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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1956)
M iss Donna Peterson . to Be Honored AMELIA—A pre-nuptial show er honoring Miss Donna rtae Pet erson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edgar Peterson, will be held on Sunday afternoon, August 12, at the Amelia hall Other Amelia News Mr and Mrs. Elmer Johnson returned to their home in Omaha last Thursday after attending the funeral of Frank Backhaus Mr. and Mrs. Bimbo Malley and son, Richard, of Omaha vis ited over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo. They all attended the Burwell rodeo on Saturday. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Clemens and family of Cottonwood Falls. Kans., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Clemens of Am elia, and her parents, Mr and Mr? Frank Jungman of Atkin son, over the weekend. They were enroute to New York state were Lloyd will be employed on a dam project. The families en joyed a picnic at the Atkinson park Sunday. Miss Leona Dusatko of Emmet spent several days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Ralph Adair. Mr. and Mrs Leon Skala of Edw. M. Glee*on DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hn 8:30-5 _ Howells spent the weekend with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Marvin Doolittle. Mr and Mrs. Glenn White spent a few days last week at tending the annual conference of the Free Methodist church at Ansley Bill Hughes of Houston, Tex., came last Thursday evening to visit at the Clyde Berry home. Mrs. Celesta Kaufmann of Co zad spent a few days last week visiting at the Bernard Black more home. Mrs. Julia Kamphaus and Ma ry and Mr. and Mrs Joe Kamp haus went to Norfolk Sunday to visit Mrs. Kamphaus’ mother and other relatives. Miss Leone Fix, accompanied by her niece and nephew, Sheila and Larry Fix, of Seottsbluff spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs Elmer Fix Leone returned to Seottsbluff on Sunday afternoon. The children stayed for a longer visit. Mrs Blossom Butler left on Saturday for her home at Fargo, N.D, after spending about 10 days visiting her mother, Mrs George Withers, and Mr With ers. Mrs Stella Sparks, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. With ers, took her to O'Neill Saturday to go by bus. They then drove to Atkinson where Mr, and Mrs. Withers visited at the Lance Withers home while Mrs Sparks called at the hospital to see Bon nie Hansen. Rev. and Mrs. Albert Lugins land of Kansas City, Kans., call ed on friends in the Amelia vi cinity last week. They visited on Tuesday, July 31, with Mr and Mrs. Paul Fisher and girls._ ---\ Jeanenne Backhaus Shower Honoree CHAMBERS — About 70 at tenucu a snower for Jeanenne Backhaus at the Methodist church parlors Saturday. A large paper hat occupied a table in the front of the room. Lois Strong and Marlene Ermer disclosed things Miss Backhaus might prefer kept "under the nat.” However, among other things found under the hat were keys, one of which was the key to a successful marriage. Several musical numbers were also on the program. Miss Backhaus will be married to Kenneth Hoerle of Chambers on Sunday, August 12, at the Chambers Methodist church. Other Chambers News Mrs. Charles Hart and son, ! Roland, came recently from j Chadron where they have been 1 attending summer session at the college to stay for an indefinite time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Theodore Moss. About 60 relatives and friends of the Crawford families gather ed at Ford Park in O’Neill Sun day, July 29, for a family reun ion. Mr and Mrs. J. E. Barrett and the Methodist Minister and wife of Brunswick visited Mrs. Bar rett’s mother, Mrs. Bert Lybolt, Sunday, July 29 Mr. and Mrs. William Flavell, daughter, Karen, and friend, also Mr. and Mrs. William Flavell, jr., all of Omaha, spent three days recently with her mother, Mrs. Valo Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hankins, Mrs Kurt Hill and Mrs. Bill Hill and children, all of Stanton, and Mrs Wayne Smith and daughter Judy, were July 28, guests i ,u me A. A. Walter home. I Airs. Hankins and Mrs. Curt Hill are sisters of Mrs Walter. The group also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ruoen Peltzer. Mr. and Mrs. Don Arduser and children of Coleridge, her mother, Mrs. Charles Greenlee j of Fremont, and Miss Luva ureenlee of Denver, Colo., were j .Sunday, July 29, dinner