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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
Legal Notices _________ 1 ♦ (First pub. Aug. 8. 1957) iv mi iti'»irich conn <>t IIOI.T (XU VTY. NEBRASKA COUNTY OF HOLT. PlJYINTtFF. 1 vs. ! i RALTON O JARVIS and Floy i < Jarvis, husband and wife; and; Lot Five in Block Thirteen of Kimi all & Blair's Addition to the. Town of Atkinson, Holt County, j Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s. First Cause of Action FRED J. JUNGMAN and Fran-, <es Jungman, husband and wife; and, A Tract of land described| as beginning at a point 13.25 chains North of the Section post between Sections 4 and 5 in Township 29, Norlh, Range 14, Vest of the 6th P M , and Sec tions 32 and 33, in Township 30. North, Range 14, West 6th P. M.,| running thence North 433 feet, thence Fast 708 feet, thence South 433 feet, thonce West 708 feet to the dace of beginning, ex cepting that portion deeded to the State of Nebraska by deed recorded in Book 142, at Page 154 of the Deed Records of Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff's1 Second Cause of Action; FRANCES JUNGMAN and Fjed J. Jungman. wife and 1ujs-| bland; and, I/>t One in Block Twenty-four, of Bltney's Addition to the Town of Atkinson, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s Third Cause of Action; ! FRANCES J U NGMAN and Fred J Jungman, wife and hus band; and, The North One-half of I/it 8, in Block 24 of Bitney’s | Addition to the Town of Atkin son, Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s Fourth Cause of Action; *R, B. TRANER; Mary Traner, first and real true name un known, wife of R B. Traner; Old Age Assistance Board of Holt County, Nebraska; and. Lots 1, 2 and 3. in Block 39 of Kimball fc Blair's Addition to the Town of Atkinson, Holt County, Ne braska. , I L.r.owl'.nfe in Pin ml iff Fifth Cause of Action; RAYMOND R DISNEY; Mary Disney, first and real true name unknown, wife of Raymond R. Disney; Old Age Assistance Hoard of Holt County, Nebraska; and. A traet of land described as lieginning at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 30. in Township 20, North, Range 12, West of the 6th p M in Holt County, Nebraska, running thence West 32 rods, thence North 10 rods, thence East 32 rods, thence South 10 rods to the place of lieginning, Defendants in Plaintiff’s Sixth Cause of Action. RAYMOND R. DISNEY; Mary Disney, first and real true name unknown, wife of Raymond R. Disney; Old Age Assistance Board of Holt County, Nebraska; and, A tract of land described as: commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, in Township 26, North, Range 12, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebras ka running thence West 30 rods, thence South 10 rods, thence East 30 nxls, thence North 10 rods to the place of beginning. Defendants in Plaintiff’s Seventh Cause of Action; JOHN A MIU.ER; Mary Mil ler, first and real true name un known, wife of John A. Miller; and North Oni'-half of Lot 16, in Block 1, of Tuller & McNichols Addition to the Town of Atkin son, Ho|t County, Nebraska; Defendants in Plaintiff’s Eighth Cause of Action; FIRMIN Q FELTZ; Mary Feltz, first and real tine name unknown, wife of Firmin Q Feltz; Fred C. Stanton; Mary Stanton, first and real true name unknown, wife of Fred C. Stan ton and, The Northwest Quar ter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, in Township 26, North, Range 9, West of the 6th P M. in Holt County, Nebraska, Defendants in Plaintiff’s Ninth Cause of Action; FRANK EMSICK; Mary Em sick, first and real true name un known, wife of Frank Emsick; and West Half of East Half of I/it'll West Half of East Half ot I/it 12 ; and West Half of East Half of Lot 13, all being Jr Block 6. of Ihe Original Town of Ewing. Holt County, Ne hraska, . Defendants in Plaintiffs Tenth Cause of Action. Said defendants will take noticf that on the 5th day of August 1957, the plaintiff, the County Holt, filed its petition m the District Court of Holt County lebraska, against you and each t you and the described par ols of land in each cause of ac l*m. as defendants, the object nd prayer of such petition being a foreclose certificates of tax ale duly issues! by the County Yeasuror of Holt County, Ne iriska, on June 17, 1954. and to; on') lose the subsequent delin-1 |uent taxes on each such parcel | .i res) estatt involved in eo<1 •ause of action for the years. Second half of 1953. and all of; 954, 1955, and 1956, as follcxvs i ,-iz:— Cause of Action 1: Certificnt. No 669. for 1948 to first half of 1953 lioth inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusive, imounting in all to $56.17 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 2: Certificate No. 657. for 1951 to first half of 1953 hoth inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 lioth inclusive, amounting in all to $379.09 as of May 1. 1957; Cause of Action 3: Certificate No. 665, for 1951 to first half of 1953 Ixith inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 Ixith inclusive, amounting in all to $1018.99 as of May 1. 1957: Cause of Action 4: Certificate No. 666, for 1951 to first half of 1953, Ixith inclusive, and subse quent t.'txo* for second half of T.*53 to 1956 Ixith inclusive, amounting in all to $50.19 to May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 5: Certificate No. 670 for 1949 to 1st half of 1953, lioth inclusive, and subsequent, taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 hoth inclusive, amounting in all to $331.46 as of May 1. 1957; Cause of Action 6: Certificate No. 684, for 1919 to 1st half of 1953, hoth inclusive, and subsequent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956 both inclusivce, amounting in all to $68.64 as of May 1, 1957; Cause of Action 7: Certificate, No 678, for 1949 to 1st half of' 1953, both inclusive and subsc- : quent taxes for second half of | 1953 to 1956, Ixith inclusive,; amounting in all to $45.83 as of May 1. 1957; Cause of Action 8: Certificate No. 671. for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, Ixith inclusive, and subsequent tavt's for second half of 1953 to 1956 Ixith inclusive, amounting in all to $27.81 as of May 1. 1957; Cause of Action 9: Certificate No. 691. for 1950 to 1st half of! 1953, both inclusive, and sudsp quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, lioth inclusive, amounting in all to $.329.09 as of May 1. 1957;; Cause of Action 10: Certificate No. 701, for 1950 to 1st half of 1953, lioth inclusive, and subse quent taxes for second half of 1953 to 1956, lioth inclusive,: amounting in all to $711.57 as of May 1, 1957; Said tax sale certificates and subsequent delinquent taxes draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from and after May 1, 1957. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure on each tax sale certificate and (he subse quent delinquent taxes on each parcel of real estate described for the amount found due with inter est and legal costs, and that said plaintiff he allowed an attorney's] fee equal to ten per cent of the amount found due in each cause i of action to he taxed as part of the costs, and that said real es tate be sold for the satisfaction of such liens, and the costs and interest. You and each of you are re quired to answer said petition on or la-fore the 16th day of Septem ber 1957, otherwise judgement will he rendered against you accord COUNTY OF HOLT. Plaintiff Ry William W. Griffin, its at I tomey. 15-18c Upturn From Extended Trip— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmidt and daughter, Kathy, and Mrs. Frank i Grenier returned Monday from a four-weeks' vacation. . They visited Mrs. Greniers son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sawyer of Sheridan. Wyo.. also Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter at Ralston. Wyo., and her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowl ing at Kuna. Ida. and Mr. Schmidt’s sisters and their families, Mrs. IJoyd Rausch and Mrs. Estel Thomas at Lewiston, Ida They toured Yellowstone National Park on theirreturn and visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lef ferman at Alliance. Returns from Minnesota— Mrs. H. J. Hammond returned after spending 10 days with her daughter and husband. Mr and Mrs. Charles Chace, at Monte video, Minn.