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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1957)
Sick & Injured EWING—Mr*. Joe Wadsworth, a surgical patient at Luthtran hospital in Norfolk, was able to com** horn** Tuesday, August 20 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, visited Mrs. Mae Shrader who is a patient at the Tilden hospital Mrs Glen Harpster entered the Lutheran hospital at Norfolk Sunday and submitted to surgery on Monday. . . . Theo. Schuethi. who spent several weeks in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk, is now back at his home in Ewing. His uiundiUon shows some im provement Mrs Alfred Doud and Mrs. Tony Rothleutner went to Ntligh Saturday where both had physical checkups STAR Curtis Miller, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mil ler, injured last week in a haying accident.* Reports are that he has a cracked vertebrae. He was taken to Sioux City for treafknent. • i Await Spangler is in a j Sioux City hospital for med ical treatment and observation. . . . Harold Miller spent a few day* last week in Sioux City un do gglng mrkbcal treatment. . Kermpth Hansen youngest son of Mrjpmd Mrs William Hansen, wa.*£a patient in the Lundberg Mewrial hospital at Creighton thegiast week. He was released Th.mdfvy, AJuj;u*t Jt .'Miss Morin Wertz submitted io major surflR-y last week at St. An thoiffs. o>n- .’ILL Me and Mi*s. Ed CattwplH'll left Monday afternoon for Rochester, Minn., for medical ch* ok ups . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ryn old Tfcimfel went to Omaha to have thttir son, Michael's eye chcojtgd on after surgery. It is “g'da” • . . Mrs. W. W. Waller accompanied her mother, Mrs. Ray'Sneli of Page to Sioux City last Thursday where Mr. Snell submitted try surgery Monday. They remained there with him . . City CounCttttian R. E. Moore accidentally smashed a finger in PAGE Ray Snell, who sub mitted to surgery at a Sioux City hospital Monday, is satisfactory. Mis wife and daughter, Mrs. W. VV. Waller, are with him. . . Mrs. Mabel Davds, a former Page res ident, is recuperating from re cent surgery at the home of her son, Lyle Davis, 904 South Third street, at Norfolk and would be glad to hear from friends. EMMET Marian Dusatko, lit tle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ber nadd Dusatko, was able to have her brace taken off August 22. She suffered a broken collar bone August 3 when she fell down some steps. LYNCH- Mrs. Aletha Hasen pflug of Pierce, who has been hospitalized for several weeks, is now recuperating at the Mrs. Julia Hasenpflug home here. DEIX)IT Mrs. Glenn Harpster was to undergo surgery in a Nor folk hospital on Monday. She was to return home on Wednesday. INMAN -Mrs. Bert Kopetjka became ill early Sunday and was taken to St. Anthony’s. Grass Farm Scene of Haying Bee PAGE A quarter section of J hay was put up Friday afternoon) and Saturday for Mrs. Dee Grass, | Ronald and Lura Grass. Their husband and brother, Dee Grass, died in mid-summer. The neigh bors bimded together to step-up the tempo of their haying opera tions. Lyndly Crumly was in charge of the arrangements and the men: who took part were Ed Cernou sek, Jerome Allen, R. V. Crumly, Bill Buxton Jim Hartman, Elmer and O. A. Wiseman, Jesse and Tom Kelly Art Grass, Bill Schein ost. Bill Roach, Milo Landreth, Glen Stewart Lee Fink, Keith Kennedy, Emery McDowell, Wil lis Robinson, Joe Schollmeyer, John Reist Ben Asher and son, Ben, jr., Jimmie Crumly, Ro.bert Prill, and Bill DeLong worked for Emmett Thompson. Mesdames Milo landreth, Glen Stewart, Ben Asher, A. O. Wise man, • Mrs. Lyndly Crumly and daugKJer assisted Mrs. Grass and Lura serve dinner to 40 Saturday. Lunch was served Friday to the mowers Many contributed food. Donohoe Const. Co. H Dirt Moving — Basement* Road Building Phones 447-W — 247-W Justice Court James Leo Cawthome, of Win ter, S. D , August 24, speeding, fined S10 and $4 costs, officer— Gerald Wettlaufer. Duane Cawthome of Winter, S. D, August 24, speeding fined $10 and $ 4 costs, officer Gerald Wettlaufer. Jack R Taylor of O’Neill, Au gust 26, fined $60 and $4 costs and 7 days in jail for obtaining beer for a minor, officers—Chris McGinn and Gerald Wettlaufer. Barry Bedenka of Peoria, 111., August 27, improper U turn, fin ed $5 and $4 costs, officer—Ger ald Wettlaufer George W. Kilcoin of O’Neill. August 27, speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer — Gerald Wettlaufer. OOI'NTY COl'RT Tim Paul Williams of Sioux City, la., August 22, overgrosa, fined $50 and $4 costs, officer— Clifforti Kizzire. Harold Albert Moeller of Man ning. Ia., August 22, speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer— Sgt. R. R. Shomey. Marion Robinson, driver for Consolidated Freight ways, Inc., of Chicago. Ill , August 23, over gross, fined $80 and $4 costs; offi l cer—Donald F. Richardson. Robert