guests m | me Louis Nelson home The W o m a n’s Society of Chiistian Service of the Metho dist church sponsored a bake i sale Saturday July 28, at the I Dobbs store. Proceeds amounted to over $40. Mrs. C. V. Robertson and sis ter. Mrs. A1 Deirking, drove to ! Ainsworth Friday, July 27, to j attend a garden club meeting. | Mrs. Robertson spoke to the j club on “Standards of Flower S Judging.” Land a Walter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walter, cele brated her thrd birthday anni versary Friday, July 28. Present for the evening were her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. FTeston ; .i:.u ol O’Neill; her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter, her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith, and her > cousins. Dean and Judy Smith of Chambers. Linda’s grand mother, Mrs. Alfred Walter, baked a “circus” birthday cake. About 20 friends and relatives gathered at the Willard Thomson home Tuesday, July 24 to honor Mrs. Leo Urban at a shower. A short program was presented and lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sexton and Nadine returned Sunday, July 29, from a week’s visit with relatives at Haddam, Kans., and Plattsmouth. Previously they had spent a week’s vacatior near Red Feather Lake in Colo rado. A-l-C Marvin Damme left Monday, July 23, for Alaska af ter a 30-day leave spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Damme’s family. His broth er, A-l-C Kenneth Damme, has been stationed in Alaska for at»eral weens. Marvin expects to be there for a year. Visitors in the William Craw ford home Monday, July 30, were his grand-mother, Mrs. Mary Crawford, and daughter, Mrs. Irva Scholimeyer, of Sheri dan, Wyo., and the former's sister, Mrs. Lloyd Crawford of Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson and son of McPherson, Kans., visited with friends at Chambers over the weekend. The Atkinson family formerly lived on a farm four miles west of Chambers. Several farmers in the com munity have recently had the Komzan flying service of Elgin spray their alfalfa seed crop for an infestation of bugs and thrips. Sunday, July 29, dinner guests in the C. V. Robertson home were: Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Robertson and children of O1 i Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spann, Mrs. A1 Dierking, John Walter and Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Rob j ertson and family. The occa sion honored the birthday an niversaries of Delbert Robert son and Mrs. Roth; also the wed ding anniversary of the Roth’s. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Walter drove to Sioux City on July 29 where they had cattle on the market Miss Eula Wintermote and niece, Carolyn Wintermote, re turned Friday from a trip into Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota where they visited ex tension offices. O’Neill News Among those attending the an nual Krugman family reunion in Plainview Sunday, July 29, were the families of Paul. Harvey, Fred and Edwin Krugman, all of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs HaroM Krugman of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs Irvin Saunders and family of Verdigre. In 1957 the reunion will be held the last Sunday in July, Monday, July 30. Mr and Mrs. Will Cay wood and Mrs. Grace Pippit accompanied Mrs. Roy Lowry to Genoa to visit with Charles Caywood. Mr and Mrs. Frank Bren and Jody returned to their home in Omaha Saturday, July 28. Mr and Mrs. Oscar Goodeyon of Los Angeles, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nelson of Kearney and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson of Omaha were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and fam ily. Annella Kelly returned home with Mr and Mrs. Goodeyon and Richard Kely will visit Mr. and Mrs. Johnson in Omaha. Miss Lynn Kocina of Creigh ton arrived last Thursday to vis it her grandmother, Mrs. W. H. Hartv. Friendly Neighbors at Eppenhaugh's— The Friendly Neighbors project club met Tuesday, July 31, at the home of Mrs. Frank Eppen baugh with Mrs Marlin Wich man serving as co-hostess. Before the meeting . several members attended the movies. Games were played, prizes were awarded and lunch was served. Two guests were present. Next meeting will be held on August 28 at the home of Mrs. Clay Johnson. I I Members Present at Help-U Meeting VENUS—The Help-U club met with Mrs. Otto Matschullat on Wednesday, August 1. There '•ere 11 members present. The hostess served dinner at noon. The afternoon was spent playing cards. Mrs. Irvin Held received the door prize. Mrs. William Buxton received two gifts from her club sister. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Ora Caskey. Other Venus News Harold Blaine was a caller at the Clarence Finch home Tues day. July 31. Mrs. Paul Cihlar was a visitor it the Donald Kinnison home on Monday, July 30. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Finch left for Big Springs on Friday, July 27, where they visited with •he latter’s mother, Mrs, Clara Gerke, and other relatives. A picnic dinner was held in their nonor at the park there. They returned to their home Monday evening. July 30. Nancy Jo and Keith Bartos spent Tuesday, July 31, with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. R. Brookhouser. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim of Ewing spent Wednesday, August 1, at their farm in the Grimton community, where Mr. Grim did repair work on the buildings. Sunday, July 29, visitors at the Bryan Finch home were Mr. and Mrs. Val Pichler and family of Grand Island and Mr. and Mrs. Lon Pichler of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dorr and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser were Wednesday evening, August 1, visitors at the Harry Caskey home. Mrs. Joseph Asher and chil dren of Portland, Ore., left for their home Wednesday, July 35, Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch, took them to Grand Is land to board a train for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dorr were O’Neill shoppers Wednes day. August 1. Visit Persons Hurt in Wreck— CHAMBERS — Mrs Wayne Smith and her daughter, Judy, and Mrs. Alfred Walter went to Burwell Thursday, July 26, to visit Mr and Mrs. Joe Shonka, who had recently been involved in a car accident The Shonkas. formerly of Chambers, had been hospitalized but were released from the hospital. In the mishap they suffered cuts and bruises. The group also visited Mrs. Walter’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland. Entertain Guests— Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Vorce and Sheryl were dinner guests Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Vorce. , i Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones, Manager O’Neill Nebraska AUGUST DOLLAR DAYS Pride of our budget buys! Penney’* drip dry nylon whirlers . . . with tiers ’n tiers of nylon froth to make every dress a party frock. Sizes 4 to 14 in snow white . . . party pink ’n blue. $1.00 \ / r—v Girls’ Cotton-Rayon BLEND BRIEFS They’re soft cotton with rayon for reinforcement in colors of white, pink, blue, maize, mint and lilac. Sizes 2 to 14. A great buy! 3 in a Package $1.00 Specially purchased to give you a Penney low price . . . Penney’s cotton plisse dust er robes in a grand assort ment of prints and solids. Machine washable. No iron ing needed. Sizes 12 to 20. Penney Special! $2.00 Penney Special! Solid mold foam latex pillows are re silient, won’t lump, sag. Non-allergenic. Muslin zip cover. $3.33 TERRY BATH TOWELS —2 for $1 Large 22x24” bath towels. Have selvages reinforced with dacron and nylon. In wanted colors. Special Penney buys! Boys’ 10-ounce Sanforised blue denim jeans, ruggedly rein forced at all points of strain. Long wear designed! Sizes 4 to 12. Only $1.00 Beys’ stretchable nylon slack socks in dark pastel or hi tone shades. Sizes: Small, medium, large. At Penney’s thrift price. 3 for $1.00 BOYS’DURENE BRIEFS _ 2 for $ 1 Two-ply mercerized cotton yarn. Heat resistant elastic ■waistband. Cellophane wrapped. I KlISh"S-- •• 29* 1§ Prink PjwJers 7 ^ 25 j J FRENCH DRESSING 19* jf MarBlowsi^.19* —— -- , l?§ SUPERB ^ ISSmSk^^....29*1 Blackberries *LM.29" 1 McYM I TUNA ar....£J H 1 holmes y« oil A Ac ||%B 1 Sardines 6c. Da rl 1 REAL GOLD A AC ill §^Oi| fl KING SIZE (with Bath Ta»«0 wy 1 BREEZE.. I tfl i— 8. iac i I 1/-=- MALAGA GRAPES ■.19' I 8 ELBERT A 4 AA SUNKIST LEMONS _ 6.. 230 1 If B LUSCIOUS SWEET AA \\ | PEACHES I VV SUNKIST ORANGES DO. .. 330 | I PER CRATE 8 HEAD LETTUCE ^se-a.. 15 8 I riOSTKD fOOD* M» » • ••• «M / FRESH-FROZEN LEMONADE Can Makes Full Quart M-M-M! FRIED CHICKEN FRYERS LB. I I Boston But 1 PORK ROASTS 29c n> Fresh Swift’s Oriole PORK SLICED STEAK BACON 39c u> %• 43c _______ - - II Fresh Pure Swift’s Premium gj GROUND BRAUN- § BEEF SCHWEIGER | 3 1.00 49c n>- 1 -II-1 --Tl