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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
^Thursday - Friday - Saturday pEE BIG DAYS OF TRIPLE SAVINGS! LOW, LOW PRICES 2. S&H GREEN STAMPS 3. VALUABLE COUPONS its Oi fun and excitement for all! ‘ Jojo” the clown will be back to visit us this weekend. Don’t miss a visit with‘ Jojo”. Tricks, Treats, lots of fun for everyone. F • FRKSII MADE EXPERTLY SEASONED PORK SAUSAGE.„29‘ CUT I ROM TENDER LEAN BOSTON BUTTS PORK ROAST.43c CHOICE CUTS FROM GOOD QUALITY BEEF ROUND STEAK.»' \ ( SWANSON FRESH FROZEN CHICKEN • BEEF . TURKEY MEAT PIES 3 69c I SWIFT’NING GIVES YOU DIGESTIBILITY - -. PLUSI Better Tasting Fried Foods Flakier Pies! Lighter Cakes More Nutritions 79c OUR FAMILY MARSHMALLOW Give Your Easter Ham That Wonderful Delicious flavor With FRENCH'S WHOLE CLOVES w 1% Ox. Pkg. r ’ vl _ - Parted in Spetial 25 and 50 lb. bags of Robin He : - 4®Hbl A Frsek. Crisp PASCAL *ZwTmZ CELERY ‘aSjT BLU-WHITI ■LOSS WHHX TOO If AM 2 S 19* £27* _ - 4 "28* 4 "39* POULTRY, HOG & CATTLE FEEDS VICTOR PIG STARTER, 100-Ib. bag ._ $4.95 VICTOR 40% HOG BALANCER, 1001b. bag ... $5.00 VICTOR COMPLETE HOG, 100-lb*- $3.95 TANKAGE, 100-lb*. - S4.95 M. SCRAPS, 100-lb*. - $5.15 15c CWT. DISCOUNT ON »/2 TON ORDERS 40% RANGE CUBES, ton- $73.00 TOP MARKET FOR TOUR EGGS & POULTRY FOR YOUR EASTER ENJOYMENT BEAUTIFUL BUNDLE OF 25 FOR_ _! SNACK BAR SPECIAL THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY HOT DOG.COFFEE 4 0 ICE CREAM ------ ONLY I VC HOT DOGAND -JO MALTED MILKSLit Grilled Cheese 4 ft SANDWICHES «• I Uv OUR OWN VANILLA mg mg Ice Cream m WITH THIS COUPON . | Golden Valley I ' IMITATION VANILLA | r I | Flavoring , 8-OZ. BTL. _ I I > COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 20TH J I-1 WITH THIS COUPON . , Personal Ivory , : soap \ BAR_ ! i i COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 20TH j OUR FAMILY — CORN-7 303 cans $1.00 OUR FAMILY PINEAPPLE — JUICE-3 46-oz. cans $1.00 3ALLY ANN ROUND ANGEL FOOD — J RR M/ CAKES EA J7* ANGEL FOOD — ^B ^B MT BARS. ...ea ZZ* OUR FAMILY — PLUMS 4 No Vt coos $1.00 OUR FAMILY — GRAPEFRUIT 6 »3 is $i.qq SEED POTATOES DRYLAND — PONTIACS.100 lk$ 1.98 COBBLERS 100-lbs. $2.98 RED — TRIUMPH - 100-lbs. $2.98 ARE YOU IN THE MARKET FOR BABY CHICKS Our price for DAY OLD STRAIGHT RUN CHICKS $12.00 per 100 Chicks Don’t forget, we give 25-LBS VICTOR CHICK STARTER FREE with each 200 chicks bought. Sick & Injured _______ » O’NEILL — George Kelly, 71, of Gravite. Ark., suffered a stroke early Sunday. He is paralyzed on his left side and his speech has been affected Mr. Kelly and his wife moved from O'Neill to Arkansas about 10 years ago. Roxanne Lyons Honeywell. . . Floyd Whitaker daughter of Sgt lc and Mrs. James R LLyons, fell and broke her collarbone Monday . . . John H. McCarville had an infected larnyx the first part of the week Tommy Grooms, son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Grooms, former operators of the Ideal Cleaners, is improving in a Valentine hos pital after receiving a head in jury when a fuel barrel fell on him and a companion . . . John Joseph Gleeson, son of Dr. and Mrs. F M. Gleeson, hs pneumon ia at St. Anthony's hospital . . . Mrs. Alva Mareellus received word that her grandson, Teddy Keeney, had suffered severe cuts on his feet at Bellaire. Tex. EWING—Mrs, Fannie Schiff bauer caught her finger in the wringer of the washing machine Friday. She was taken to Neligh by Mrs. Ed Urban. Mrs. Schiff bauer was hospitalized for a few days . . . Marcus Lee Hobbs, four months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dorrence Hobbs, who was hos pitalied some time ago, and has been seriously ill, is now