__ „„aT OF SERVICE AND TOP PRICES FOR MARKET REPORT Monday, August 5th „ ^ Kntchprs was $22 65 with the majority of the No. 1 butchers selling from $22.35 to $22.60 The buyers are getting more selective every week and there is as much ■ .. doiiar per cwt. difference in the same weight of hogs. The butchers weighing below 190 pounds are also being iiscounted quite sharply. Sows sold from $17 85 to $21.50 and pigs brought from $11 25 to $16.75 depending upon size and Quality. One co - signment of shoats weighing 124 pounds sold at $22.40. We had a large run of hogs today with 71 different consignors selling hogs at our market. The cattle run was on the light side. It seems everyone has plenty of feed and few cattle are being offered for sale. There were buyers looking for cattle and if you have cattle to sell, see us before you sell. We are confident you will like our sales and service here in VERDIGRE! SALE EACH AND EVERY MONDAY WITH HOG SALE STARTING AT 11 A.M. Verdigre Livestock Market Lunch Stand In Sale Pavllllon Phone 86 or 32-W Don Jensen, Mgr. Mr and Mrs. Dwayne E. Hobbs . . . they exchanged nuptial vows at Cl.'arwater.—Westland Studio. — Weyhrich-Hobbs Wedding Lines Read Sunday EWING Miss Marilyn Joe Weyhrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs ,Edward Weyhrich of Neligh, and Dwayne F. Hobbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs of Ewing, were married Sunday aft enoon, August 4, at the Concordia Lutheran church in Clearwater, Mrs. Donald Schomberg was matron of honor and the brides. muid was Mrs. Jack Blair. Bestman w a s Michael L. Hobbs. The ushers were Lowell C. Jensen and Lloyd Weyhrich. A reception for 150 guests was held m the church parlors. After a short wedding trip to Colorado the couple will reside at Milford where the bridegroom will attend Milford trade school. Page News Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spencer and David. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge and D>ri were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge. Dixie and Kay Nissen accomp anied their uncle, Charles Sor ensen, to Minden Saturday and returned Monday by bus. Dan Troshynski of Page and his brother-in-law. Harold Giv ns of Stuart, went to Alliance Saturday where they were guests of the' former’s son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Powell and made ihe acquaint ........ of 111.' new Granddaughter, Mary Jo. Mrs. Givens wont down Friday evening from Chad ron where she is attending the summer session at tiro Chadron State Teachers college and she and Mrs. Troshynski, who spent the past week there, returned home Sunday evening with their husbands. Mrs Art Grass was the only ab sent member Friday when Mrs. George Clasey entertained the members of the Chatter-Sew club for a social afternoon. Mrs. Alton Bradddck was a guest. Mrs. El mer Trowbridge will be the Sep tember 6 hostess. Mrs Jim Ruther entertained a group of friends Saturday after noon in honor of her daughter, Nadine, on her third birthday an niversary. Games were played and a birthday lunch served. Mr and Mrs. Charlie Jackson and Barbara and Steve of Elmy ra N Y left Sunday after spend ing a week with his brother-in law and sister. Mr. and Mrs Rote Nissen. Mr. Jaeksonwork? for the Remington-Rand Type writer company at Elmyra. He rene w e d acquaintances witt friends of many years ago wher he lived with his uncle and aunt 1 Mr and Mrs. Jim Patterson, foi 1 a year. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farns worth were Saturday evening guests in their honor. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Hayne; and family of O’Neill. Mr. anc Mrs. Allen Haynes and Miss Vi ola of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Roj Haynes of l>enton, Mr. and Mrs Elwin Haynes and son of Seward Miss Melissa Haynes and Rioh ard Nealy of Lincoln and Mr. anc Mrs. Melvin Haynes and childrei of Columbus met at Pawnee pari at Columbus Sunday where the; had dinner and supper picnK style. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamasoi left Saturday on a two week va cation trip to Virginia to visi their son, Capt. and Mrs. Lyni Lamason, and children. Captaii Lamason was assigned an in structor’s position at Ft. Relvoir Va., following the termination o his overseas assignment. Mesdames Melvin Meld, Lor enz Riege and Otto Matschulla went to Orchard Thursday after noon where they attended the Lu theran Aid society of which the; are members. Sp3 John (Jerry) and Mrs Summers and children arrive Saturday from Clarksville, Tenn on leave from Ft. Campbell Kty., where he is stationed They will visit his parents, Mr and Mrs. Leslie Summers, am others and will join her sisters Mrs. William Fink of Englewood Colo., and Mrs. Lewie Copple o Omaha and her brothers. Nor man and Dick, and their fami lies for a weekend re-union a the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Elmer Trowhridge. Mrs. N. D. Ickes and Durai Rutherford, both of Page, am Mrs. August Johnson and Mrs Esther Weickert, both of Ran dolph, accompanied Mrs. Gail ard Albright of Osceola, la., t Kearney Sunday. Mrs. Ickes vis ited her 91-year-old mother, Mrs Annie Schwasinger, and her sis ter, Mrs. Jack Samway, and othe relatives and the others visitei the Randolph ladies father, Joh Black, who has long been a pa I tient at the Kearney tuberculosi i hospital. He is Mrs. Albright’: and Mr. Rutherford’s uncle. H has been moved to the hospita section of the hospital. He is i former resident of-the Spence: I locality. Celia News A Frickel family reunion was held at the Leroy Hoffman home Sunday. Those attending were Mrs. Allen Marquardt and three sons of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Mont Spalding of Yonealla, Oreg.; Herman and Alee Frickel, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and family; Mr. and Mrs. George Syfie and family; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and family; Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Smith of Butte; Artha Pacha; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease and Bob; Ed Hoffman, Inez Hayes, and Mrs. Amelia Hoffman. The Victor Frickel children have been ill with the flu this week. Mr. and Mrs Ia'o McGrane and Mary Kay spent a few days at tin' Wm. Maloun home last week. Tommj and Gary Marquardt of, Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family and Artha Pacha visited the Connie Frfck j el home Sunday. Mrs. Stan Bartek and four . hildren from Binghamton. N. Y.. spent Tuesday and Wednesday at .the Victor Frickel home, j* Mrs. Paul Nelson and Naomi of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Mont Spalding of Yonealla, Oreg., vis ited the Connie Frickel home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts and Mrs. Alice Peabody. Bob and George, visited the Mark Hen dricks’ home Sunday. Miss June Focken spent last week at the Clarence Focken jr. home. Peggv Armald spent Thursday night and Friday at the Milton i McKathnie home. tX/T.* ot-izl Mre Hnrpnrp T*Y>rkf*n. ! jr. and Billy Fockon were Sat urday night supper guests at 1ho Clarence Focken, sr., homo. David Frickel spent last week at the Bill Coleman home. Jerry Marquardt of Norfolk spent Sunday night at the Victor I Frickel home. The Focken twins and Danny spent Friday until Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Russ llipke and family visited the Emil Calfack j home Thursday evening. Sister Sylvania Feted at Fwing EWING A reception honoring Sr M Sylvania, OSF. was held Sunday, August 4, from 1:30 to 5 p.m., at St. Dominic’s hall. The afternoon was spent so cially and pictures were taken. Luncheon was served to more than one hundred relatives and friends who were present. Tables were adorned with gar den flowers centered with a cake made in the form of a cross. The cake was baked and decor ated by Mrs. Carl Thiele. Among those in attendance was Rev. Jacob Bauer of Nen zel, cousin of the honored guest. Other relatives came from Lin coln, Madison, Norfolk, Creigh ton. Spalding, St. Edward, Ne ligh, O’Neill, Clearwater and ■ Ewing. The last previous homecoming i for Sister Sylvania was six years ago. She is the former Cleo Bau ’ er of St. Peter’s parish. She entered the convent of the Sisters of St. Francis in December, 1943, i and on June 