Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1956)
County Court Raymond D. Krysl of Stuart, speeding. $35 and costs $4; July M, Clifford Seger of Lincoln, driv ing under the influence of alco holic liquor, $100 and costs $4: July 30. William A. Karsell of Boom mgton, Ind., speeding, $10 and costs $4; July 30. Page Monroe Allred of Salt Lake City, Utah, speeding, $14 and costs $4; July 30. Melvin E. Day of Boise, Ida., speeding, $20 and costs $4; July 30. Dale A. Meurer, driver for Buckingham Transfer Company, $10 and costs $4; July 27. Roger L. Larson, over gross, $50 and costs $4; August 1. Fay Metzinger of Martin, S.D., speeding, $10 and costs $4; July 30. Ray Schuyler of Winner, S D., speeding, $17 and costs $4; July 30. Ellsworth Jeffrey Williams of Casper, Wyo., speeding, $18 and costa $4. July 30. Leo Vanderbeek, driver for William Krotter company of Stuart, overweight on capacity plate. $10 and costs $4; July 30. Police Court Gary Sanders of O’Neill, op erating a motor vehicle without driver’s license, $5 and costs $4; July 30 Dwight C. Worcester of O’Neill, speeding, $10 and costs $4; July 30. Ralph Richard Bent of Burn ing, Mich., speeding, $10 and costs $4; July 30. Kenneth E. Batenhorst of Stu art, reckless driving, $35 and costs $4; July 30. Saiser Memorial hund Is Growing EWING — The WSCS of the Methodist church met at the church parlors Wednesday, Aug ust 1. The following committees were appointed by Mrs Ralph Eacker, president: To make out year books—Miss Anna Van Zandt, chairman, Mrs. L. A. Hobbs, Mrs. James Tinsley, Mrs Anna Pol | lock, Mrs. S. E. Borden and Mrs. Ben Larsen; to order pillow cases for the annual bazaar—Mrs Sis Ebbengaard and Mrs. William Spence. Names were chosen for the year for the lunch committees. More money was received from friends and relatives for the Mrs Perry Saiser memorial fund. Mrs. Henry Fleming conducted the devotional period, the theme: “How Real Is the Kingodm to Us?” The meeting was opened by Miss Van Zandt with the reading, “The Lord Will Provide.” "Meas uring Our Growth” was the les son presented by Mrs. Earl Bil lings, assisted by Mrs. Jessie An gus and Mrs. Florence Butler. It was a report on the program of the WSCS at the close of the quadrennium, “That the King dom of God May Be Real.” Twenty-four members were present and two guests. Miss Iris V'an Ostrand and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke. Lunch was served from tables centered with gladioli ar rangements. Hostesses were Mrs. L. C. Brigden and Mrs. Willis Rockey. Other Ewing News Mr, and Mrs. Lee Wood left Sunday for Lusk, Wyo., where they formerly lived Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban left on Saturday for a vacation trip which will take them to the West coast. Those attending the singspira tion at the Church of Christ in Orchard Sunday afternoon frpm Ewing included Mrs. Eula Ep penbach, Mr. and Mrs. James Hawk, Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck and grandchildren, Diana Hahlbeck, ! Ronald Hahlbeck, Kay and Pa tricia Hahlbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Brewster and family, Mrs. Josie Stott, Carolyn Tams. Mrs. Sparr and Lowell Lund, minister of the Church of Christ in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. John Sehiffbauer, jr., and family of Norfolk were weekend guests at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs William Hobbs, and family. Mrs. Donald Starr and daugh I ter, Elizabeth, were guests at the | home of her parents several days i last week. They returned to their J dome at West Point on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim were j weekend guesfs of his uncle, Jesse L. Dougherty, at Colum bus. They also attended the races while there. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drew lew returned to their home at Stan ton Monday after being over night guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Wunner. Mr and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton were guests on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Le Masters. Later they went to Creighton where they were ov ernight guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter. Pvt. Robert Bartak of Ft. Lea venworth, Kans., spent the week end with his wife and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bar tak. He returned to Ft. Leaven worth Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Olson and family and Mrs. Oscar Wil son of Elgin were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Carl Chritson and Mrs Scott Clow, both of Denver, Colo., spent from Wednesday, July 1, until Saturday in Bwing. Mrs. Christon was a guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson, j j and Mrs. Clow visited relatives! nlcn The Albert Larson family had a get-together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson on Friday honoring Mrs. Donald Starr and daughter of West Point and Mrs. Carl Christon of Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anson of Imperial were overnight guests at the home of Mrs. Vera Anson Saturday. On Sunday they at-' tended the Anson family reunion I held at Orchard. Plans are being made by the Sunday-school of the United Presbyterian church to hold the annual picnic Saturday, August II, at Riverside park at Neligh. Archie Johnston is the superin tendent. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Ross enjoyed a visit with their son-in law, Rev. Malcom Blaken, who is a missionary to India and is back in the States. Mrs. Howard Andrew's and daughter, Susie, of North Platte are guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Agnes Bartak, this week. They also plan to visit her sister, Mrs. Vance Bennett, and family at Plainview while here. Miss Rita Graver of Moline, III. , is vacationing at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter, and Miss Dora Lue Gunter of Orchard was also a weekend guest of her grandparents. Sunday evening guests at the Gunter home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van Ostrand and daughter, Iris. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGuire and family went to Norfolk Sun day to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Anderson. They also stopped at Oakdale where they called on her grandparents at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Cram. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cashatt of Butte were calling on old friends j in Ewing on Sunday. They are j former residents of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus, ac , companied by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hintz, attended the Burwell ro , deo on Friday. __ -*-1 * I i Weds in Spencer Church Rite Miss Bernadine Janet Black (above), and Raymond Wagner were married Friday afternoon, July 27, at the Methodist church with Rev. Jack Lobos of Woodland, Ind., brother of the bride groom, officiating. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Black of Spencer and Mrs. Helene Wagner of Shamokin, Pa. Mr. Wagner will continue ministerial studies this fall in Omaha where the couple will reside.—O’Neill Photo Co. Celia News The Milton McKathnie family, Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sicheneder, Stanley Johnson, Steve Bausch and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bausch enjoyed a picnic sup per at the Albert Johnson home Sunday evening. Mrs. Alice Peabody and sons, George and Robert, of Dallas, S.D., and Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts spent Sunday at the Mark Hendricks home. Mrs. Bud Duarte, Mrs. Wayne Gwaltney of Placerville, Calif., and Wesley House of Concord, Calif., came Tuesday, July 31, for a visit with the ladies’ sister, Mrs. Mark Hendricks, and family and their mother, Mrs. Omer Poynts, and husband. On Wed nesday. August 1, Mrs. Hendricks took her sisters to Gregory and Dallas, S.D., to visit other rela tives. They returned to California Saturday, taking home with them John House, who had been at the Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Terwilliger were last Thursday overnight visitors at the Jack Winings home. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Winings and family, who returned to their home in Ohio Friday morning. Bobby Knudson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gustafson and family of Elsinore and Duane Mintle also o£ Elsmere, enjoyed a picnic at the George Mintle home Sunday. Mary Catherine Kilmurry vis ited Diane Samms Friday morn ing and was a dinner guest at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Diane visited her during the afternoon at the P. W. Kilmurry home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease and son and Mr. and Mrs. William Spann attended the Burwell ro deo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath nie, Ellen and Kay attended the Frank Backhaus funeral Wed nesday, August 1. Darrel Mc Kathnie stayed with the George Mintle family while his parents were gone. Mr. and Mrs. William Maloun and Mrs. E. W. Samms and chil dren were Sunday evening visit ors at the Duane Beck home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke and family were Sunday evening vis itors at the Emil Colfack home. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg and Mrs. E. W. Samms and children were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the William Ma loun home. Mrs. Samms and chil dren stayed a few days. The Milton McKathnie family were Sunday evening supper guests at the Albert Johnson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen and sons and Mrs. Anna Damero were Saturday morning O’Neill visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and sons viisted the Harl Anderson family at Newport Sunday after noon and were luncheon guests there. Mr. and Mrs. William Spann v ere Monday visitors at the Ray Prase home. Mr. Spann is helping the Pease men put up hay. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg and Mrs. E. W. Samms and children were Friday afternoon visitors at the F. O. Zink home at Stuart and evening visitors at the Jim Doming home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease and sen were Sunday afternoon visit ors at the Walter Pease home. Mr. and Mr.-,. L,ce Terwilliger took his sister, Mrs. Lew Francis to her home in Denver, Colo., and were gone 10 days. Mrs. Francis had spent a month here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias were last Thursday evening vis itors at the Emil Colfack home Rodney Dobias was an overnighl .old Friday visitor at the Colfaclt home". Sunday dinner guests at the Louis Lauridsen home were Mr and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen anc sons, Jim Lauridsen, Mrs. Mary Spence and Mrs. Anna Damero ol Omaha, who came recently anr is visiting friends in the Phoeni> neighborhood and around Atkin son. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg, Mrs. E. W. Samms and chil dren and Mrs. William Malour were Sunday afternoon visitor! at the Merrill Smith home. The Milton McKathnie family Mr and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen anc sens, Mr. and Mrs. John Schwind and Venita and Jim Lauridser enjoyed a birthday supper hon oring George Mintle and Bobb; Knudson at the Mintle home las Thursday evening. Vera Dell Punk, Philip Thiele Wed in Rural Churcf DELOIT — Vera Dell Funl< younger daughter of Mr. and Mr; Leo Funk, and Philip Thiele, soi of the late Peter Thiele of the St John’s community, were marrie; Wednesday, August 8, at the S' j John’s church. A reception was held at th I church parlors. The bride taught school las year. The bridegroom is engage | in farming. They will make thei home on the Thiele farm in thi j community. Goes to Arkansas for Youth Mee INMAN—Linelle Claire Tomp kins, district president of th Methodist youth fellowship lei Wednesday morning for the MY. jurisdictional workshop at M Sequoia, Fayetteville, Ark. Re\ 1 Willis Taplin of Ainsworth an Joan Sandall of Bassett are als delegates from the northeast dis trict of the Methodist church. These three were to meet nin other young people and sponsoi in Lincoln and drive together t Mt Sequoia for a week’s trainin and fellowship. Ewing News Mrs Fred Grage of O'Neill called at the John Archer home Sunday and on the evening of the same day Jim Berigan of At kinson was a guest at the Archer home Saturday afternoon guests at the home of Mrs. Jerry Tomiack were Mrs. Richard Edwards and children and her mother. Mrs. Dora Schipp of Harlan, la. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Filsinger and children were guests on Sun day at the home of her mother, Mrs. Harel Kimes, and family. Mrs. Dora Schipp, who has been a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Richard Edwards, and family, left Sunday to return to her home in Harlan, la. On Friday, Mrs. Richard Ed wards and family and her moth | er, Mrs. Dora Schipp of Harlan. : la., went to Orchard to spend the day at the Merle Shilousky i home. Mr. and Mrs. George Garhart and sons returned to their home at York Monday after spending the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Cloyd, and family. S. E. Borden is vacationing in Washington. D.C., at the home of his son. Wayne Borden and fam ily. Mrs. Borden recently return ed from a vacation trip to the East. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Terry and family of Watson, Minn., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van Ostrand on Friday. In the afternoon, the Terry family and Van Ostrands called at the Lionel Gunters’. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Sliva and family were dinner guests Sat urday at the home of their cou i sins. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee. Recent guests at the home of I Mrs. Caroline Sanders were her | son-in-law and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Louis Trumbull of Al 1 len, and Mr. and Mrs. Curly j Sanders and family of Dixson Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Sliva J moved their household goods to Omaha during the weekend. Mr Sliva has employment there. Guests Saturday and Sunday 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrad were her two sis ters and their husbands, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reuter and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reuter, all of Hud son, Mich. They also visited the j ladies’ mother, Mrs. Josephine Schieferecke, at West Point. Pfc. Robert R. Pruden, who has spent a 15-day furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden. returned to Ft. McClellan, Ala. He