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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1957)
Ewing News Miss Mary Catherine Carr of Omaha was an overnight guest Saturday at the home of her grandfather, M H IMerks. Miss Carr is a student nurse at St. Jo seph's hospital in Omaha. She is the daughter of Mrs. Wilda Carr of Hoidrege , Mrs, Marthu Hill who has spent the hast week in North Platte, was exported home Monday. Mr and Mrs Maurice Archer and family of Grand Island spent Sunday in Ewing visityig his mother, Mrs John Archer, and calling at the homo of Mr. and Mrs Ralph Munn. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fink, ac companied by their grandson. Hilly Harris, all of Fremont and Mrs Bert Fink of Ewing were caliei-s at the H. R. Harris home on Sat unlay Billy Harris re mained for a longer visit at the Harris home. .... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurley and children of Washington, D. C., are guests at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoag and other relatives in the Ewing vi cinity. .. , Mr und Mrs. Ed Hoag left Monday morning with their son-1 ROYAL THEATER" _ O'NEILL — — ■ ■ Thura. July 24-25 By popular demand, 1 am bringing back “GIANT at popu lar prices. Adults 50c; children 12c. All children unless in arms must have tickets. First show starts at 6:30. Second show at 9:45. GIANT George Stevens production. From the novel by Edna Ferber. Presented by Warner Bros, in WnmerColor starring Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean and presenting Carroll Bak er, also starring Jane Withers, Chill Wills, Mercedes McCam bridge, and Sal Mineo. Frl. Sat. July 26-27 Head and holster above the others Randolph Scott in THE TAIA T T is for terror. Technicolor. Co starring Richard Boone, Arthur Hunnicutt, Maureen O’Sullivan. Mighty legend out of Sasabe creek country ... the rancher and girl trapped by rnad-dog killers . . . with courage their only chance to stay alive! Stm.-Mon. -Turn. July 28-28-30 The newest yet . . . and craziest by a country mile! THE KETTLES ON OLD MCDONALD'S FARM Marjorie Main, Parker Fennel ly. Bear it with pa. You’ve laughed before, but never more ... at the wonderful Kettles! Matinee Saturday & Sunday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free If accompanied by par ent. Wedn. and Thurs. Family night, family admitted for two Adidt tickets. in-law and daughter, Mr. and Frank Hurley and family of Washington, D. C., on a vacation trip through the Black Hills and other points of interest on their way to Bellingham, Wash., where they will make an extended visit at home of their daughter, Mrs. Lyle Mitchell, and family. The Hurley family will return to their home in about four weeks Among the Ewingites attending free day at Clearwater Thursday and Friday were Mr. and Mrs I >on Ruroede. Mrs Ralph Eacker, Mrs. Jessie Angus. Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck and family, Mrs. Thom as Eacker and family. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker on Sunday were his brother and sister-in law-, Mr and Mrs. John Eacker, who were accompanied by their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gil t>ert Earker all from Broken Bow. Mrs. Ruth Waples and daugh ter, Judy, of Lincoln and Mrs. Don Walcott and children of El Paso, Texas, left Saturday to re turn to their homes after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and family the past week. David Schrader ac companied Mrs. Waples home for a week's visit. Miss Ina Bennett spent Sunday in Orchard visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Flora Young and family. Guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Knolze and family of Seattle, Wash., and Fred Knolze of Clearwater. The gentlemen are nephews of Mrs. Conner. Mrs. Ella Zeims who has been on a vacation trip in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois and New York state returned to her home in Ewing on Monday. Guests Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larson were his cousin and hus band, Rev. and Mrs. D. Clark, who were enroute to their home at Mitchell, S. D. The Clarks who have been traveling for the past four months, just arrived in the states after spending some time in the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. and Mrs. James Peacock of Wood, S. D , were guests on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen. Dr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler and family of Norfolk were Thursday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family and also called at the home of other relatives. Mary Karen and Shirley Funk Spent Wednesday and Thursday at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bartak and family. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spitler were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spittler, and family of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bartak and family were Norfolk shoppers Fri-1 day. Mr. and Mrs. John Shiffbauer and family of Norfolk are guests at the home of his sister and hus band, Mr. and William Hobbs and family. Other guests at the Hobbs home for t.h<’ weekend was her brother. Airman 1/c Thomas Schiffbauer who is home on a 30-day leave. On expiration of his leave he will go to Goldsboro, i S. C. 11 WANTED MEN TO TRAIN FOR REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Age 25 to 60 Must bo residents of this county two or more years. Gimpetent appraisers receive $350 to $450 per month. Farm experience valuable. WHITE: KEAI, ESTATE. BOX 743, c/o Frontier, O'Neill Doctor David Is Lions Club Head LYNCH At a recent Lions club meeting the following officers were elected. Dr. Joseph David, president; Louis Nelson, vice president; Jack Tarr, third vice president; Dr. J. A. Guttery, second vice president; Francis Stenger, secre tary-treasurer; Lee Barnes, lion tamer; Bernard Webber, tail twister; R. M. Ducker, two year director, and Ray Counts, two year director. Other Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. George Kolund and family returned Monday, July 22 to their home in Riverdale, N. D., after visiting relatives. Francis Stenger and Lawrence Kalkowski were business visitors in Omaha on Thursday, July 18. Enroute home they called on Rev. Albert Sudbeck at Petersburg and Rev. John Wierczorek at Silver creek. Both were formerly of ly of Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Novak and Charlotte of Spencer visited at the Louis Novak home Wednes day. July 17. Vince Jehorek arrived home Friday, July 19, from a several months stay with his son and family in San l>iego, Calif. Dr Sam Keller of Chicago 111., classmate of Dr. R. E. Kriz, came Sunday. July 21, for a visi* at the Doctor Kriz home. The men had not seen each other foi several years. Relatives received announce ments of the marriage of PFC. Robert Frank Maly, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Maly, sr., and Gayle Petty of Fitchburg, Mass Private Maly is stationed at Ft. Devens. Mass. Mr. and Mrs Charles Barnett and David Pressley left Sunday for their home in Atlanta, Ga., having spent several weeks here with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dahl berg. _ _ Mr. ana Mrs. L*eo ran cm v/1 Norfolk visited at the Leslie Ste wart home last week. Mrs. Naomi Douglas of Indian apolis, Ind., is here visiting her father. Dr. G. B. Ira. Donna Greene of Denver, Colo., is spending her vacation at the parental Buss Greene home. Clayton Thomson returned home from his work in Iowa. John Ilurd returned home Mon day after an extended stay in Keswick, la., visiting relatives and looking after land interests there. Mr. and Mrs. Nordby Larsen and Carolyn and Drew Classen arrived here Monday, July 15. The Larsens brought the Classen children home after several weeks vacationing in Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Phyllis Mulhair and fam ily spent several days in Lincoln last week. Miss Dorothy Mulhair received another one hundred dol lar scholarship at the university. She is a sophomore. Rev. Anthony Petrusic of St. Peter and Paul church of Omaha spent the past week here attend ing to church duties while Rev. Charles Kamber is on vacation. Father Petrusic returned to Omaha Friday and Rev. Peter Schwaab came the same day to be here this week. Sunday, July 14 visitors at the M. P. Stenger home were Rev. Albert Suedbeck and Miss Mary Stenger. lioth of Petersburg, al so Miss Mary Jo Stenger of Lind say and Mrs. Phyllis Mulhair and family and Mrs. Etta Johnson of Lynch. Mary Ann France of Ainsworth is spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France. Mesdamos Glenn Hull and Leo Kalkowski called on Mrs. Anton Kalkowski Saturday. Veldon Lee of Hartington spent the w'eekend with his family here. Ted Cassidy of San Diego, Calif., is here visiting relatives and friends. Henry Maly of Spencer visited relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoffman and three children of Santa Barbara, Calif., spent several days visiting here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman spent their time at the Kriz home while the children en joyed Ike sights at the Andy Classen farm west of town, and Mrs Hannah Streit went to Norfolk Wednesday. July 17. The Courtneys returned home the same day and Mrs Streit re mained there until Saturday. Mrs. Gene Harris and children of Bristow visited Mrs. Anton Kalkowski on Friday. Mrs Eunice Teadtke and Sharon and Mr. and Mrs Bill Teadtke visited at the Bill Stouffers Friday. Karl Weeder went to O'Neill Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Birmeier spent Sunday at the Anton Kalko wski home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney Mr and Mrs. Charles Under wood of Sisters. Ore., returned here from a visit in Burlington, 111 . on Saturday and left for their home on Monday, July 22. On Sunday relatives gathered at the Lynch park for a farewell gather