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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
for sale FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile Now carried in stock. Select your color—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O'Neill. 47ctf FOR SALT: ’41 John Deere mo del B tractor; ’42 John Deere H tractor, 7-ft. No. 9 trail mower —Orley Richard, Ewing, Nebr., 27 miles south of O’ _ NeLU- 50-5 lp«0 FOR SALE: One 10-ft. deep freeze, like new. Two 17-ft. deep freezers, very reasonable. —O. E. Davidson, Phone 126, O'Neill._5itf New and Used MOBILE HOMES Low Down Payments. Up to 5 years on balance. Lowest prices — Easiest Terms. WE TRADE for furniture or what have you. Open Sundays 1 to 5 P. M. Salesman Available Evenings. DEWEY MILLER TRAILER SALES Phone 460 — Albion, Nebr. ._ 46tf WE HAVE Pioneer seed corn on hand for immediate pickup.— Frank Soukup or Farmers Produce, O’Neill. 48-5pd FOR SALE: 2 stacks of alfalfa hay, 1st cutting.—Lowell John son, O’Neill. 51-52c60 USED FURNITURE 8-pc Dining room suite $49.50 Davenport _ $19.50 Gas Range $39.50 Westinghouse Refrigerator $75.00 9 x 12 Wool Rug $29.50 NEW FURNITURE Bunk Beds, complete $89.50 Baby Bed, complete $39.50 5-pc. Chrome Dinette $59.50 Midwest lurniture and Appliance Co. 209 W. Douglas O’Neill FOR SALE: State tested Lan caster bromegrass seed and in termediate wheatgrass seed— Stanley Lambert, Ewing, Nebr., telephone Chambers 2340. 50-52c FOR SALE: Lincoln brome grass seed and Grim Alfalfa seed.— Fred Tesch, Atkinson. 50-5Ip FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes.—John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire fall boars. Ready for service. —Henry Stelling & Son, Or chard, Nebr. 44tf DON’T LET YOUR ACCOUNTS die of old age. — Call 520, O’ Neill Credit Bureau. 30tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone. —Contois Motor Co, Neligh 30tf FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 to 24 mos. old.—2 Mi mi west of Drive In. John Niewohner, O’Neill 45-lpd. FOR SALE: Alfalfa hay, round bales or in stack.—F. W. Loock and Sons, Phone 229(1 or 2298, Spencer. 48-Op L. G. Gillespie INSURANCE AGENCY The oldest agency in O’Neill See, write or phone this agency for all your insurance needs. PROMPT service rendered. Of fice 315 So. 1st, Phone 218 or 114. 39tf ATTENTION! Mr. Irrigating Farmer! WHY PAY more when you can buy the best for less. Wells Drilled ... $9 per ft. 6-in pipe with choice of couplers $1 per ft. COMPLETE 180 ft. trader mount ed boom, $1,220; 220-ft. boom $1,420. Foster Mfg. Co. FOSTER, NEBR. 48-51c 3.75 GEORGE PETERSON Feed Store in Ryan Elevator building has Cooper feeds; chick starter, grower and layer crumbles; hog feeds; cattle feeds; fertilizer; seed corn; Grim, Cossack or Nebr. common alfalfa; red clover; tall and medium wheat grass; blue grass; certified and hybrid milo 610-620; Martin Seed prices are advancing so milo; Red Hop and sorgo seeds, buy now. 51-lc j FOR SALE; I have ail kinds of Nixon’s cattle, hog and poul try feeds and starters; also soy bean meal.—Ray Law rence, 'Neill. 50-52p _ SPRINKLER IRRIGATION ref. US or white us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no! obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. “Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation” 37tf ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Great sires from famous fam ilies ir. Shorthorn, Angus, and seven Dairy breeds can bring new blood to your herds. Put one In your herd and you will want more. DUANE GRAY Phone 469-J, O'Neill 4ttf rOn SALE 130 John Deere 2 row pull type lister. On rub ber. in A-l condition.—Harold Werkmeister, Ewing, 50-52 p85 FOR SALE: Prairie and alfalfa hay. Either in the stack or baled.—E. W. Reed, Spencer, Nebr. 44tfc FOR SALE: Lincoln brome grass seed. Germination 89%—Wil liam Babutzke, O’Neill. 50-51p Used Car Bargains! 1956 Stud. Commander, like new 952 Champ hardtop. *51 Studebaker Commander 952 Customline Ford 8. tudor 952 I t£-T. long wheelbase Ford truck Smith Motor Co. Studebaker Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Bred gilts. Will far row soon. Best of registered herd stock. Vaccinated. Priced reasonable.—Phone 392, New Deal Oil Co., Tony Asimus, O’Neill, Nebr. 50-5lc K< >1’ SALE: Servel propone gas refrigerator in good shape.— Ray Robertson, phone 6F11, O’Neill. 51-52 i'( >K SALK: 12-ft. boat and trail er.