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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1957)
Legal Notices (First pub. Feb 7, 1957) John R Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4166 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, JANUARY 31. 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN P PRIBIL, DECEASED CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is May 23, 1957, and for the payment of debts is January 31, 1958 and that on February 28, 1957, and on May 29. 1957, at 10 o'clock A M„ each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and and objections duly filed. LOUIS W REIMER, County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 41-43 (First pub. Feb. 7, 1957) Julius D Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4165 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 31, 1957. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CONSTANCE F BIGUN, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is May 28. 1957, and for the payment of debts is January 31, 1958 and that on February 28, 1957, and Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O NEILL, NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds on May 29, 1957; at 10 o’clock A. M. each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W REIMER, County Judge COUNTY COURT SEAL) 41-43c 1 First pub Feb. 7, 1957) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Estate No. 4128 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NF.RRASKA ESTATE OF MARY VVFHR STEIN, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determina tion of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, dis tribution of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on February 27, 1957, at 10 o’clock, A M LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 41-43c Leon Urban with Ak-Ak Unit Army Pfc. Leon U. Urban, son of H. E. Urban, 727 East Grant st., is a member of the 865th anti - aircraft artillery missle bat talion’s battery B, at Plava Del Rey, Calif. Urban, a 1955 graduate of In man high school, entered the ar my in April of that year and was last stationed at Ft. Gordon, Ga. Returns from Mi**ouii Mrs. John Melvin returned last week from St. Louis, Mo., where she had visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shelton, and two children for two months. She also was enabled to visit her nephew. Rev. Eugene F. Gallagher, S.J.. at the Shel ton home. Notice To Taxpayers Assessing date for personal property, except licensed motor vehicles is March I. Motor vehicles, trailers and trailer houses that are not licensed, shall be assessed as personal property on the indivi dual .schedules March 1. Household goods and farm mach inery must be valued according to the depreciation guide, furnished by the precinct assessor. Anyone who refuses or lists property falsely or does not 4 have schedule in on time are subject to penalties provided 1 for by law. Individual schedules can be obtained from any precinct assessor or at the County Assessor’s office. Business schedules will be mailed to business places. Precinct Assessors will start to work March 1. Precinct assessors are: ANTELOPE AND IOVVA Roger Bowen ATKINSON PRECINCT AND VILLAGE C. W. Kirkland, at Fire Hall in Atkinson BELLE AND ROCK FALLS Levi Hull * CHAMBERS PRECINCT AND VILLAGE, CONLEV, SWAN. JOSIE AND WYOMING PRECINCTS Raymond Bly, at Ncwhouse Sundries in Chambers i CLEVELAND AND DUSTIN PRECINCTS Charles Mulford J COLEMAN R. J. Rohde DELOIT jjj Albert Latzel i EWING PRECINCT AND VILLAGE AND GOLDEN PRECINCT Archie Tuttle, at Gamble Store in Ewing EMMET PRECINCT AND VILLAGE Paul Newton at Emmet Hay Co FAIRVIEW PRECINCT Harold Gilman FRANCIS PRECINCT Ernie Gotschall GREEN VALLEY PRECINCT j Robert LeMunyan HOLT CREEK Earl E. Dickau INMAN PRECINCT AND VILLAGE Vernon Davis at Watson Hay Co. LAKE AND McCLURE PRECINCT Omer McClenahan PADDOCK PRECINCT George Mellor PLEASANT VIEW PRECINCT Joe Wagman SAND CREEK PRECINCT Robert Doming SARATOGA PRECINCT \ Ralph S. Coburn * SCOTT PRECINCT Howard Wells SHAMROCK PRECINCT Robert Strong SHERIDAN PRECINCT Charles Kubart SHIELDS PRECINCT Francis Sullivan STEEL CREEK C. L. Brady STUART PRECINCT AND VILLAGE A. Max Karo, at Fire Hall VERDIGRIS PRECINCT AND PAGE VILLAGE R. G. Gray, at Bank WILLOWDALE PRECINCT Bob Tomlinson GRATTON PRECINCT Marvin Clouse O'NEILL ? Ed Quinn, at Court House at Court House Please cooperate with the Precinct Assessors by having an inventory of your property for the assessor and getting your assessing done as soon as possible. This will save both time and money. The law places the responsibility on the taxpayer, to get your assessing done. THIS AD WILL ONLY RUN ONCE. Please clip for future reference. W. F. WEFSO Holt County Assessor , . • • ‘ t t*. Celia News Charles Chaffin was a Sunday | evening supper guest at the 1 Joe Hendricks home. Mrs. Hans Lauridsen, Mrs. Connie Frickel, Mrs. Mark Hen : tricks. Mr.- Milton McKathnie and i Mrs. E. W Samms of Wichita, Karts, were guests at a "D.sappear ! ulg Tea” for the March of Dimes at the O A. Hamme-berg home j Friday afternoon. I Mrs. E. W. Samms and children spent Monday and Tuesday at the j William Maloun home. Mr and Mrs Joe Hendricks and ! family were Sunday dinner guest# I at the Leonard Chaffin home. Rev Steinkamp helped with i work at the Joe Hendricks home: Thu sday. He and Mrs. Steinkamp, Francis Chaffin,, Marjorie and Mavis Rahn were guests at the Ht ndrieks home that evening. Mrs. E. W. Samm visited Doro they Scott Tuesday afternoon, February 12. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livingston we e dinner guests at the Milton J McKathnie home Sunday. Pupils and mothers at the Me- j Kathnie school were entertained at at a Valentine party Thursday. Games were played and lunch was I served by the teacher. Thursday evening visitors at the John Sicheneder home were Mr.1 and Mr No.bert Dobias, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walnofer and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goldfuss and Mr. and Mrs. James Schene der. mi. ana Mrs. John Sicheneder and Gail were Sunday, February 10, dinner guests at the Roy Nil' on home at Newport. The Celia Pinochle club met at the William Maloun home Friday evening. Door prize was won by Duane Beck and Mrs, Dorothy Hoffman. High scores went to Mr 'nd Mrs. Duane Beck; low to Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman, ■dr and Mrs. Joe Hendricks at tended a farm sale between Butte and Naper Tuesday, February 12. Stanley Johnson spent February 9-14 at the Albert Johnson home at Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun 'nd son Billy, Mrs. E. W. Samms, C a :1a and Dickie were Sunday din ner guests at the O. A. Hammer berg home. Mrs. Samms and children accompanied the Malouns to their home that evening for a j couple days visit. Rev. and Mrs. Steinkemp were Tuesday evening, February 12 supper guests at the Joe Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks and family were Saturday O’Neill vis itors. Frank Kilmury' attended the! Hereford bull sale at Valentine Thursday and purchased a bull there. Mr. and Mss. Frank Sicheneder were Sunday dinner guests at the John Sicheneder home. Victor Frickel and Bonnie we e Thursday morning visitors at the Ray Pease home. Artha Pacha was a Sunday din ner guest at the Connie Frickel home the afternoon they visited the George Syfie family. Kenneth Smith of Butte was a Friday afternoon visitor at the, Connie Frickel home. Children of the Celia school —Glen Sorenson, teacher—enjoy ed a Valentine party at the school Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Sunday afternoon visitors at the N’els Colfack home in Atkinson. Lex Forsythe, Buddy Focken and Patty Allyn were Saturday visitors at the Clarence Focken home. -. Your eyes are your fortune 1 a good book... an exciting ballgame! Have them examined regularly. You'll see better, longer! Remember . . . your eyes con stantly change during the passage of time, while the pre scription in your glasses remains unchanged. Only professional examination can tell whether you are seeing as well as you should. Consult an Ophthalmologist or Optometrist at least once a year and see better. * I Presented as a public service in X the interest of better vision by I Rite-Style Optical Company,Omaha, I Nebraska, sening the profession 1 with finest quality Ophthalmic V materials. B * * S ,, * t , • • 2 Chambers Ladies Leave for Coast CHAMBERS—Mrs. Glen Adams and M.s. Anna Albers departed Sunday, February 17, by way of train from Grand Island for Ore gon and Washington. The former will attend the 50th wedding an niversary celebration for her par ents. Mr. and Mrs Frank Huston, at Sedro Wooley, Wash. The Hus tons, who are well-known at Chambers expect all their family (7 daughters and 4 sons) present for the occasion. Mrs. Albe.s plans to visit a brother at Portland, Ore., and her n-in-lau an-i daughter. Mr. and di's. Gordon Harley, and children at Springfield. Mrs. Adams plans to spend a day or two at Spring field enroute home. They will be gone about 2 weeks. Other Chambers News Mr and Mrs. Ray Grubb and children and Mr. and* Mrs. Stanley Elkins visited Mrs. Lcla Grubb at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk Sunday, Feb.uary 17. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baker, Mrs. Guais Wintermote and Mrs. Stanley Elkins visited their moth er, Mrs. Lela Grubb, at a Norfolk hospital Monday. Mr. and Mi's. Clarence Young were called to Belden Sunday. February 10, by the serious ill ness of her father, John Mitchell. 80. On Tuesday, February 12, Mr. Mitchell died following a prolonged illness. She remained with her mother until after tjie fneral which was held Friday at the Methodist church in Belden. All the relatives from Chambers attended the funeral. Several from the Methodist church accompanied Rev. Harry Myers to Lincoln Friday to at- j tend a music clinic. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walter drove to Aiaphoe last Thursday to attend the funeral of a friend Mrs. Leonard Wendland of Balti more, Md. Services were con-! ducted at Trinity Lutheran church and burial was at Emanuel Luth eran cemetery at Araphoe. Mrs Wendland was a bridesmaid when Mr. and Mrs Walter were mar ried. The Walters returned Fri Jay. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook and Mrs. John Wintermote were din icr guests in the Louis Nielson lome Sunday, Miss Jacqueline Taggart of Omaha spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taggart and boys Mr. and Mrs Taggart drove to Norfolk Thurs day to meet he.-. Mrs Richard Jarman returned recently from Fonda, la., where she had spent three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. H Johnson and Del mar of Page were dinner guests on Sunday. February 17 of tneir son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Ernest Thonn and thei grand-daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wlntermote. Mr and Mrs. Harold Heistedt of North Platte spent Sunday, February 10, in the Paul Roth home. T7it* Herstedt's son-in-law 1 and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Sanford and three children J also of North Piute spent the day in the Elwyn Robertson home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shoe maker and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle 1 Wright went to Norfolk Tuesday, February 12. Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford went to Neligh Tuesday, Febru ary 12. Frank Peters of O’Neill visited Albert Meyers Sunday, February 17. Mr. and Mrs Ernest Young of Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Englehaupt of Inman and Mrs. Belik of Page were Sunday, Feb ruary 10, dinner guests in the Sam Young home in honor of Mrs. Ernest Young’s birthday anniver sary. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Myers and family were Sunday, Februry 17, dinner guests in the Llod Waldo home near Amelia. I O’Neill News Mr and Sirs Charles R "Chuck" Fox left Sunday for a duple weeks’ visit in Norwalk, t a Ilf. where Leonard Fox and ms family live. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox. sr, their parents, are spending the winter there Carol Fox accompanied her par en s Mr and Mrs. Dan DeBaekcr end family of Columbus and Jim DeBacker of the Ltniversity of Nebraska were guests of their parents, the G C DeBackers for the ueokend. Sunday Mrs. Ethel Frisch and "is were noon dinner guests in Voi ligre of Mr and Mrs Frank nests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest vr ink and Darlene and supper licka and John Frisch. l)r H P. Mazurak. a soil phy ic- professor at the University of Nebraska, was a guest of Mr and Mr. Claire Engdahl Tuesday, February 12. Connie Rae Nelson was in overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rilev Friday She is the daughter of the Esty Nelsons. Mr. and Mrs Ira Moss left Friday for a trip to Mexico. Mr and Mrs. C. J. Gatz plan to meet their daughter, Miss ?onton Insurance FLORENCE PONTON, Prop Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Pnone 106 — Golden Bllg. I Mary Elizabeth. and her nxm mat ■ en st Mary's college in Omi'ti it Norfolk today (Thurs iay ). Miss Gatz will' celebrate her 18th birthday anniversary Saturday. She and Mr and Mrs.. Jack G«u - of Omaha, her bruth and sister-in-law, also ■ ill attend the Simonson-Beck* r wedding Saturday The Jack Claires will arrive Friday Mrs k N Cronin ' i in Sioux City. Ia„ Monday, February 1i to Wednesday, Feb visiting Miss Genevieve BigUn and Sr M Eugene Miss Jean Head, a nurse in Omaha, was ‘home for the weekend with her barentts, the George Heads Site retu ned Monday. 12th Annual VANDER LI’IT & ROSTERS HEREFORD BULL SALE Platte, S. I). FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1957 Sale Barn — 1:00 P. M. 40 Bulls — 54 HEAD — 14 Females All Top Quality Registered Herefords of Pioneer Shadow, Zato Heir, Battle Pioneer and Via F > Aster breeding. FOR CATALOGS WRITE IIARRY VANDER LUIT or ALBERT ROSTERS. JR. CORSICA, S. D. HARRISON. S. I). I lO full ounces in every package DONT TAKE LESS! Check the weight on every packageI ANOTHER MEMBER OF THE FAMOUS FRIONDR FAMILY OF FISH FILLETS COD • HADDOCK*OCEAN PERCH*OCEAN CATFISH I HAYING DECIDED to dissolve our partnership, we will dispose of our entire cow herd and some machinery, on the premises, located 8 miles west of Chambers on Highway 95; OR 20 miles south of Atkinson on High way 1 I to junction with 95, then 4 miles east; OR 35 miles north of Burwell on Highway I I to junction with 95, then 4 miles east, on— ! Wednesday, February 27th Sale to Start at 12;30 P. M. Lunch on Grounds 172 - HEREFORD CATTLE - 172 120—Hereford Breeding COWS 4—Registered Hereford Bulls Top quality; all heavy with calf . .. _ ..... Mrinnnn „ “ **" past year we have cuIled herd down from 275 head. From 3—Milk HEIFERS fresh in 3 wppk« 010 herd of COW8, we have kept the be8t An cows show a «f •r—lTllin I1L.11 LJuJj IlCMl 111 J WetHS breeding a lot of size, and they are in excellent condition for calvin*. These if U e I nil lire OOWS Wl11 ***** Ca,vlnK 1,1 ^ Uttcr mrt ot March and early April. 1 1The °a,VM last fal1 toPPed the Burwell sale. This next crop will have 33 heifers, I 2 steers, last summer’s calves the same bre<^in,f Catt'e win be sold in lots to suit purchaser. __J3 Piper Cub Airplane with 90-hp. Franklin Engine MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT John Deere *49 A Tractor 20-ft. Hydraulic Hay Rake P&O 2-Row Lister John Deere ’38 B Tractor Kelley Ryan Side Delivery Rake 8-Ft. Disc J-D No. 5 Power Mower, 7-ft. Allis-Chalmers Roto Baler Some Fuel Barrel* J-D Trail Mower, 7-ft. McC.-D. Mower, 7-ft., horse Some Too]s M-M Tractor with American hy- drawn ... n A . j draulic loader with sweep head Cable Rack with H Beams any isce aneous . r ic es too and forage fork 6—Tractor-Drawn Bluegrass numerous to mention RD-7 Caterpillar Tractor with Strippers Cultivator, horse drawn Cable Dozer McC.-D. Cream Separator Lots of Old Iron TERMS: Strictly Cash . W. Waldo & S ms owners CO'.- ED THOR'N, O’Neill, CHAMBERS STATE BANK, Auctioneer-Real Estate Broker Clerk