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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
Precincts Consider Buying Machinery Wyoming Will Make Inquiry AMELIA—A meeting includ ing voters of Wyoming, Swan and Fairview precincts met at Peter son's store Thursday to consider buying their own road maintain ence machinery. Wyoming precinct voted to make further inquiry into the matter. Fairview precinct did not join the group. Other Amelia New* Gene Hansen and Raymond Wickham were in Omaha from Tuesday. April 9 until Thursday. Miss Verna Jeanne Fox spent the weekend with Caroline Back *Miss Marcia Widman, freshman at Amelia high school, entered the music contest in O’Neill V ed nesday, April 10, and won first place in the D class witn her pi ano solo. . , . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce were Atkinson callers Tuesday, April .. Mrs. Frank Backhaus and Car oline and Mrs. Delia Ernst went to O'Neill Tuesday, April 9. Mrs. Ernst since has been visiting rel atives and friends in the O Neill vicinity. Mrs. P. W Waldo has beer en joying a visit with her sister, Mrs. Angus Martz of Whittier, Calif., the past week. Mr Martz went to Iowa to visit his rela tives. Mrs. Edith Andersen accom panied Mrs. George Fullerton to Lincoln Tuesday, April 3, where she visited her daughters, Mrs. Bert Newkirk and Mrs. Dell Kra mer, and their families. Mrs. Fullerton attended a WSCS con vention. Mrs. Blake Ott was at the switchboard while they were away. . .. Mrs. Stella Sparks was in At kinson Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White anc H. S. White, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge, Joyce and Bruce spent Wednesday, April 10, at the S. C. Barnett » home. The menfolks cut down a huge tree whicn was near the garden plot. Jack Gilman is employed in a car body shop at Sidney. He is staying with his cousin, Glen Siebkin. Floyd Sageser of Kansas City, Mo., visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vein Sageser. His grandmother, Mrs. Link Sageser, who visited in Floyd’s home enroute from Louisville, Ky., returned to her home here with him. She had been called to Louisville by the death of her brother, Tom Claus son. Harvey Groff, A'ex Frickel and Mr. Deter man from the Co-op. Creamery in Atkinson were in Amelia Friday looking after bus iness matters. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Forbes and sons, Gerald and I eslie and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Forbes and Donna attended a family dinner at the L. C. Forbes home in Atkinson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Forbes of Omaha were also pres ent for the dinner. Dean Prewitt is driving a new Ford car. . , Mrs. Frank Var.ek and son. Gordon, and Miss Myrtle White were in O’Neill Saturday to at tend the county aritimetic coa test.- Gordon, who is one of Miss White’s pupils, was one of the contestants. Miss Sharon Andrus of Atkin son was a guest Sunday at the Prewitt home. Jay McConnell to Travel for Air Firm Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mc-Connell and Bobby of Elizabeth City, N. C., arrived here late Saturday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elden Butterfield and Mr. and Mrs Howard McConnell of Em met. Mr. McConnell, who was recently discharged from the navy, expects to leave the first of next week for Canada, where he has accepted a position with Aero Service corporation of Phil adelphia. He will be traveling in Canada for the next five months. His wife and son have rented an apartment here until the middle of September, when they will join him. Mr. McConnell, who work ed with helicopters in the navy, will do similar work in Canada. Miss Schaffer ill Teach in Alaska Miss Elizabeth (lbs) Schaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer, and a senior at the University of Nebraska, has ac cepted a teaching position for next year at the Sheldon Jackson Mis sionary school in Alaska. She is a physical education major. Mrs. Head Returns from Extended Trip— Mrs. George Head returned Saturday from a three and a half week trip visiting her children and relatives. In Aberdeen, S. D., she vistied her three sisters. In Minneapolis, Minn., she saw her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Head and al so a sister. At Stevens Point, Wise., she visited her daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. J H. Noll. In Omaha, she saw her daughters, the Misses Mary Lou and Jean, both nurses, and her son, Tom, a student at Creigh | ton university. Nifty Needlers in April Meeting— The fourth meeting of the Nifty | Needlers 4-H club of Page was held at the home of Lura Ann and Sharon Crumly, Sunday, April 7, at 2 p.m. The main event of the after noon was the judging of muffins and cakes. Following the judg ing, the girls went to their pro ject groups. Lunch was served and most of the girls went home immediately because of the stormy weather and bad roads.—By Myr na Heiss, reporter. Winners Named— Winners of the Wednesday af ternoon budge club at the home of Mrs. C. E. Lundgrcn were Mrs. James Rooney and Mrs. L. F. Beckenhauer. O’NEILL LOCALS Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Carl Schenzel were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Summers and children of Foster, Mrs. Grace Summers of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson of Atkinson. Winners at Jeudi club last Thursday were Mrs. Dale Hersen brock and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka, the hostess. Winners of Delta Dek held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Frank E’roelich were Mrs. H. J. Lohaus and Mis. Guy Cole. " " "HI DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Office Houra: 8-6 Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted Monday thru Saturday ANNOUNCING THE APPOINTMENT OF i.HLW A. E. BOWEN As Local Agent For MFA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY AUTO — FIRE HOSPITAL — FARM PERSONAL AND GENERAL LIABILITY' AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION No Assessments — No Membership Fees Quick Coast-to-Coast Claim Service Low Rates — Renewal Dividends — Let’s Get Acquainted A. E. BOWEN Phone 5 I 5 705 East Douglas ---- —1———mm Enga gement ! old Mr. and Mrs. Lowell John son of O’Neill announce the engagement of their daughter, .Miss Lynette (above), to David C. Anderson of Denver, Colo. Mr. Anderson is the son of Mr. j and Mrs. A. B. Anderson of Denison, la. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Chaperons Student Group Making ! our CHAMBERS — Phyllis Kiltz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz of Chambers, is | among the teachers chaperon- | ing a group of seniors of the Janesville, Wise., high school on a visit to New York City and Washington, D. C. Miss j Kiltz is a teacher in the Janes vilD high school. A late issue of the Saturday Evening Post carried an interest ing article concerning a similar group from Texas visiting Wash ington, D. C. Other Chambers News George Smith returned home j Wednesday, April 10, from Aus tin, Tex., where he had spent j several months on business. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner j and granddaughter, Susan Thom- ; son, drove to Grand Island Sun day to visit their son and daugh- j ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and children. The Robert Turner family plans to move to Hastings soon, having sold their home in Grand Island. Mr. Turn er has been working in Hastings for some time and driving to and from work. Sunday, April 14, dinner guests in the Guais Wintermote home were Mrs. John Winter mote, Mr. and Mrs. Everette Win termote and sons and mother, Mrs. Harkins, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Wintermote and girls and Mr. and Mrs Herman Cook Mrr. and Mrs. C. M Wyant en tertained Mrs. Weldon Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spann at dinner at their farm west of Chambers Sunday, April 14. Af ternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. William Reninger. Mr and Mrs. Jim Grimes, who have been with their son, Ed ward and family in California during the winter, returned to tiheir home at Chambers, Mon day. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Hi Conley and boys at Montrose, Colo., Dr. and Mrs. Loran Cop pac and family at Ottumwa, la,, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grimes at Lincoln enroute home. Milton Grimes, who attends the state university and is having spring vacation this week, brought them home from Lincoln. Danella Whitaker, pupil in Val ley Center district 107, won first in the county arithmetic contest at O’Neill Saturday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Whitaker. The teacher is Miss Loraine Farrier. Arriving Today — Miss Marilyn Fetrow, who is employed in Omaha, will be met in Norfolk today (Thursday) by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale | • v'. She will spend a few days ■with her parents. ' -I ROYAL THEATER — O’NEILL — Thursday April 18 One Day, Family Night EDGE OF HELL Starring Hugo Haas and Flip— the dog, with Francesca de -Jcaffa, June Harnmerstein, Ken Carlton. His secret ruled a half-world of dark alleys and back streets. Fri.-Sat. Apr. 19-20 Introducing Colin Peterson as SMILEY Color by Technicolor, cinema scope. Starring Ralph Richard son, John McCallum, “Chips” Raf ferty. Bring your whole family to the grandest town you’ve ever seen You’ll meet the preacher who punches the main street bully, the constable who loves the teacher, who foolishly falls for the town sport. Sun.Mon.Tues. Apr. 21-22-23 RKO Radio Pictures presents Eddie Fischer, Debbie Raynolds in i BUNDLE OP JOY A merry mix-up of songs, love and laughter. Costarring Adolphe Menjou, Tommy Noonan, with Nita Talbot, Una Merkel, Melville Cooper, Bill Goodwin Howard McNear. Color by technicolor. Relax. eRally enjoy yourself tonight. Go see Eddie and Deb bie together in their first movie. The happiest movie in a hundred years! Matinee Saturday <& Sunday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Saturday admission— Adults 50c; Children under 12, 12c, Free If accompanied by par ent VVedn. and Thur*. Family night, family admitted for two Adult tickets. O’Neill News Mrs. Weston Whitwer and children spent the week of April 7-13 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Larson at Tilden. On Sunday, April 7, they celebrated the 25th anniversary of her sis ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet House. Presbyterian Ladies will hold their rummage sale on April 25 26-27 lj block east of stop light, formerly Llkhorn Flower Shop building. 51c O’Neill callers in Norfolk Fri day were Mrs. Alvin Vorce and Sheryl- Mrs. L. M. Hannon, Mrs. Roy Berner and Susanne, and Mrs. Vernon Carpenter and Mary Sue. Mr and Mrs. K. L. VanVoor his spent Sunday m Albion with Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanVoorhis and son, Kip. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Gundy and son were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Keoley and children of Omaha. They came to get ac quainted with their new grandson. Sunday callers were his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert VanGundy and children and Mrs. Dwayne VanGundy, all of Valentine. Carnival Skating Party, Easter Sunday Night—N'eligh Rink. 5lp Mr. and Mrs. Milton Suiter spent Saturday in Norfolk. Mrs. Harold Voting and Mrs. L. F. Beckenhauer spent Thursday and Friday in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wade, Camille and Steve of Broken Bow will arrive today (Thurs day) to spend Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Young. Mf-. and Mrs; Ward Smith and Jerry spent the weekend in Ak ron, la., visiting relatives and friends. Joe Sobotka, jr„ arrived home Wednesday from the University of South Dakota at Vermillion to spend Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sobot ka, sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Storms spent Sunday in Winner, S.D, visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Weldon Wood returned to Chambers Wednesday evening, April 10, after assisting Mrs. Grover Shaw the forepart of the week. i Edwin Sevcik attended the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Katherine Fisher, In St Paul Monday. She diet! on Saturday. O’Neill Tree Service Insured and Bonded FKEE ESTIMATE C.W. SNOWARDT /> bits. North of Sunset St*. 