G Adair of Amelia, August 24, careless driving, fin ed $25 and $4 costs; ufiuMtr jJ-l.. Mi JJasfreiter. " . Ralph L. Adair of Atlj^nsdi^. August 24, driving while under the influence of alcoholic liquor, fined $100 and $4 costs, operat ors license revoked for a period of six months and he was con fined overnight in jail; officer— E. M Hastreiter. Dale Warren of Harrison, Au gust 28, illegal use of truck, fin ed $10 and $4 casts; officer— Donald F. Richardson. Robert G. Whelan of LeMars, la.. August 26, speeding, fined $20 and $4 costs; officer—E. M. Hastreiter. hurst, 111., August 26, no recip rocity, fined $10 and $4 costs; of fice! Clifford L. Kizzire. Melvin Arthur Denby of Napa, Calif., August 27, speeding day, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—R L. Gude. William John Dinneen of Port land, Ore., August 28, overweight on axle, fined $70 and $4 casts, officer Donald F. Richardson. O’Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs, Leo Moore drove his sister, Sr. Esther Marie and Sr. Gertrude Ann, Dominican nuns from Memphis, Tenn., to Omaha Monday after a 10 days’ stay here. Sr. Esther Marie is a libraian. They were feted at many gatherings including a family reunion at Greeley Sun day which the Moores also at tended. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar at tended the Mlinar reunion in Pickstown, S. D., on Sunday. Weekend guests of Mrs. Minnie Bay were Mrs. Bernard Kaczor and daughter of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaczor and Gerald visited his aunt, Mary Nelson of Omaha, Wednesday, August 21, until Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nutter attended the Nutter family re union in Halsey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Havranek of Atkinson were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Roberts of Fremont were guests last week of Mr .and Mrs. Pete Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNally of Columbus were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Holz and Suzanne attended the wedding of Russel Closson and Marv Jo Mul ler in Creighton on Saturday. M. B. Higgins and Mike Shonka of Bunvell left Monday for sev eral days business in Iowa. Mrs. Roy Johnson and children left for York on Monday after vis iting 10 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson, sr., and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John son and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ollen dick attended the Neligh fair on Sunday and visited Mr and Mrs. Ronald Helmer of Neligh. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy VVettlauffer and Mrs. Tess Mur ray were the former’s and lat ter's sister, Mrs. Kathryn Gunn of Lincoln. She arrived Monday, August 19, and returned Wednes day August 21. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Davidson and family and her mother, Mrs. Tess Murray plan to leave Friday for Rapid City, S. D. to visit Mrs. Murray’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson. Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and two girls of Weatherford, Okla., visited from Friday until Monday with his mother, Mrs. Tess Mur ray and with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Emil Adamson. t WiMml Siimlay-Monday-Tuesday September 1-2-3 ^ Wednesday-Thursday September BI'CK NIGHTS — John Way ne and Lauren Bacall in “BIXMID ALLEY” — Cinemascope Friday -Saturday September 6-1 “BATTLE HYMN” — Cinemascope, Technicolor Starring Rork Hudson, I>nn Duryea and Martha Ayer , , , * • * * * ♦ .Mrs. James Gallagher . . . before her marriage here Satur day she was Miss Mary Jo Mahoney.—O’Neill Photo Co. Mary Jo Mahony, James Gallagher August Nuptials St. Patrick’s church was the scene of the wedding of Miss Mary Jo Mahony, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mahony ol O’Neill and James Gallagher, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher of Inman. Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan performed the double ring ceremony before an altar deco rated with pink and white glai oli and phlox, Saturday, August 24 at 9:30 a.m. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride chose an imported hand clipped chantilly lace gown over bridal satin. The sculptur ed bodice was styled with a sweetheart neckline outlined in lace and was embroidered with sequins and seed pearls. It had tiny cap sleeves and a bouffant floor length skirt, which was worn over hoops and flowed into a chapel train. She wore short white gloves. Her fingertip veil of imported illusion fell from a tiara of orange blossoms and seed pearls. She carried pink roses on a white prayer book, which was a gift of the bridegroom. She wore a single strand of pearls. Attending the bride were her sister, Miss Maureen Mahoney, Miss Dorothy Harlan of Tilden College a classmate of the bride and Miss Marilyn Gallagher of