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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1957)
Club Members, bamilies Witness Showing of bilms ROC K. FALLS—The Pleasant Day club met at the home of Mrs Lyle Vequist on Wednes day, February 13. Fbur members were absent and there were two visitors, Mis- Evalyn Sterns and Mrs. Don Hynes. Tlie group voted to donate $3 to the near- fund and plans we.e made for a meeting at the Floyd Johnson home on Tuesday, Feb- j ruary 19, when the Eagle Creek 4-H club and families and the Pleasant Day club and families would be entertained by the county agen showing some in teresting film The next club meeting will be with Mrs. Henry Vequist on March 12 os 14 Otbe Hock Falls Newt The Eagle Creek 4-H club met at the Fred Ernst home on Sun day, February 17. Mr. and Mrs. Art O’Neill and Gene were visi tors. Besides the business meeting, ! they made plans to attend the meeting at the Floyd Johnson home on Tuesday night, when; they were to be entertained by the county agent. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harrison of Ainsworth were afternoon visitors at the Floyd Johnson home on Tuesday, February 12. Rita Vequist and Norma Widt feldt attended the 4-H speaking contest in O'Neill on Saturday forenoon. Rita won a red ribbon for her efforts. mi . dnu mis. DidAt' ojiu Stanley went to Fremont Friday, where they attended the funeral of a friend and former O’Neill res ident, Mrs. Loren Nelson. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson and Stanley and Mi’s. Minnie O’Neill attended a | supper at the Hugh Benson home in Spencer in honor of their son, Timmy on his birthday anniver- ; sary Mr, and Mrs, Lowell Johnson ; and son, Holland were visitors at tire Floyd Johnson home Tuesday, February 13 Mr. and Mrs. Ld Sterns were Friday evening visitors at the Al bert Sterns home. Mr. and Mrs. William Claussen returned Fi iday from a five weeks vacation trip to California. Need less to say they had a nice trip, but were glad to get back to Ne braska and home. I)R. II. D GII-DERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBK. Phone 167 Office Hours: 9-5 Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted Monday thru Saturday k ... ... Mr. and Mrs William Claussen spent Sunday at the home of his stater, Mrs. Mary Lewis. Mike and Gene Sterns spent Sun day afternoon at the Don Sterns home. Akien Bretner had dinner and spent the day Friday at the home of ins sister, Mrs. Floyd Johnson, and family. Mr. and Mrs, John Schultz and LK-bbie called at the Hugh Langan home on Saturday, February 11. M^. Lou Brown, Terry and Cin dy, Pat Gallagher and Linda Johnson were evening visitors of i Mrs. John Schultz and girls on Tuesday, February 12, while the i men attended a party elsewhere. J Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and j Lynda were Sunday dinner guests i at the Austin Hynes home in O’ Neill. Sunday dinner guests of the Blake Benson family included the Hugh Benson family and Mr. and Mrs. Ell win Benson and Chris and Constance Couch, all of Spencer, and Mrs. Art O’Neill and son Gene. Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz, Gwenda, Trudy and Debbie and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson were Sunday dinner guests of the Jake ■ Braun family. Mr. and Mrs. Ted ■ Braun and children were after- ■ noon and supper guests. Vernon I Anderson of Atkinson was also R a guest there. 5 The Lyle Vequist family spent jg Wednesday, February 13, with the Henry Vequists. John Richa.dson was an evening visitor at the Lyle Vequist home last Thursday. After attending the basketball games in O’Neill E’riday evening, j Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and | children, Mr. and Mrs. Art O'Neill and Mr- and Mrs. James McNulty j retired to the E’rancis Curran ! home for a pleasant evening. Airline Hostess Visits O Neill Miss Bernadette Hynes, daugh ter of Mrs. Leona Hynes, arrived home Wednesday, February 13, from New York where she is an airline hostess with TWA. Miss Hynes, who has had this position for 1 Vz years, makes most of her runs from New York to Kansas City or St. Louis, Mo. Oc casionally, she goes to Oklahoma City, Okla., Chicago, 111., or Los Angeles Calif. One of ttie most interesting phases of her position is meeting people who know people she knows. Her latest was a man who j knows Edward Campbell, jr., now I of Green Bay, Wise, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell of O’Neill. Knight Family ! Holds Reunion— A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fora Knight. Weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Knight of Sterling, Colo. Sunday guests were Mr. and J Mrs. Lewis Bartos and children I and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Knight