160-ACRE HOLT CO FARM Including Modern Dwelling to Be Moved BO iflBnHMBMWMHHna i~'y"j)umi'juMmm ■uuiaMHaiMWHMHi I AS WE HAVE DECIDED to quit farming, we have decided to offer the following described real estate and personal property at the Clarence Faulhaber farm, located 1 mile west of the Venus School and /i mile south; OR I 8 miles east of O’Neill Sale Barn and /i mile south; OR 7 miles north of Orchard and 2 miles west, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th Sale to Start at 12:30 P. M. Lunch on Grounds REAL ESTATE 160-ACRE FARM— Includes 80 acres of alfalfa and 80 acres in native pasture: all in high state of production. Land is fenced and crossfenced. Middle Branch creek in pasture is spring fed. Irrigation permit assigned to 80-acre alfalfa tract. Land is rolling and soil Is heavy sandy loam type with natural cover. Good shelterbelt. LEGAL DESCRIPTION— Ey2swV4, Section 12, Township 29N, Range 9, and the W'/iNW'/i, Sec tion 13, Township 29N, Range 9, all in Holt County, Nebr., west of the Sixth P. M. INSPECTION ANYTIME— Your inspection of the premises invited anytime prior to the sale by con tacting the owners, who reside on the place; the auctioneers or the broker. BASEMENT DWELLING— Located on place, comfortable, part ioncd, water system. TERMS & CONDITIONS— Twenty-five percent to be paid on day of sale; balance upon delivery of merchantable deed and abstract. 1956 taxes are paid. MODERN 3-BEDROOM DWELLING (To be sold and to be moved from premises) This dwelling measures 28' x 40’. It is two-story, all modern, insulated. Russeo storm windows, built-in cupboards. The dwelling has been recently modernized and is in very good condition. This dwelling is now located at Middlebranch and is occupied by Richard Faulhaber and is to be moved within 60 days of date of purchase. Inspection anytime. 46 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 46 j,2—1Hereford STOCK COWS with calves at side All cows are of good producing ages. 7—Dairy Bred MILK COWS with calves Six recently fresh; one to freshen soon. 4-Dairy Bred YEARLING HEIFERS Weighing 600-lbs. 22—Hereford STOCK HEIFER CALVES Weighing 450-500 lbs.; good quality 1—Registered HEREFORD BULL George Rowse Breeding; 4-years-old. SADDLE HORSE, 7-YRS.-OLD, WITH FOAL — 250-BUS. OATS 4 50—Austra-White 4A Laying Hens MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT I 1951 Oliver 88 HC Tractor 1944 SC Case Tractor 1951 Four-Row Oliver Cultivator 1951 Four-Row IHC Corn Plant. MM Four-Section Rotary Hoe MM 16-In. Three-Bottom Plow 1954 John Deere Tractor Lister 1950 International Tractor Lister Four-Row International Eli 1949 New Idea Mower Hog Troughs 1953 34-Ton Inter. Pickup with stock rack Registered Brand 8 Ft. Water Tank 1949 Buick Roadmaster 1952 Allis-Cralmers Side Delivery Rake 1952 Alhs-Chalmers Baler 1956 IHC 14-Ft. Hay Rake 1949 Wagon, 8’ x 13’, on Running Gears 1949 Wagon on Rubber 1946 Ford Hammermill 1956 Case Grinder 40-Ft. Endless Belt 1953 Massey-Harris Combine, pull type Hog Self-Feeder Old J-D Manure Spreader Two-Wheel Trailer 3—Feed Bunks Grain Auger and Engine Galloway Elevator, 1951, and 6 hp. engine 1 ractor Chains, nearly new MM 1951 Two-Row Cornpicker Pickup Attachment for 1953 Combine Grain Spreader for 1953 Combine 1,000-Gal. Underground Gas Tank, 5-yrs.-oId, with pump 300-Gal. Overhead Tank, 3-yrs.-old Complete Water System with deep well pump and pipe 100—Cement Blocks Tools—including saw and bench, buzz saw Many other items too numerous to mention ALL ABOVE MACHINERY IN A-l CONDITION — A FINE SET SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS—Including 2 I-in. screen RCA T-V Set and Antennae Cream Separator TERMS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY: STRICTLY CASH Clarence and Richard Faulhaher, Owners COLS. WALLACE O’CONNELL and VERN REYNOLDSON, O’Neill, Auctioneers-Broker BUV WANSER, Page FARMERS STATE BANK, Ewing Ringman Clerk 1 . ’ . * ‘ • • t , •