21, 1946, took her ■ first holy vows of the order. For the past 10 years she has i hnon tnnnhincr in tho InWPr pip i mentary grades of the parochial - school at Aurora, 111., and will be . | at Aurora this next term. She was met at Omaha by relatives Saturday morning and - left Monday morning, aceompan t ied by Mr. nd Mrs. Johnny Bau - er and sons. Bill and Dan. She - plans to spend the next two r weeks with her invalid brother, Sebastian, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snider and family. They j plan to visit the James Rother | ham home in Fountain, Colo., ’ | and also at the Edgar Schaller ' j home at Tucson, Ariz. Mr. Schal ' | ler is an uncle, j The Sniders live at Los An geles, Calif. ’ Before returning to Aurora, f Sister Sylvania will spend a few . more days at Ewing. t O’NEILL LOCALS . Mrs. Joe Cunningham and chil dren and daughter, Mrs. James i Walnofer of Orchard, accompa 1 nied by Colleen Corkle and Shar lene Heerman went to Omaha on . Friday. Misses Corkle and Heer . mann went on to Kansas City > and the others returned home on - Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Luber and - son, Greg, of El Monte, Calif., r left Thursday, August 1 after vis 1 iting his mother, Mrs. Loretta i Luber and family. Accompanied - by his mother and sister they also 5 visited Mr. and Mrs. Vemie i Johnson and family in Brainard, ? Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Marlen l Luber at Wolsey, S. D. i ■ Larry Lieb visited last week •; with Mr. and Mrs. Arden 1 Laursen. Hospital Notes st. \n mow n ADMISSIONS: August 1 Mrs Donald Cleveland of O'Neill 2— Mrs. LeRoy Kirwan of Butte: Mrs 1 Rae Johnson of O’Neill. 4 Mrs. ; Robert Kersch of Spencer; Mrs ‘ William Babutzke of O'Neill: Ern st Jungbluth of Chambers 5— I , lot' Yantzi of O'Neill; Mrs. Ray Anderson of Anoka t> Mrs. H. ' Clare Engdahl of O'Neill; Mrs. William Seheinost of Page. < Mrs Jot' Ramold of O'Neill; Mrs. Charles Fox of O'Neill. DISMISSED: July 31 Mrs W j C. Whited and baby boy of O'Neill; | Mrs. Walter Houseman of Picks- , town, S. D. August 1 Mrs. Beat- ] rice Powell of O'Neill; Mrs. Clint i Ruegge of O'Neill; Mrs. Joe Du- | fek arul baby girl of O’Neill. 2 j i Herbert Vogel of Keystone, la.; I Mrs. Duane Miller of O'Neill; Mrs. Alfred Hamik and baby girl of I O'Neill; Mrs Kenneth M. Heiss and baby girl of Page; Loretta En- i right of O’Neill. 3 Mrs. James Boyle of O'Neill. 4 Mrs. Harold > Tarr of St. Charles. 5 Mrs. lWn- ' aid Cleveland and baby girl of O'Neill; Mrs. LeRoy Kirwan of Butte. 6 Mrs. Rae Johnson of , O'Neill; Mrs. William Seheinost j of Page; Mrs. Archie Bright of , O'Neill. Still Hospitalized: Miss Meta , Martin of O'Neill; Mrs. Robert ■ Kersch of Spencer; Mrs. Lois Ad ams of Chambers; Mrs. Forest Strait of Bortesteol, S 4>.: Mrs. H. Clare Engdahl of O'Neill; i Mrs. Charles Fox of O'Neill; i Mrs. Ray Anderson of Anoka; l Hiram Hubbard of Chambers; | Mrs. Wm. Babutzke of O’Neill; I Fred Carey of O'Neill; Mrs. Rol- ) lie Snell of Page; Joe Yantzi of O’Neill Mrs. James Regal of \ O'Neill; Mrs. Joe Ramold of \ O’Neill; Mrs. Dennis Murphy of l O’Neill; William Jansen of i O’Neill; Ernest Jungbluth of i Chambers, ; I ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: July 29 William Hook of Long Pine, medical; Miss Elaine Schaaf of Atkinson, surgical; 30 Roger McConnell of Atkinson, medical 31 Mrs. Sarah Wabs of Atkinson, medi cal. August 1 Charles C. Hen kel of Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Gertrude Zinky of Stuart, med ical; Conrad Straka of Stuart, medical; Mrs. He a Powell of i Atkinson, medical; Lonnie Doty J of Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Syl-1 vester Kramer of Stuart, obstet rical; Mrs, Gerald Monk of O’-j Neill 1 Mrs. William Marlie Featherston of Stuart, obstetri cal; John Grof of Atkinson, med ical. Dismissed: July 29 Miss Shar on Dierks of Papillion; Mrs. ! Ray Schaaf and son of Emmet, j 30 -Marvin Addison of Atkin-' son. 31—Mrs. Edgar Hagerman of Stuart; Mrs. Eugene Upstill of Long Pine. August 2 Roger | O'Connell of Atkinson; Miss Elaine Schaaf of Atkinson; Pet-1 er Engler of Stuart; Lonie Do ty of Atkinson. 