and children of Norfolk. Their' other daughter, Mrs. Ted Loukota and two children of North Platte, ! had spent the past week with the Knights while Mr. Loutka was in Oklahoma for schooling. Visits Here— Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wrehe were 1 Valentine evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Halva. . » ■— 1 Frank Suchy’s Holt County I improved I HALF-SECTION f and Personal Property SELLS AT AUCTION Monday, March 4,1P. M, On premises 3 miles west of Chambers, Nebr. then 4M> miles south to the place. THE REAL ESTATE UNIT I: 160 Acres of good wet hay meadow, legally known as the Wtj of the WV£ of Sec. 14, Township 25 North, Range 13 West of the 6th P.M. UNIT 2: The improved 160 acres has approximately 150 acres in pasture, 5 acres of farm ground and 5 acres in buildings and lots. This is legally known as the EVi of the EV, of Section 5, Township 25 North, Range 13 West of the 6th P. M. NOTE: THE TWO UMTS WELL RE OFFERED TOGETHER AND SEPARATELY AND SOLD WHICH EVER WAY IS PRODUCTIVE OF THE HIGHEST RID. The land is all well fenced with a cross fence in the pas ture. It is watered by 3 wells; there are lots of trees which provide shade in the pasture as well as good protection at the improvements. Buildings include fine six-room house with three bed rooms, living room, kitchen and room for bathroom, (in cludes bath fixtures). Floors are oak, kitchen has inlaid tile over hardwood. This is truly a well constructed and com fortable home, it must be seen to appreciate. Two garages, cattle shed, wash house, 2 brooder houses, barn under con struction 24 by 40 ft. House is wired for REA. POSSESSION: Possession will be given April 1st, 1957 or before. TERMS: 25% down payment day of sale, balance April 1, 1957 when possession will be given and deed delivered. For an inspection of the premises contact Mike Shonka, Bur well. or Ron Shonka, Atkinson. Real Estate Brokers. 40 — HEAD OF CATTLE — 40 20 Head of Hereford and Shorthorn stock cows, 10 steer and heifer calfes, 10 yearling Hereford heifers. MACHINERY John Deer Model A Tractor on rubber, JD lister, 2 row weeder, buzz saw, wagon, house mower, stacner and buck, harrow, scraper, posts and miscellaneous articles. TERMS ON PERSONAL. PROPERTY: CASH. No arti cles to be romoved unitl settled or. Lunch will be served. FRANK & JANET SUCHY, Owners Ernie Weller & Dean Fleming, Auctioneers, Atkinson, Nebr. Mike Shonka, Burwell, Ron Shonka, Atkinson, (This Ad Will Appear But Once. Clip Out and Save.) Real Estate Brokers — ■ ■ II —. —————— ... ™ — ■■■■■■■ _I 800-ACRE GRAIN AND STOCK RANCH ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY FINE HERD OF REGISTERED ABERDEEN-ANGUS CATTLE Located 8 miles east of the northeast corner of Atkinson, Nebr., on good county gravelled road; OR 4 miles north and I mile west of Emmet, Nebr., sale to be held on premises, on — WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th (In event of bad weather, sale will be postponed until Friday. March 8) Sale Starts at 12 O’clock Noon Lunch to Be Served on Grounds Terms of Sab 1 This place will be sold in one I or two units, which ever method I brings the most money. 300 Acres —Hard grass pasture 135 Acres—Alfalfa 345 Acres—Under cultivation BALANCE—Improvements, shel ter, feed lots, etc., described p elsewhere on this bill. Twenty-five percent down payment to be fira made on day of sale; balance upon completion Ui of legal documents. A portion of the unpaid bal- Gk ance may be carried by present owner to respon- nH sible party if arrangements are made before sale date. Possession within 30 days. S Legal Description I South Half of Section 27; North Half and B Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 30. B Range 13, Holt County, Nebr. B Panoramic View of Improvements (camera looking: northwest) UNIT NUMBFR I The home plaee, consisting of three quarters in Sec tion 34, has a nine-room completely modern house with built-in cabinets and kitchen sink, a bathroom, automatic gas heat throughout. Barn, 48” x 62”, with full hay mow and two built-in grain bins. Combination corn crib and granary, 30” x 62”, with 10-ft. driveway. New concrete block and stucco chicken house. 16” x 48”. Ilog house, 24” x 50”, with two built-in grain bins; wired for lights and heat. Machine shed and shop. 24" x 60”, wired with 220 volts for electric welder. New two-car garage, 24” x 28”, concrete block and stucco, with modern overhead doors. Four fine wells, three windmills and one electric pump on place, providing an abundance of water. Approximately 75 acres have been seeded to rye anti the rye looks very good. UNIT NUMBER 2 320 acres in section 27. Four-room house wired. Cement storm and fruit cellar. itarn, 32' x 34", with stanchions, huilt-in grain bins J and hay mow. Hog house. 