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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1956)
Riverside News Mr and Mrs. Rol Hord and Mr and Mrs George Montgomery ate a picnic dinner at the White Horae ranch Sunday and enjoy ed a program given in the after noon. Mrs Gerald Hadduck and Mrs. William Funk and girls of Den ver, Colo., Mrs Jimmy Pollock and daughter, June, of Califor nia, Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Melvin Napier, Mrs Richard Na pier and girls, Mrs. Lynn Fry and children and Mrs. Dale Napier visited at the Leo Miller home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawk ate lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack Sunday. The Don Larsons visited at Al bert Larson’s in Ewing Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock, Wayne and Norman and Mrs.. Joe Botaglia and two daughters picnicked at Grove lake Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bert Fink called at the Elmer Trowbridge home at Page Friday evening. Mrs. Carl Christon was a sup per guest at the Don Larson home Friday evening. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Albert I .arson, Mr and Mrs. Henry Rei mer, Mrs. Donald Starr and Eliz abeth and Mrs. Howard Temple and daughter. Mr and Mrs Lester McDaniels and two girls arrived from Scott*bluff Wednesday evening, August 1, to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDaniels, brother, Robert, and other rela tive*. Mrs. McDaniels is the for mer Ethel Shrader, a niece ol Bill Shrader. They visited her brother in Sioux City over the weekend. Norman Pollock drove to Om aha Wednesday, August 1, to meet his sister, June Battalgia, and two girls of Santa Clara, Calif., and bring them here.. They came to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock, and oth er relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and chil dren were in O’Neill on Saturday evening. Lou Miller left for Ansley on Wednesday, August 1, to attend the Free Methodist conference She i* a delegate from the River side church. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gunter and children of Crookston brought Sharon Johnston home Saturday night. They were overnight and Sunday guests at the Will Shra der home. Other guests were Mr and Mrs. Archie Johnston and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shra der and family, Mr. and Mrs Gerald Wettlaufer, Gary and Douglas of Page, James Guntei and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter, Danl o nri I pvnn Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schlotman and children and Mrs. Silas Schlotman of Valparaiso visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Schlotman. Grant Schlotman re mained for a longer visit Mr and Mrs. Will Conner were af ternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier and Mr and Mrs. Dale Napier spent Saturday at the Burwell rodeo^ Mr and Mrs. Grant Mott and family also enjoyed the rodeo on Saturday afternoon. The Sunday - school classes taught by Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Claud Elliott had a picnic dinner at the Methodist church base ment Sunday. In the afternoon they went swimming in O Neill s swimming pool. . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christon called on Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Schlotman Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs Dewitt Gunter and grand daughter, Rita Grover of New Windsor, 111., Mr and Mrs. Al fred Napier and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter, Levon and Paul gathered at the Rol Hord home Friday evening for a surprise pnrty for Mr. and Mis. Hord and presented them an electric coffee percolator. Daisy Miller and Melvin Na pier entertained at a picnic sup per Saturday evening at their home. Guests were the Gerald Hadduck family of Denver, Colo. Mr and Mrs. Howard Miller, Mr and Mrs. Walter Miller, the Ux Miller family and the Bill Lof quest family. The Darrol Switzer f a m i 1 > spent the weekend with home folks and attended the Switzer reunion at the Ora Switzer home Sunday. Mrs. Anna Smith and Ernest Trowbridge of Inman were vis itors at the Howard Miller home Sunday afternoon. Monday, August 6, was a wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Art Busshardt of Neligh and a picnic dinner was served at the Dave Pollock home. Other guests were the Kenneth Pollock family of Neligh and Mrs. Ed Richards of Orchard. Royal Theater —O'NEILL. NEBR. — Thurs. Aug. 9 Family Night RUNNING WILD Stark, savage truth stabs from the juke box jungle ... the first jolting story of organized teen age gangs! Family admitted for 2 adult tick ets; adults 50c; children 12c * Fri.-Sat Aug. 10-11 She had other weapons besides guns—and used them two-gun lady Starring Peggy Castle, William Talman, Marie Windsor, Earle Lyon. Robert Lowry. Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee Sat. 2:30 p.m. All children under 12 free when accompanied by parent Su*.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 12-13-14 Out of the land of Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickok, Bat Masterson, Billy the Kid, Jesse James comes the epic story of THE PROUD ONES Robert Ryan, Virginia Mayo, Jeffrey Hunter, also starring Robert Middleton with Walter Brennan. Rodolf Acosta. Color by Deluxe. Cinemascope. Adults 56c; children 12c; matinee Sum. 2:30. AU children under 12 frus whea accompanied by parent Miss Joyce Miller Feted at Shower STAR—Miss Joyce Miller was honored at a pre-nuptial shower ; last Thursday afternoon at the , Ash Grove hall. Mrs. William Derickson, Mrs Richard Miller and Mrs. Bruce Johnson were hostesses. Other Star News Guests at the Nels Linquisl home Monday evening, July 30, to honor Mr. Unquist’s birthday anniversary were the Ben Von asek. Albert Derickson, Merle Spangler, Elmer Juracek, Lysle Johnson and Soren Sorensen, jr., families, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Mil ler and Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen, Fred Frerichs and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller. The guests were treated to a wiener toast, ice cream and cake. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Buxton were visitors at the Ben Miller home one day last week. Mrs. Lysle Johnson and sons spent Wednesday, August 1, at the Ewalt Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kielholz of V W V « W 1 LaFayette, Ind, are visiting this week with Mrs. Kielholz’s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller. Mrs. Ewalt Miller was hostess to the Star Get-Together club on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Derickson sponsored the dance at the Ash; Grove hall on Friday. The next uaoce wul be August 18. Mr and Mrs. Albert Derickson: and family and Mr. and Mrs. El mer Juracek and Judy and Lyle! were Sunday dinner guests at the i home of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel1 Heese and family near Randolph. Miss Irma Juracek spent Sun day and Sunday night with Bar oar a Miller. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Boelter and Jim and Mrs. Hattie Boelter md Irma Juracek were supper juests at the Ewalt Miller home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Widholm »nd family spent Tuesday eve ling, July 31, at the Lysle John son home. Mr. and Mrs Gerald Waring vere Tuesday evening, July 31, isitors at the Ewalt Miller home. O’Neill News Army Pfc. Bish Williams of Luile Rock. Ark., and Army Pfc. William McElvain returned to their base in Chicago. 111., Sun day, Juy 29 They had spent their leave visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain. Miss Evelyn Davis and Miss Delores Hamik spent Thursday, July 26, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bazelman and family at Newman Grove. Pfc. William D. McElvain en W whw rnmm mmm aa mmm mmm < tcrtamed 30 guests at an out door barbecue Thursday evening. July 26, at the home of his par ents, Mr and Mrs. Klaph McEl vain. Miss Etta Murray and Miss Nancy Ziska were honored at a 'uncheon Saturday, July 28, at the home of Miss Marge Weich man. Hostesses were the Misses Weiehman, Delores Hamik and Evelyn Davis. The hororees left last weekend for a three-weeks’ vacation in California. Mrs. Mary Crawford of Sheri mm *m mm mm mm ^m mm mm mm m dan, W.vo., Mrs Alice Crawford of Portland, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Crawford of Cham bers visited friends and relative* here Tuesday, July 31, DRS. BROWN & FRENCH — O’NEILL — miYSlt'lANS A SURGEONS __ m W mmmrn M> » » c° R° H*®°,RE T° 22,J s I Superior ^.J^HrocEve ivory-brown ^ ; including r^'ftw. A^ d dial. > plastic cabinet easy _ | MV«W i ' ^ y h,‘.|i Soui,|d » CORONADO DUAL SIX » Oo.,.oodi.8 ***•; ;fe*ol°;sd 5°.r > S’*' inc'IJd'n® '•crtWE' _ 1 ) JUV4W > I I > I ! G. E. TABLE RADIO : 9 Modern design, 5 tube* model. Three 95 P striking color combinations; white with | mahogany, turquoise, or red. U.L. listed. j so Down MMn.N.n ‘including rectifier. I I I I | G.E. CLOCK-RADIO | Don't be jolted awake by harsh alarms, ^£^195 wake up gently ... to music. 3 color P corrbinctt’ons to choose fi»»m. 3 so o««« ^ A 43 -8 1 9,299 > SEE IT All-SEE IT BEST j on 1957 CORONADO TELEVISION ! I 1 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 CORONADO BffliH 1 21" Monroe * « , 4 < 1 l « I ., Big Time ^ I Presidentiol £l“ *-*■ ‘ Compoign f $ i X £ £ I X V TV Stand with casters. 8.95 48-4321 CORONADO 21 Madison 22995 Mahogany Finish VHF 2.A5 P»r W#»k, PayabU Monthly | Blond.239.95 All-Channel $30 Extra £ a THRILL TO CORONADO’S < CUSTOM Presidential SERIES ! Enjoy all the important TV shows. i(lfMUi See with your own eyes the best in * * entertainment, news, and sports. j | ^ NEWPUSH- ) Coronado 1957 jets have all the gg | BUTTON ON-OFF/ features you want. Easy- f . SWITCH to-read spot light station indicator. Greater reception and clearer, ^ I easier viewing are just a few of the ( (' (/im' many features. 28 tesrific, f | easy-to-buy models. U.L listed. One-year written warranty. 7 * ILLUMINATED ) ... ... n___ |:| i station / SEE IT ALL-SEE IT BEST Sj 4 SELECTOR w ■-— ► THERMOMETER I -s* 29* Ideal for car, also for garage k or home. Guaranteed accu rate. Vacuum cup attachment. k B*e*ra | HEW6I0 POLISH ! ■TcT” loo Rub it on, wipe it offl Cor P shines like new. A newglo k polish job lasts. I Pint can. P isim A _ TOP CARRIER -a* 444 Carry any load that car top can support. 13 gauge steel. Has suction cups, straps, dips. MIXING BOWLS r99< 4-piece "Jadite" set by Fire King. One each 6', 7', 8', 9', size bowl A kitchen borgainl WASH BASIN vi37* 12%r basin is ideal for home and farm use. Enamelware ... white, with red trim. mteirn WATER PAIL £.99* Enamelware 12 quart pail is •tain resistant. White with red trim. Eosy to dean. eiKtui } r^ri Bicfe +© too@l IAL1 I SPRING | SADDLI DELUXE HIAWATHA Imported ► BALLOOH TIRE BIKES | [BEE Training Wheels i | ■ ImE E with each 20" Bike I1 24 GIRLS model i 33" Fellows and girls, here's the bike for you I It's a genuine imported model that will put you way ahead of the crowd, and it’s priced at a figure Mom and Dad will OK. Has colorful deep-tone enamel frame, the newest 2.125 size tires, rear reflector, and all the features illustrated at left. Get yours, now I > BwjTt lXfjm I ^ * a m l | :n ismm ^*k ^k ^ ^k 4^ 4flk 4^ 4Bk 4^ 40k <^k 4^ A 4 4 • • WyTSr^^mt^m^mFTvTJdA PLI « FT-60 Hurricane • Tractor Battery • All Rubber Cate • Extra Capacity • 45 Plates, Gr. 1 aw Outright Price...27.45 Minimum Trade-in.10.00 Exchange Price.17.45 Bonus allowance if your battery has no dead cells. 3.00 l4« •Awsss.MMvmsat mvMmNmtmMrw* Protect Valuable Crops, Livestock 998 110 Volt Model "Hornet" fence controller. Guaranteed for 1 year, even against lightning. AC. bh-iu? FENCE INSULATORS Porcelain. Box of 25. (•»«•«*.d*9v 48r FENCE POSTS H-style electric, %' rod. <bm4ioo . . 39v F-60 Hurricane , • Quick Starting • All Rubbar Cat* ( • 57 or 63 Plato* 4 • Group 1, 21 •V 710.7* d Outright Price.29.95 4 Minimum Trade-in.10.00 Exchange Price. 19.95 " Bonus allowance if your battery f has no dead cells.. 3.00 g i Cattle Spray Special £95' : "Farmcrest” regular. Kill* ( insect pests fast . . . give* ^ animals longer protection. 9 BM 7*1 4 1 Quart SPRAYER Buy 1 gallon "Farmcrest" spray and get this sprayer ■ at a real bargain price. ■Mil d — ■ " 1 1,1 1 1 - ■q— I I i i 1 i i I I i < < .. •. .