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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1957)
I FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heav> springers. first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele miles southwest of Clear water. Phone 17 on 12 36-49 I OR SALE: Good used clothing, including girl’s dresses, skirts! jackets, sizes 10-14 Also some children’s toys. — Les- Weber, 709 E Fremont, O’Neill. 43p3S HAM IK Refrigeration ★ Air Conditioning ★ Sales and Service We REPAIR all makes of ap pliances; REA and Com mercial wiring. Phone 714 — O’Neill FOR SALE: 20 head good first ■calf Holstein heifers. Tc freshen within 30 days—Leon ard Wagner, Elgin, phone 2112-F-14. 43-44p75 FOR SALE: 700 bushel of good ear corn; also some baled oat hay—Kenneth Heiss, Page. 43p35 Northwest Electric Motor Service DISTRIBUTOR for Fairbanks - Morse and Wagner. Electric motor rebuilding specialists Motor controls. P ortable tools APPLIANCES — COMMERCIAL AND REA WTRTNH 24 - Hour Service “Service is our motto!” Phone 243-W O’Neill 30ti FOR SALT: 24-ft. used trailer— Dick Tomlinson, O’Neill 43-4(5p FOR STARK FRUIT TREES— apples, peaches, cherry, plum, aLso flowers and shrubs.—-Con tact Albert Kopejtka, Inman, box 23. Stark, founded in 1816, nurseries at Louisville, Mo. With every five units pur chased, you receive an addi tional unit for one cent. 42-43pl.25 FARM MACHINERY 1949 Farmall H 1941 Farmall M 1946 Ford tractor 1952 Super C Utility Demonstrator John Deere Spreader IHC 200 Spreader Dearborn Spreader Twindraulic loader Horn loader Duncan loader Rear scoop for Ford 1940 lii ton Chevrolet 1947 Ford Ford pickup Several Plows SPECIAL—Winch $85 Cream separators APPLIANCES New Whirlpool automatic Washer as low as $158.88. Used Refrigerators Maytag washer New IHC refrigerator close-out $175.00 You can always make a good trade at Shelhamer Equip, Co. Your International Dealer Phone 570 — O’Neill THOENE’S REGISTERED Polled Hereford auction. Bonesteel, S. D., Saturday, March 2, 1:30 p.m 50 bulls, 8 open yearling heifers 41-44) FOR SALE CERTIFIED HYBRID MILO SEED Place orders now to insure de livery. Wm. Krotter Co. West O’Neill Phone 531 FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, coming 2-yrs.-old. and ready for service. These are all good, rugged bulls with goo bone and body and are all sired by Dandy Paladin 2,000-lb. herd bull. — Don Rzeszotarski, 24 miles south west of Emmet. 46pd. USED MACHINERY TRACTORS— 1949 John Deere A Tractor F-20 IHC ‘49 J-D B 2—'42 B J-D. ‘40 B J-D. GRINDERS— J-D 10” hammermill. MOWERS— No. 5 J-D. 50 bu. steel hog feeder, like new. Farmhand heavy duty loader J. D. 780 Lister, near new J. D. 820 Listed Com Cultivator 10-ft. Tractor Disc 12-ft. Ezze Flow Fertilizer Spreader JOHN DEERE CREDIT PLAN Up to 34 Years to Pay Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone M2 — O'Neill • * * f . , Farmers — Ranchers “SAVE” Per Gallon Now on Oils and Grease At All PhilUps “66” Dealers Graham “ee”, O'Neill East End “66”, Atkinson Clark-Matson, Inman Cortney “66”, Lynch Verdel “66”, Verdel Jensen “66”, Midway Shelhammer Oil, O’Neill. 41tf ■>EE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile houses, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone.—Con tois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE: Good yellow corn. Any day except Sunday.— Virgil Hubby, O’Neill. 42-43p60 Used Car Bargains! I 1952 Champ, hardtop. 951 Studebaker Commander 952 Customline Ford 8, tudor. 1950 Dodge. 1952 lVa-T. long wheelbase Ford truck. Smith Motor Co. Studebaker Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: South Side cafe whh living quarters. Doing good business.—Neligh, Nebr. 42-13 pd. ATTENTION, FARMERS and Ranchers: Salt, any kind, $16 and up. Will deliver large or ders to any vicinity. Located 3 blocks east and 4 blocks north of traffic signal. — Phone 524-M, O’Neill. 51tf L. G. Gillespie INSURANCE AGENCY The oldest agency in O’Neill See, write or phone this agency for all your insurance needs. PROMPT service rendered. Of fice 315 So. 1st, Phone 218 or 114. 39tf A-l USED CARS 1954 Chev., 150 series, 2-door, j 1955 Chev., 210 Del Rae, 2-tone paint, radio, heater. 