was ac companied by Pfc. Gary Seger of Hay Springs, who also had a 15 day furlough which he spent at Hay Springs with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroe der and daughter, Peggy, moved this week from the Kirschmier property to the Nellie Komcr property in east Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Aerhart and fam ily moved from the Funk resi dence in North Ewing to the Gladys Steskal residence this week. Mrs. J. L. Pruden and daugh- j ter-in-law, Mrs. John Pruden. were guests Sunday at the Sam Burtwistle home. Mrs. Allen Pollock came home j Tuesday from O'Neill where she had been at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Don Kellner, and family while they made a trip to Oma ha. Attending the rodeo at Bur well on Friday from Ewing were Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Ma rie, accompanied by Leonora t****»« Tuttle of Ewing, Mrs Louise Beat of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Spangler and children Mr. and Mrs Melvin Gunter of Orchard were Sunday guests at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Allan Pollock. Mrs. Max Wanser went to Om aha Saturday where she met her daughter. Miss Judy Wanser, who was returning from Virginia where she had spent several weeks with relatives Mrs. Hallie Maben is spending a few days in Omaha visiting her mother and other relatives and friends. __ ..***** SWITCH TO SQUIRT Never An After-Thlni During our August Sole you get this ^ *69” VALUE All Her Cherished Possessions Under Lock and Key—Safe £ BBI A JP and Private os (on be ^ Art* B 1M to fT A MARVELOUS LIFETIME TREASURE on Y M FOR EVERY - _ DAUGHTER • SWEETHEART J1 DOWN J1 WEEKLY! • WIFE L—... ... R|rf/£*i,c I'HONE 38 JL^ Irf O O’NEILL, NEBI Carnation Instant CHOC. MILK lfWh. Pkg.-37c FRESH CRISP I CARROTS 2 cello pkgs. 25c CALIF. SEEDLESS WHITE GRAPES 2 lbs. 33c CRISP, SOLID 6-Ox. Cello Bags RADISHES 2 for 15c CALIF. SUNKIST ORANGES Lb. 10c Butter-Nut COFFEE Lb. Can-99*1 SEA JOY FANCY PINK SALMON Tall can 53c TASTE SEALED No- 2V* C*11 SALAD PEARS Ea. 33c SWANS DOWN ANGEL FOOD MIX, pkg. 45c MAZOLA OIL Pt. 35c STOKELY’S HONEY POD PEAS No. 303 can 19c KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP , Qt. 49c POST TOASTIES Giant size 27c CHOPPED PORK — CUDAHY PURITAN SANDWICH MEAT Lb. 49c Fresh, Lean, Meaty SPARE RIBS u>... 35* CUDAHY TANG, 12-oz. can 35c; 3 for $1 CUDAHY PURITAN THICK SLICED | BACON 2-lb. pkg. 89c SELECT BEEF LIVER Lb. 35c BISQUICK 40-oz. pkg. 43c Cudahy DRIED BEEF 4-0z. Pkg_29c 4TH STREET MARKET Phone 93 — We Deliver * * • * > ' . . , * .. DANCE .. American Legion Ball Room — O’NeiU — Saturday, August 11th Music by 0-K DANCE BAND 1 . ~ Admission: $1 Per Person I ! i r T ’ P I AUGUST |j SPECIALS 1 iS AT GILLIGAN’S ii • • * J Cara Nome SS COLOR SHAMPOO * * _______ „ _____ __ _ __ __ i.~ i > SS Huy on< .it the regular price of $1.25 plus tax, and receive •• | < > the 4-oz. Peroxide absolutely FREE' S! < * . > --- Cara Nome “RADIANCE” FACE POWDER «> Regular price $1.25. Huy one now at the special introduc ' ' torv price of only $1.00 «• * * tt --- Shulton ;; DUSTING POWDER SPECIAL SS “Escapade,” “Dessert Flower,” or “Old Spice” Dusting SS *■ Powder, plus a bottle of toilet water in the same scent || SS for only $1.69 «> _' ’ MONACET A.P.C. TABLETS ,, Relieves headache and cold discomfort three ways Bottle ,, ;; of 200 reg. $1.29. Now only 98c. \ \ \: ■ • While They Last! — Cara Nome ij “FAST” HOME PERMANENTS jj Buy one at regular price of $1.50. Receive another one ;; i! I absolutely FREE! ■ ■ _ THANK YOU! < • ' ’ ii ... for giving us the privilege of serving you. We hope ■ > '' • > you stop in often, whether you buy anything or not. Almost !! daily we receive new merchandise, new items you may 1 \ \ find interesting — feel free to browse! • r Similarly, our PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT is up-to- •• the-minute with stocks of the newest drugs and pharma- j • • ■ ceuticals. A qualified registered pharmacist gives his per- < ■ < • gonal professional service to every prescription dispensed ■ > !! at our REXALL Store. The next time your doctor gives you . r • ■ a prescription, take it to (HI^EIftAN’S RbXALL DRIIC1 < r |) to have it filled. ! r | Gilligan’sRexall Drug | |;; Phone 87 — O’Neill ;; ' ♦< 11t~n i i i i 11111 itttti itttttmtttttttttti-itttt' ’ SHOP - SA VC j DURING OUR 4 22nd Anniversary Sale < ; Ladies’ Fall and Winter Coats j > 4 . | ★ Cash I t I ★ Lay Away | ; I ★ Time Payment 4 i ) | -it _ i > < ;» * e:t < » * i < i S-T-R-E-T-C-H ! ! NYLON HOSE SPECIAL! ! • Savings of One-Half on Each PaiH SaVO Half— 3.30 VollJO ' • Sheer, Flattering, Wrinkle-Free Fit * Now, at a special price—regular first-quality PAIRS « | | Solita dark-seam stretch sheersl They expand { ] | to exact fit, have seams that stay put. New fQP . fall shades in small, medium, large. iu-m« " il;l ZH«