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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
Rev. Robert Paul Coming to O’Neill Rev. Robert A. Paul of Mitch ell has been elected as the minister of the Assembly of God ehurrh here, succeeding Rev, Egon Kirschman, who departed last month for his new pastor ate at Milwaukee, Wise. Reverend Mitchell and his wife and their daughter, Ella Mae, will arrive in O'Neill Sunday. August 11. Miss Ella Mae will enter Rible school in the Fall. METHODIST (Page Innuui) Rev Lisle Mewmaw, pastor PAGE — Thursday, August 8: Junior choir practice, 3 p.m.; youth choir practice, 8 p.m. Sunday, August 11: Sunday - school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m., with Carroll French delivering the sermon followed by a basket dinner at noon in his honor; young adult picnic in the park, 7 p m ; MYF, 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 14: Prayer hiHir, 9 am., scripture: Luke 24:30-44. Thursday, August 15: Wom an's Society of Christain Service meeting, 2:30 p.m INMAN — Thursday, August 8: WSCS meeting, 2:30 pm.; official board meeting, 8 pm. Sunday, August 11: Sunday - school, 8:45 a.m.; worship, 9:45* a.m., wth Carroll French de livering the sermon foliow'ed by basket dinner at noon in his honor at the Page church. Wednesday, August 14: Choir practice, 8 p.m., ami MYF meet ing. I Pick a j Pack of : i_ j the friendly I “Pepper Upper” : THAT NEVER : LETS i YOU DOWN! Merri Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. — O’NEILL — Lay Leader Floyd P. Root (above) of BHden is the lay leader for the northeast Nebraska dis trict of the Methodist church. Recently he spoke at the O’ Neill and Emmet churches and will be making guest appear ances at the churches in this area. O'Neill is headquarters for the northeast district. METHODIST (Chambers Amelia) Rev. Harold Dean Bonath, pastor AMELIA Thursday (today): Choir and MYF, 8 p.m. Sunday, August 11: Worship service, 9:30 u.m.; Sunday -I schixil, 10:30 am. Sermon for] Sunday mesage: "Man a Cam-1 eraplate”. Tuesday, August 13: Four; commissions meet, 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 14: Parish prayer time, 8-9 p.m. Text: Psalms 100. CHAMBERS — Thursday (today): WSCS meets in church parlors at 2 p.m., with Mrs. Kenneth Adams hostess. Sunday, August 11: Sunday - school, 10 am.; worship ser vice, 11 a.m., sermon: "Man a Cameraplate"; MYE, 8 p m. Monday, August 12: Junior choir, 7:30 p.m.; intermediate MYF, 8 p.m.; senior choir, 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 14: Parish prayer time, 8-9 p.m. Text: Psalms 100. Friday, August 9: Sub-district council meeting in O’Neill. All sulxiistrict officers are asked to be present. Notes Birthday— John Humrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Humrich, celebrated his seventh birthday anniversary last Thursday with a treasure hunt for a few of his little friends. As a special treat, the guests went to the Jalopy for treats after the hunt ended in Ford’s park. Alice’s Beauty Shop Kes. 3 doors west of Teuet 125 East Douglas Phone 263 — O’Neill Ponton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop, j Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds Phone 106 Golden Bldg Legal Notices (First pub. August 8. 1957) Julius D Cronin. Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND HEIRS K<ttatr No. 4204 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JUDSON H. HER TEL. DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO AIT. CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that Seth L. Hertel, has filed his petition alleging that Judson H. Hertel died June 17, 1949, intestate, a resident of Holt County, Nebraska, seized of real estate described as follows: A part of the South west Quarter of Section 20, in Township 26, North, Range 12, West of the 6th P M., in Holt County, Nebraska, and further described as follows: Beginning at a point 1271Vfe feet East of the Southeast corner of Block *‘D” in the village of Chamliers, Nebras ka; thence running East 60 feet; thence running North 260 feet, thence running West 60 feet, thence running south 260 feet to the place of begin ning. That petitioner. Seth L. Hertel is the present