1953 Plymouth, 4 dr. 1951 Chevrolet, 4 dr. 1953 Firedome DeSoto, V-8, 4 dr. 1 1951 Chevrolet, 2-door. 1951 DeSoto, 2 dr, radio, heater, automatic transmission. 1951 Plymouth, 2-dr. 1949 Chevrolet, These ars are al clean inside and out. Reconditioned and ready to go. If in the market for a new car SEE the New Plymouth and DeSoto before you buy. Financing available Hometown Motor Co. Ph. 430, O’Neill FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, 12 to 25 mos. old.—2Vi mi west of Drive In. John Niewohner, O’Neill. 38-44p SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or white us if interested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qual ified irrigation engineers, at no obligation. Wm. Krotter Co. O’NEILL, NEBR. "Dealers in A - M Sprinkler Irrigation” 37 tf - FOR SALE Cars and Trucks New or used, sale or trade, terms Let me help you if you are are in the market. Don Lyons Box 144 Phone 421, O’Neill 33-tfc FOR SALE: V-M 3-speed phono graph changer, like new. List ed for $48.—Call 564-J3 O'Neill. 39tf FOR SALE: Aeromoter wind mills and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes.—John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 23tf DAIRYMEN it is cheaper to raise your own calves. Breed 3 or 4 cows to great bulls for the same cost of one shippci in calf of questionable back ground. — Call 469-J Duane Gray, O’Neill. 42tf. Volunteers Paint at Church— Among those painting at the j Methodist church Friday even ing were Donald Maw, Esty Nel son, Mrs Richard C. Smithson, Louis Wray, Frank Eppenbarh and Mr .and Mrs. Claire Eng dahl. This work is sponsored by the adult fellowship and other volunteer workers. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mashek and daughters of Spencer vis<ted Rosa E. Bowers Tuesday, Feb ruary 12. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Basement house with four rooms and a bath. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. Garden spot with well for watering. — Phone 201-W O'Neill 39tf FOR SALE: Lots 80x140 ft. west of Consumers sub-station. Hen rv Krier, Phone 419J. O’Neill. 443p FOR SALE Improved 520-acre farm in N.E. Holt county. sec. 11-30-14 $35 per acre Quarter section, good pasture, well fenced. 320 Acres, well improved. 2-Bedroom home in Northern heights addition. Abart Company Phone 520 — O’Neil] 48tf FOR SALE: Small 5-room house with cement basement under 2 rooms. Work shop 12 x 20, 2 apple and 2 pear trees, bearing size. Also gooseberries, rhu barb, iris and tulips. Some other flowers. Good location, near church, school and town.— W. B. Lamb, O’Neill. 40-43p 12 Good Nebr. — 2 Ranches For Sale 940 acres all pasture and hay, with dam, springs and shelter belts. 960 acres, hay and pasture and some farming, good wind breaks. EASY TERMS J. F. CONTOIS O’Neill, Nebr. Real Estate Broker Phone 368 FOR SALE: Nearly new 2 bed room home. Full basement. At tached garage. Natural gas. — i Phone 717, O’Neill 42cf FOR SALE: 380 acres 1 Vi mi. east Bassett on hwy. No. 20.— L. A. Litz, Bassett. 43-44p60 WANTED Wick’s Body Shop Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service 219 West Douglas — O’NEILL — L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. Responsible Person MALE OR FEMALE, from this area, wanted to service and collect from automatic vending machines. No selling. Age j not essential. Car, references, i and $600 working capital nec essary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets to $250 monthly. Possi bility full time work- For lo cal interview give full par-: ticulars, phone. Write P. O. Box 7004, Mpls. 11, Minn. 43pl43 WANTED: An experienced wait-' ress.—Slat’s Supper Club, O'- I Neill. 41-43c WAITRESS WANTED—Baber’s a o 40 — WW1V) A »» I ' Salesman Wanted: ! THE NEBRASKA FARMER can use a good full time salesman j selling subscriptions in pro tected territory Good mer chandise premiums and acci dent insurance available as selling aids. Car necessary.; Write Circulation Manager, P. O. Box 511, Lincoln, Nebras ka. 43-44c. ; CARDS of THANKS I WISH to thank all my relatives and friends for their prayers, visits, lovely cards and gifts, during my stay at St. An thony’s Hospital ahd the death of our little daughter, Carroll Jamie. I also want to thank Doctors Wilson and Sucha, the 1 Sisters, and nurses for their comforting words and wonder-j .ful care—MRS. JAMES A BATENHORST. 