—Perry V. Saiser, Ewing. 51p35 SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20 50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks east, 4 blks. north of | traffic light. Everett Gorgen, Ph. 524-M, O’Neill. 5Itf SELLING at the O’NeUl sale on April 25, 1 2-year-old Hereford bull and 1 yearling. Both big and growthy.—Floyd Whitaker. 51e FOR SALE: 50 young Hereford stock cows with calves at side. —Joe Kaczor, Ewing. 5ic40 Kelly’s Plumbing YOUR HEADQUARTERS f o r plumbing and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, I root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located 5 blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station. O’Neill. 43tf FOR SALE: To be moved 4 room house; 1 small barn and 1 small granary. — Orville Paxton, Stuart. 51c4 FOR SALE: Alfalfa, round baies or loose. Madison vetch seed.— Leon Beckwith, Emmet. ‘>lc FOR RENT FOR RENT: Separate pasture for 20 head cattle—Ray Robertson, c/o S. R. Robertson, ph. 6F;1, O’Neill. 51-52. FOR RENT: 3 room house, all modern, available April 1. Au- , tomatic heat and hot water. —Call 235, O’Neill. 47tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. lfitf FOR RENT: .f-Room modern fur nished apartment, separate en trance, heat and utilities fur nished.—See Dale Thierolf ph. 566LJ. 45tfc FOR RENT: Modern duplex 4 rooms and bath, water fur nished. Small garden spot. For inspection contact Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, phoue 548-LJ. 50tf FOR RENT: Partly fum. apt., 3 large rooms and bath. Utilities furnished — Clarence Strong, O’Neill. 42tf FOR RENT: Floor sandcr, edger and flat sander. Also complete line of floor supplies—wood fillers, seals, varnishes, paints and waxes—cleaning supplies, wall paints and wallpaper. Coast to Coast Store, O’Neill. 51-52-lc FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. tf _ FOR RENT: Pasture for few horses near Emmet. — Leon Beckwith, Emmet. 51c FOR RENT OR SALE: Four room basement dwelling. — Geo. C. Robertson, O’Neill. 49tf FOR RENT: Furnished apt., 4 rooms and bath. Utilities fur nished.—Phone 537, O’Neill. 43tf FOR RENT: New furnished apartment, automatic washer. Close in.—O. E. Davidson, Phone 126, O’Neill. 51tf FOR RENT: Duplex unit, 2 bed room, gas heat.—O. E. David son, Phone 126, O’Neill. 51 tf FOR RENT: Winter storage. — Contact K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. FOR RENT: House 1 block north of William Krotter Co.—Keith Abart, O’Neill. 40tf O’NEILL LOCALS Dick Mace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Mace, jr., spent from Wed nesday, April 10 until Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brittell of Neligh. Guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Saturday dinner guests were Mr. Baisch of American Falls, Ida. and Mrs. Ben Asher and children of Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Kohl of Tiiden. A supper guest j was Miss Hilda Gallagher of | O’Neill. Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramold were Delores Tunender and Marion Jane Schneider and Ray Hamik Deemer of Atkinson and Betty j of O'Neill. REAL ESTATE REX THEATRE in Orchard A good thriving business in A good thriving town —SEE or CALL — Geo. E. Hamilton Phone 128 or 63 — Orchard IS YOUR insurance costing too much Are yau properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O'Neill, Nebr. 34tf O. E. rOakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing 6c Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill LOANS MONEY TO LOAN on farms, ranches, irrigation loans and houses. Low interest rate and long term. For buying or selling your Real Estate be sure and see VIRGIL LAURSEN, at O’Neill Insurance Co. Orchard Greenhouse WITH COMPLETE facilities for raising nursery stock and plants, on two acres of land, 7-room modern insulated house included. —SEE or CALL — Geo. E. Hamilton Broker Phone 128 or 63 — Orchard l' < Ml SALE: 2 bedroom, all mod ern house.—Keith Abart, O’ Neill. 48tf FOR SALE: 4-bedroom home and garage, 3 blocks north of New Deal Oil Co.—Wesley Riffey, O’Neill, Phone 763. 48tf House Under Construction FOR SALE! WATCH IT GROW! New two bedroom model home being erected in the Spelts-Ray sub division. Spelt-Ray Lbr. Co. O’Neill FOR SALE Acreage N. W. corn er Atkinson, 7 acres, home not finished, basement completed. —See Joe or Robert Mlinar, At kinson. 49c FOR SALE 320 Acres, well improved in , Page vicinity. 