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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
Mrs. David Anderson . . . before her marriage she was I Miss l.ynette Johnson.— O'Neill rhoto Co. i r Future Subscribers _ SAWYER — Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Sawyer of Norfolk, a son, weighing 8 [xjunds ti ounces, horn Wednesday, August 7, at Norfolk former Orchard residents, now have two sons. PRIBNOW—Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Pribnow of Cedar Rapids, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 14*4 ounces, torn Thursday, August 1, at the Albion hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson of Ewing are the maternal grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pribnow of Cedar Rapids are the paternal grand parents. EDWARDS — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards of Ewing, a son. Richard EeRoy, weighing 10 pounds, torn Thursday, August 1, it Antelope Memorial hospital in Neiigh. ENGDAHL — Mr. and Mrs. Claire Engdahl of O’Neill, a son, weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces, tom Tuesday. August 6, at St. Antho ny's hospital. This is the couple’s third child and second son. McALLISTER—Mr. and Mrs. James McAllister of Spencer, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds torn Monday, August 5, at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. WONDERCHECK — Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Wondercheck ;of Newport, a son, weighing 8 pounds 11 ounces, tom Wednes day, August 7, at Atkinson Memo rial hospital. CLEVELAND—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cleveland of O’Neill, a daughter, Dehrah May, weighing 7 pounds 5*4 ounces, torn Fri day, August 2, at St. Anthony’s hospital. KRAMER Mr. and Mrs. Sy Kramer of Stuart, a son. weigh ing 8 pounds 13 ounces, born Thursday, August 1, at Atkinson TVTemorinl hosnital. WHETHAM — Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whetham of Spencer, a daughter, Sheryl Rae, 7 pounds 2 ounces, Ixirn Thursday, August 1, at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. , McMANIGAL Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McManigal of Orchard, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces, bom Thursday, August 1, at Lundberg Memorial hospital in Creighton. HOF ERE R — Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hoferer of Creighton, a son, weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces, bom Friday, August 2, in Lundberg Memorial hospital. FUCHTMAN Mr. and Mrs. Remold Fuchtman of Winnetoon. a ‘son, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces, born Friday. August 2 at Lundberg Memorial hospital. FEATHERSTONE - Mr. and Mrs William Marlie Feather stone of Stuart, a daughter, Lisa Daun. weighing 5 pounds 5 ounc es. born Sunday. August 4, at At kinson Memorial hospital. ODENBACH Mr. and Mrs. Le on Odenbach of Sidney, Mont., a son Dale Eugene, weighing f pounds 5 ounces, born t'rdnes dav July 31st. Mrs. Odenbach is the former Laura WetaleL twin sister of Miss Corene Wetzler of O'Neill This is the couple s sec ond son. The first son is Dwight. WEBER —Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Weber of Altadena, Calif., a son, Bruce Alan, weighing 7 P°u™g 4 ounces, bom W^wsday, July 31. Mr. and Mrs. Fred of O’Neill are the maternal grBURTWHISTLE -Mr. and Mrs_ Richard Burtwhistle of J>ea^ Chambers, a son weighing: 9 pounds, bom Tuesday, July 30, in a Norfolk hospital. POX — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, jr„ of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces bom Wednesday, August 7.. m St^ An thony’s hospital. Mrs. fox is the former Lois Mullen, daughter of Air Ld Mrs. Will Mullen of Emmet. The paternal grandpar ents. Air and Mrs. Charles Ftw, sr , now have 26 grandchildren. RAMOLD —Mr and Airs. Joe Ramold of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds It* ounces, bom Wednesday, August 7, in St Anthony’s hospital. - " —■*-- I ^ Couple Bound for { Delaware After Nuptials 1 lere Pink md white gladioli decor.-1 ted the altar of First Methodist < hure.h at O'Neill Sundaj August 1, when Miss I ,\ nefte Johnson be came the bride of David Ander son. The double-ring 1 p. m.. cere mony was performed by Rev. It. L. Embree, district -superintend-1 ent. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwell A. Johnson of O'Neill. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D.Ander son of Denison, la. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She chose a ballerina-length gown of silk faille. The fitted bodice was styled with princess lines, fash ioned with a bateau neckline dip ping to a "V’" in the back with small cap sleeves. The bouffant skirt featured a fan tail of pleats. Her silk illusion veil was held by a crown set with seed pearls and iridescent sequins. She wore a single strand of pearls a gift from the bridegroom. She carried j two cymbidiums on a white Bible with white satin ribbon stream ers. The bridesmaid. Miss Sandra Anderson, sister of the bride groom, wore a gown of powder blue crystalette in ballerina length. A bias band circling the waist into a deep point at the back with a bow trimmed the full gathered skirt. She wore a spray of pink gladiolas in her hair and carried a bouquet of white daisies. The flower-girl was Miss Debra Schultz of O'Neill. She wore a dress of blue nylon and carried a basket of flowers. James Johnson, brother of the , bride, was the groom's bestman. ' The bridegroom and his best- , man both wore charcoal suits 1 with white boutonnieres. Steven Harmon was the ring ' bearer. Rolland Johnson, brother of the bride and Lloyd Waldo, 1 cousin or ine oriue, were uMicrs The bride’s mother wore a 1 navy blue shadow silk dress with white accessories. The groom’s mother chose a grey silk organdy dress with pink accessories. Both wore corsages of pink carnations. Darla Waldo a n d Gwenda Schultz were candlelighters. Miss Irene Searles of Omaha, cousin of the bride, sang, “I Love You Truly” and ”The Lord’s Prayer.” She was accompanied on the organ by Miss Esther Kin ner, of O’Neill. After the ceremony, a recep tion for one hundred guests was held in the church basement i with Methodist Ladies serving Miss Shirley Sterns and Miss | Jeannette Osborne, both of Atkin son, cousins of the bride, presid ed at the tea table. Mrs. Don Maw and Mrs. Keith Kounousky were in charge of the gifts and Miss Marilyn Fetrow had charge of the guest l)ook Servers were the Misses Betty 1 Fetrow, Jane Peterson and Joan Searles. The bride’s table was decorated with a crocheted table cloth made by the bride's aunt. The center piece was the three tiered cake. The bride attended the O’Neill high school and has been em ployed as a sales girl in Denver. Colo. , . The bridegroom attended the Shattuck military school at Fair bolt. Minn., and at present is serving in the air force in Will mington, Dela. Following a wedding trip to Wildwood Beach. N. J., the cou ple will make their home at Willmington. For traveling, the bride wore a powder blue dress of polished satin w-ith white accessories. FIREMEN CALLED O’Neill firemen were sum- j moned to a fire in the rear of ! the Donohoe building on South Fourth street. Mrs. F. J. O’Con nell sounded the alarm. Electric ! wiring was blamed and there was no damage. Frontier for prompt printing! fi37£| 5?. 38* f ™ 3B£ S PORK LIVER Fresh, 5 lbs < I HAM SHANKS - 4lbs. I [ | PFPCH fresh frozen, __ 3 lbs., f I WIENERS all meat, 2‘/2 lbs. 1 1 BOIL BEEF meaty, „ 5 lbs. g CUDAHY'S PURITAN — V I MINCED HAM 2k 1 V CUDAHY’S — ■ I SPICED HAM - 2 k I I RIVAL BACON k. 2 k I m SUMMER — m |SAUSAGE lunch meat 2 lbs. 1 3 ADAMS • ORANGE • GRAPEFRUIT BLENDED OR TANGERINE 46-OZ. CANS_ IKKSIl IIOMK GROWN — B CPI me n A CUKES 2 for 9c 1 LB* Swt. CORN -39c j *resn n juicy ^ 1 1 Me#l ^ Red n' ripe f 3 /2C PER POUNDI Ml ('ll MORE — 1,J{- VACI I M TIN K Mm AMERICAN ItEACTY — NOODLES, 3 full lb. pkgs. MY-TFINE — PUDDINGS, 12 A* ASSORTED — OLIVES, 3 bottles MA BROWN — GRAPE JAM,321«Mars FRENCH’S — PEPPER, 1lb- Package LUSHUS — sweet POTATOES 4 “ PINE (ONE — TOMATOES, 6 303 cans ,» I t IM n/ww; • t I i I V - FlflUB W HAPPY VALE — PEAS,-8 ■ 303 cans LI SHI S R.S.P. — CHERRIES - s - 303 cans SARDINES -llflatcans RAKER'S — CHOC. CHIPS, 3 -12 oz. pkgs. STOCKTON — 7 CATSUP-6 l»ttles r n \i n _ I TISSUE-16'* TABLE READY — OLEO .5»* GOLD NUGGET — CORN _8 ■ 303 cans AMERICAN BEAUTY — Vrn’RI FQ 1 ft 300 cans _ m DOUBLE - LUCK — I GN, BEANS -6303cans I CHOC. SYRUP - 5 16 oz- cans m LIBBY’S VEGETABLE JUICE — I VIM 3 46 oz. cans j i\ IV I\ r 1 — * vi>£ >i/Aivn a BAB-0 per can _ 10c IMUSTARD 19c 1 FLOUR 2SlM»g $1.99 iQlb.bag 89c I Sl'NMAII) — *-LB. PK<>. I JERSEY CREME PANCAKE — IO-LB. BAG M RAISINS 39c I FLOUR 99c I MIX ‘EM OR MATCH ‘EM ORANGE JUICE, Ace High j PEAS, Hi-West.. LEMONADE, Flavor Pack.. fc ^ mm ^ mm mm mm w/ '' BROOKLAND — | PLUMS, near gallon 59c j REYNOLDS — (WITH STARTER INCL.) CHARCOAL, pkg... 69c PRINCE — D0GF00D, 3 cans 25c OIDER — IN YOITl JTTG VINEGAR, gallon.. 59c CHEER, giant box -. 69c i BUFFO — m SPONGES, pkg. of 10 69c 1 FROZEN R.S.P. — (SUGAR ADDED) % CHERRIES 30 lb. tin_ 5.49 I MEAT AND PICKLE — 1 SALT, 9 lb bag.. 39c |