20" x 32”, with built-in grain bin. Corn crib and granary combination, 24" x 24". Abundance of water furnished by two wells. , Both units are well fenced and cross-fenced; there are large hog pastures and feed lots; there is plenty of shade and shelter. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, in its preliminary ^ proposal for the O'Neill Irrigation Unit, has indicated that approximately 450 acres of this ranch is in the top classifi cation for irrigable lands in this O’Neill Unit. Property is located 1% miles from modem rural school on all-weather county road. RFD and telephone. It is our honest opinion that this combined unit as now developed, with average rainfall, will carry one hundred head of stock cows. Complete Line of New and Hear-New FARM AND RANCH MACHINERY ALL IN EXCELLENT, A-l CONDITION 1951 MODEL INTERNATIONAL M DIESEL TRACTOR New hydraulic pump and rebuilt transmission; equipped Reiser overdrive; new paint; tractor in excellent condition MODEL II JOHN DEERE TRACTOR heavy duty hydraulic pump and pow er take-off, equipped w ith seat, steering gear controls for re verse driving for hay sweep. Mechanically perfect, new paint. F-20 INTERNATIONAL FAKMALL Very good cond.; excellent rubber. 2-ROW J-D TRACTOR CULTIVATOR for Model B 2-ROW IRC CULTIVATOR for IRC M or MR or II 2-ROW IRC GO-DEVIL Power lift. New in June. M-M 2-ROW LISTER on rubber MODEL LL J-D VAN BRUNT 12-ft. grain drill on rubber with power lift, grass seed attachment, l-yr.-old CASE A6 COMBINE With Wisconsin mounted engine and pickup attachment; always shedded; like-new condition. IRC WINDROWER 15-ft. 3-yrs.-old, like new 12-FT. EZEE-FLOW FERTILIZER SPRE ADER, like , new 10-FT. KRAUSE ONE-WAY Pull type, hydraulic lift, excellent condition. GI 2-ROW CORN PICKER 34-FT. MULKEY ELEVATOR Heavy duty, grain and baled hay, complete with 8-ft. drag, hood, and spout, and motor mount. 6-hp. Briggs and Stratton engine will be offered separately. Elevator 2 years-old. M-M THREE 14-IN. BOTTOM PLOW On rubber; excellent condition. IHC MANURE SPREADER Very good; four-wheel. THREE-SECTION HARROW IHC MANURE LOADER For M or II tractor. J-D 2-ROW' CORN PLANTER With check attachment. ELECTRIC PUMP JACK ALMOST NEW 8-FT. ROUND TANK HEAV Y DUTY HOG AND CATTLE LOADING CHUTE STEEL CALF PEN 85-BU. WOOD PIG SELF-FEEDER Excellent condition CALF CREEP FEEDER, new, all-steel. NEW STEEL PIG CREEP FEEDER 30-BU. STEEL ALL-WEATHER HOG SELF-FEEDER 4-WHEEL TRAILER GEARS with 600x16 tires under a new 6x10 grain box. 300-GAL. OVERHEAD FUEL TANK On stand. 2—50 - GAL. FUEL BARRELS with connecting pipe and outlet valve. PORTABLE AIR COMPRESSOR Tank and engine will pump to 125-lbs. Haying Machinery IIIC 7-FT. POWER MOWER For M or H tractor. 7-FT. NO. !) IIIC TRAIL MOWER For M or II tractor. IIIC TRAIL MOWER DRAWBAR NEAR NEW 14-ft. IIIC MC CORMICK HAY RAKE 12-FT. SWEEP HEAD FOR MODEL B TRACTOR, described above. OVERSHOT HAY STACKER Fair condition. 10-FT. SIDE DELIVERY RAKE Massey Harris CASE PICK-UP BALER Hand tie, old but very good condition HEAVY DUTY II BEAM UNDERSLUNG Dual 10 x 20 tires in rear. KRAMER-BUILT CENTER PULL IIAY WINCH for IIIC M tractor APPROXIMATELY 75-FT. 5/8 In. CABLE, less than a year old BLACKSMITH’S ANVIL Heavy Duty HEAVY DUTY VICE 1-PR 36-IN. WELL PIPE TONGS HAMMERS, CHISELS, WRENCHES, SAWS, SPADES, FORKS, SCOOPS, POST-HOLE DIGGER, S II O V - ELS, HAMMERS, CHISELS, Etc. WESTINGHOUSE 180-AMP. ELECTRIC WELDER BELTS—Including one 50-ft., 6-in. GOLDENROD FENCE STRETCHER MANY, MANY OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION Front view of modern, nine-room dwelling (camera looking south). HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES 2 RANGES—One good Home Comfort; one Coronado enamel; also Monarch near-new elec-, coal-wood comb ROUND OAK DINING TABLE KITCHEN STEEL TABLE, enameled hip. MONT-WARD 400, ELEC. CREAM SEPARATOR, 3-yrs.-old and perfect condition. BEDS — INNERSPRING MATTRESSES — NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES. CHICKENS 200 White Leghorn Pullets HAY—Approximately 25 ton hay and 25 ton alfalfa CORN—Approximately 1,500 bushel Elar Corn ALFALP'A SEED—Approximately 20 bushel Ladak Alfalfa sows ~~ I 5 Brood Sows, Montana No. 1, heavy with pig 8 Sows, Hampshire Bred to Montana No. 1. CUTTLE THIS IS ONE OF THE FINEST HERDS IN HOLT COUNTY * 80 - HEAD OF ABERDEEN ANGUS - 80 55-COWS and 3-yr.-old HEIFERS XTo" i 2—Registered BULLS OF TOP BANDOLIER BREEDING I 4-Milk COWS TWO JUST FRESH; BALANCE YEARLINGS | TERMS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY: STRICTLY CASH. No property to he removed until settled for. Mr. & Mrs- John A- Tenfoorcr owners COL. WALLACE O’CONNELL, O’Neill. Auctioneer KEITH ABART, O’Neill. Clerk COL. VERN REYNOLDSON, O’Neill. Auct. Real Estate Broker I