ing and nicnic dinner in honor of the Underwoods. The relatives in cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtney and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kolund and family, Mrs. Hannah Streit, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Stenger and family. Mr. and Mrs Frank, Weeder and family, also Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Soukup and family and John Weeder of Spencer. Plan Club Picnic August 1 I in Park LYNCH The Highland club met with Mrs. Albert McDonald last Thursday with 10 members pres ent. Veronica and Kathleen Me Donald were visitors. A club family picnic is planned for August 11 at the city park. A booth for the county fair was planned. A food sale will be held by the ladies in the near future. The August meeting will be held with Mrs. Emil Micanek. Venus News Janie and Alan Da it, children of Mr. and Mrs. David Darr of Lincoln, recently visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J r/('Masters, for two weeks. Vlasta and Viola Pospeshil mo tored to Orchard Sunday, July 14, where they attended the wedding of Miss Evelyn Ruroede and Warren Peden, jr., at the St. Peter’s English Lutheran church. Mrs. Peden taught the Grimton school two years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey drove to Bassett Saturday, July 13, and visited with the Johnson Caskey family, who are moving to Chadron. The Ora Caskeys, Lloyd Butterfields and Roy Han sen families were there the fol lowing day and had a picnic din ner with them at the Bassett park. Clarence Finch, jr., is helping with the chores at the Bryan Finch farm while Mr. Finch is under a doctor’s care. The Lavem and Kenneth Cas key families of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Caskey and daughter surprised their mother on her birthday anniversary Monday, July 15. Mrs. Ora Caskey entertained the Help U club at her home on Wednesday, July 17. Twelve members were present. A social afternoon was spent. Mrs. Otto Matschullatt receved door prize. Mrs. Caskey served lunch. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser will have the club August 7. Mrs. Paul Baker of O’Neill came to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber, on Tuesday, July 16. The Bakers are moving to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey and Suellen visited at the Ralph Brookhouser home Tuesday, July 16. Mrs. Lloyd Porter and Jerome of Holdrege were overnight guests at the Ora Caskey home Monday, July 15. The Caskeys’ sons re turned that day from the Porter home. Mrs. Porter and sons ac companied them They will visit relatives near Orchard over the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hawk and Johnnie of Ewing and her moth er. Mrs. Tomlinson and sister, Susie, visited at the Ralph Brook houser home Sunday, July 14. Many from the community at tended the free day celebration at Orchard Wednesday, July 17. Dale Hamilton, son of Mrs. Nellie Hamilton, is working in the hay fields at the DeGoof ranch near O’Donnell’s lake. BBSIAP'" i>iiniiliii>w ii« ww Hf'DIP 11 1 "ii ■vtasiatmwiM \vV»m.wj a..-, RAKE BETTER, FASTER, CHEAPER The acientifically designed Pol lard Trailer RowRaker if the beat hey and grain Insurance in the world. Gentle rolling action Crmita raking ef grains, and y with 10% less seed and leaf loee. New Independent FLOAT ING wheel action gieee "Con tour Raking”—forma full fluffy wirdrowi. Completely equipped with roller and ball bearing!. Adjuatabla width awath for rak* ing any kind ef hay over any kind of terrain. Rakea anywhere your trector will go. NO COSTLY REPAIRS OR MAINTENANCE NO GEARSI NO SPROCKETSI NO CHAINS TO WEAR OUT! Efficient In the Field, Economically Priced. As Inf r« Cm ki Hafh§ ffs^weofc jwv BURGE IMPL. CO. CHAMBERS, NEBRASKA O’Neill News Mrs Iva Hopkins returned Wed nesday, July 17. from Sioux City where she visited her daughter, Mrs, Edwin Morey. She also at tended the funeral of her sister in-law. Mrs. Bert Morey. Mr. and Mi's. Owen L. Parkin son are hosts this week to rel atives, Saturday her cousin and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Adamson and family of Sioux Falls. S. D., arrived Saturday Mr. Adamson returned home and will tie back for his family this weekend. Other guests are Mrs Parkinson's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dawes and family, who arrived Sunday for a few days' stay. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harris of Ainsworth spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh. Mr. and Mrs M. E. Nesbitt | of Fullerton came Saturday to visit their son and family, Mr. i and Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt until | Monday. Annual Firemen’s Ball of Creighton Volunteer Fire depart ment at I-akevlew pavilion, .Mon day, August 5til. Bob Calame and orchestra. 13-14c Mrs. Elvena Turren and Ed ward of Lyons w’ere guests of Mr. Mrs. Leo Tomjack Monday. Mrs. Bon Vidrickson and chil ren plan to leave Friday for Sal ina, Kans., to visit relatives while Mr. Vidricksen is away with the National Guards. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNichols of Omaha were here for the week i end visiting relatives and friends. L. D. Putnam returned Friday from a three day stay in Martin, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and Mary were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nelson of Schuy ler. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Murphy of Sioux City were houseguests last week of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Pri bil and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wil son. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinsman of Phoenix, Ariz.. left for Columbus recently after having visited Mrs. Frank J. Dishner last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and John Leo of Hampton, la., left Sunday after a visit with Mrs. Dishner. Monuments of lasting boauly made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 189-J. S7tf. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Uunder wood left Monday for their home in Sisters, Ore., after visiting his brother and familyq, Mr. and Mrs. John Underwood. i M ission School Set August 26-30 PAGE—Mr*. Alton Braddock and Mrs. John Lamason were hostesses to a large crowd who attended the Woman's Society of Christian Service meeting Thurs day afternoon at the Wesleyan 100m at the Page Methodist church. Mrs. Harold Heiss had the de votions and lesson on the topic "The Heart of a Stranger", pre senting the impressions of four missionaries on the native people. The Memorial Tea was dis cussed and final plans made. Miss Ikinna Hyatt of Bristow will give her report on her missionary tour instead of M,iss Lynelle Tomp ! kins of Inman who was recently ' released ftom the O'Neill hospital. The Inman societj members will be invited guests. During the business meeting presided over by Mrs. Jesse Kel ly the supply asking was allowed 1 and lesson material for txith the WSCS and the King's Daughters was purchased. The School of Missions will be held at University Place, Lincoln. August 26 to 30. Wesleyan Group Elects Officers PAGE] Mrs. J. E. Smith, presi dent, presided over the business ! meeting Thursday afternoon when the following officers were elect ed for the coming year by the I Wesleyan Missionary society. Mrs. Otto Terrili was chosen president; Mrs. Burl Baty, vice president; Mrs. J. E. Smith, pray er partner secretary; Mrs. Owen Parks, membership secretary; Mrs. Harry Park, magazine solici tor; Mrs. Burl Baty, study and reading secretary. Mrs. Earl Parks was re-elected as work director. Mrs. Belle Mott was elected conference delegate with Mrs. Baty, alternate. Mrs. j William O'Bren, superintendent of YMWB. The Wesleyan missionary so ciety meets the second Thursday afternoon of each month Other Page New Mr. Leslie Stevens of Oakland stopped Tuesday, July 16, and called on his brother, and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stev ens, his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Cunningham! and his sister, Mi's. Eva Cunning ham enroute to O'Neill. His wife, 1 who had visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Grutsch, the past week, accompanied his home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming of] Ewing were Monday evening sup-! per guests of Mrs. Dora Town send. Mrs. Fleming and Mrs.J Townsend are sisters. PAGE LOCALS Roy Stewart finished painting the trim on the Russell home Tuesday Miss Effie Stevens of O'Neill was a week-end visitor in the Roy and Don Cunningham and Herbert Stevens homes. Mrs. Robert Weir and son, Janies of Hartington were Friday to Sunday \ isitors in the home of the former's mother. Mrs. Dora Townsend and he lived her to open her home anil heroine settled again after a year's absence. Karl attended funeral ser vices Tuesday afternoon, July 9, at Naper for his 86-year-old uncle, J. S. Graves. Burial was made at Butte. The late Mr. Graves was the father of Clifford Graves a former Page resident. SUMMER . . . SALE_ Sport SHIRTS 13 OFF Ladies’ SHOES Summer Styles 1/3 OFF Summer Trousers 13 OFF Canvas SUMMERETTS 13 OFF Dress STRAW HATS 13 OFF Swim TRUNKS 13 OFF Summer CAPS 13 OFF Mens WORK SHOE SPECIALS $5.95 McCARVILLES Clothing and Shoes O’Neill, Nebraska -1 ' i Switch to— cooking with a Westingliouse Range f"1™"™'wtmammmmammtmm"mmiMm^mma I No other electric range has PLUG-OUT UNITS tor easiest cleaning ever! Enjoy new cooking convenience and comfort with a Cooler, Cleaner, Faster, Vk estinghouse Automatic Electric Range! You'll save time, money, work and worry when you switch to the modern, automatic, Westinghouse Electric Itange! Other Westinghouse ranges r priced as low as $18995 Ask to see the IMPERIAL "36" SPECIAL! • EASY BUDGET TERMS! • ’ J * , • • * • * ' , Aristocrat .* Modal SR f Now on display at your nearest * of.'/ce o.'— ' CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT