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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
Cardinals Triumph in Season’s Opener St. Mary’s academy Cardinals opened their 1955-56 basketball season with a thrilling 40-39 vic tory over Niobrara Tuesday night in a game played at Niobrara. Off to a fast start with Big Jim j Froelich gathering six points for the Cards before the Lions could score, the SMA quint held a 10-6 first quarter lead and a 21-15 half-time margin. The Lions roared back to score 10 points before SMA again found the range. Niobrara lead 30-28 going into the final session. Then with Long Dave Schaffer hitting four out of six tries, the Cardinals managed to trade points, the lead changed almost every basket. With 10 seconds remaining, Jerry Schmidt drove in for a lay . in to put the academy ahead 40 39. In the hectic 10 seconds re maining, Scott of Niobrara was fouled and was granted two shots the Cardinals gained control of the ball and the game ended. Schmidt, game captain, played an outstanding floor game, his hustle and timely interceptions caused the lions trouble. Box scores for SMA in the main event: Schmidt . 2 4-3 2 7 Holly . 0 0-0 3 0 Schaffer .10 2-1 2 21 Froelich . 2 5-2 2 6 Bohn .0 0-0 1 0 Hynes . 0 0-0 0 0 Becker . 3 0-0 2 6 Totals .17 li-o so Gary Holly led the B team to an easy 49-30 victory in the open er Holly collected 19 points—14 comming in the first half. Boxscore for SMA in prelim: Schneider . 3 0-0 2 6 O’Neill _'. 1 0-0 2 2 Tomlinson . 3 4-0 2 8 Craig . 2 1-0 3 4 Weier . 3 0-0 1 6 Holly . 9 3-1 3 19 Cleary . 0 0-0 1 0 T. Donohoe . 0 0-0 0 0 Jilg .1 3-2 0 4 Totals .22 11-3 14 49 • Inman Tigers Whip St. Ludger’s INMAN— The first basketball game of the season was played Tuesday evening, November 22, ° at the school auditorium when Inman met St. Ludger’s of Creigh ton. The second team lost its game, 26-25. The first team came out vic torious, 80-23. A pep rally was staged the night before the game. Linelle Tompkins was mistress of cere monies. The program included victory yells, a skit and a snake dance. A large bonfire was built and the first 10 and Coach Loomer gave speeches. The fire was also used to cremate a dum my representing St. Ludger’s. Spencer Sparkles in 49-37 Victory SPENCER—The Spencer high Eagles uncorked a 49-37 win over the Stuart Broncos Tuesday night. Spencer sped to a 20-4 first quar ter advantage which the Broncs couldn’t overhaul. Try tThe Frontier want ads for quick results! Templemeyer Posts ’55-’56 Cage Schedule Here’s the schedule for Coach Don Templemeyer’s 1955-’56 edi tion of the St. Mary’s academy basketball team: Nov. 29—Niobrara, there. Dec. 2—O’Neill, there. Dec. 9—Stuart, here. Dec. 14—Inman, here. Dec. 21—Center, there. Dec. 22—St. Joe (Atkinson), there. Dec. 30—Holy Trinity (Hart ington), here. Jan. 3—Lynch, here. Jan. 6—Verdigre, here. Jan. 10—Butte, there. Jan. 17-20—Holt County tour nament, here. Jan. 30—Spencer, here. Jan. 31—Naper, there. Feb. 3—St. Ludger’s (Creigh ton), there. Feb. 7-10 — Niobrara Valley tournament at Niobrara. Feb. 16—Orchard, here. Ewing News Henry Baum, jr., of Lincoln ar rived home Wednesday, Novem ber 23, to spend the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baum, sr. Carolyn, Janell and Jimmie Tams spent part of the holiday weekend in O’Neill visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams and Donna went after them Sun day evening. Near Scheer, who attends col lege at Milford, spent Thanksgiv ing vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Scheer, and family. Mrs. Elizabeth Angus was a dinner guest on Thursday at the home of her son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. John Angus. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hintz entertained Ivis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hintz, at a 1 o’clock j:__ Mr. and Mrs. Pat Knapp and Grover had as their dinner guests on Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hintz, Johnnie and Lar ry Wanser, all of Ewing. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Turay for Thanksgiv ing dinner were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli and family, Pat and Mrs. Mick Hobbs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams and family drove to Springview on Thanksgiving day to visit her fa ther, George Robertson, and brother, Kenneth Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner were Thanksgiving day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Schlotman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrad had as their guests on Thanks giving day their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sylves ter Schrad, and family of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson and family enjoyed a turkey din ner with trimmings on Thanks giving day at the home of his mother, Mrs. Carston Peterson, at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks were hosts at a family 6 o’clock dinner Saturday evening at their home. Guests were their three children, Merton, Mary Alys and Sandra, Mrs. Wilda Carr and family of Holdrege and M. H. Dierks of Ewing. Thanksgiving dinner at the home of M. H. Dierks was prepar ed by his daughter, Mrs. Wilda Carr, and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Lyle Dierks. Guests were the Dierks and Carr families. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson went to Creighton to spend Thanksgiving day with members of her family, the Stropes. I select your Christmas gift from McINTOSH’S 1 • Men’s Waterproof Watches 17.50 up | I Others to $100 | • Ladies’ Wrist Watches _ 19.95 up | Others to $150 | • Keepsake Diamonds_25.00 up J | • Scheaffer & Parker Pens | I Other Gift Suggrfons: f I Figurines — Clocks — Cups — Saucers « Libby Hostess Sets_2.00 up | Billfolds — Watch Bands — Tie Sets | Haviland China | ft Electric Razors—Men’s and Ladies’ Rings i ft m Investigate a new mounting M | McIntosh Jewlery | “Where Price and Quality Meet” Sullivan-Jansen Exchange Vows (Photo at right) St. Patrick’s catholic church was the scene of the Friday, No vember 26, wedding of Miss Mar garet Mary Sullivan, daughter of Mrs. Patrick Sullivan of O’Neill, and William Jansen of O’Neill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jan sen of Springfield, S.D. Rev. Thomas Hitch performed the 10 o’clock ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Eugene Sullivan, wore a floor-length gown of Chan tilly lace. The snug bodice had an appliqued illusion yoke finish ed with a collar. The sleeves were long and tapered. The skirt was of lace over net over taffeta. She carried a bouquet of white carna tions. Mrs. John McGill of Omaha, sister of the bride, served as ma-| tron-of-honor. She wore a bailer- j ina length gown of nu-copper with matching accessories. She carried a bouquet of pink carna tions. Jack Jansen of Springfield, S. D., brother of the bridegroom, was bestman. Ushers were Clif ford Jansen of Dallas, S.D., brotn er of the bridegroom, and Robert Hanley of O’Neill, cousin of the bride. A breakfast was given at the Townhouse by the bride’s mother for the relatives. A recep tion was held from 2 to 4 at the Town House. For traveling the bride wore an avacado princess style dress with black accessories. Mrs. Jansen was graduated from St. Mary’s academy and is employed by Consumer’s Public Power district. Mr. Jansen is em ployed in the meat department at Shelhamer’s. Out - of - town relatives and friends here for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jan sen, Melvin, Duane, Joan and Jack, Mrs. Frieda Langleham, all of Springfield, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. j_.eonara jansen oi uauds, o.jj., Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jansen of White, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrow of Fremont; Mr. and Mrs. John McGill of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sullivan of Lin coln; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DeBak er of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Linus Anderson of Arcadia, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kruse of Botna, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson of South Dakota, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Koenig of Fairfax, S.D. Swine Influenza Can Be Detected This time of year when the weather is chilly and changeable you will need to take extra pre cautions to keep swine flu out of your herd, according to the Holt county extension agent’s office. Swine influenza doesn’t cause many death losses, but it does cost a lot of money in poorer gains and takes longer to market hogs. To prevent swine flu in the herd: 1. Prevent over crowding and night piling by providing well ventilated, draft free, well bed ded housing. 2. Watch for these warning signs in your pigs,—coughing, wa tery eyes, listlessness, difficult breathing, and loss of appetite. 