and Jack, Billy and Terry rai led at the Marvin IVmlittle home Sunday night. Milton Clemens and daughter, Jeanette will leave for Lincoln the last of the week. They are taking Jeanette’s fat calf to the state fair to show and possibly sell. THE HESSTON sorghum attachment WILL PAY YOUR HARVESTING COSTS WITH THE GRAIN YOU SAVEI Tall and short stalks. ihln nr heavy yield, the llesston Sorghum Attach ment will eliminate cutter bar "slobber" and increase your harvest net profit. This field-proved attachment evlends the sickle nhead and upward ala Inches, providing ample space lor tall stalks In fall into the trough and under the auger. The upward slant prevents heads from falling off in front of the sickle liar. Installation is simple . no cutting, welding or holes to drill. Engineered and precision-built to fit your comlnna. SEND TODAY EOR DESCRIPTIVE AND PRICES AND MENTION YOUR MAKE OF COMBINE available for ... _ MnilvHlltli 10-. ft-. It- and l«-ft. M.l'ormick-ll»»rlni I2S snd I * S HI Hsldwla It-tt.. John ll„r. "US." Cock.hult, Minn.spoil.-Molls. G-S. G-4 snd 14-fl. 8P. 1I1 J j|l ^MANUFACTURING CO., INC. IIKSSTON, KANSAS Public Auction The following described personal property will be offered at public auction, on the premises, located l/i m'les north of th° Bazelman Oil Station and 1 Za miles east, on — Wednesday, Sept. 4 — Sale to Start at 2 P. M. — 24 Head of Cattle Including 5 Head of Milk Cows, 5 Head of Stock Cows, Balance Yearlings and Calves 150—White Leghorn Hens, one-year-old POULTRY EQUIPMENT, feeders, waterers, oil brooder, all I I good galvanized equip; also four steel nests I Machinery and Equipment I I ^ase nay t\aKe, excellent 2—Wagon Gears and one box Cultivator Four Section Harrow J-D Manure Spreader, old 1 wo-Kow nil, new in I VDU McC. Burr Grinder Horse-Drawn Mower j McC. Cream Separator, No. 3, ' i hand Plus numerous other articles too numerous to mention 1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS I Oil Space Heater — Comb. Coal-Gas Range I Cream Cans — .i " TERMS OF SALE: Strictly Cash I c. J. HARMON, Owner Cols. Wallace O’Connell and Geo. Colman, Auctioneers I