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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1957)
Miss Patty Judge, Bride-Elect, F eted Miss Patty Judge, daughter of Mrs Jane Judge, was honored Monday evening at a miscellan eous shower at the Gilbert Win e-hell home Hostesses were Helen Winchell and Patricia Mullen. Miss Judge will be married Saturday, March 2 to Wayne Pol lock of Ewing. Mercury 60 Kelow— A/3c Richard Gaskill wrote his parents this week that the temperature in Alaska, where he is stationed with the air force for the past seven months, was 60 degrees below zero. Richard has been in the service a year in January. Mrs George D. Hansen re turned last Thursday from the Gerald Hansens where she had been helping for a month with her grandchildren. __ Money to Loan — on — automobiles TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance O'Neill Nebraska C. E. Jones, Manager INCOME TAX PLAN NOW to use our income tax ser vice. WE SOLICIT your business We will be pleased to assist you—farmers, ranchers, busi nessmen. FLORENCE PONTON Phone 106 — O’Neill Page News The Missionary society of the Wesleyan church met at the home of Mrs. Alma Tegeler for their work meeting Thursday afternon. Mrs J. E. Smith had the devo tional pe.iod. Clothing was mend ed and carpet rags sewed. A cov ered dish lunch w as served. Mrs-! William Neubauer will be the March 14 hostess. Mrs. Kenneth Waring of O’ Neill and Mrs. Grace Houston of Omaha were calling on old friends and neighbors Friday afternoon and looked in on the 4-G’s card club where a number were found. Mrs. Houston spent a good many years in the Middle Branch'com munity and still owns a farm there, farmed by Bud Faulhaver. A suo-distriet missionary rally will be held at the Page Metho dist church Wednesday evening, February 27. Registration will begin at 5:45 with supper served at 6:30. Supper will be served at cost price and will be followed by a training session and an ad dress on Missions. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finley re turned home Friday from Bron son, la., where they visited their son, Jim, and family and with Mrs. Finley';, sister, Mrs. Susie Al exander, and her niece, Mrs. Dorothy Haaske and children. Mrs. Jim Finley and daughter, isholia, accompanied them home and will visit her mother, Mrs. Wauneta Closson of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Hugh Holliday. The Young Adult Sunday school class held their February party at the church parlors Wed nesday evening. Mrs. Frank Beel acrt had the stewardship lesson on “The Christian Use of Mon ey”. Lunch was served. Anyone interested is invited to join the members of the W.S.C.S. in their Wednesday morning “Hour of Prayer” at nine o’clock, each individual observing the hour in her own way, and in her | own home. Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Turner of i Riverside were Wednesday sup- i per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto| Terrill. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kornoekj were hosts to the members of the j Get-Together club and their fam- j ilies for their customary monthly party. At cards Mrs. Kenneth Van Every nnct Verhen Beckwith were the winners of the high score prizes and the low scorers were Mrs. Walter Sojka and Duane It’s Ovi* 40th Anniversary! i And We're Proud 1 of Our Years of Service to Agriculture DEPENDABLE FARM LOANS SINCE 1917 ELKHORN VALLEY National Farm Loan Assn. LYLE I’. niKHKS, Sec.-Treas. O’NEILL Member Federal Land Bank System I -1 <1 Save on these s 1 SPECIALS DURING FEBRUARY Wool Rug and Pad_64*50 Bunk Beds, complete ... 89*50 Studio Couch, tweed cover.SS.50 5-Pc. Chrome Dinette... 59.50 Floor Lamps, 3 way 1 1,95 Table Lamps_4.95 G. E. Steam Irons --- 10.89 j G. E. Automatic Toaster __ 12.89 Baby Beds, complete_39-50 ■ Strollers_ 12-95 Special Discounts on Admiral Ranges, Refrigerators, Freezers & TV Sets Midwest Fwnitare and Appliance Phone 346-J — West O’Neill Saltz. Lunch was served. Mrs. Allan Haynes served a 2:30 dessert luncheon to the mem bers of the Just-A-Mere club Friday afternoon The time was spent informally with fancy work and visiting. Mrs. R. D. Cope* will be the March 1 hostess. Mr. and Mrs Russell Johnon and Mrs Emma Morris returned to their home at Fremont Wednes day after spending a few days here visiting the latters sons, Paul and William Neubauer, and Mrs. Neubauer. Mrs. Frank Cronk was installed as left supporter to the vice grand, Mrs. Leo Neubauer, Tues day evening, when the members of the Rebekah lodge were in session at the I.O.O.F. hall. Mrs. Evelyn Gray was the installing officer. Mrs. Clarence Stevens and Mrs. R. F. Park were hostes ses. Mrs. Alta Finch was hostess to the members of the RNA Ken sington on Wednesday afternoon. Febrary 13. Cards formed the af ternoon's interest. A covered dish lunch followed the routine business meeting. Mrs. Elsie Cork will be the February 27 hostess at the home ot Mrs. Evelyn C.ay Richard Heiss became the own er of the 40 acres of land south of town which he purchased from Mrs. Mark Howard of O'Neill. The Bid-or-Bye bridge club were guests of Mrs. Melvin Car sun on Wednesday' afternoon, Feb ■ uary la, witn Mrs. Jerome Al len a guest. Mrs. Dan Trosliynski had high score and Mrs. Jerry Lamason received the traveling award. Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman will be the February 27 hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Catch and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Catch and son of Alien were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason and Capt. Lynn Lamason and family. Mrs. M. W. Browning of Omaha and Ralph Howard of Orchard were Thursday supper guests of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Holliday. Bob Hill accompanied Mr. and Mrs Merwyn f rench, sr., to Nor folk Friday where they attended u auu cv/ueet vuuuu Mcsdames Evelyn Gray, E. F. Knudsen and Koy Snell ot Page and Mrs. W. W. Waller of O’Neill went to Ewing Saturday after noon where they attended a train ing SOsion of the order of the Eastern Star conducted by Mrs. Marquette Kennedy of Aius W01 til. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snell were Friday visitors in the Ed Eisen nauiq Hurjc- gt Columbus. Dorsey News Mrs. Thomas Miscodes enter tained the Scottville Extension club Monday evening, February 18. Everyone had a nice time, Mrs. Myrtle Pickering and Mrs. Claude Pickering were Spencer callers Wednesday. Mrs. Claude Pickering is coming along nicely sined having had her teeth ex tracted. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady, sr., spent Monday evening in O’Neill with their son’s family, the Lee Brady, jr. and left early Tues day morning, February 12, for Kansas and other points to visit relatives. Mr. Ray Wilson, Mr, Robert Wilson of Verdel were •callers at the Osborn home Sunday. Robert purchased the Model A Ford car Harold had so he could use it on the mail route. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Nelson and family stopped at the Harold Osborn home Sunday on business. Mrs. Mary Wolfe and Miss Liz zie Carson celebrated their 82nd birthday Sunday, February 10, by having friends stop in and see them. Mr. and Mrs. McWhor ter of Fremont spent the day with them and .several friends called in the evening to spend it by talking over old times. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halstead were surprised on their wedding anniversary when several neigh bors and friends stopped to spend the evening with them. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar were VISIIOIS at uic nu.uiu born home Tuesday evening. Lawrence Miles, Ben Miles and Mrs. Leta Miles left Wednesday noon, February 6, for Plainview, where they were taken on to Oma ha so they could meet their re spective planes. Lawrence is going to Albany; Mrs. Leta Miles to Oregon and Ben Miles going to Kimball where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hrbek visited Frida, February 8, at the Willis Butterfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka at tended the John Deere day in O’ Neill, Friday, February 8. The following from this com munity attended the basketball game a Butte February 8: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta, Mr. and Mrs I Albert Carson and Mr. and Mrs Howard Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkermar and Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks were in Omaha Wednesday, Febuary 6 They returned home Friday. Mrs. Guy Hull called at the Os born home Monday, February i [ to see Mrs. Jim Millard and babj | daughter, Linda Marie, who re tuned home fom the hospital Wed nesday, February 6. John Derickson called on Sadi< Derickson Wednesday, Februar; 6. He also stopped at Harold Os born’s to see Mrs. Millard ant the hew baby. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Aim ant Jo Anne visited at the Milo Land : reth home near Page Saturday | February 9. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marstoi of Lincoln visited at the R. B Marston home February 2. Hal Rosenkrans called at th Dorsey postoffice February 8, th last day for the mail to be dis tributed from that office. — Marks 2d Birthday— Little Teddy Kyster, son o j Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kyster, cele brated his second birthday anni versary Friday at a supper. Mi and Mrs William Whited an ! son. Scott, were guests. . I • . • • . Operatic-Dramatic Tenor— Jon Crain Pleases Audience of 700 i D.. ~ 1 . V — *'***•» ” * / Jon Crain, the handsome lead ing tenor of opera, radio and television, was presented here last Thursday evening by the O’Neill Community Concert as sociation. It was the third con cert of the 1956-’57 season Mr. Crain, immediately dis played his powerful tenor voice in the two beautiful arias from “Cavalleria Rusticana”, by Mas cagni. His fine dramatic in terpretation impressed the au dience with his ability to act as well as to sing. In the second and third group ings, this fine young tenor sang in sweet and hushed tones in the lyric, ’The Rose and the Night ingale’’ and in brilliant and full tones to interpret the dramatic aria from "Manon” by Massenet. Mr. Hiebes, Jon Crain’s ac complished accoriipanist, impres sed the audience with the fine technique he displayed in "Noc turne in D Flat Major” by Cho pin, for left hand alone. His superb rendition of the seldom heard "Polonaise in E Minor”, Op. 46. No. 2 by MacDowell, was warmly received by an audience of about seven hundred persons. Mr Crain returned to give his audience more proof of his ring ing power and operatic ability. The artist went on to sing in quiet, beautiful tones as well as dramatic ones—to give his vocal description of “The Sea", "Willo the Whisp”, "Bitterness of Love”, | and "Bird of Wilderness.”. Mr. Crain pleased the audience by singing in lyric tenor, num Crain . . . listeners demanded ed encores. be is from “Brigadoon” by Loewe and "The Mikaado", by Gilber and Sullivan. He concluded with "Song of Norway” by Grieg The receptive audience de manded several encores. Tb artist pleased many tastes b; singing the popular “Shadrack “The Vulture”, the humorou "Kitty O’Toole” and “Trees". Church Notes METHODIST L Chambers-Amelia) Rev. iinrrv S. Meyers, pastor AMELIA: Thursday: Choir session and MYF meeting, both postponed. Friday: WSCS meeting at the church, 1:30 p.m. Sunday: Worship service, i9:3C a.m* Sunday-school, 10:30 am.; adult convocation, O’Neill. Monday and Tuesday: Adult convocation at O’Neill, CHAMBERS: Thursday; WSCS meeting at Ledfta deed residence, 2 p.m.: young adult meeting, 7:30 p. m. Friday: Cub scout anniversary banquet, 7 p.m. , Sunday: Sunday-school, 10 a. 1 m.; worship, 11 am.; adult con I vocation at O’Neill. Monday: Junior choir prac tice, 7 p.m.; senior choir prac tice, 7:30 p.m.; intermediate MYF meeting, 7:30 p.m.. Monday and Tuesday: Adult convocation at O’Neill. ASSEMBLY OK GOD (ONeill) E. Kirschman, pastor Sunday, February 24: Sunday school for all ages, 10 a.m.; wor ship service, 11 am, and Rev. Julius Olson will speak; child ren's service, 7 p.m.; evangelis tic rally, 7:45 p.m., and Rever end Olson will speak. 1 Week-night service, Tuesdays, 8 o’clock. Youth night, Thursday, 7:45 U LlUtlVi BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (RED, Ewing) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor Sunday, February 24: Worship service, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m.; young peoples’ meet ing, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 26: Lenten service, 8 p.m. This is a study class in the meaning of disciple ship for all members and friend. ' of the church. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN Chamber* t Rev. Paul E. Pullman, pastor Sunday, February 24: Sunday i school, i:30 p. m.; worship, 2:3C p. m.; confirmation class 3:45 p m. Voters assembly, brief meetin; following the worship. Sunday school teachers meeting following the worship hour. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O’Neill) Rev. Duane Lauber, pastor Sunday, February 24: Sunday school, 10 a.m ; worship ser vice, 11 a.m.; Wesleyan youth 7:30 p.m.; adult fellowship, 7:3i p.m.; evangelistic service, 8 p.m Thursday, February 21: Pray er service, 8 p.m miiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiliillillllllllll FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill ) Rev. J. Olen Kennell, pastor t Sunday, February 24: Sunday 1 school, 9:45 a.m.; worship service 11 a.m.; Session meeting, 4 p.m. Wednesday, February 27' Jun ; iov high Westminstei fellowship ; 7 u.m.; senior high Westminstei i fellowship, 7 p.m. This is a Bi i ble study hour for nil high school 1 young people; choir practice, f j p.m. j Friday. March 11: Lenten ser vice. This is a study in the j meaning of discipleship for all j members and friends of the church. 