bridegroom. They wore identical gowns of deep pink crystallete styled with portrait necklines and fitted bodices with very full skirts. Their headbands of matching crystallette petals were embroidered with seed pearls. Their shoes matched the gowns. They wore short white gloves and pearl earrings, a gift of the bride. Their bouquets were of white mums with pink streamers. Edward Gallagher, a brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. Other attendants were Richard Rohn and Harold Pribil. Ushers were Frank Rohde, Ed ward Boyle, Nick Ramold. Frank Shefl and Charles Mahony, a brother of the bride. The bride groom and his attendants were attired in white dinner jackets with dark trousers. They wore black bow ties and white bouton nieres. The mother of the bride wore a navy dress with black acces sories. Her corage was white feathered carnations. The moth er of the bridegroom chose a dress of Dior blue with matching hat and accessories of black and white. Miss Cecelia Arbuthnot accom panied Miss Edith Gallagher and Miss Karen Mahony, sisters of the couple, who sang “On This Day". ‘‘O, Lord I Am Not Wor thy" and “Ave Maria”. Following the ceremony a luncheon was served to the im mediate families and wedding party at the Town House. A re ception was held at the Legion club for 140 guests. Assisting at the reception were Mme.s. Matt Beha, Frank Shefl, Leo Schneid er, Joe Kalina and Ralph Van Horn. Assisting with the gifts were Mrs. Edward Boyle, Mrs. Gordon Bourn and Miss Mary Alys Dierks. Miss Karen Mahony j had charge of the guest book. The wedding cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Matt Beha and cut by Mrs. Andrew Ramold. Mrs. Wendell Babl poured. Ser- J ving were the Misses Rita Jan-! sen, Margaret Boyle, Eunice Van Horn and Betty Jane Schneider. | Out-of-town guests were from Norfolk, Emmet. Inman, Omaha, | Ewing, Page, Fullerton, Stuart, Cedar Rapids, Belgrade, North Platte, Sheldon, la., Sioux City, la., Denver, Colo., and Nampa, Ida. Following a two weeks’ honey moon to Canada the couple will be at home on a ranch near In man. For traveling the bride chose a brown suit with white and brown accessories. The bride is a graduate of St. Mary's Academy and St. Cather ine’s School of Nursing. She has been employed at St. Anthony’s hospital the past year. The bridegroom is a graduate of In man high school and is ranch ing with his father. Auto with Trailer Suffers Damage INMAN An unusual accident took place at the Chudomelka service station corner about 3 p. m., Monday. An auto driven by D. L. War ren of Austin, Minn., was west liound on U.S. highways 20-275, drawing a two-wheel trailer load ed with household goods. An auto driven by Mrs. Dor othy Pribil, accompanied by two children, approached the inter section from the south on a county road. Mrs. Pribil show ed intent of pulling onto the way but didn’t when she saw the ve hicle on the highway coming from the east. Mr. Warren took to the right side of the highway, i made a complete turn with his oufit on the north side of the road. Both vehicles came to a stop with no collision, but the Austin rig was damaged. Patrolman E. M. Hastreiter estimated Warren’s damage at $150. Visit Stuart— Herbert Kaiser and mother, 1 Mrs. Sadie Kaiser, visited Mrs. Henry Kieter, Mrs. Martha All house, and Mrs. Mary Timmer man in Stuart on Sunday. Twice Daily Grid Chores for Cards Thirty-one candidates checker out football gear for the St Mary’s Cardinals pre-school work outs. With the promise of more hope fuls with the opening of school the Cards squad should reach 36 Twice-a-day work outs have been the menu for the opening week, with one-a-day practice! beginning with the opening oi school. With a nine-game schedule a head, the eight-maners have beer busy preparing for their season opener with Crofton on Septem ber 13, at Carney park. Balanct of the schedule: September 19 — Springviow home. September 26 — Lynch, home. October 4—Niobrara, there. 8 Verdigre. home. 11 Norfolk Sac red Heart, there. 18 Naper there 23 Butte, there. 31 — Spencer home. This year the SMA Athletic as sociation is again offering family season tickets. This ticket wii] entitle both parents and all school ago children to admission to all regularly scheduled Cardi nal home games in l>oth football and basketball. The Cards will play at home five times during the football season and seven times in basket ball making a total of at lf*st 12 home games TfekeTs *,may be purchased at these firms, start ing Monday: Western Auto, Gil ligan Rexall Drug, O’Neill Na tional Bank, First National Bank, Biglin’s. Page News Members of the 4-G’s club wer< Friday guests of Mrs. I. O. Wooc for an afternoon of card playing Mrs. Anton Nissen held higt score, Mrs. Otto Matschullat, low and Mrs. Melvin Held receivet the traveling award. Mrs. Ethe Waring will be the Friday, Aug ust 90, hostess. Miss