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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1957)
Lynch Phone Unit Awards Contracts LYNCH — On Thursday the Boyd County Telephone corpora tion of Lynch opened bills and awarded contracts for construc tion in connection with the new cooperative telephone installa tion here. Udey Construction company of Neligh was low bidder for erec tion of three dial equipment buildings for the low bid of 11 thousand-dollars. Construction of the pole line and wire was awarded to Cush ing Construction company of Woodbine. la., for $213.513 39. Mrs. Margaret Boeler depart ed last Thursday to visit friends in Omaha. qpappr m, ap /p=J> READ THIS <J=>| STARTLING FACT 5 out of 10 Smaller Cars wear a Pontiac Price Tag -yet none gives you Any of Pontiac’s Advantages l: —V PONTIAC GIVES YOU UP TO 8.9% MORE SOLID CAR PER DOLLAR. Not one of the smaller cars can give you the heavy-duty construction, the road-hugging heft and solid security of America’s Number One ltoad Car! PONTIAC GIVES YOU 4 TO 7 INCHES MORE WHEELBASE. Here’s extra length where it counts— to bracket the bumps instead of riding them! And this extra length shows up inside, too, with plenty of stretch-out room for six-footers! ■ Air nrnrnnuiuftr TABC ruil I mu ^ ■ km Viiivimiivk ■ WI THE BEST THE SMALL CARS CAN OFFER BY A WIDE MARGIN. Your Pontiac dealer can give you a complete facts-and-figures comparison and an on-the-road test to prove that Pontiao performance stands head and shoulders above anything in the low-price field! AND PONTIAC HAS ALWAYS BEEN FAMOUS AS ONE OF AMERICA’S TOP TRADE-INS! So why not look and feel like a million —instead of a million others? i emfic RfGHI NOW! NOW I If you wont tho ulthnote In both economy and extraordinary performance, new Trl-Powcr Corburotion Is available at extra cost on even the lowest priced Pontiac models I It's America's newest power advance and exclusively Pontiac's at so low a costl SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED Pontiac DEALER Lacks Password— Battalion Commander Captured By I-T. BEN \ IDRK'KSEN |)t‘|Hity (oinniitniliT, < 'o. D, 18,->th Tank Battalion I told vou when we left O’Neill Friday, July 27, that I would write you and let you know all the news and what we have done and what we are going to do. We arrived at Camp Ripley, in central Minnesota, shortly af ter noon on Saturday, July 28 While the enlisted men were put ting their gear away and setting up ’housekeeping ”, the officers drew the equipment that was be ing issued for the encampment period. Tins equipment included nine fully-equipped M-47 tanks — all in excellent condition. The men were quite anxious to get started so we began work ing on our tanks within two hours after our arrival. We al most missed chow that eve ning lieeause we forgot to change our time to daylight savings time, which is one hour later than O'Neill time I p at 5 We were up at 5 o'clock Sun day morning and on the way to the field by 7 in a convoy of nine tanks and three^" wheeled vehicles. The ranges are 15 miles to the north of our camp site. This experience proved to be very exciting to most of the men as it was the first time we have had a full convoy of men from our own company. We fired . 30-calibre machine guns all day Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day of last week. Over 40 men from the company qualified on this series of "tables of fire” — a very excellent record. In fact, we lead all other companies in the tank battalion. Monday, July 29, we secured from the ranges at ^ p.m., and moved out in convoy to "tac tical bivouac” in the field. Company D arrived at the area one hour later and im mediately set up a defensive perimeter to defend the section assigned to our company. We camouflaged our tanks, tents and other equipment. Outposts were manned and field telephones were used to relay all messages to our com mand post. V'iuiiiuii nnri\ru The “aggressor force” tried to hreak our lines and we cap tured five men — including one officer. A humorous side to this: One of our men captured o u r battalion commander. He was late arriving in the bivouac area and did not know the pass word. After a delay of 10 min utes we okayed his entrance in to the area. We received a citation for our conduct during this bivouac training. I had breakfast Saturday morning with State Sen. Frank Nelson of who had flown up Fri day afternoon with the gover nors of Nebraska and Iowa and a number of other senators. We 20th Annual Grimton Reunion Scheduled — VENUS — All former teachers and pupils of the Grimton school are urged to attend the 20 th annual Grimton reunion to be held Sunday, August 18. at the usual place, according to Mrs. Albert Pospeshil, publicity chair man for the reunion committee. There will be a picnic dinner and supper. Coffee and tea will he furnished by the committee. Mrs. Joe Beckwith and chil dren of North Platte arrived Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. Edward Schmit and family and her mother, Mrs. Lod Janousek for a week. Mr. Beckwith will arrive at the end of the week and take them back. Frontier for printing! ROYAL THEATER — O'NEILL — Thurs. Aug. 8 Bergman and Cooper at their magnificent best. Gary Cooper he’s the man! Ingrid Bergman, she’s (he woman, in Ernest Hem ingway’s FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLL8 It’s the greatest of all love ad ventures!- with Akim Tamiroff, Arturo DeCordova, Joseph Cal leia and Katina Paxinou. Fri.-Sat. Aug. 9-10 THE LONELY MAN Vista Vision. Lonely on the trail . . . Lonely in the town . . . lone ly for his woman. That’s the price the gun slinger pays so he rides alone across the sands . . . toward the bullet that will one day find his back! Starring Jack Palance, Anthony Perkins, Neville Brand, Robert Middleton, and introducing Elaine Aiken. Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 11-12-13 Your most wonderful entertain ment date! He’s here in his first motion picture—singing love songs to Bernadine! 20th Cen tury-Fox presents BERNADINE Starring Pat Boone, Terry Moore, Janet Gaynor, Dean Jag ger. Hear Pat sing ’’Bernadine”, "Technique”, “Love Letters In The Sand”. Matinee Saturday & Sunday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 30c; Children under 12, 12c, Free if accompanied by par ent. Wedn. and Thurs. Family night, family admitted for two Adult tickets. I.. _ J No mild tires are needed as tankers from O’Neill's company l>, 195th tank battalion, prepare to blast across a water hole on the Camp Ripley, Minn., tank driver course. Commanding the 1 M-47 45 ton tank is 2/l.t. Richard Johnson of Spencer (topside, at left. Alongside him is Pfc. James Chavla. The O’Neill company is part of the Iowa Nebraska national guard's 34th infantry di vision now in its second week of encampment at the central Minnesota camp. regarded them as VIP’s (very imporant persons.) Senaor Nel son was with us on the firing range. He said he would report to the folks hack home that we are busy and working very hard. (Editor’s note: Senator Nel son made such a report on the Monday “Voice of The Frontier” radio program, WJAG, 9:30 a m.) The morale is good and the food is excellent. The first five days were rough for most of us long hours and no time off. But the pace is slowing up and I’m sure time will go faster from now on out. The governors and senators re viewed us in a Saturday cere mony. Our special troop train will commence the return trip on Thursday, August 8, and we’ll he back in O’Neill on Friday, August 9. O’Neill News Mr and Mrs. Jim McKowi and family of Cblumbus wen weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs Tom Liddy. Mr. and' Mrs. C. E. Cronin ol Grand Island were Sunday guests of Mrs. P B. Hnrty The Cron in girls. Miss Kathleen and Bet sey, who had veen here since last Thursday, returned with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peregov and daughter of Atkinson were Satunlay evening callers ol Mrs. J. F. O'Conner and Miss Mary belle. Weekend guests of Mr. am Mrs. Bernard Rohde were Mi ami Mrs. Donald Brandhoij o Bradgate, la. The men were it the army together. Weekend guests of Mr. anc and Mrs. Earl J. Rodman anc Betty were his sister and hei husband. Mr. and Mrs. A. J Kosse of Austin. Min. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen ol the J. K. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O’ Neill, phone J39-J. 37tf. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhanej and Mis Jeannie plan to leave l the end of the week for a va cation in Colorado. In Denvei they will visit their daughter. Miss Marjorie. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pinker man were Saturday overnighl guests in Red Bird of Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman. Mrs. Harold Krugman and two boys of Spencer were Sun day dinner guests of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, William L. Petsche and daughter, Cheri and Colleen Wanser re turned to Hartington last Thurs day after spending their vaca tion with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bird and family of Highlands, Tex., ar rived Saturday to visit her broth pr and family, Mr. and Mrs. R E. Moore and children for about a week. St. Anthony’s Hospital Auxiliary benefit, O’Neill I)rive-lii Theatre Thursday, August 8, showing "Ambassador's Daughter’’ an en tertaining comedy you’ll enjoy. He sure to attend. Money used to apply toward purchase of baby incubator. 14-15c Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt and boys ind Mrs. Maynard Morrow and two childen drove to Hoskins to visit Mrs. Robert Amen and Jimmy, formerly of O'Neill. Mr. \mon, who was employed by the Gillette comany in O'Neill, is in Egypt with the Army. Miss Barbara McCarthy, a student nurse at St. Catherine’s in Omaha, is spending her tw< ! weeks’ vacation with her par , ents. the George McCarthy* Their son, Edward, arrived Sat □day from Omaha where he at tends summer school at Creigh ton university. He attended t classmate's wedding in South l>a kota and left for school early Monday morning. i Mi- and Mrs. Harry Groat of ■ Hampton. la., came Friday to v isit their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Leigh Rey noktson until Sunday. Steven returned with his grandparents for a week’s visit. Mr and Mrs. Herman H. Henze and Jim wore in Niobrara Sunday. SEE US Cars, Trucks and Tractors run JIM STORMS Phone 705 O N KIM, T STOP HERE ? D for the first gasoline with 0 | TCP plus | EBY’S CONOCO SERVICE IN O’NKII.I, Phone $65 Second & Douglas liO\ \1, SKI<\ ICC, TOO LET US ¥ BOOST POWER CUT WEAR INCREASE MILEAGE with new CONOCO ROYAL HvnjjSROCKEY-^ AGENT Ewing, Nebraska j ' OUR PLEDGE TO YOU: To always give you friendly, expert, considerate service... Conoco Royal Service! A clean windshield, complete under-the-hood check, tire inspection, clean-swept floor mats, clean rest rooms, and New Conoco Royal Gasoline with TCP plus! You'll like treating your car to Conoco Royal Service... regularly! . . . <$■ .v«v*• \'Av. .y*'- • m © 1957, Continental Oil Company PROTECTS AS IT POWERS! New Conoco Royal Gasoline with TCP plus. First in history to combine exclusive oil-plating action with TCP*.. . to boost power as it cuts wear as it increases mileage! Try a tankful... today! Trademark owned and patent applied for by Shell Oil Company. ^ HOTTEST BRAND GOING!