1 CHURCH OF CHRIST (O’Neill) Rex James, evangelist Sunday, February 24: Bible school, 10 a.m.; communion and preaching, 11 a. m.; youth meeting, 7 p.m.; evening service, 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, February 27: Bible study 8 p.m We will study from the fourth chapter of Romans. Revivial meetings: March 24 through March 31. Don't fail to at tend this great series. Donald G. Hunt of Ottumwa, la., will be the speaker. ( I NTER UNION (O’Neill) Rev C. P. Turner, pastor Sunday, February 24: Sunday I school, 10 a.m.; preaching ser vice, 11 a.m.; young peoples' 1 meeting, 7:30 p.m.; preaching ser vice following the young peoples’ i meeting. Prayer meeting and missior study will be held in the home - pf Mr. and Mrs. John Dick Wed 1 nesday evening, February 27, at 8 I o’clock. Letters to Editor Stuart, Nebr. ‘ Editor: The Frontier states Dustin post ofice was among the closed post ' offices. Dustin PO is very much oper for business. G. L. OBERMIRE. : 10th Wedding Anniversary Noted— ’ Recent supper guests at th< Paul Woidneck home were Mr and Mrs. Anton Soukup, Mrs Irma Woidneck, Mrs. Rosa E Bowers of O’Neill, Martin Lan ■ gan, Mr .and Mrs. Marion Woid • neck and daughters and Mr. an( , Mrs. Loyal Hull. It was th< I 10th wedding anniversary of Mr . and Mrs. Marion Woidneck. A1 ■ so it was Marion’s birthday an niversary. Cards were played. Pre-Lent Benefit DANCE American Legion Hall 1 O’NEILL, NEBRASKA ■ Sunday Night, March 3rd ; j Sponsored by Friends of St. Mary s Eddie Stan Orchestra Admission: SI.00 Riverside News Birthday dinner guests Sunday at the Richard Napier home hon oring February birthday anniver saries for Susan Dennis and Web | Napier. Other guests were Mrs, Web Napier and Russel. Mr. and Mrs. John Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier, Leroy and Glenda and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harpster and family. . The Kenneth Hill family visited at the Alfred Napier home Sun day evening helping Dennis cele brate his fourth birthday anni versar, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pribnow and Maranna of Cedar Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson ate Sunday dinner at the Walter Woepples home. The dinner was in honor of Walter’s birthday an niversary. The Lynn Frys entertained Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and fam | ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, at a Valentine party Wednesday eve ning, February 13. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Loiquist : I and family, Miss Maxine Tunink and Johnnie Collins, all of Fre mont, visited at the Bill Lofquist home Sunday. They attended the funeral Saturday of Harvey W:ck ersham at Lynch, father of Mrs Lofquist. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Meyers of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Meyers of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Bell Lofquist also attended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Darrol Switzer 1 and family of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Switzer, Jay Butter and • Wendell Switzer family were ■ Sunday dinner guests at the Leo 1 ; Miller home. r The Seek and Share Project j , club met with Mrs. Don Larson 1 s Wednesday afternoon, February 13. Mrs. Alfred Napier helped ! with the lunch. The Jolly Workers club had an all-day meeting Thursday with Ms. Robert McDaniels. Each member brought a covered dish for the noon meal. At the busi ness moetinir. Mrs. .Tnr« Siurbatim was elected president and Mrs. j Lyle Switzer secretary and treas urer for tiie coming year. The | tilth will meet with Mrs. George Montgomery in March. j Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry,: Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and .ismuy caned on Kitty Fry Wed-^ nesday, February 13, wishing her a happy birthday. Ice cream and j cake were served later in the eve-' ning. Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery and family were guests recently at the Wayne Fry home. J Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgom ery and Roberta were Sunday, February 10 guests at the Milford Wehenkel home in Neligh. Father Kamber Speaks to Society LYNCH — The Assumption BVM Altar society members met I at the Don Allen home Thursday - afternoon, February 7. Twenty members and Rev. Charles Kam ber were present. Adoption of by I laws was tabled for the next meet- \ | ing. A card party is being planned | for February 2$ and everyone is cordially invited. | The serving of the alumni ban- i : quet was discussed. Mrs. Grace Edson was a visitor. Father Kam j ber gave a lecture on the duties j of Catholics to people in need and to people who are strangers. Mrs. Frank Weeder and Mrs. j Thomas Courtney served lunch. Try Frontier want ads! i WAS A SAD LOOKING TIE UNTIL... 