2-Bedroom home in Northern heights addition. Abart Company Pohne 520 — O’Neill 42tf FOR SALE: Nearly new 2 bed room home. Full basement. At tached garage. Natural gas. — Phone 717, O’Neill 42if CARPS of THANKS WE WISH to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness during the loss of our dear husband, father and grandfather.—Mrs. Ray Siders and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Juracek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benash and family, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sukup and family. 51p50 I WISH TO thank all my many, many friends for all the flow ers, cards, prayers, letters and visits that I received while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill and since I have re turned home. A special thanks to Lloyd Thurlow for helping my family with the business while I am laid up and to the many friends who helped my family. It is all very much ap preciated.—DWA1NE LOCK MON. 51c TO MY friends and neighbors, I want to thank each and every one of you that remembered me with cards, letters, gifts, visits, and good wishes and prayers, during my long stay in the hospital at O’Neill. I am now at home, and thank every one of you for your kindness to me. Your friend—MRS. M. G. HAMMAN, 309 E. Everett St., O’Neill. 5lp I WANT TO thank everyone who remembered me in any way during my stay at St. An thony’s hospital. A special thank you to Drs. Wilson and Sucha and the Sisters and nurses for their fine care_ CHARLOTTE GRIMES. 51p50 Make Plans for Demonstration Week— INMAN—The Inman Workers project club met at the home of Mrs. Walter Ubben Wednesday, April 10. Mrs. Hazel Lorenz presided and told of the council meeting held in O’Neill where plans were made for home demonstration week which will be May 2 at the youth center in O’Neill. This club will be responsible for a display of handicraft. Club members handed in the garments made for the layette to be sent to the University hospital. May meeting will be with Mrs. L. F. Kopecky and will be on outdoor cookery. WANTED HAVE PASTURE for about 25 head of preferably yearlings — Lloyd Gibson, O’Neill. 51-52p WANTED TO BUY: Extra good purebred Hereford bull 3 to 5 years old, must be light col ored, curly haired, heavy bon ed. close to ground.—Write Box V, c/o Frontier. 48-50c Wanted DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS IDEAL CLEANERS “Approved Sani-tone Service Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery 47tfc V ANTED: Office space. I’m looking for office space in O’Neill on the first floor. I prefer Main street but would be interested in office space on a side street, if nice. Write giving amount of room, loca tion and price.—Box 334, Ne ligh, Nebr. 46tf. WANTED: Two experienced wait resses at Slat’s Supper Club, O’Neill. 50-52c WANTED Chevrolet Salesman FULL TIME year round work to sell new Chevrolets, America’s finest cars, trucks and pickups. We want men presently suc cessful with family responsibil ities, doesn’t drink and a good worker. Must be neat appear ing, willing to talk to people, with sales experience and can value used cars, trucks, pick- j ups. See Jess Tepner of the Jess Tepner Chevrolet Co. CREIGHTON, NEBR. Phone 60 or 120 RELIABLE PARTY MALE OR FEMALE TO SERVICE a route of CIGAR ETTE machines. No selling or soliciting. Routes are establish ed for operator. Full or part time. Up to $260 per month to start. $1100 to $2200 cash re quired which is secured. Please don’t waste our time unless you can secure the necessary capi tal and are sincerely interest ed to eventually operate a $31,000 annaul net business. Give full particulars, phone number. Write Box 8303, Min neapolis, Minnesota, for infor mation and interview 51-lc WANTED: 120 head yearling steers to pasture.—J. F. Contois, O’Neill, ph. 368. 51 WANTED: Cattle to take for pas ture season.—Call or inquire of Leo Ohri, Spencer, phone Bris tow 7328. WANTED: Office work. Eight years experience in steno graphic and accounting.—Mrs. Hazel A. Purtzer, Atkinson. 50-31c70 MISCELLANEOUS 3 6 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS I $1,000 or less $25.