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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
Menke - Burton Nuptials at Butte BUTTE—Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic church here was the scene of a wedding Wednesday November 23, when Miss Lorine Menke became the bride of Lortan L. Burton. Rev. Edward Gill per formed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Anton Menke of O’Neill, and the late Mr. Menke. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A Burton of Hartington. The bride chose for her wed ding a royal blue suit with white accessories. She carried a bouquet of American beauty roses. Her jewelery was a pair of earrings, a gift of the bridegroom, and a . gold cross and chain of her grandmother’s. Miss Ann Menke, sister of the bride,’ wore a ccppertone suit with white accessories. She wore a corsage of pink roses. Emery Hoesing of Hartington, a friend of the bridegroom, was bestman. The men wore light blue suits with white carnation boutonnieres. Urban and Lee Menke, broth ers of the bride, were ushers. A dinner for the immediate members of the families was held at Bonesteel, S.D. The table was centered with a three - tier wed ding cake which was baked and decorated by Mrs. Rex Coburn and Mrs Bill Coburn. It was serv ed by Mrs. John H. Thoene of The mother of the bride wore a Fordyce, sister of the bride, forrest green dress with avocado accessories and a corsage of white carnations. After a short wedding trip to the Ozarks, the couple will be at home on a farm near Hartington. . O’Neill News , Mr. and Mrs.. .John Harned of Benicia, Calif., were here last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel. Mr. and Mrs. Harned, accompanied by Mrs. Schenzel, spent Saturday, November 19, in Norfolk visiitng Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mallory. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins spent Thanksgiving day with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parkins, and family. Miss Lorraine Simonson of Omaha spent the Thanksgiving ,weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Simonson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel and Mrs. Bill Strong and daugh ter spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Spangler at Ewing. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Calkins and children and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dennis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stowell and son, Bobby Joe, and Mr. and ■ Mrs. A. F. Stanton went to Sioux Falls, S.D., Wednesday, Novem-; ber 23, to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. John Cuddy and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Stanton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Simonson and Lorraine had Thanksgiving | dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Russell, Moler. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer spent Thanksgiving at Brunswick with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schinck. It was the 47th wedding anniver sary of the Switzers. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Towle spent the weeeknd in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Troshynski spent Thanksgiving at the Dan Troshynski home in Page. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson returned home Monday after spending the Thanksgiving week end in Wayne county, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wecker were hosts Thanksgiving day at a din ner attended by Mrs. Bessie Ku dera, Jim and Adolph, jr., of Os mond; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kudera and family of Newman Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kudera of Newman Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strate of Hoskins. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Young and Maude Rouse Sunday were Mrs. Bertha Hayden of Wiggins, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huston and family of Kansas City, Kans., Stanley and Alice Young of Lincoln, Helen Young of Omaha, Ralph Young, Thelma and Ed of O’Neill, Henry Walter and family and Caroll Summerer and family of Cham bers and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse and Lawrence Rouse and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benash and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hard i rrtl_ft dov untn ing spent O -—^ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harding and Dean Sedivy moved to Sioux City Sunday. The boys plan to go back to work in the packing plMr! and Mrs. C. H. Chambers, ir., and sons and Miss Jackie Christiansen o£ Ringsted, la-, were guests from Wednesday, November 23, until Friday at the H E Asher home. They were joined there for Thanksgiving by the M. E. Asher family and Mrs. C. H. Chambers, sr., of Valen tine. Venus News Mrs. Dale Dorr, Connie and Kathy spent Thanksgiving day at the Herman Dorr home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Soucek of Verdigre visited at Ra]ph Brookhouser home on Tuesday evening, November 22. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pospeshil drove to Sioux City Monday, No vember 21, to visit their son, Harold Pospeshil, and They returned to their home tne next day. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch spfent Thanksgiving day witn their daughter at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs Ora Caskey and sons were Thanksgiving guests | at the Verlyn Gibbs home at O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Woodworth and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dorr visited at the R. Brookhouser home Monday evening November 21. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bartos and family surprised Mrs. Bartos parents on their wedding anni versary Wednesday, November 23. Home-made ice cream and cake, brought by the guests, was served. Frontier for printing! a 0 Ewing News Mrs. Valgene Kreiter and son are spending a few days at Red bird visiting relatives. Mrs. Martha Hill and her daughter, Mrs. Valgene Kreiter, and son, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill and family spent Thanksgiv ing day at the Alfred Linquist home at O’Neill. Mr. Linquist is a brother of Mrs. Hill. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Joe Sturbaum on Thanksgiv * ing were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pol lock and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock have moved to their new home and are getting settled. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ruroede will occupy the residence vacated by the Pol lock family. Mrs. Mildred Wright and chil dren were Sunday guests at the home of her brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mosel. Other guests were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lehmen, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lehmen. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies enter tained on Thanksgiving day Mrs. Rose Bohn and family, which in cluded Miss Geraldine, who is employed at Norfolk. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn. Pvt. Mick Hobbs of Ft. Lee, Va., is enjoying a 20-day furlough with his wife and daughter. Pri vate Hobbs will go to Ft. Lewis, Wash., upon expiration of his furlough. I Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack! and Cathy were guests on Phanksgiving day at the home of ner uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Grant James, at Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and daughter spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor, at Oakdale. On Saturday evening they were guests at a pinochle party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Miller at Oakdale. Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Eva Kaczor on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. John Kaczor and family. In the afternoon, all went to the Thomas Kaczor to visit the family. Other guests at the Thomas Kaczor home were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kaczor and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Ernesti and family. Mrs. Archie Tuttle entertained a group of ladies at a' coffee hour on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Dora Shipp of Harlan and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brogard and son of Fremont were Thanksgiv ing day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards and family. On Wednesday, November 23, * 2/Lt. Merton Dierks of Smoky Hill Air Base, Salina, Kans.. and his sister, Miss Sandra Dierks, of Omaha, accompanied by Miss Judy Jefferies arrived in Ewing to spend the holiday weekend with homefolks. Miss Mary Alys Dierks of Council Bluffs arrived Friday for the weekend. All re turned on Sunday to their various places of work and study. The Tuttle family had a get-to gether at the home of Roy Tuttle on Thanksgiving day. A dinner was served at one o’clock. Guests were Mrs. Hannah Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Verie Tuttle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle and Leonora, all of Ewing. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Baum and David took their son, Henry jr., and their daugh ter, Diana, to Lincoln where they continued by bus to Lincoln where both attend the University of Nebraska. WE WILL GIVE AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE 5 CERTIFICATES FOR $759.00 EACH, GOOD TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ANY NEW MODEL 1956 MERCURY AT THE ASIMUS MOTOR CO. 1 NOTHING TO BUY! | JUST COME IN AND REGISTER. I DRAWING SATURDAY AT 9 P.M. | You do not have to be present to win! I THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT DEAL, ) NO TRADES ACCEPTED. I Certificates are transferable. ( Enash COFFEE *87? VELVEETA CHEESE 2-Lb. Box_— 79c DELRICH OLEO 4Lk..1.00 MANCHESTER CRACKERS 2-u. Boi_49c | 4 ; ^ SWANS DOWN CAKE MIX 2Pkg*...49c STOCKTON CATSUP 2f.r___ 35c Ijuksily l;k£.am HOUR 2" BEET SUGAR 5lbs.--49® VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS ££*_39c FANCY CHERRIES Gal 79® NORTHERN BEANS t& 49® SALAD DRESSING ££•_39® * RED | CUDAHY’S PURITAN THICK SLICED f ? t.o. uwli rttmti kid \STEAKu 49* I WIENERS 100 I SPARE RIBS-Lb. 39c (PORK ROAST-Lb.3ic (DRIED BEEF fh- 29c BOILING BEEF 2 Lk —39c BACON POUND SQUARES 19 c PORK POUND ROLL SAUSAGE 25c LEAN MEATY SLAB — Chunk Only BA CONu, 39C ( PORK — LEAN, MEATY _I PEAS CORN TOMATOES 3 Cans 2-LB. PKG. ORANGE SLICES_30c HORMEL’S CHILL. Can 29c PRINCE DOG FOOD_3 cans 29c DUNCAN HINES PKG. MARBLE CAKE MIX ...33c FIRESIDE 2 PKGS. MARSHMALLOWS .... 49c PENICK WAFFLE SYRUP .... 24-oz. btl. 43c *