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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1957)
Legal Notices Julius I) Cronin, Attorney i Firt pub. July 11, 1957.) NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF Af<iorNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF PEARL E. WHITE DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination o( heirship inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approved of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on July 31, 1957, at 10 o'clock, A. M.' LOUIS W REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) , - —-, , --- - -■■■# (Firt pub. July 11, 1957.) William W. Griffin, Attorney notice ok probate of will COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF NELLIE V. WEL SH. DECEASED. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of E. M. Merriman as Administra tor with the Will Annexed there of which will be for hearing in this court on August 1, 1957, at 10 o'clock A. M. LOUIS W REIMER County Judge. (COl NTY COURT SEAL) ORDINANCE NO. 300 A An ordinance providing for a levy to raise funds by taxation on property situated within the cor porate limits of the City of O' Neill, Nebraska, for the fiscal year beginning the first Tuesday in May, 1957, and ending the first Tuesday in May, 1958. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 0’NEII.L, NE BRASKA: Sc- ion 1. That the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, make the fol 1 owing levy for taxation for the fiscal year beginning the first Tuesday in May, 1957, and end ini die first Tuesday in May, 1958, on the taxable properly within the corporate limits of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska. » " —I Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBII.ES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance C. E. Jones, Manager O’Neill Nebraska Cattle Auctions WILL BE HELD Every Tuesday For the convenience of you who have even a limited number of cattle to sell, we will hold our regular sale every Tuesday. Phone us your listings in advance when pos sible. Your patronage Is ap preciated. Northern Nebraska's Best Advertised Auction “The Old Reliable" Atkinson Livestock Market l*h. 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. "Selling Cattle Exclusively” For General purpose—5.00 mills on the dollar. For Maintenance of Streets— 3.0 mills on the dollar For Maintenance and improve ment of parks 0.5 mills on the dollar. For Municipal advertising—0.2 mills on the dollar For Maintenance of Fire De partment —0.5 mills on the dollar. For Maintenance and improve ment of airport—0.2 mills on the dollar. For Maintenance of sewers—0.3 mills on the dollar. For Street lighting—1.1 mills on the dollar. For Sewer Bond sinking fund and interest—1.0 mills on the dol lar. For Water l»ond sinking fund and interest—1.3 mills on the dol lar For Park improvement bond sinking fund and interest—1.5 mills on the dollar. For swimming pool bond sink ing fund and interest—0.5 mills on the dollar. For intersection paving bond sinking fund and interest—3.2 mi'ls on the dollar. for Armory Fund 1.0 mills on tne dollar. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after passage and publication as provided by law Passed and approved this 2nd day of July, 1957. D. C. SCHAFFER ATTEST: M’y°r o. D. FRENCH Clerk (First pub. July 11, 1957) NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife after July 10. DAVID RUMBAUGH ll-13c ! Page News A special crew of workmen from Yankton, S. F>., cleaned and repaired the water tank Inst week, working nights on account of the heat. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings Dobbins visited Sunday with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dobbins, enroute from Kansas to their home at Scotts bluff. Mrs. Albert Kosmicke and son, Russell, were visitors in the Frank Cronk home last week. Mrs. Kosmicke is Mrs. Cronk’s sister. Carl Max, Frank Cronk and Charles Wiseman took cars Sun day when the members of the Midget baseball team was given the opportunity to see the game between Denver, Colo., and Oma ha at Omaha. A double header was played: First game, 4-3 with Omaha winner, second Denver the winner, 4-1. Mr. and Mrs, Otto Terrill and daughter. Marilyn, went to Salina, i Kans., Saturday where they were I guests of Rev. and Mrs. Willard Lloyd and attended the wedding j of their daughter, Shelly Lloyd, and Jerry Terrill on Saturday eve ning. Mrs. Lyle Parsons and son of Denver. Colo., accompanied the | Terrills home to Page for a i w’eek's visit. The “rained-in” Sunday picnic j planned by the members of the ! East Side Kountry Klub was post poned until Sunday, July 28, at the Page park. Leslie Stevens of Oakland stop ped Tuesday in Page and called on his sister. Mrs. Roy Cunning ! ham, and Mrs. Eva Cunningham and his brother, Herbert, and their families enroute to O’Neill where his wife had visited the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Grutch. They Members of the Just-A-Mere ! club were entertained in the hortie of Mrs. Carrie Townsend. A social hour followed at 2:30 o - clock dessert luncheon. Mrs. I Hattie Carson will be the August 2 hostess. __ _ 85 Present for Memorial Tea, Page PAGE The annual memorial tea was held Thursday afternoon at the Methodist church sponsor ed by the members of the WSCS. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer was in charge of the program. Mrs. Lisle Mew maw, spiritual life sec retary. had the devotions Her topic was "Why I Believe in Missions”. The members of the junior choir sang "In The Garden" and “He Lives". They were accompa nied by Mrs. L. F. Knudsen. Miss Bette French accompanied the group of girls who sang "Whis pering Hope". Miss Donna Hyatt of Bristow gave a report on the mission tour she took earlier in the year. Bou quets of seasonable flowers were used in the decorating scheme. Mrs. Harold Kelly, president of the King's Daughter's society, poured at the tea table. Members of the King's Daugh ters society and the Inman WSCS were guests. About 85 were in at tendance. Other Page News returned to Oakland that evening. Miss Maude Martin returned to Page Wednesday, July 17, after nearly a month's absence. She visited a nephew, D. J. Martin and family at Denver, Colo., the Neil Holt and L. L. McCarthy, families at Colorado Springs and a niece, Mrs. Edna Wright at Al liance, Mrs. Martin’s old home. Mrs. Owen Parks went to Lin coln Monday and was accompa nied from there to Omaha by her daughter, Mrs Paul Robinson, and daughter, Pamela, to the Jim Bartak home. Tuesday, Mrs. Bar tak and children and Miss I»is Jean Parks of San Diego, Calif., accompanied the group to Page where they spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks. Fri day evening Larry Parks and Paul Robinson joined tne group for the weekend, returning to Lin coln Sunday evening. Lois Jean will visit the Robinsons a couple of days and spend a couple of days in Omaha with the Bartaks and leave Friday for her home. Mrs. Dora Townsend left Sat urday for Hartington where she will visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir. Mrs. Carrie Townsend went to Norfolk Saturday where she will visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Frank Chmeler. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones and children of Kearney were Tues day to Friday guests of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes. Annual Firemen’s Ball of Creighton Volunteer Fire depart ment at Lakeview pavilion, Mon day, August 5th, Bob Calaine and orchestra. 13-14C Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen and daughters of the Star com munity were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen. Mrs. Marie Clemens of Creigh ton is making a visit of indefinite duration at the home of her hrother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steinberg. Mrs. Myrtle Fleming and daughter, Mrs. Frank Belmar of Ewing accompanied Mrs. Dora Townsend of Norfolk, Friday for medical consultation. They were supper guests of Mrs. Sarah Ad ams at Chamers. Mrs. Wilma Sal trand of Turlock. Cal., and Mrs. Iva Hart of Pasadena, Cal., were also guests of Mrs. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reynolds, Cheryl and Lonny of Osceola, la are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wertz. Gary Waller of Omaha spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller. Return ing with him to Omaha on Sun day was his sister Rita, who will visit her aunt, Mrs. Florence Albers, for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing visited from Sunday until Thurs day with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Janzing, in Wichita, Kans.__ Eagle I'wkfR Prepare for Fair— The Eagle Creek 4-H met Sun day, July 21, at the home of Ly Nda Hynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs IX>n Hynes. Roll call was answered by tell ing what you intended to exhibit at the county fair. One member was absent. Norma Widtfeldt gave the treasurer's report. Each member brought a pressed weed to make up an exhibit to be taken to the fair. There was a discus sion as to who would take part in pre-fair day, the style show, and the speech contest m O'Neill. Tom Drueke gave a demonstra tion on the washing of a calf. Next meeting will lie at Cindy and Terry Brown's on Sunday, August 11. Exhibits for the fair will be turned over to the lend ers at this time. By Vincent Ernst, reporter. METHODIST (O'Neill Emmet) Rev. Glenn Kennicott. pastor O’NEILLr Thursday, July 25: Prayer cir cle, 10 a. m., at Claude Bates home; WSCS program committee, 2:30 p. m., at church. Friday, .July 26: Dorcas society meets, 2 p. m., at the church. Sunday, July 28: Worship ser vices. 