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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1957)
Future Subscribers DAVIJN Mr. and Mrs. Char les Davlin of York, formerly of O'Neill, a son. Timothy Patrick, bom Tuesday, July 9, at York. FRY Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry of Ewing, a son, weighing 9 pounds 6 ounces, torn at 10:25 a. m . Tuesday, July 23, in the Til<* en hospital. The baby has three Sisters Paternal grandparent ar«\ Mr. and Mrs. Z H. Fry: ma ternal grandfather is A1 Gibson, all of Ewing. SEGER Mr. and Mrs Jim Seger of Newport, a daughter weiffWhg 7 pounds 3 ounces torn Tuesday. July 23 at Atkinson Memorial hospital. G E TT F!RT Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gettert of Atkinson, a daughter, weighing 10 pounds 3 ounces torn Wednesday, July 21 at Atkinson Memorial hospital., Tlw couple now have four daugh ters and two sons. gCHAAF Mr and Mrs. Ray mond Hchanf of Atkinson a son. weighing 9 pounds 3 ounces tom j Wednesday, July 24 at Atkinson Memorial hospital. SORENSEN— Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sorensen of Creighton, a daughter, weighisg 7 pounds 5 ounces born Tuesday, July 23 at Lund berg Memorial hospital FRISCH Mr. and Mrs Carl Frisch of Verdigre a daughter, born Wednesday, July 24 at Lund borg Memorial hospital. VESLEY Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vesley of Verdel, a son. Wayne Jay, weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces torn Saturday, July 20 at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch. SCHMITZ — Mr. and Mrs. James Schmitz of Omaha, a son. weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces torn Sunday, July 21. Mrs Schmitz is the former Rosemary Babl ot O'Neill. DeGROFF Mr. and Mrs. Bert DcGroff of O'Neill, a son, weigh ing 6 pounds, torn Sunday, July 21, in Atkinson Memorial hos pital. . _ . BOWEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowen of Hastings a daughter, Debbie Kay, weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces, torn Wednesday, July 17, at Mary Banning hospital in Hastings. Mrs. Bowen is the for mer Vicki Zakrzewski, daughter of the Sylvester Zakrzewskis. TTiis is their 31st grandchild. Mr. Bo wen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen MURRAY Mr. and Mrs. Ir win Murray of O’Neill, a daugh ter, Dorothy Ann, weighing 2 pounds 13 ounces, tom F riilay, July 19. at St. Joseph’s hospital in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs Mike Troshynski of O'Neill are the ma ternal grandparents and Frank H Murray is the paternal grand father. Mother and daughter are "doing well." DUNAWAY Mr. and Mrs. Don Dunaway of Oakland, Calif,, a son, Rory Dean, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces, born Friday, July 12. The Dunaways are for merly of Ewing. DAUGHERTY Mr. and Mrs. John J. Daugherty of Inman, a son, Andrew Dean, weighing 6 pounds 13V4 ounces, torn Friday, July 19 at St. Anthony’s hospital MALY Mr. and Mrs. James Maly of O'Neill, a daughter, Jose phine Marie, weighing 8 pounds Vfc ounce, born Monday , July 22 at St Anthony's hospital. HOLZ-Mr and Mrs. Francis Hob of O'Neill, a son, weighing 7 pounds 4V« ounces, bom Mon day, July 22 at St, Anthony’s hcs- j pital. DAVIS—Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis, of O'Neill, a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce bom Tuesday, July 23 at St. Anthony’s hospital. KAUP—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaup of Omaha, a son, Michael Steven, weighing 9 pounds 5bit ounces born Thursday, July 18. Mrs. Kaup is the former Betty Mae Harmon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. D. Harmon of Scotts biuff, formerly of O’Neill FAULHABER—Mr. and Mrs. Rchard Faulhaber of Springfield, | 111 , formerly of Middlebranch, a daughter, Delores Jean, torn I Tuesday, June 18. Mrs. Faulha ber is the former Dorothy Wilson of O'Neill The Faulhators now have two daughters and one son. NEKOUTE Mr. and Mrs. Danny Nekolite of Ewing, a son, ton Sunday, July 14, at the Bas sefl hospital Mrs. Nekolite is; the former Sharon Strong, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Strong of O'Neill. The Nekolites now have two daughters. TEMPUN—Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Templin of Detroit, Mich., a son, Donald Earl, weighing 8 pounds, torn Tuesday, July 16. This is the couple’s third son. The others are Stephen and David. Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Ressel are the maternal grandparents. This is the Ressels “21st grandchild. Mrs. Templin is the former Elaine Ressel. POLLOCK-Mr .and Mrs. Or ville Pollock of San Jose, Calif., a daughter, tom recently. Pa ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock of Ewing. Sick & Injured CHAMBERS Mrs. Harold Dex ter went to Chicago, 111., Thurs day, July 18, to be with her hus band when he submitted to sur gery on an eye at Great Lakes naval hospital. Mary Ellen Gil lette accompanied her. . . L. W. Taggart returned Saturday from St. Anthony's hospital in O’Neill where he had been a patient. . . Sam Taggart received a cut on his left arm Saturday when a spindle Ixilt broke on his pickup, causing his vehicle to go into the ditch. The accident occurred about one-half mile west of the Taggart place. He was taken to O'Neill where three stitches were needed to close the wound. . . Ed Dewey is recovering from an in jury to a toe sustained while mowing his law with a power mower. Mrs. Art Walter has been carrying the mail for him. . . Bruce Grimes is suffering with a (First puh. July 25. 1957) John R Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARINI. OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4166 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF JOHN P. PR1BEL, DECEASED. _ THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has l>een filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on August 14, 1957, at 10 o'clock, A. M. LOUIS W. RE1MER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 13-15 (First pub. July 25, 1957.) LECAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the IDEAL CLEANERS COMPANY of O’Neill, Nebraska, a Corpora tion organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebras ka was dissolved by consent of the Stockholders on July 14, 1957, and Certification of Dissolution is sued by Frank Marsh, Secretary of State, State of Nebraska, on July 22, 1957. George Morlang. Treasurer of said corporation of O'Neill, Nebraska has acquired all of the assets and has assum ed all of the liabilities of said cor poration and is to manage the corporate affairs and distribute its assets. The assets of said company consists of the plant and fixtures of the valuation of $3,600.00 and the liabilities of said company consists of $1200.00 due Butler Manufacturing Company of Kansas City, Missouri, and $700.00 Capitol Stock liability. s/ THOMAS D. COMBS, President 13-15c -1 back ailment and is unable to work. O’NTILL Mrs. Arthur W. Tib betts returned home Monday from Omaha for a couple of days be fore returning to be with her sis ter, Mrs Gerald McDermott, who had undergone surgery at St. Jo seph's hospital in Omaha. Mrs. McDermott, is "getting along pretty well" after complications. . . Mrs. Stanley Soukup went to Grand Island Sunday to the Vet erans hospital, where Mr Souk up Ls a patient. . . Little Larry Tellier, four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tellier, had an emergency appendectomy Mon day evening at St Anthony's hos pital . . . Mrs. Jack Davidson re turned Friday from a two weeks stay in an Omaha hospital after surgery. . W. D. Melena took his son, David, to Omaha Wed nesday for a medical checkup . . , Fred Carey was taken by ambu lance Sunday evening to St. An thony's hospital INMAN Kenneth Coventry and son, Bob. drove to Omaha Thurs day evening and returned home Saturday. Mrs. Coventry, a pa tient in St. Joseph's ln>spital the past two weeks, was able to come home with them. . . Mrs. Clar ence Hansen, who spent the past week in St. Anthony's hospital, was dismissed Saturday. . . Mrs. Mary Morsback entered St. An thony's hospital Saturday even ing, suffering from pneumonia. CELIA Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun did chores at the L^roy Hoffman home Friday evening Mr. and Mrs Hoffman were in bed with influenza . . Joe Hen dricks spent Wednesday, July 17, until Sunday in the Atkinson Me morial hospital. . . Several fam ilies in the Celia community have had flu this week. RIVERSIDE -Shelia Fry was on the sick list Friday and Sat urday. . , Mrs. Edith McClanahar of Orchard was sick and spent a few days last week at the Ear! Piettson home. Mrs. Wayne Fry entered the Tilden hospital late Sunday evening EWING-Mrs. Adeline Ferester left for her home in Montana Fri day after staying at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Vandersnick, during the hospital ization and convalescence of her mother, who has been ill for some time. DELOIT Dno Werkmeister re cently called on a Neligh doctor for treatment following an acci dent . . Lynn Carnes goes to Nor folk daily for treatment. He had neck surgery earlier this month . Elayne Reimcr has been ill with ‘‘strep" throat. LYNCH —- Douglas and Albert Lee, small sons of Mr. and Mrs George Lee, have measles. . . The small baby of Mrs. Lavina Kerscl is quite ill at the Lynch hospital . . . Miss Marie Mahlendorf is "much improved” in the Lynch hospital. RIVERSIDE—Mrs Howard Mil ler and Lou were in O'Neil] Mon day having their eyes checked. | Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier visited at the Richard Napier home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier ate Sunday dinner at the Richard ! Shain home. In the afternoon both families attended the Legion and i auxiliary rounty convention in O’ Neill. Mrs. Napier was one of the | nominating committee. Leroy, ! Glenda and Dennis Napier visited Sunday at their grandparents, the Rol Hord home. Myrtle White of Amelia visited Lou Miller Sunday afternoon The Duane Jensen family of Newman Grove spent the week end at the Bill Fry home Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jensen and sons ate lunch at the Fry home Sunday. The Free Methodist missionary society met at the Carl Miller home south of Clearwater last week. Mrs. Helen Lee and Carrie Johnson, both from California, called on Riverside friends Fri day evening. Mrs. Lee and two girls of Eureka, Calif., have spent 10 days visiting her mother Amy Jacobson, and her sister Mi's. E. L. Norwood. Linda Norwood of i Midwest, Wyo., accompanied ! them here. They left Sunday eve 1 ning to return to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Busshardt of I Neligh ate Sunday dinner ot the 1 Dave Pollock home. - * Bert Fink received a phone call : last Friday of the death of a cousin. Mrs. Lou Miller, at Te eun^eh. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Fink and grandson, Billie Harris of Fre mont are visiting at the Bert Fink home and relatives and friends in Ewing District quarterly meeting was held at the Riverside church over the weekend. Dinner was served in the church basement at the noon hour. Folks came from Amelia and Colorne, S. D. Range .lodging Clinic Planned Monday— Members of 4-11 clubs and Fu ture Farmers of America chap ters and interested adults are in vited to participate in an area j range judging clinic Monday. July 29, starting at 10 a.m , at the courthouse annex. Range uses, sites and manage ment will be discussed and there , will be competition. There will also be competition on plant iden tification. There wil be separate sections for youth and adults. The youth I program will include team and in- j dividual judging. High school graduates are to compete as adults. Four contestants repre- ] senting any 4-11 club or FFA chapter will form a team. Rib tions will be awarded. Doty Pleads Innocence to Theft Charge— 1 BUTTE Francis Doty, a 1957 high sc lxxv 1 graduate, has beep bound over to Bovd roiiWy dis trict court under ono-thcntsand dollar hond. He was charged in a prehm I ' inary hearing in county court here wtttj taking from a Spencer *nnn May 1H. Ho pleural infkx ent. Frontier for prompt printing! ‘ I iSF U 1 1 J I 1 f Friday and Saturday July ?fi-S7 Kathleen Crowley In "FEMAhU .It NGI.E" Flu* Van Johnson and Ann Itlyth in "Sl.ANOEK" Sunday*Monday-Tuesday July tltl-N Wednesday and Thursday July 31-August 1 Ituek Nites — Tony Martin, ((ulneannon "FRONTIER SCOI'T” Color by DeLuxe . . . "Round the World Review" w . Nebraska’s Big RODEO BURWELL July 31, Aug. 1-2-3 , O! I Afternoons and Saturday Night Final* World's Top Cowboys on Championship Stock Chuck Wagon Races It’s Wld! It’s Exciting! Quarter Horse Show Races — Sale Wed., July 81st— Kids Day AH Children Admitted FREE For Information or Tickets (fell Diamond 6-7875 or W rite Box 711 Burwell, Nebraska RAIN OK SHINE NOTICE To Grain and Seed Dealers: Truckers and Farmers A NEW LAW was passed in the 1957 legislature that will require you to report to the Assessor on March 1, 1958, all grain and seed bought or produced in 1957. Anyone who is anticipating buying and selling grain or seed should check this law. All producers should keep a record of all grains and seed produced in 1957. These records will be asked for at assessing time next year. There will be a new’ method of figuring taxes on all grains and seeds in 1958. The New Law is LEGISLATIVE BILL 553. If you care to see the bill, I have a copy at the office. J Wm. F. WEFSO Holt County Assessor _OURPAMUYKATURCf TAMPA BAY BREADED CRACKERS SHRIMP 1_35* ;:9°-_59* _STORE-WIDE LOW PRICES* Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. berkyhill frozen hi west frozen at the Snack Bar Strawberries peas I I 10-OZ. _HOT_ 2 pkgs. 39c 2 27c DOGS noEDEN OORI.ET # Lemonade Orange Juice 0 V EACH 4 tins_ 49c tins . 29c -V CHEF S DELIGHT - DELICIOUS CHEESE SPREAD _ 2^CH use Wesson SWANSDOWN WHITE - DEVIL S FOOD • YELLOW - BUTTERSCOTCH 1 ■■ ■ ' — Karo Syrup I PINEAPPLE Crushed..*- 2 Ties 53C ORANGE JUICE Sweetened .... Tins 3 3 GRAPEFRUIT 2 NV.t3 39c SPAGHETTI 35T.3 T 29‘ WILSON'S BIF feVr"." S 3TC REALEMON KrST. "5:33' BORAXO FOR DIRTY HANDS ~I9* ^“35t f Mix ’Em or Match ’Em Hominy Carrots Green Beans Beets Com Spinach 1 Vi-2 LB. AVERAGE. WEIGHT POUND b GOOD QUALITY, * _L- STEAK Fresh Young Tendof 1 .. 43c BEEF LIVER.u.33c Chopped1 SLICED5 BACON PORK Kraft America* », S3* 1 CHEESE.u.4> mm nm jfi RED HEART pT lie IT *VS DOG food B #/ 3 - 47* FLAG Airocol 17 DELSEY mZ T" II TISSUES TOUST TISSUE OS2~ »*4 2*2E?57* 4*S!!f5T* ~0< . .