3 William Hook of Long Pine. 4—Conrad Straka1 of Stuart; Gerald Monk of O' Neill; Mrs. Sarah Wabs of At kinson. Sick & Injured j O’NEILL Roy Lundgren of Ft. Collins, Colo, is "better” at Lari mar county hospital, Ft. Collins, Colo. He expects to remain in the hospital alxmt another week, j He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren. . . Tommy, 14 months-old, and John, three-1 months-old, children of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pierson, have measles, j . . . Mr. and Mrs. Edward1 Schmit were called to Valentine Tuesday evening, July 30, by the critical condition of his father, John Schmit of Nenzel. Mr. Schmit, who suffers from asthma, was better Wednesday and the Schmits returned home. He is "mproving.” . . . Beth Kramer, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill , Kramer, broke her arm Mon day evening. She is at home and is getting along okay. . . Steve Hicks was reported seriously ill Wednesday. . . Miss Loretta Enright came home Friday af ter spending three weeks at St. Anthony’s hospital due to a fractured hip^__^^ I AMELIA Mrs. Julia White was able to drive her car for the first time since she suffered a broken hip last fall. She drove from her house to the home of Mrs Edith Anderson. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Blake Ott, who were in O' Neill and Atkinson Tuesday, July 30, took Mrs. White’s car to her. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry took their daughter, Charlotte, to Omaha Tuesday to have sur gery on a finger which had an infected hone. Charlotte has to stay another week in Omaha for treatments. AMELIA—Harlan Dierking re ceived an injury to his knee caused hy running a guard on the mower in to the knee. PAGE -Mrs. Rollie Snell is still hospitalized at St. Anthony hospital. Her condition is satis factory and she is expected home in a few days. . . William Neu bauer returned to Norfolk Friday for a checkup. Some restrictions were removed hut the special di et will be continued for another six weeks. . . , Mrs. Roy Stewart is suffering from bursitis that has DANCE American Legion Ballroom SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 Music By— ACES OF RHYTHM Orchestra Adult* — 75c Students 50c endered her shoulder immobile "frozen” 1 and is causing her witn She carries her arm in a ling. O'NEILL Mr. and Mrs K S trittell took their daughter. Gir I, to Childrens hospital in ien\ er. Colo , for a medical hookup on Tuesday. Enroute hey visited Mr ami Mrs. Merle 'aster in Sterling, Colo. On heir return trip they visited Mr. md Mrs, Fred Dean of Node. Vyo., reaching O’Neill on Sat irday. CHAMBERS Ernt'st Jung iluth received a broken hip when ;e was knocked off a stack while iclping hay at the Roland liar* ey place Sunday. August 4. drs. James Jarman, who has H»en a patient at St. Joseph's lospital In Omaha, has recently >een released and is at home INMAN Mrs. John M. Gallag ler was able to return home rhui'sday afternoon from Nor olk where she had been a med* cal patient in Our Lady of Lor ies hospital for a week. Her laughter. Mi’s Frances May, and dr. Gallagher went after her. LYNCH Pauline Mulhair and Cathryn Mulhair returned home rom Omaha Sunday, July 28, chore Kathryn had undergone urgery on her leg. She walks m crutches and her leg is in i cast. ITTIRTE StBSCRIRKR I.KDER Mr and Mrs. Lee ,eder of Omaha, a son. Byron A>e, weighing 7 pounds t! ounces, Kirn Saturday, August 3, at Oma la. Grandparents are Mr. and drs. Robert Leder, sr., of At ;inson. MOATS Mr and Mrs. Mar in Moats of Norfolk, a son, weighing 7 (Kiunds, 12 ounces Kirn Sunday, July 21, in Out ,a<ly of Lourdes hospital in Nor oik, Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larsen of Alvada. Mont., and her niece. Mary Brown of Wood, S D-, arrived in Ewing Saturday and I e guest? at the home of his hi r and sister in-law. Mr. 1 Mrs. Ben Larsen. Monday they attended the circus m Norfolk On Sunday. Mrs. Eva Kaezor w ent to Plains iew to spend the day with her sister anl husband,) M and Mrs. Joseph Kmieek. Mis Hans Peterson and daugh ters. Mary otta and Tamzam, were guests Saturday for a 1 o'clock dinner at the home of; Mr Peterson’s aunt, Mrs. George Krttm. at Norfolk. Several other Indies were present. Hans Peterson celebrated it birthday anniversary on Tues day. In honor of the occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and daugh ters went to Neligh Monday to spend the afternoon with his mother, Mrs. Carsten Peterson. For refreshments the birthday cake w a s served with i e e cream. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban and grandchildren. Linda and Rich ard Hollwitt, ,jr., accompanied by Mrs. Gene Ruby went to Omaha on Sunday. The Urbans and pandehildren visited her son, Richard Hollwitt, sr., in St. Jo ph’s hospital and Mrs. Hollwitt, who stays with him. Mrs. Ruby met her husband. Mr. and Mrs. I Van Padyor and t !a r e e daughters of Knlama, Wash., arrived in Ewing Tuesday and are guests at the home of her father, Ed Urban, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman are building a garage ana their p.operty in East Ewing. \ Uteri Larson and H. R. Har ris are shingling Mr. Larson's rental property in East Ewing „,II ——iTTTWn (XH NTX IXM KT Robert K. Montag of Omaha, August 5, over capacity plates, fined Shi and $1 costs, officer Clifford l.. Ktzzirt*. Edmond Perry, driver for Win, H, Redberg, Inc., St, Paul, Minn., July 31. overweight, fined $ too and $1 costs, officer Donald E. Richardson. mi ut n of t iikist (O'Ni'iii) Rev James, evangelist Sunday. August 11 Pibte scho ol, It) am.; preaching and break ing of bread, 11 am.; youth meeting, 7:30 p.m : evening ser vice, S o’clock. Remi IXihon of Crowley, La., vvdl be in charge of these services for the next three Sundays. TOO I \TK TO ( I \ss|| \ FOR SALE Reel1 equipment, to lie moved. Reasonable. Modern location available in O'Neill Ralph MeElvain, O'Neill lac CARD OF IHANKS WE WISH to thank our many kind friends and neighlmrs who s o thoughtfully remembered us with many Innd expressions of sympathy af the time of the death of our dad, Thomas En right. Miss leivito Enright and Mr and Mrs, T. W Sem in k 15p50 CARD OF THANKS YOUR THOUGHTFULNESS ex pressed in many ways during my long hospitalization and my recent one will always be remembered. And a tlumk-you also to the hospital staff T ant deeply grateful LORETTO ENRIGHT. 15p50 HELP WANTED: Part-time high school girl, preferably senior, for stock and checkout Fourth St, Market, O'Neill 15c this week. This is the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Alden. from Biglins . . . f ■f r\ +u r\ o n i till r\ I l/V/ i/i i/u u v ivi vv/ have been considering wall-to-wall carpet! Almost everyone, sooner or later, wants to enjoy the beauty and luxury of wall-to-wall carpet. When the day of final decision arrives, we want to be sure you will not be disappointed. Wall-to-wall carpet should be considered as an investment in good Hying, but price per yard alone does not necessarily mean you will gat rour money’s worth. Other very important factors make up , the retailer’s contribution to the wall-to-wall carpet transaction! These factors include: Trained decorator advice ... a choice of a large selection of colors, patterns and weaves from the finest mills in America ... personalized service and flawless installation. We stress these factors - rather than “distress” merchandise ■old n a “buyer beware” basis. i Economical fitting, caretul seaming, proper paacung, even sueiuuug, and elimination of tack marks are all elements of value to be •onaidered for longer carpet wear and added home beauty. And, these are the elements emphasized by our carpet installation experts. Xbere ia a great deal of difference in installation techniques. Inexpensive carpet can be properly installed to last longer, and yet the most expensive carpet in the world can be hopelessly marred by improper treatment. If you have been considering wall-to-wall carpet, you ow e It to yourself to investigate the many “plus values” to be found in our fine quality installation and permit us the opportunity to guarantee your lasting satisfaction. B iglins ... where fine carpet game added value through flauMsa installation! f § y?e feature genuine Smoothedge Tackless Installation