8:30 and 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Floyd Root of Belden, district lay leader, will bring the message at both morn ing services. Wednesday, July 31: MYF swimming party, 6:30 p. m., at the pool; choir, 7:30 p. m., at the church. EMMET Sunday. July 28: Worship. 9:30 a. m.. with Floyd Root of Belden substituting for Rev. Kennicott who is on vacation; Sunday school, 10:30 a. m. BOTH CHURCHES While pastor is on vacation contact Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr., for notices, information, etc. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Duard Heming way of I,os Angeles, Calif., were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirkpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stemple and grandson, Greig Stemple, of Coun cil Bluffs, la., visited from Satur day until Tuesday with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kyster. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humrich and children took a trip to New castle and Onawa, la., from Wed nesday, July 17. until Friday. Mr.' and Mrs. Stanley Long necker attended a class picnic in Columbus Sunday and visited schoolmates. They returned Mon day. „ Mr. and Mrs. John McCarville and family spent from Sunday, July 14, until Wednesday, July 17, at Wheaton and Alexandria, Minn. Betty Bower of Spalding is spending the week at the home of Mr and Mrs. Carrol McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Humrich and family attended a reunion of Mrs. Humrich’s nurses training class in Plainview. Monday evening. Mr and Mrs. Preston Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and family visited Friday at home of Mr. and Mrs. August Karel in Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. John Pauley and Stephen and Jim of Scottsbluff ar rived Sunday to spend a few days with her sister. Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis and Mr. VanVoorhis. Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn visited at the Bud Mitchell home Sunday. Miss Beverly Carson is spend ing a few days at home visiting her folks, relatives and friends. She is employed at Lincoln. Miss JoAnn Aim spent Sunday with Alyce Halstead. Mrs. Albert Carson and daugh ters went to O’Neill Friday to meet Johnny Hill of Rushville who is going to spend a few days va cation at the Carson farm. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greene and Donna visited at the Edward Carson home Sunday and were dinner arid supper sut-aus uicic. The Robert Sholes children vis ited at the Harry Johnson home over the weekend. STUART—Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Kubic of Stuart were in O' Neill Friday on business. While there they met Rolrort Mlinar and discussed the fishing situation in Nebraska and South Dakota. Exciting new* from America's largest automo bile insurance company 1 State Farm Mutoal now offers care ful driven a brand-new ante policy with over 44 extra-pro tection feetoree. It's the broadest coverage ever of fered by State Perm. Set full details from a man yoes ought to know—your Stats Farm agent: Ed Thorin O'Neill State Farm Mut. Auto Ins. Co. Home Off.: Bloomington, HI. A! AUCTION! . O’NEILL, NEBRASKA Saturday, August 3 — 2:30 P.M.— __ 4-ROOM RESIDENCE Approximately 1 I years old With Part-Basement Living Room — Kitchen (with built-in cupboards) Bedroom — Bath located on South Tenth st. four blocks south of Bazel.nan Oil Station, northwest cor ner of block on west side of street (facing north). Includes excellent garden spot. an excellent investment for a small family termFavailable Legal Description: I»t 1. Block E. Millard’s Addition. City of O’Neill. Eugene Lawrence, Owner VIRGIL L. LAURSEN, Broker Col. Vem Reynoldson, Auctioneer Lynch Man Loses Finger in Machine LYNCH Joe Milacek. whose hand was caught in the windrower 1 when he was attempting to clean the rollers, is "fair" at the Veter ans hospital in Grand Island. Both hands were seriously in-1 jured, hut only one finger was ; lost. In attempting to free his hands, his clothing was caught and stop ped the* tractor. Skin was graft ed cm his body and hands during surgery. His wife, and brother. Glen, al-! so Mr and Mrs. Dan Chambers I went there Saturday to