owner of an inter est in said real estate, having de rived title thereto by inheritance from said deceased. Tlie prayer of the petition is for a determination of the time of the death of said deceased person, and a determination of the heirs, degree of kinship, and right of descent of real property and inter est in real property of said de ceased person, and that there is no inheritance tax, state or feder al, due from said estate of the heirs thereof. That said petition will be for hearing in this Court on the 29th day of August, A. D., 1957, at ten o’clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge 15-17c ' (First pub. July 25, 1957.) LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the IDEAL CIJ2ANERS COMPANY of O'Neill, Nebraska, a Corpora tion organized and existing under ' the laws of the State of Nebras ka was dissolved by consent of the Stockholders on July 14, 1957, and Certification of Dissolution is sued hy Frank Marsh, Secretary of State, State of Nebraska, on July 22, 1957. George Morlang, Treasurer of said corporation of O'Neill, Nebraska has acquired all of the assets and has assum ed all of the liabilities of said cor isjration and is to manage the | corporate affairs and distribute its assets. The assets of said I company consists of the plant { and fixtures of the valuation of $1,600.00 and the liabilities of said company consists of $1200.00 due Butler Manufacturing Company of Kansas City, Missouri, and $700.00 Capitol Stock liability. s/ THOMAS D. COMBS, President 13-15c (First pub. July 25, 1957) John R Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4166 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JOHN P. PRIBIL, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final 1 settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval erf final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on August 14, 1957, at 10 o’clock, A. 11 LOUIS YV REIMER County’ Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 13-15 O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Dick Seymour and daughter, Sandra, of Ains worth were weekend guests of Mrs. Clara Schaffer. Mr. and Mrs. John L Baker will depart Saturday for a week's visit in Green Bay and Rhine lander, YY’isc. Mr. and Mrs YY’illiam Koenig of Fresno, Calif., were guests Tuesday, July 30, of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Bohn. Mr. and Mrs. M. L Crandall of Fremont were recent guests of Dr, and Mrs. L. A. Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chambers of Dubuque, la., arrived by plane Saturday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse. They left Sunday for Valentine and the \Yrest coast to visit rela tives. Mrs Rosa Bowers, Mrs Min nie Higgins, members of the ZCBJ lodge at Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneok at tended a picnic Sunday at Ft. Randall dam and made a tour of the power plant. Mrs. Clifford Closson visited week with her daughter. Mrs. James Finley, and family at Bronson, la. Mrs. E. N- Flood left Sunday for Norfolk to visit he£ daughter. Mrs. Joe Hansen, and family un til Monday. I'M. aiiUMHiy a .‘lUAlilltl > benefit, O’Neill Drive-In Theatre Thursday, August 8, showing ‘‘Ambassador's Daughter” an en tertaining comedy you’ll enjoy. Be sure to attend. Money used to apply toward purchase of baby incubator, 14-15c Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox and girls of Norwalk Calif., arrived Friday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox. Enroute here they visited Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard at Douglas, Wyo. Mrs. Brainard is Mr. Fox's sister. Mrs. Wilfred Seger and Ronnie of Stuart visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller of Norfolk were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller Sunday and also attended the wedding of Miss Lynette Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson vis ited her mother, Mrs. Hulda Miller, Sunday in Verdigre. Mrs. Gordon Johnson spent Sunday in Sirnix City with her sister, Mrs. Melvin Dewey. Miss Janice Dewey returned with Mrs. Johnson to spend a week. Miss Carol Jean Reis of Atkin son came Friday evening to spend a week with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pruss. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones and her sister, Ethel Morgan, at tended the Nelson family pic nic Sunday at Stromsberg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin went to Ponca Friday evening and brought back a load of children who had attended the Christain service camp affiliated with the Church of Christ. Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Reimer, jr., and Jim went to Schleiswig, la., to visit her fa ther, Dr. L. H. Brown, until Sunday. Making Cruise At sea aboard the battleship J USS Wisconsin is Midshipman lc Joel E. Ellermeier (above), a student at the University of California. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ellermeier of . Spetlcer. Childrens’ Book Coming Off Press Sybil Malmberg Is ‘Amos’ Author PAGE A childrens’ liook will he released Monday, August 12, ! by Comet Press Rooks of New York City. Entitled "Amos”, the story deals with a six-year-old boy named Amos and his little friend, “Buttercup”. Written hy a former Holt countyan, Mrs. Sybil Malmberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. sr.. of Page, the book tells of the little brown-skinned boy who al ways wore pink and his little friend who always wore polka (jots. Thy met up with Snip Snip, the friendly crocodile, and she shares a big secret with them. Mrs. Malmberg now lives on a ranch at Brownlee. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pinkerman and family were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Vigo Christensen home in Monowi. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Harmon of Scottsbluff visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Johnson, over the weekend. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moses were his broth er and her sister, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Moses of Wayne. John N. Schmit's brother, Nick of Bemidji, Minn., came last Thursday evening to visit him and his family. Friday, he went to Atkinson to visit his father, Nick Schmit, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Simmons and girls of Hastings were week end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sobotka. Monday, July 29 another daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fox and two tx>ys of Ida Grove, la., wrere their guests. Sunday Mrs Vern Reynoldson and boys went to Albion to visit Mr. Reynoldson’s sister and hus band, Mr and Mrs Duane Green. Miss Leona Schmit of Omaha came to Atkinson for the weekend and Hay Days Mr. and Mrs Frank Parkins and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk attend ed the Shrine circus in Norfolk Monday evening. SISTER-IN-LAW DIES Mi-s. Mildred Wyant left foi Banning. Calif., Monday, July 29 to attend the funeral Friday ol her brother's wife, Mrs. lV>n (Jos sie> Vaught Mrs. Wyant flew tc Oklahoma City, Okla . where she was joined by three sisters. Thej drove out to California. Mr and Mrs. Don Asher and Susan ol Valentine arrived in O'Neill Sat urday Mrs, Wyant’s other daugh ter. Mrs Larry oume and children of Omaha came Tuesday, July 30. The girls are helping in the K and M until their mother returns Honored at Dinner— Mrs. Edward McManus was hon ored Sunday at a dinner at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Harry Bessel, to celebrate her birthday anniversary. The Mc Manus family and the Bessels and ; Rodney Sullivan attended llltill IN CLASS Joe Sobotka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sobotka, has been notified that he is in the upper 10 percent of his class at the medical school at Vermillion, S. D.. Jot' is expected home today (Thursday) to spend his vacation with his parents, O’NEILL LOCALS Guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk were Mr. and Mrs. Winston Stahleeker of Springfield, S, IX, and Mrs. John Stahleeker and children of Naper. Miss Linda Hartman of Haward eii, la., arrived Wednesday, July 31, to visit a few weeks with Judv Smith, daughter of the Ward Smiths, Judy had v isited Linda for about two weeks the latter part of July. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolf of Gris wold, la., visited her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Herman II. DANCE — AT — Ash Grove Hall Sat., Aug. 10th MUSIC by — Bud Van Meet and the Sandhills Troubadors Admission: 50c MILLER THEATER — ATKINSON — Friday-Saturday August 9-10 Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. U-12-13 Eddie Fisher Debbie rtoynoMB I ) BUNDLE ~ OF JOY > ; J'-r :,|,.S \_V i' ^ iff * j’ I Wed.-Thurs. Aug. 14-15 I i i This coupon and one paid ad- I | mission will admit two adults, I August 14-15 a ' Ren/e. and Jim last Thursday. Mrs. Elizabeth Pharris of Greg ory, S. D, who had been in Fre i mont visiting her daughter, arriv ed Saturday to visit another daugh ter and her family, Mrs Tom lad I dy. Auto Driver** Ueense* Revoked for a Year John R. Conger of Neligh; I-— Edward A Pavel of Ewing; Quintin J Ramold of Atkinson. O’Neill Tree Service Insured and Bonded FREE ESTIMATES C. VV. SNOWARDT 5 hlks. North of Sunset St*. ' - j FRIDAY A SATURDAY AUGUST » • 10 John Cassavetes, Sidney Poitier in "EDGE OF Tilt: ( ITY " plus “SPOII.EKS OF TDK FOREST" SUNDAY • MONDAY • TUESDAY AUGUST 11 IS IS That "Guys And Do«s“ doH In another racy musical romance! JEAN SIMMONS PAUL DOUGLAS ANTHONY FRANCIOSA in M G M i 'TH/S comp THE NIGHT' in CINEMASCOPt rt» JIRII WILSON • NIILf ADAMS - JOAN BLONOCll J CARROL NAiSH ■ RAFAtl CAMPOS TASU PITT* WEDNESDAY & Till RSDAY Al'Dl'ST 14 15 Rock Hudson, Donna Reed, Phil Carey, Roberta Haynes in ‘Mil \ FT Id" .Color by Technicolor — Disney Cartoons FIFTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL Old Settlers PICNIC AT THE Elmer DeYall Drove, located three miles east of .Midway Store and 112 miles south on — Monday, Aug. 12 • BASKET DINNER AT NOON • AFTERNOON ENTERTAINMENT Starting at I o’clock , Speaker and Program ® BALL GAME • HORSE SHOE PITCHING CONTEST ! • RACES of All Kinds • BOWERY DANCE in the evening Old mid New Time Music Furnished by— .lOHNNY MULLEN ORCHESTRA Holt County Old Settlers Picnic Assn. TED CRAWFORD, President GEORGE MELLOR, Secretary • AIR CONDITIONING-TEMPERATURES MADE TO ORDER-AT NEW LOW COST. GET A DEMONSTRATION I Owning a Chevy's the only way to have all these fine things 18 ELECTRIC candles It was 18 years ago that a new concept of electric power distribution came to Nebraska. On August, 5, 1939, Consumers was born. Consumers, like all infants, didn’t take up much space in the world at first. Today, however, Consumers’ operations are statewide. Through an integrated network. Consumer facilities now extend into 71 of Nebraska’s 93 counties, providing dependable, low-cost electric service for more than 350,000 people in 356 communities and on more than 8,000 farms. And who owns Consumers? Why, you flo. t onsumers is a puonc inauiuuun • self-supporting, non-profit organization owned by the people it serves in Nebraska. To you, we pledge our continuing efforts to maintain the highest quality elect nr service at the lowest possible rates so that you may Ll\ E BE 1 1 ER ... ELEC 1 KB ALLA today and tomorrow. CONSUMERS a, Nebraska's Dependable, Progressive Electric Service BeoutiMiy built and shows il-lhe new Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Sedan with Body by fisher. You’ll find that Chevy’s the only low-priced car with any of them :.. the only car at any price with all of tin :ml body by fisher. Here you see the solid construction and close fittings, the fine craftsmanship that the other low-priced cars can’t quite seem to match. shortest stroke v«. This one turns raw horsepower into pure pleasure with a super-efficient design that’s years ahead of other V8’s in Chevrolet’s field. BALL-RACE STEERING, STANDARD. As smooth-working as steel balls bathed in oil! Extra-easy handling begins here! TRIPLE-TURBINE TURBOGLIDE.* There’s not even a hint of hesita tion as triple turbines take you smrx>thly from a standstill to cruis ing speeds. A BIG ASSORTMENT OF SPECIAL FEATURES. Like Safety Plate glass all around; crank-operated vent windows; extra-long outrigger rear springs; the easier loading advan tage of a low-level trunk ledge! Your Chevrolet dealer’s the man to see. *Optional at extra coat, MORI. PEOPLE DRIVE CHEVROLET'S THAN ANY OTHER CAR See Your Ixtcnl Authorized Chevrolet Dt'oler Only franchined Chevrolet dealer* display thia lautoua trademark