Marie Heiss was hostess t{ a group of friends Monday eve ning at the Mrs. Lou Heiss home Those present were Mesdame! Herbert Steinberg, Raymonc Heiss, Merwyn French, sr., Ivar Heiss, Alton Braddock John Lam ason and the Misses Effie Stev ens and Alice French of O’Neill Mrs. Bob Stevison, daughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock was one of 39 graduates from the Lincoln General hospital school of nursing at Linroln. The grad uating ceremonies were held at the First Plymouth Congregation al church at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock went to Lincobi Friday where they at tended the exercises, going on to Omaha on Saturday to the home of his brother, Kenneth, and fam ily. Th£y returned Sunday. Page to Be Host on Labor Day PAGE — The Page extension club is sponsoring a flower and garden display at the bank build ng on labor day—community day —here. Anyone is urged to bring en tries of dispaly. Meanwhile, Page will be en tertaining hundreds of visitors in the all-day celebration. There vill will be a parade at 1 p.m., childrens’ races, free movies, -nidget baseball (Chambers ver sus J?age), free watermelon, •and concert, softball game and i free dance. The community day—an annu li affair—is under the sponsor ihip of the Commercial club and Improvement club. Pre-Opening Work Sessions Planned Pre-opening meeting for all rural teachers of Holt county vill be htld Saturday, August 51, between 9 and 12 a. m., at the D’Neill bublic school auditorium. Miss Clara M. McClatchey, ele nentary consultant from the state department of education, vill discuss the social studies irogram. Supplies will be dis ributed to the teachers. “This is an important meet ng”. Beginning teachers will meet igain in the afternoon according o Alice L. French, county super ntendent. The Frontier want ads do the ob quickly and economically! Win Golf Laurels at Bassett J. B. Ferguson of Ord (center) captured top laurels in the Bassett open golf tourney held Sun day. F. B. Stony of Plainview (left) finished sec ond; John ("Hed”) DeWitl of O'Neill (right) fin ished third, Ferguson posted a score of* 107 for 27 holes; DeWitt, 112 in 27.- Photo courtesy Rock County Leader. Hutcheson Clan Holds Reunion Sunday, August 25 was the 16th anniversary reunion of the j Hutcheson family held at t he Leslie Hutcheson home in Long Pine. All eight living brothers and sisters were present. Sixty eight relatives were present. lXtRSKY Mrs Mary Kuhik is in the Lynch hospital. She is ‘‘slowly improving" . . . Await Spangler was taken to Sioux City Thursday for observation and X rays. Friday he underwent surg ery’ at St. Joseph hospital . . . j Mrs. Katie Hrbek was taken to the Lynch hospital for medical aid. CHAMBERS WINS Chambers knocked the O'Neill Rockets for a loop, 6-1. last Thurs day night in the four-team North Central league playoff. Mr. apd MN Gayton Hau nieister who have born living at Mtxiia, Pa., are now located at Oakwood Manor. Evergreen and Hunter, Apt. 38-C, Woodbury, N.J DKI .OIT-Alt', and Mia. l*<un ani U»rson have arrived in An chorage, Alaska, where they will make their home for the 1957-’f>8 school year. I . 1 1 Out ITUBSD**; 1 1 WE INVITE mom'—»-*• " l I h. .r..."’ jz--— roe WOMEN 1 1 tor men t ~~S3*p'™ \ 1 . Arrow SU** <*”• * £E~ *** 1 1 * ST*. a*“ smart loot”'*' ' ' ‘ ’ 1 I (Wa«habie wool) \Jnder- top quality 1 1 • c—i’sE' • 1 I wear • Goodrich Ra footwear I 1 • Hye? ^Tuare Shoes .. best rubber.--. 1 I • Crosby-Sqnar ^ ,ot m(.„ ---TT/- \ I 1 srss.* \ Caunto s \ 1 \ ..CL0TH1HG... 11 \ . SW^ 1 ... SHOES ^ l I « Goodrich R“ cloves 1 For A" the am I -S Mats — Caps — ** 1 ^— |J »a -I. Work Shoe. -- Mow This Newspaper Helps Advertisers... With a Strong Right Hand f * We’re newspaper people, with our ears to the ground strength in our right hand. For a long time it has been our job to meet the people of our area—in their homes, work, schools, churches, hk their civic and social activities. It has been our job to understand their needs and desires; to report their joys and sorrows. Few know this area and its people better than we. Many merchants look to this background of experience and understanding for assistance in reaching their audience most effectively. It is an unusually strong right hand to their merchandising efforts—an effective source for in formation and advice. Let us show you how the combination of this experience and audited circulation facts* can help you to get maximum results from your sales messages. Call us this week. •This newspaper is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a nonprofit, cooperative association of publishers, advertisers, and adver tising agencies. Our circulation is audited at regular intervals by experi enced A.B.C circulation auditors and their reports are made available to our advertisers without obligation. --- MEASURE OP SERVICE...MARK OF IN TEORI T V