visit him. Cchool of Instruction Held for Rebekah*— Eden Rebekah lodge met Fri day evening. July 19 with 20 members and six guests present. Following the regular meeting, Mi's. Sophia Pascale of Omaha vice president of the Rebekah as sembly of Nebraska, conducted an interesting school of instruction. Five members of tne Rebekah lodge of Lynch were guests. A covered dish luncheon was served after the meeting. Mrs. Leonard Miller, Mrs. Ver non Lorenz, Mrs. George Robert son and Mrs. Joe Menish were in charge. s (First pub Julv 25, 1957» LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, I am rt'quir t'd to make the folk wing describ ed change in district boundaries: Detach the S 4 Section 2, Town ship 24 Range 9 (mm District No, 18A* and attach it to District No. 46 A hearing of said matter will be held in my office at the Court House in O'Neill, Nebraska on August 5, 1957, 10:30 A M. when all interested may appear and be heard. ALICE L. FRENCH Countv Superintendent 13-14e WESLEYAN METHODIST (Page) Rev. Burl Baty, pastor Sundiiy, July 28: Sunday-school, 10 am., superintendent. Owen Parks; worship service, 11 am. young people's meeting, 7:30 p. m., Mrs. Burl Baty, adult coun selor; worship service, 8 p in. Visit* in Grand Island— Mrs. Mary Dusatko returned Monday from Grand Island where she had been visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wilson left Sunday morning for a short vaca tion in the Black Hills. ---1 WATER Don’t Lose Your Crop! Wo have hired another well driller to help out through the critical period just ahead. This should enable us to continue giving you the best in service even though we should become very busy. See the coupler we use lor the best in irrigation. ELKHORN SUPPLY CO. 3 blocks south of stoplight FAY BR1TTELL, Owner _ _ *- -———— THE SOIL WIU. TAKE W \TEK only about so fast anti depending on the profile, will hold only about so nint h So let us show you how our l*OKT O 1.1 M Sl’KIN Hl.EK IRKMt ATION SYSTEM will gi\ c you a OENTIJC H\IN. NOT \ Cl OCD HI KST that causes plant leaching and loss of fertility. lie signed by tpinlificd engineers, guaranteed to do the job as planned. Ill s| lit: to see this coupler we use for it Is the best and simplest on the market. No delays because of damaged pipe or ends, lit pairing made right in the field. No leaking. Easy to connect or disconnect. W* WIIJ, AHRANfiE FOR YOl R DKI1J.INO CA1J. ON 1 S OR WHITE FOR FREE ESTIMATES IK t OI ARE m.NMMi TO IHKIC.ATE Do It Right, With Light PORT - O - LUM FERTILIZER — FARM SEED PRODUCERS’ EXCHANGE BKE1.KT1N BOARD—IT DOESN’T (OST, IT PAYS FOR SALE Several gtxxl used combines, ready to go. Plows, now and used. 2,001) bushels good corn (ear). Several good bulls. Saddle horse, Shetland ponies. Some other Items. WANTED Ust'd I1IC mower for 11 IHC 2.0(H) bushels oats (Nemaha prefered). 2 blue grass strippers. 2 old grain binders. WE (iKIND SICKLES LIKE NEW. TEKSEED HYBRID SEED COHN FOR UMX PLANTINU Try Our Yeast l eed l or More Profit ELKHORN SUPPLY CO 3 blocks south of stoplight FAY IIRITTELL, Owner In order to settle the Estate of the late Walter Trussell, the following Real Estate and Personal Property will be sold at Public Auction on the premises, located in the North west Corner of the Village of Chambers, Nebr., on FRIDAY, JULY 26th j Sale Starts at 1 P.M. I Ranch-Style Dwelling Four-room all-modern ranch-style dwell ing with garage attached. A small acreage and machine shop are in cluded with this real estate. This property has been built recently and is in good repair. This property should be inspected to be appreciated for it is truly a comfortable home in excellent location. LEGAL DESCRIPTION All of Block 3 and North Half of Block 4 in North Side Addition, Village of Chambers, Nebr. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE SALE Twenty-five percent down on day of sale. Balance due and pay able when abstract and deed are furnished. Purchaser may have immediate possession. Personal Property I 1955 Custom Line Two-Door Ford Sedan ! With radio and heater. Actual mileage 4,800. 1949 Ford Tractor In good repair. Belt Pulley for Ford Tractor Scoop for Ford Tractor 7-Ft. Mower for Ford Tractor Complete Line HOUSEHOLD GOODS Oil Space Heater — Radio — Stove Refrigerator — Beds — Dressers Vacuum Cleaner Carpenter Tools — Firearms 100-Ft. of Snow Fence TERMS OF PERSONAL, PROPERTY SALE Strictly Cash NOTE: Any prospective purchaser wishing to personally inspect the house and acreage may contact Ed C. Smith, Chambers, Ne brstska who will show’ the premises.—AUCTIONEER. J »hn R. Gallagh r, Ex cut( r COL. WALLACE O’CONNELL, O’Neill JOHN R. GALLAGHER, O'Neill, Nebr. 1