'I SANITONE Dry Cleaned Me! Restoring the gayety and good looks of newness to sadly soiled neckties is a specialty of ours. Once you see what a fine job our Sanitone Dry Cleaning does on neck ties, you’ll demand it for all your clothes. Try it on your ties and then decide. Call us today. I FREE PLASTIC BAG WITH EACH ORDER IDEAL CLEANERS George and Gloria Morlang FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY O’Neill — Phone 775W |i ---- Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden returned home Saturday from a vacation trip through the south. Mr. and Mrs R. G. Rockey left Saturday for their new home in California. Mr and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde. M s. Ralph Eacker, her daugh ter. Mrs. Gene Ruby and Mrs. Jes sie Angus were shopping in Ne Ligh on Saturday. Raymond Urban and Mrs. Joe Sinkule returned to Omaha on Sunday after visiting at the rome of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban and other friends and relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle and family were Saturday evening evening guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ed Urban. Mr. and Mrs. John Schiffbauer and family of Norfolk accompa nied by their f iends, Mr. and Mrs. William Rochmuth, also of Norfolk, spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hobbs and family. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Eva Kaczor were her son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaczor. and son, Steven, of Omaha, Other guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Kaczor and family, of Ewing. Mrs John Archer entertained her pinochle club at her home on Thursday evening Guests were Mrs. Grace Briggs and Mrs. Earl Billing*. Winner bf high score was Mr*. Anna Miller. Other prize winners were Mrs. Leo V'ander snick and Mrs. Leo Hintz. Re freshmen ts were served by Vie hostess after the game*. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bollwitt and family of Neligh wore guest* at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ed Urban. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kaezor had as their guests on Sunday Mr and Mrs. Andrew Mueller of Clearwater. Norfolk shoppers on Friday were Mr. and Mns. Ben Larsem ! who were accompanied by Mrs J. L. Pruden and Mrs. Mac Pni < den of Clearwater. Entertained at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen on Sunday were James Clinch and Mrs. Minnie Baer, both of Creigh ton and Mr*. Mae Pruden of Clearwater, who was also an overnight guest at the Larsen home, Sunday night. Mrs. Agnes Bartak is spending a few days at the home of her j daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Bennett and family at Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fink, Mi { and Mrs. Eldon Fink and family | of Fremont were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mr*, li lt. liar is and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McDonald wore recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mr Merle Angus of Lin coin ' Mrs. Clifford Potter went to Sioux City by bus on Monday for a physical check-up at the or ! thepetic hospital. She returned home on Tuesday. - - --*. Ward Tax Service \milting, Bookkeeping and Tax Returns BE MORGAN WARD GOLDEN ANNEX S ACCOUNTANT O’NEILL, NEBR. jj| Specializing— Federal Income Tax — Estate and % Gift 1 axes M Good Tax Service Doesn’t Cost, H . . IT PAYS! Wt r~ ■■ k. HAMILTON I WASHER and DRYER I Buy the Pair and Save 140.00 I 529.90 FOR 389.90 1 Limited Time Offer I Midwest Furniture & I APPLIANCE } Phone 346-J — West O’Neill 1 3 FREE DELIVERY — CONVENIENT TERMS Jtf A Complete Dispersion AT AUCTION of the CHARLEY W. PETERSON m Fnders Lake Ranch Herd 1,100 Head High Grade Hereford Breeding Cows Sale will be held at the ranch located 24 miles southwest of AINSWORTH, NEBRASKA on the Ainsworth to Halse^ road. Easily accessible to highways No. 7 — No. 2 — No. 20 No. 30 and No. 183 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Starting at 12 o’clock Noon 1 1,070 Big Roomy Breeding Cows 35 Registered Hereford Bulls Not one single cow Is reserved. . every one sells. I have lost my summer pasture leases and am forced to sell out. Cows are running ages from three years old and up— 95% of them are our own production. No. dwarfism. For color, quality and breeding, they rate the best. Bred to reg istered Hereford bulls, many of them already have calves at foot. Others will calve through March and April. The 35 Registered Bulls to which they are bred will al so be sold. Cows will be sorted in uniform lots and num bers to accomodate all buyers. Cattle will be fed and cared for until loaded out. Free Coffee and Doughnuts will be served TERMS: CASH CHARLEY W. PETERSON, Owner ATKINSON, NEBRASKA Ernie Weller Associates of Atkinson, Nebr will conduct the auction. For further information, write them or Phone Atkinson 5141 Daytime or 613 Evenings