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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
Hendricks School Ends Term Today One of First to Hold Picnic CELIA—The Hendricks school will be one of the first in Holt county to finish the 1956 - ’57 term. A picnic will be held today (Thursday)—the final day of the school year. Mrs. Emil Colfack is the teacher. Other Celia News Mr and Mrs. Duane Beck and Sheryl and Dorothy Scott took Sunday dinner to the William Maloun home and surprised the Maloun family. Mr, and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen were last Thursday O’Neill vis itors. Mr and Mrs. Adolph Schwartz of Lincoln were Wednesday, Ap ril 10, visitors at the Connie Frickel home. They also visited other relatives and Friday re turned to their home. Buddy Focken and Patty Allen were Saturday overnight and Sunday visitors at the Clarence Focken home. Alex Forsythe was was also a Sunday dinner guest at the Focken home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken and Deborah were Wednesday, April 10, O’Neill visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family spent Sunday at Os mond with the Bob Ceams fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg were Saturday afternoon visitors at the William Maloun home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks were Monday, April 8, visitors at the Omer Poynts home. John Sicheneder, Stanley John son and Frank Sicheneder went to Sioux City Monday, April 8, and, except for Frank, returned nome the same day. Frank re turned two days later. Dale Hopkins and three friends of Omaha were Saturday over night guests at the home of his uncle, James Lauridsen. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauridsen and Karen were Tuesday, April 9, dinner guests at the Hans Lauridsen home. The Missionary circle met last Thursday afternoon at the George Mintle home with Mrs. Duane Mintle as hostess. Mr and Mrs. John Sicheneder and Gail and Stanley Johnson were last Thursday evening vis itors at the Connie Frickel home. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and Alex Forsythe were last Thursday afternoon visitors at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Frank Kilmurry was an evening visitor. Reverend Steinkamp of At kinson has been helping the Mark Hendricks family put in a bathroom at the Hendricks home the past week. Clarence Focken did the wiring Monday, April 15. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman a n ri sons, Mr. and Mrs. William Ma loun and Billy enjoyed a turkey supper at the Duane Beck home Friday evening. Stanley Johnson visited his father, J. V. Johnson, Friday, April 5, in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen ; and sons were Wednesday eve ning, April 10, visitors at Butte. Mr. and Mrs. George Mintle and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Duane Mintle home. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and nephew, David Frickel, were Sunday afternoon visitors a t the Joe Hendricks home. O’NEILL LOCALS Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray were Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nelson and Tam of Schuyler. Mr. Nelson was su perintendent of schools at O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin spent the weekend in Sioux City with Miss Genevieve Biglin, Sr. M. Eugene and Miss Nora Me Auliffe. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nutter were her brother and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. Dale Lesher of Ord. Presbyterian Ladies will hold their rummage sale on April 25 | 26-27 Va block east of stop light, formerly Flkhorn Flower Shop I building. 51c Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller were her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dicker son of Fremont. How They Finished i ii hi Tllden_10 7 Neligh 10 6 Atkinson 9 5 2 Ainsworth __8 8 1 Stuart _ 7 15 Wheeler Co._7 8 ! St. Joseph 6 3 4 Inman 5 4 1 > O’Neill 9 7 3 |St. Mary's 6 2 1 j Niobrara 5 3 2 Spencer _5 3 2 Rock County 5 3 ] V< rdigre 4 2 5 Meadow Grove 4 13 6 St. Frances 3 8 1 Valentine 4 9 1 Clearwater 4 10 4 Page __ 3 7 2 Butte . 3 5 3 Elgin 2 7 Ewing 2 4 Orchard 2 Keya Paha 1 3 1 Chambers 1 2 3 Amelia 1 Auxiliary to Plan Youth Entertainment PAGE—Mesdames Otto Mat schullat, Alvin Heese, Elsie Cork and Ethel Waring served refresh ments to 25 members of the Americas Legion auxiliary at the hall Monday, April 8. Mrs. Mel vin Held conducted the business meeting and presented the les son on “Honduras, Central Am erica.” Child Welfare was discus sed. The auxiliary members plan to offer some entertainment for the young people in the near future. The essay written by a member of the Page high school has been sent to be judg ed along with others and a gift will be given to the writer by the local auxiliary for her effort. The door prize was won by Mrs. Edd Stewart, serve the alumni banquet, May Members of the auxiliary will 29. Other Page News Mrs. Belle Mott accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Byrl Baty and family to Spencer Saturday, April 6, where they attended the Elk horn Holiness meeting. Lyle Heiss, Gary Bowen and Miss Brenda Beelaert accom panied Rev. Lisle Mewmaw to Plainview Sunday evening, April 7, where they attended a District Youth Rally. Messrs. Kenneth Heiss, Mer wyn French, jr., and Dale Stauf fer and their wives and Mrs. Lisle Mewmaw attended a subdistrict Young Adult Rally at O’Neill Sunday afternoon, April 7. Public functions will commence one-half hour later, beginning April 1, for evening meetings. Formerly scheduled events for 7:30 will now commence a: 3 o’clock. Mesdames Elmer Trowbridge, Merwyn French sr., Edgar Stauf fer, Harold Kelly accompanied Mrs. Herbert Steinberg to Lin coln where the group attended the WSCS "convention, April 9, 10 and 11. Mrs. Ivan Heiss at tended the Wednesday and Thursday sessions. Mrs. Melvin Lamason and son, James, visited in Sioux City re cently at the Ben and Earl Stev ens and Jerry Lamason homes. Five to Participate in Hastings Tour — LYNCH — The Excello exten sion club met at the north room of Moody’s cafe Monday eve ning, April 8. Thirteen members were present. Mrs. Ray Counts was hostess, and Mrs. Leland Moody presided. Each member answered roll call by dropping 35 cents in a box and the money will be used to help defray expenses of a Boyd county child at a diabetic camp this summer. The music leader, Mrs. Fred King, told about the life of John Howard Paine and how he came to write the song, “Home Sweet Home’’. The members sang, “Easter Bonnet”. The Boyd county tour to Hast ings was discussed and five will plan to take part from the Ex cello club. A tour in Boyd also is planned. The tour, to be held sometime in the near future, will i include several homes. Each member planned an Eas ter costume. Color Harmony Topic of Sunshine Meeting — LYNCH — The Sunshine ex tension club met with Mrs. Ger ald Lee Thursday afternoon, Ap ril 11, with 11 members present. Mrs. Ruth Nikkelson was a vis itor. Mrs. Harold Potter and Mrs. Bill Stouffer presented the first part of the demonstration on color harmony. The county tour was discussed and 35 cents per member was do nated to the county diabetic fund. Frontier 'or printing! Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance O’Neill Nebraska C. E. Jones. Manager „ i | The only fountain pen that fills itself ... by itself! It has no moving parts. The new Parker 61 fills itself in 10 seconds using capillary attraction alone. Further, the surface of the filling unit sheds cleans itself! The Parker 61 is truly a wonderful gift idea! MdNTOSH JEWELRY RANDY STUART “THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN" a I'rtivBrioUnternafional Picture I Up-nr c/xpedatwmA I • You’ll find pert Randy Stuart, co-starring in “The Incredible Shrinking Man,” up to expectations. She’s scrumptious! Up to your expectations, too, is famous Hollywood Special Formula Bread. A secret blend of 16 grain and vege table flours, it’s a real treat to eat... meal after meal, j Baked without shortening, this sensible bread is a must j on the menus of millions of j1 beauty-conscious women. Insist on the genuine. FREE I Hollywood Diot and Calorio Guido. Writo to Kloonor Day, 100 Woit Monroo Stroot, Chicago 3, Illinois. ★ Baked without shortening ■ibe&piHxd -TT- 4 i , , Tv• kinds: j llltW^6©tWM!£MO'MMULO LIGHT and DARK i lakMl McJw«iv«ty FO« YOU by Bakers of — OLD HOME BREAD ■■■■■ Uadat Ltoanaa by National Bakart Sarvices. Inc. Chicago SALE! TELEVISION CLEARANCE! Reg. Sale Price Price 1 — 1957 GE TV... $269 $210 1 — 1957 Dumont TV _ $269 $210 I—1957 Dumont TV _ $239 $205 Also Used 17-inch Sets as low as $59.95 BUY THEM NOW! You’ll Never Buy Quality for Less COMPLETE RADIO & TV SERVICE PINKERMAN’S TV & RADIO SERVICE — O’NEILL — \ . * • • , :• '• • : • .• '• a • • • *. * • •» .« • t » , * * * • # Music Contest Results Results of the district Ne braska high school music con test held here last week fol j low: INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS CLASS I) Baritone Horn III—Ronald Hospodka of Verdi gre. Bass Horn III—Verdigre. Bells Solo I—JoAnn Chalupnik of Verdi gre; II—Lois Morsbaek of Inman Clarinet Solo I—Sally Wintz of Clearwater II— Carolyn Harley of Wheelei County, Earleen Schrunk o Wheeler County, Rod Hughes o Inman; III—Johnny Goldfuss o Page. Coronet Solo I—Kenton Olson of Wheelei county, David Roby of Wheelei county; II—Lyle Heiss of Page III— Harold Heese of Page. Flute Solos III—Shirley Tinsley of Clear water. Clarinet Trio III—Inman. Saxophone Quartette I—Verdigre. Eb Saxophone Sols I—Jane Kay Price of Wheelei county, Carolyn Prokop of Ver digre; II—Bob Ruther of Inman Carol Peterson of Clearwat •: Peggy' Moore of Wheeler county. Bb Saxophone Solos I—Murna Heiss of Page; II — .Lois Sanne of Clearwater. Saxophone Duos I—Clearwater and Inman. Trombone Solos I—Sam Watson of Inman, Mar ilyn Terrill of Page; II—Carolyn Reimers of Inman, Jerry Pavlik of Verdigre. French Horn Solo I—Linda Menuey of Wheeler County, Carmalee Harkins ol Wheeler County. Bb Clarinet Duos I—Clearwater, Inman; II— Clearwater. Clarinet Quortette I—Wheeler County, II—Clear water. INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS CLASS C Bass Horn Solo I—Judy Creamer of Stuart; 11 —James Duchow of Meadow Grove. Clarinet Solos I— Lee Spann of Keya Paha: II_Helen Friedrich of Spencer, Karen VanCleave of Stuart; III— Kathy Larson of Meadow Grove. Cornet Solo II— Dale Hollingsworth of Keya Paha, Janice Meyers of Stuart; HI—Paul Gunter of Ewing. Bb Saxaphone Solo I—Roger Givins of Stuart. Eb Saxaphone Solos I—Brent Kehn of Butte; II— Pat Carney of Niobrara; III— Kathleen Kucher of Meadow Grove, Charlie Zidko of Spencer. Flute Duo HI—Meadow Grove. Trumpet Solo I— Bruce Fredrichs of Spencer John Cumings of Spencer; II— Jim Watson of Butte; III—Helen Sire of Butte. Bb Clarinet Duos III— Meadow Grove. Drum Quartette II— Tilden. Brass Sextette II—Butte. Clarinet Quartette II— Atkinson, Meadow Grove, Tilden, Spencer; III—Keya Paha. Saxaphone Quartette III— Keya Paha, Spencer. Saxophone Trio 1-OIUU1 t. Trombone Solo I— Boyd Bloomonkin of Butte; II— LuNette Weiting of Meadow Grove, Tom Angel of Spencer. GLEE CLUBS - MIXED CHORUS Girls’ Glee—Class D II— Clearwater, Elgin, Verdigre; III— Chambers, St. Joseph (At kinson), Wheeler County. Boys’ Glee—Class D III— St. Joseph (Atkinson), Wheeler County. Mixed Chorus—Class D II—St. Joseph (Atkinson), Page, Elgin. Boys’ Glee—Class C I—Atkinson; II—Tilden, Stuart. Girls’ Glee—Class C I—Atkinson, Meadow Grove; Tilden; II—Niobrara, St. Frances (Randolph), Stuart, Keya Paha; III—Ewing, Butte. Mixed Chorus—('lass C I—Tilden, Atkinson; II—Stuart, St. Frances (Randolph); III— Ewing. Miscellaneous Vocal—Class D I—St. Joseph (Atkinson), Or chard; II—Chambers, Elgin, Clearwater. CLASS D BANDS I—Inman, Orchard; II—Page, Wheeler County,; III—Clearwat er, Verdigre. VOCAL GROUPS—CLASS C Boy’s Low Voice I—Jim Hanson of Atkinson; HI—Dean Garwood of Atkinson. Boy's Medium Voice I—Leon Harvil of Tilden, Ray Turner of Ewing; II—Leon War neke of Tilden. Miscellaneous Vocal I—Tilden; II—Meadow Grove. Boys’ Octette I—Atkinson, Tilden. Boys’ Quartette I—Atkinson; II—Tilden, Stuart. Girl's High Voice I—Audrey Coxbill of Atkinson, ; Doreta Stiarpels, Tilden, Rose ' Mary Gubbels of St, Frances ' (Randolph), Judy Craven of St. ’ Frances (Randolph), Kay Wilson ' j of Meadow Grove; II—Anita Friedel of Stuart, LuNette Weit ! ing. Meadow Grove; III—Judy Schaaf of Atkinson. Girl's Low Voice I—Rachel Weiting of Meadow i Grove; II—Patty Allyn of Stuart, Marv Ann Siebert of Atkinson, Artha Pacha of Atkinson; III— Ann Marie Pobanz of Meadow Grove, Martha Burst of St. Fran ces (Randolph). Girls’ Triple Trio I— Tilden, Spencer; II—Mea dow Grove. Grove. Madrigal II— Atkinson. Mixed Octette II—Stuart, St. Frances (Ran dolph). Mixed Octette—Class D I—St. Joseph (Atkinson) Mixed Quartette—Class I) — I—st. Joseph (Atkinson). INSTRUMENTAL GROUPS Trumpet Quartette—Class D I— Inman. Horn Quartette—Class D II— Clearwater. Eb Horn Solos—Class C I—Lola Larson of Meadow Grove. Coronet duet If—Inman. Trumpet Trio—Class C I—Tilden; II—Stuart. Woodwind—Class C I—Tilden, Spencer. I— Meadow GroVe. Trombone Duo—Class C Trombone Trio—Class C II— Meadow Grove. VOCAL SOLOS AND GROUPS Girl's Medium Voice—Class C I—Judy Marshall of Niobrara, Carol Wells of Butte, Karen Van Tilden, Sandra Shrader of Ewing; Cleave of Stuart, Merna Lang of. II—Joyce Duchow of Meadow Grove, Patty Meier of St. Fran ces (Randolph), Leona Bcrnt ef Stuart, Trudy King of Stuart. Girls’ Quartette—Class C I—Niobrara, Atkinson; II— St. Frances (Randolph). Girls’ Sextette—Class B I*—Tilden, I—Niobrara; II—At kinson, Meadow Grove, Butte, Stuart, Stuart. Girls’ Trio—Class C I—Niobrara, Tilden; II—Mea dow Grove, St. Frances (Ran dolph). SOLOS AND VOCAL GROUPS Boy’s High Voice—Class D | I—Joe Felker of Wheeler coun ty; II—Leslie Bennett of Wheeler i county. Boy’s Low Voice—Class I) I— Robert Mason of Elgin. Boy’s Medium Voice—Class D II— Jesse Felker of Wheeler County; II*—Roland Bouska of St. Joseph (Atkinson), II—Daniel Judge of St. Joseph (Atkinson). , Boys’ Octette—Class D I-St. Joseph’s (Atkinson); Boys’ Quartette—Class I) II*—St. Joseph’s (Atkinson); II—Chambers, Elgin. Girl’s High Voice—Class D I—Janice Hospodka of Verdi gre; II*—Mary Penry of St. Jo seph (Atkinson), Carolyn Arm strong of Elgin; II—Margaret Armstrong of Elgin. Girl’s Low Voice—Class 1) I—Marilyn Terrill of Page; II— Katherine Hoffman of Clearwat er; III—Linda Barret of Clear water. Girl’s Medium Voice—Class D I—Frances Richeson of St. Jo seph (Atkinson); II*—Gladys Mininark of Verdigre; II—Janice Crumly of Page , Carol Harris of Page; II-Sally Wintz of Clear water, Rosalie Wabs of St. Joseph (Atkinson), Judith Hunter of El gin; III*-—Alma Best of Verdigre. Girls’ Octette—Class D I—St. Joseph (Atkinson); III —Clearwater. . Girls’ Sextette—Class D I— St. Joseph (Atkinson); II— Clearwater. Girls’ Quartette—Class D II— Clearwater, Wheeler Coun ty. Girls’ Triple Trio—Class D I—st. Joseph (Atkinson); Il Clear water, Elgin, Wheeler Coun ty, Page. Girls’ Trio—C lass 1) I*—St. Joseph (Atkinson); I—Clearwater, Chambers. BANDS—CLASS C I—Niobrara. Spencer, Stuart, Atkinson; II—Key a Paha, Tilden, Meadow Grove, Butte; III — Ewing. INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS CLASS B Baritone Solo—Class B I—Skeeter Mahler of Neligh Bassoon—Class B I—JoLoy Dannatt of Ainsworth. Alto Clarinet—Class 15 I—Sharon Nelson of O’Neill. Clarinet Solos—Class B I—CeAnn Arbuthnot of St. Mary’s, Joan McClurg of Rock County. Cornet Solo—Class B I—Bill Buckendorf of Rock County. Flute Solo—Class B I—Betty Schultz of O’Neill, Cera Corkle of St. Mary’s, Jackie Arbuthnot of St. Mary’s; I*— Mardy Johnson of O’Neill; II— Barbara Miles of Ainsworth. French Horn Solo—Class B 1+—Marion Moseman of O’Neill. Snare Drum Solo—Class B I— George Haun of Ainsworth. Oboe Solo—Class B II— Jakie Anderson of Ains worth. Trombone Solo—Class B I— Kenneth Fling of Ainsworth; II—Mylan Lorenzen of Neligh. Brass Quartette—Class B If—Valentine, Rock County. Brass Sextette—Class B II— St. Mary’s, Neligh, Ains worth, O’Neill. Clarinet Quartette—Class B I—Rock County; II—Neligh, O’Neill, Valentine. Clarinet Quartette—Class B (4 B Flats) I—Ainsworth, St. Mary’s; II— | Valentine. Drum Quintette—Class B I—Valentine. French Horn Quartette—Class B I—Valentine. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENTALr—CLASS B I—O’Neill, St. Mary’s. Saxaphone Quartette—Class B I—O’Neill; II—St. Mary’s, \/al entine. Trombone Quartette—Class B I—Neligh, Ainsworth. Trumpet Trio—Class B I— Ainsworth, Neligh Woodwind Quintette—Class B II— O’Neill, Ainsworth. Woodwind Trio—Class B I—O’Neill, Ainsworth. W’oodwind Duo—Class B I— St. Mary’s. VOCAL GROUPS Boys' Glee—Class B II— Valentine, O’Neill. Girls’ Glee—Class B I—Neligh; If—St. Mary’s; II— Valentine, Rock County, Ains worth; III—O’Neill. Mixed Chorus—Class B I—Neligh; If—Valentine; II— Ainsworth, O’Neill; III — Rock If—Valentine. BANDS—CLASS B I—Neligh, Ainsworth; II—St. Mary’s, Rock County, Valentine, O’Neill. _ VOCAL SOLOS—CLASS B Boy’s Medium Voice—Class B I—Gene O’Neill, St. Mary’s, George Shoemaker of St. Mary’s. Boys’ Quartette—Class B I—Valentine; II—Neligh. Girls’ Trio—Class B I—Rock County, St. Mary’s, Ne ligh; II—Rock County. Girls’ Triple Trio—Class B I—Rock County, O’Neill. Madrigal Group—Class B I—Valentine. Girls’ High Voice—Class B I*—Janice Vanderheiden of Valentine, Betty Kapperman of Rock County; If—Linda MacKir. lay of O’Neill, Sharon Murray of St. Mary’s; 1—Sharon Hartrotn't of O’Neill, Bonnie Burival of St. Mary’s; II—Carolyn Hairy of Valentine. Girls’ Low Voice—Class B I—Rita Jilg of St. Mary’s, Brenda Cole of O’Neill; II—Judy Tilton of Neligh; Connie Krohn - • •*% * * , j of Neligh, Connie Heelan of St. I Mary’s. (■iris' Medium Voice—Class B I—Liane Gillespie of Nellgh, Mary Ann Hoffman of St. Mary’s; II—Eunice VanHom of St. Mary’s; III—Peggy Wrage of Val entine. Karen Hartronft of O’ Neill, Cathleen Brady of O'Neill. Girls’ Octette—Class B I—St. Mary’s. Girls’ Sextette—Class B — I—Ainsworth, St. Mary’s, Miscellaneous Vocal—Class B I—Valentine. St. Mary’s. *—denotes plus t—denotes minus. To Arrive Friday— Arriving Friday foi the music contest were Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Blattert of Stanton. They are Duane Miller’s parents. KEEP THIS AD! Over 20,000 Arthritic and Rheumatic Sufferers have taken this Medicine since it has been on the market. It is inexpensive, an be taken in the home. For Free infor mation. give name and ad dress to 1’. O. Box 1012, Hot Springs, Arkansas. 49-f>2 i ATTENTION! Farmers and Ranchers SEEP! SEED! SEEP! Complete Line of Farm Seeds BROME - SAND LOVE - ALFALFA BASSETT SEED CO. Phone: ED REZAC, Atkinson, 8741 FERTILIZER LINCOLN PELLET ALSO SPENCER AM. NITRATE GRISWOLD’S GROCOATED SEEDS PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW! West Lumber & Coal Co. The Home of Sherwin-Williams Paints PHONE 7 — PAGE. NEBR. Mom . . . Dad . . . Sister . . . Brother . . . pet everybody Easter-outfitted in a fast, convenient, non-stop visit to Penney’s . . . the family store! If it’s Style... if it’s Quality... You’ll find it at Penney’s for less! gl . ' V. Penney s Easter Hats 2.98 3.98 Why pay a fortune for your Faster bonnet when you can have the newest of new at this tiny Tenney price! Deep on the head silhouettes, plus all the other important styles to give you the hat most flattering to your face. m ■ • - v Ik ' # >7 Quality Adonnas Acetate-T ricots 59c Proportioned to fit your hips . . . silky soft acetate tricots sleek neath spring sheaths, summer shorts. . . Comfy band leg! Machine washable in lukewarm water! better double-loop Glamour Gaymodes pair Proportioned nylons give you the most of everythin* at Penney’s lowest-possible price! Double-loop for long er wear (2 threads where there used to be 1). Dark, plain screens. Sizes 81/2 to 11