43c WE WISH to thank all our friends and relatives for mak ing our stay in the hospital so much more pleasant through their cards, letters ana visits. Also thanks to Pastor Pullman for his prayers and visits— Mrs. Donald Hoffman and Bradley Dean. 43p50 I WISH to thank Dr. Brown, the Sisters and staff of St. An thony’s hospital for the won derful care they gave me, and or all the gifts and cards I received while in the hospital, and after I came home. It made me very happy.—NANCY JEANNE BENZE. 43p50 I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for the nice cards and letters I received while I was in Omaha and al so since I came home.— Mrs. Dana Lines. 43p5C MISCELLANEOUS Kellys Plumbing YOUR HEADQUARTERS for plumbing and well supplies, plumbing fixtures, Geneva steel kitchens, water systems, water softeners, septic tanks, root proof sewer pipe, wind mill heads and towers, pump jacks, well points, cylinders and leathers. If it pertains to plumbing or wa ter supply, we have it! Located 5 blocks south of the New Deal Oil Station, O’Neill 43tf 36 Months to Repay on Real Estate LOANS $ 1,000 or less $25.00 to $1,000 ON FURNITURE OR AUTO Made on our regular monthly re payment plan and on a Special plan for farmers. CONFIDENTIAL PERSONAL SERVICE Central Finance C. E. JONES, Mgr, Phone 14 O’Neill 3tfc PDDr fprt a xT\rrv\TT? _as__ fuel. May have wood at my place for sawing and cleaning up wood lot. — Roy Rees, Ewing. 43c ANNOUNCEMENT Architectural designing, planning, estimating and drawing. Robert J. Krotter GRADUATE ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER O’Neill, Nebraska Phone 531 or 285-J AT YOUR SERVICE IN REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE KEITH ABART Phone 209, O’Neill 28tf AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Auctions ED THORIN Farm Sales a Speciality Phone 207 — O’Neill HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator and Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf DANKERT’S^ PROPANE O’NEILL AND CHAMBERS Bulk Gas Deliveries Norge Appliances Gas Pleating Systems Dearborn, Seigler, Coleman, Universal, Hunt SPECIAL ON WASHER & DRYER COMBINATIONS Dankert s Propane 22tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill DON’T LET YOUR ACCOUNTS die of old age. — Call 520, O’ Neill Credit Bureau. 30tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf O. E. (“Oakie’) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill Twins Have Birthday_ Gloria and Glenn Jenkins, twins of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins, celebrated their seventh birthday anniversary Wednesday at a party at their home. Gloria bad four little guests and Glenn ^ad four little guests. - -11 Register Now FOR THE Nebraska Mrs. America Contest At Your Local kansas-nebraska STORE Registration Deadline la March 5, 1957 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished apt,, 4 rooms and bath. Utilities fur nished—Phone 537, O'Neill. 43tf FOR RENT: Modern house, 4 rooms and bath with full base ment.—Joe Jareske. phone 15F13. 42p42 FOR RENT: Partly furn. apt., 3 large rooms and bath. Utilities furnished. — Clarence Strong, O’Neill. 42tf FOR RENT: Furnished and un furnished apts.—A. E. Bowen, phone 515, O’Neill. tf FOR RENT: Sleeping room for working man or woman, pri vate bath, with or without kitchen. Call or see Fri., Sat., or Sun, Ph. 324-W Marie’s Apartment House. 129 E. Clav St. 43-44c ’ FOR RENT: Furnished, heated apartment, 3 rooms plus kitch enette and bath. Close in. — Phone 556-R, O’Neill. 19tf FOR RENT: A garage.—630 E. Adams St., O’Neill. 43p35 FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms. — Phone 537, O’Neill. 10tf frvn _ _ _ * v/ * V 1 llJi S * . II UUVl CIUI OgC.‘“" Contact K. C . Hunt, O'Neill. FOR RENT: House 1 block north of William Krotter Co.—Keith Abart, O’Neill 40tf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom home, gas heat. Close in.