improv ing. Mrs. Hobbs spends much of her time at thy Antelope Memor ial hospital with her son . . . Mrs. Mary Rotherham, a patient at the Antelope Memorial hospital, re mains about the same. She suf fered a stroke several weeks ago. . . Mrs. John Vander snick has been a patient at the Antelope Memorial hospital. . . Mrs. Alta Myers submitted to a gall stone operation recently at the University hospital in Omaha. Richard Myers of Clearwater, her son, was with her at the time ] of the operation. PAGE—Mrs. James Sorensen was admitted to St. Anthony’s Thursday and submitted to an emergency appendectomy and re moval of gall bladder . . . Mrs. Anna Sorensen has been ill. She i is at the James Sorensen home j. . . Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farnsworth 1 went to Lincoln Sunday where ! they visited his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Malmsten, who are approaching j their 80th birthday. Mr. Malm i sten has a bad heart condition and Mrs. Malmsten is suffering from the effects of a recent fall ;over a rug LYNCH—Rev. Charles Kamber ! spent several days last week in Sacred Heart hospital with a kidney stone attack. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vogt of Naper called on Lynch doctors because of Mr. Vogt’s leg injury. . . Bill Tead tke, who was released from the Lynch hospital Wednesday, April 10, is convalescing at his home west of town. . . Francis, three year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hanslik, underwent sur gery at Our Lady o,f Lourdes hospital in Norfolk last Thurs day. CHAMBERS— Floyd Whitaker was taken to St. Anthony’s hos pital in O’Neill Tuesday, April 16 having suffered a heart attack . . . Clarence Young became suddenly ill Tuesday, April 16, and was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital for medical care. REDBIRD—Mrs. Benny Johiing underwent surgery at Sacred Heart hospital in Lynch Wednes- : day, April 10. Nothing Will Be Changed But The Location We are moving to our new location two blocks south of the stoplight and will be closed Monday and Tuesday. April ' 22nd and April 23rd. and will be open for business as usual Wednesday. April llth. We have enlarg'd and painted the shop, added some new equipment and a separate building for the body shop in line with our policy of giving you “Good Service at a Fair Price.” Ford & Lincoln Sales and Service Lohaus Motor Company I (Watch for our open house at a later date.) * ... EASTER SUNDAY MENU. Open twelve until two — five-thirty until ten Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Minted Fruit Cup Relish Plate ROAST LONG ISIAND DUCKLING With Wilde Rice Stuffing PAN FRIED SPRING CHICKEN YOUNG TOM TURKEY With Pineapple Glaze SWISS STEAK WITH NATURAL GRAVY Choice of Two Whipped Potatoes Fresh Green Peas Parsley Buttered New Potatoes Fresh Asparagus with buttered crumbs Fruit Salad Cole Slaw Assorted Breads Fresh Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream Coffee CHILD S PORTION The TOWN HOUSE iTIGJCHIEWi DRIVE-IN THEATRE OPENS Easter Sunday — April 21 SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY Al'RIL 21-22-23 tie luIa/uftnA I fc VIST AVlUON mi COlO* CaESTE HOLM • JOHN LUND • LOUIS ARMSTRONG •NO HIS BANO ADDED SHORTS WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY APRIL 24-25 FAMILY NIGHT “LAST COMMAND” BIG CAST — SPECIAL BRING ’EM ALL—1 BUCK FRIDAY & SATURDAY APRIL 26-27 DOUBLE FEATURE “Swamp Woman” plus “TwoGunLaily ALL TOUGH WOMEN FREE * 1 I Just Unpack d! j '. LINED j Faille Dusters What a Wonderful Buy! ] i New, Smart Styles! { Most Wanted Colors! ] 1 ^ BLACK — NAVY — BIEGE t I I SIZES 8 to 18 * Regular $10.98 Values ] ! NOW!!! J $8« i-- j i