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO Made on our regular monthly re payment plan and on a Special plan for farmers. CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL SERVICE Central Finance Corp c. E. JONES Phone 14 O’Neill 2tfc Northwest Electric Motor Service Phone 243-W — O’Neill DISTRIBUTOR for Fairbanks - Morse motors, Wagner motors, -\llen Bradley controls. Gates belts and pulleys. REWINDING and rebuilding electric motors (up to 100 hp) and transformers. Portable tools and appliances. 24 - Hour Service COMMERCIAL & REA WIRING __ 48ctf HAM IK ~ Refrigeration ★ Air Conditioning ★ Sales and Service We REAIR all makes of ap pliances; REA and Com mercial wiring. Phone 714 — O’Neill Like A farmer MUST adapt his farming with up-to-date methods; likewise we must use new ways in repairing, redesigning * — so you will get the most for the least. Halva Electric O’NEILL 48c-tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding BEEF SHORTHORN CURTISS STUD SERVICE offers sires from Edellyn, Crusader, Leader, Canadian, and Scotch families. Your technician is Duane Gray, O’Neill, Phone 469-J. 49tf Wick’s' Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O'NEILL — HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf AT YOUR SERVICE IN REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KIETH ABART Phone 209, O’Neill 28tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill DANKERT’S PROPANE O’NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas Heating Systems Dearborn, Seigler, Coleman, Universal, Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER * DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert’s Propane 22tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill Mr and Mrs. William Sorenson and family of Page were Satur day callers of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy. Legal Notices (First pub April 11, 1957.) LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with th.* School Laws of Nebraska. I am required to make the following described change in district boundaries: NWt'i Sec 4. Sec 5. Sec. 8. Sec 7. Stj and NWH Sec 8 and Nt* Sec 17, all in Township 24, Range 12. to be detached from District No. 8. Wheeler Co., and at tached to District No. 87, Holt County. A hearing of said matter will be held in my office at the Court House in O'Neill, Nebraska on April 22. 1957, 2:30 P. M„ when all interested may appear and be heard ALICE L. FRENCH Countv Superintendent 50-51 i First pub. April 11, 1957; NOTICE EOK PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4182 John R Gallagher. Attorney IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, APRIL 9, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE FS TATE OF BEDA JOHNSON, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to ell persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Nellie F Johnson as Administa trix of said estate, and will be heard May 2. 1957 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 50 52 Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson are attending an insurance meet ing in Lincoln. From thete they will go to Benkelman and spend Easter with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Robertson. » * •> » . I- . • . • . • . • • * * * . t , * * *.*.** *** * i * • # i Etrntal fiUrBBagr of Ijopr “tiir ia not hrrr. ifir is risen.. CONSUMERS • • Biggest Sellers.. .because theu're Biggest Savers! WHHWHHKNilMM New Chevrolet trucks stay on the job ... save on tho jobl Ever since way back in 1937 Chev rolet has been America’s biggest selling truck. That’s pretty strong evidence, we think, that Chevy’s been the biggest saver all these years. When truck buyers find a truck that delivers more work per dollar, they stay with it They’re staying with Chevrolet again this year—because these new Task-Force 57 trucks are the biggest aavers on any job. Under their hoods, for instance, you’ll find the most ad vanced and efficient truck engines going. Deep-breathing short-stroke V8’s that deliver high horsepower per pound are either standard or op tional at extra cost in every model. All new light-duty models and « some medium-duty jobs are powered by the very latest versions of Chev rolet’s famous truck 6. New from Chevrolet! Chevy now offers two new high-capacity For ward Control models, including the industry’s biggest, rated up to 18,000 lbs. G.V.W. Your Chevrolet dealer will show you a model that’s practically made to order for your kind of hauling. Chevrolet Task-Force 57 Thicks The "Big Wheel" in trucksI Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark i^i— See Your Authorized Chevrolet Dealer ; . •