—Bob Jonas, Ph. 731, O’Neill. 42p FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment. Close in.—Edna Coyne, Phone 335, O’Neill. 40tf. FOR RENT: Small furnished ‘““S***. Close in. Call D. A. Ba ker, phone 103J, O’Neill. 40tf FOR RENT: Four-room house, modem and clean. — Phona 448-M. 41-42p FOR RENT: 3 room, furnished, modern house.—Phone 653, O’Neill. 43-44c 11-Years-Old Today— Kathy Bosn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bosn, will cele brate her 11th birthday anni versary today (Thursday) at a party at her home. Mrs. A. B. Hubbard of Cham bers and Mrs. C. W. Porter spent Monday in Norfolk. Captain Lamason to Train Troops PAGE—Captain and Mrs. Lynn Lamason, Cheryl and Jerry left Monday for Ft Polk, La., where he will train troops in an armored division. Captain Lamason has been edu cated in every phase of the army engineers work, having spent 12 >2 years with the engineers. Eight and one-half years spent in volunteer service in the Phili pines, Baffin Island. England and Japan. Their children were born in England and the family resided n Japan during Lynn's tenure of service then' Lynn went into the a:my when he was 17-years-old and regis tered at the University of Wyom ing and Blacksberg Tech college in Virginia for schooling. When he became 18 he enlisted in the regular army in the engineer -■o ps. He spent HA years at Ft. Belvoir, Va., where he received! his commission a.s second Lieu lenant. The Lamasons have spent his leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason, and stopped at Sidney to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brownell, and his uncle, Ronnie Brownell, and wife. I-1 FOR SALE: 1954 Chev. Tractor and 1947 22-ft. Trailmobile Grain Trailer IN A-l condition. Tires nearly new. Sell one or both. Bob Vanderheiden j Platte, S. D. Phone DEwey 7-3558 . — Mil • SMA Band Will Present Concert The Si. Mary's academy band will present a spring concert at 3 pin., Sunday, February 24, at the auditorium in the academy. The St. Mary’s band is under the direction of Duane Miller. Out of Army— Roger Kroupa of Verdigre. a nephew of Mrs. E E Gaskill. has been discharged from the army after serving three years, including 30 months in Germany, Italy and Austria He is spend ing some time with his uncle and aunt, the G ask ills. 1 Return'. Home— D C Schaffer met Mrs Sehaf r m Omaha Tuesday evening. She was returning from a visit wi h her sister and family. Mrs. Get i Rector, in Marysville, Wash. KEEP THIS AD! Over 20,000 Arthritic and Hheuma’ie Sufferers have taken this Medicine since It has bet'ii on the market. It in inexpensive, can be taken iti the home For Free infor mation give name and ad dress to P. O. Box 1012, Hot S;> rings, Arkansas, 41-44 Choice Used Cars ALL BARGAINS GIVE US A BID ON THEM! 1951 PONTIAC 8 cylinder, 4-door, auto- J rnatic transmission, radio, heater. , 195 3 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 2-door hard-top, radio, heater, automatic transmission. 1951 MERCURY 4-door, radio, heater, overdrive. 1954 CHEVROLET 2-door Bel Air, con ventional shift, radio, heater. 1952 OLDSMOB1LE 4-door, automatic transmission, radio, heater. 1953 MERCURY 4-door, conventional shift, radio, heater. ! 1946 BUICK 8 Super, 4-door, conven- ■ tional shift, radio, heater. I 948 JEEP full cab. ALL USED CARS LOCAL TRADE-INS THE PAST I TWO WEEKS. Open Evenings — 7 till 9 SATURDAY through MONDAY AS1MUS MERCURY GARAGE West O’Neill ^^PlsBESEQ Greatest Development in Lug Design f/ew Since the Open Center USJIOKUS^GRIP MASTER \yy>&t Sharp Bite. Spearhead Smooth Rolling—with just one look—and you’ll know why it’s the point* on lugs cut cleaner, extra-cushioned padded center. first tire designed to meet the new requirements deeper. of modem higher-horsepower tractors and Wide GriP Put* mor# Ur*9*’ Self-Cleaning. Mud, increased draw-bar pull.. . why it’s sure to *'re *ace on 9round' grabs dirt are shucked out auto save you hours and dollars in the field! more earth. matically. Tough Body. High-tensile cord* secMogether against impacts. HARRY. R. SMITH IMPLS. Phone 562 O’Neill, Nebr. ^__ • . » , • » ' * */•***• * * ’