3. If symptoms are noticed, have the trouble diagnosed at once so proper treatment can be started. Immediate care will help prevent complicating diseases. “It’s always a good idea to iso late newly purchased pigs for at least two weeks before putting them with the rest of your pigs. This gives you a better chance to make sure they won’t bring flu or other diseases into your herd,” County Agent A. Neil Dawes and Assistant Agent Warren Peden, jr., added. Stuart News Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mitchell and family of Atkinson were Thanksgiving day guests in the Berlin Mitchell home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle King of Om aha spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King. Mr. and Mrs. Dorlin Lockmon and son of Norfolk spent Wed nesday night, November 23, and Thanksgiving day with his moth er, Mrs. Tony Lockmon. Marvin Mitchell, student at Norfolk Jun ior college, accompanied them here and visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell. Warren Mitchell, student in University of Nebraska at Lin coln, accompanied his brother, Fred Mitchell, to Lincoln Sunday after they had spent the Thanks giving weekend with homefolks. Kenneth Batenhorst, Frank Hamik and Pat Murphy, students in University of Nebraska, spent the Thanksgiving vacation with homefolks. EMERGENCY SURGERY EWING—Keith Gibson, home on a holiday weekend from the University of Nebraska, was tak en ill on Friday. He was taken to the Tilden hospital where he un derwent surgery the same day for appendicitis. He is making sa tisfactory progress. The Frontier for printing . . . prompt deliveries. Mrs. William Jansen . . . November bride.—O’Neill Photo Co. i To Wed Soon Mr. and Mrs. John Nekolite of Newport, formerly of O’Neill, announce the engagement of their daughter, Donna Jean, to A/lc Lyle A. Ficher of Bassett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ficher of Bassett. A late December wed ding is planned. O’Neill News Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva re c e i v e d messages Thanksgiving day from their children—Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Elam and daughter, Patrica Anna, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. Halva, all of Denver, Colo., and from Capt. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Haug of Springfield, Mass., who were spending their Thanksgiving day in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birming ham and daughters entertained at a dinner party Friday in honor of William J. Froelich, jr., who is a law student at Georgetown university, Washington, D.C. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich, entertained Saturday evening in his honor. Allen Martin visited friends at Nebraska State college, Wayne, Monday, November 21. He also drove to Laurel to the scene of the car accident that took 10 lives. Guests on Thanksgiving at the William Murphy sr., home were Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy jr., Mary Ellen Heesacker and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman and son, Don, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Lan man of Verdel. Mrs. John Cleveland of Or chard spent Monday afternoon visiting with Mrs. Roy Lanman. The ladies were former neigh bors. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser were Sunday guests at the Char les Peterson ranch near Atkinson. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. John Zahradnicek, Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Weller and family of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaiser and family of Ainsworth. The Deloit locality south of Ewing reported light snow Sun day morning and near-zero tem peratures. Johnson-Benson Nuptials in Omaha Miss Betty Jane Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Chester A. Johnson and the late Dr. Chester A. Johnson, of Valentine, became the bride of Kenneth Benson of O’Neill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Benson of Minneapolis, Minn., Saturday, November 19, at 9 o’clock in the First Methodist church in Omaha. Mrs. Dan Sparks, cousin of the bride, was matron - of - honor. Maurice Johnson, brother of the bride, served as bestman. Mr. and Mrs. Benson are mak ing their home in O’Neill. Mr. Benson recently purchased the Lew White Motor Co. Page News Thanksgiving day guests of Mrs. Carrie Townsend were her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Townsend, and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blocker, and family, all of Columbus, and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chmeler of Norfolk. They returned to their homes on Friday. Mrs. Carrie Townsend accom panied her sister - in - law, Mrs. Dora Townsend, to Hartington on Saturday where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir. They re turned to Page on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holliday of Orchard were Thanksgiving day guests of his brother, Hugh, and Mrs. Holliday. Mrs. Bertha Reed was a guest of Mrs. Hester Edmisten Thanks giving day. Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Redling er accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don Lineback of O’Neill to Grand Is land where they attended the As sembly of God young people’s convention, held there last Thurs day and Friday. Hilton Griswold, former accompanist for the Blackwood Bros, quartet, was the main speaker. Mr and Mrs F-dffar Wood and son, Noel, of Lincoln were week end guests in the homes of their daughters, Mrs. Calvin Harvey and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, and their families and with Mrs. Hes ter Edmisten. They were Sunday dinner guests of Mi. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and callers at the Fred Wood and William Neu bauer homes. Mr. and Mrs. John La mason and Wilson went to Sheridan, Mo., Sunday, November 20, where they visited with her mother, Mrs. Scott. They were Thanks giving day guests of her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Maricle, at Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freemyer entertained at Thanksgiving din ner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen and daughters of Page, Mr. and Mrs. G. Luebbers Mr. and Mrs. George Luebbers and family of Osmond, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haynes of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Zelbert Freemyer and son of Bedford, la., and Mrs. Henry Hennegin of Blockton, la. The Iowa relatives returned to their homes on Saturday. Mr. ana Mrs. Russell Sorensen and Patty of Creighton and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and daughters. Pvt. Carl L. Goldfuss left Sat urday for Camp Claybanks, New Era, Mich., where he is stationed after spending a short leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss. Other Inman News Ivan Couch, who is employed at Fullerton, spent the holiday visiting his family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siders and daughter, Marilyn, spent Thanks giving in the home of their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Juracek, at Or chard. Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley, Kay and Ann, spent the weekend in Omaha visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kelley and family. MARRIAGE LICENSES William Jansen. 29, of O’Neill and Margaret Sullivan, 25, of O Neill, November 24. Clinton Smith Doolittle, 34, of Amelia and Gloria June Land rum, 27, of Amelia, November 26. Mrs. Reed Herley entertained Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Herley of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Park and family of Tilden and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Herley of Neligh at dinner Thanksgiving day. 600 to 700 Head of Cattle • There wil be from 600 to 700 head of cattle to be sold to day (Thursday) at the O'Neill Livestock Market’s regu lar weekly sale. The run will consist of around 200 calves, 200 yearlings, balance mixed consignments of cows and stockers and feeders. The market looks about steady with a we.k .igo. • There wil Ibe a large run of hogs to be sold at the hog sale which will start at 11:30. This includes 10 Yorkshire boars consigned by O. J. Drueke. • Plan now to attend the sale to be held today (Thursday) at the O’Neill Livestock Market. O’Neill Livestock Market Phone 2. O’Neill Fowl Served for Thanksgiving Party EMMET— Misses Helen Mar tens and Lucille Mitchell, teach ers, and the pupils of district 20 observed Thanksgiving at the school Wednesday, November 23. by having a roast chicken and duck dinner with trimmings. The children were dressed like Indians and Pilgrims for the oc casion. Mrs, Vernon Hoxsie was a guest and helped serve. Other Emmet News Miss Norma Lou Foreman, Frank Harrington and his little daughter, all of Omaha, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hoxsie moved to Blair last Thursday. Vernon has been employed in Omaha the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kendall and sons were guests of his mother, Mrs. Stella Kendall, from Wed nesday, November 23, until Fri day at Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meiers and children of O’Neill were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geary Enbody. Joe and Ed Winkler and Jeff Wagnon left Monday for Rush ville where they will spend a few days deer hunting. Mrs. Lou Fox was hostess to a group Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler, Ed Winkler and daughter, Mary Al ice, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wink ler and children of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hanus and son, Mark, of Omaha, Mrs. Frank weicnman ana ivirs. v^ari weicn man of Stuart were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman at Stuart. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Owen Cole and family on Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole and Jeanie. Afternoon guests were James Bridges and Miss Imogene Davis. Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer and son, Dewey. Mr. and Mrs. George Skopec and sons and Mrs. Charles Sko pec, sr., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skopec, jr., at Stu art on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson and Mrs. Lewis Susicool of Red lands, Calif., were guests of Mrs. Ralph Antisdel of Norfolk on Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Susicool left for Lincoln Sunday where she will visit her sister for a week before returning home. High score winners at the card party at St. Michael’s hall Sun day were Mrs. Casper Winkler and Elmer Schaaf; low, Ed Wink ler: door prize, Mrs. George Babl. Lunch was served. Mrs. George Babl was chairman. The WSCS met with Mrs. Leon Eeckwith on Monday afternoon. Reverend Ramus, a missionary from Texas, was the speaker. Eleven members were present. Mrs. G. Owen Cole and Mrs. vjrcrv/i. gc uidiucuu wcxc gucolo. x-\ lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hanus and son, Mark, of Omaha spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mr.s Joe Wink ler. Mrs. Bessie Burge, June and Clayton and the Glen Burge family were guests at the Clyde Burge home at Amelia Thanks giving day. Leo Wortman, h i s brother, Leonard Wortman, and Mrs. Wil liam Wortman were dinner guests at the A1 Kloppenborg home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Abart, Di ane and Sue of Eau Claire, Wise., and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ouart of Stuart were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart and Dercy on Friday. Joe Noehle was a dinner guest at the A1 Kloppenborg home Thanksgiving. The Walter Meiers family of O’Neill were Sunday guests at the Wayne Fox home. Miss Rose Mary Babl of Oma ha Was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South of Inman, Mrs. P. W. McGinnis and Miss Mary Lou Conard of Oma ha were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Conard Thanksgiving. Mrs. Arthur Humpal and Miss Sharon Gaylor of Atkinson were Friday guests of Mrs. Robert Cole. Guests of the George Bosn family Thanksgiving were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, Carol and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Belzer and sons, the George Brainard family, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Kelly and Lyle, Larry and Gordon Fox. Mrs. William Newton visited Mrs. Dean Perry and Beverly on Wednesday, November 23. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman, Connie and Jerry were Sunday dinner guests at the Floyd Spind ler home at Atkinson. The Fritz Brockman family were guests of Mrs. Fred Goos and Fred and Kenneth of Sargent on Thanksgiving. Sandra Schaaf, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaaf, was a guest at the Robert Cole home from Thursday until Sun day. The Joe Babl family were guests at the Bernard Dusatko home Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppen borg and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wayman were Thanksgiving day guests at the Ervin Kloppenborg home at Cozad. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry vis ited at the Jim O’Connor home at O’Neill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler, Ed Winkler and Mary Alice, the Bob Hanus and Leo Weichman fam ilies were Sunday dinner guests at the Charles Winkler home at Atkinson. Guests at the Wayne Bates home Thanksgiving were the Jim Foreman family of Battle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. John Kee and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Barbara were supper guests at the Max Grenier home at O’Neill Wednesday, November 23. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson were after dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole and sons were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Arthur Humpal home at Atkinson. Mrs. Charlie Abart visited Mrs. Agnes Gaffney on Monday after noon. . __ , Mr. and Mrs. Russeil Yusten visited at the Bessie Burge home Sunday evening. Roland Wills, student at Wayne State college, was a week end guest, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wills, and brother, Art. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kloppenborg and children visited at the Ernie Kloppenborg home north of O’ Neill Sunday evening. RIVERSIDE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and children, Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord and James and Paul Gunter ate Thanksgiving dinner at the Alvin Nelson home near Plainview. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery had a birthday supper for Linda Montgomery’s second birthday anniversary Wednesday, November 23. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Montgom ery and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Janell accompanied Duane Hord to Sa lem, S.D., to visit relatives Fri day. Dewitt and Clayton Hoke were supper guests at the Rol Hord home that day. Bosns Entertain— Mr. and Mrs. George Bosn en tertained at Thanksgiving dinner the following relatives: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, Carol, Ray mond, Lyle and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard and chil dren of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Belzer and boys. Lyle Fox of Hastings college arrived home Wednesday after noon, November 23, to spend Thanksgiving weekend. Larry Fox took him back to Hastings Sunday. Utile Dulci Club Holds Meeting— ATKINSON—Utile Dulci club met here Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. I. R. Dickerson. Mrs. E. C. Weller presented the lesson on “Know Your America.” Plans were made for the De cember meeting, when husbands of members will be guests. Mrs. James E. Ramsay will be hostess. Tune in . . . “Voice of The Frontier” . . . Monday, Wednes day, Saturday, 9:30, WJAG. Fire Hits Store at Brunswick— ° BRUNSWICK— Fire of unde termined origin about 9:30 p.m., Monday caused considerable damage to the Harry Smith Feed and Produce Store on Main street. When the Swiths went to check the stove in the front part of the store they couldn’t get in on account of smoke. Firemen, us ing masks, discovered the fire in the back room and extinguished it. Napiers Entertain — RIVERSIDE — Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier entertained the fol lowing guests on Thanksgiving at the church annex: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and children, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harpster and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napie, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Montgom ery and family. They also helped little Linda Montgomery cele brate her birthday anniversary. Royal Theater — O'NEILL. NEBR. — Thurs. Dec. t Family Night WE’RE NO ANGELS Humphrey Bogart, Aldo Ray and Peter Ustinov in Vista Vision and technicolor. Co-starring Joan Bennett, Basil Rathbone apd Leo G. Carroll. ’Twas the night before Christmas and all through Dev il’s Island there was the devil to pay. Family admitted for 2 adult tick-* ets; adults 50c; children 12c Fri.-Sat. Dec. 2-3 Randolph Scott and Angela Lonsbury in LAWLESS STREET Thrills, suspense, action in Ran dolph Scott’s new picture in technicolor. Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee Sat. 2:30. All children under 12 free when accompanied by parent Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Dec. 4-5-6 LUCY GALLANT Starring Jane Wyman and ! Charles Heston, co - starring Claire Trevor and Thelma Ritter with William Demarest, Wallace Ford and Tom Helmore. Color by Technicolor. Lucy demanded love . . . and everything else besides; Adults 50c; children 12c; piatinee Sun. 2:30. All children unless in arms must have tickets PAST40 Troubled with GETTING UP NIGHTS Pains in BACK, HIPS, LEGS Tiredness, LOSS OF VIGOR If you are a victim of these symptoms then your troubles may be traced to Glandular Inflammation. Glandular In flammation is a constitutional iisease and medicines that give temporary relief will not remove the causes of your troubles. Neglect of Glandular In flammation often leads to pre mature senility, and incurable malignancy. The past year men from 1,000 communities have been successfully treated here at the Excelsior Institute. They have found soothing relief and a new zest in life. The Excelsior Institute, devoted to the treatment of diseases peculiar to older men by NON-SURGICAL Methods, has a New FREE BOOK that tells how these troubles may be corrected by proven Non Surgical treatments. This book may prove of utmost impor tance in your life. No obliga tion. Address Excelsior In stitute, Dept. W-ll, Excelsior Springs, Missouri. ■ of your old car and | ireO all its squeaks and rattles? 0 J to face bleak wCalCQ wiRtor driving in a worn out car? 1 D»aLa from heavily J |Q| 0|\6 mounting automo- f tive repair bills? | Discouraged over prospects of shopping for another car? I ... THE . . . V I 1 Chevrolet — Oldsmobile — Cadillac Garage f 1. . .will solve your problem with a brand new CHEVROLET, f !1 equipped — ready to drive for ... | $395.00 Dow*1 and $49.86 ^er Month I is Come on in — let’s talk it over!! i Lew White Motor Co. — O’NEILL — I 9 I