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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1955)
Yvonne Mlnarik, Cletus Thramer Wed in Church Rite (Photo at right) EWING—Miss Yvonne Mlnarik daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mlnarik of Ewing, became the bride of Cletus Thramer, son of Joseph Thramer, Tuesday, No vember 15, at 9 a.m., in Clearwa ter. Rev. Alfred Iloesing officiated at the double-ring ceremony be fore an altar decorated with bou quets of chrysanthemums. Soloist was Robert Koenig of Ewing, who sang “Ave Maria” and “On This Day, Oh Beautiful Mother.” Mrs. Mark Sehi accom panied him.' , The bride was given in marri age by her father. She chose a gown of imported, hand-clipped chantilly lace and nylon tulle. It '* was designed with a small collar . and,a fitted bodice that buttoned down the back. The full skirt was worn over a hoop and was fash ioned with a deep peplum of tulle banded with lace, ending in a train. Her fingertip veil of im ported French illusion was at tached to a crown covered with seed pearls, sequins and rhine stones.. She carried a cascade bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Sam Stearns was matron of-honor for her sister. She wore a strapless, floor-length gown of yellow net with a matching lace jacket. M.iss Clarabel Mlnarik, sister of the bride, wore an or chid gown, identical to that of the matron-of-honor. Their bou quets were of carnations. Bestman was J. Alex Thramer and groomsman was Mark Thra mer. Both are brothers of the bridegroom. Miss Jodine Funk, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl. She wore a gown of net over taffeta featuring rows of tiny ruffles and bands of taffeta. She carried a basket of orchids and yellow chrysanthemums. Thomas Mlnarik, brother of the bride, was ring bearer. He car ried the rings on a white heart shaped pillow. Sam Steams and Ludwig Tagel were ushers. A three - course dinner was served in the church parlors at noon for 75 relatives and friends. The bride’s table was centered Dr. Edw. J. Norwood, OJD. Optometrist. from Crawford, Nebraska, will be in O'Neill on At the Hotel Golden FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Eyes Scientifically Examined Glasses Properly Fitted 1- '.. with a three-tier cake which was baked by Mrs. Carl Thiele. It was cut by Mrs. Clarence Funk, sis ter of the bridegroom. Mrs. Frank Mlnarik, aunt of the bride, pour ed. Assisting with the dinner were Mesdames Rudy Funk, Clarence Shavlik, Frank Bohn, Ralph Tom jack, Wayne Paul, Cletus Muff, George Walters, Frank Miller, Wililam Sehi and Earl Schindler. It was served by Misses Sharon Rotherham, Maxine N o f f k e , Frances Noffke, Irene Kaczor, Jolyene Kaczor, Donna Mlnarik, Kay Rotherham and Beverly Rotherham. In the afternoon a reception was held at the church with 200 guests present. Mrs. Robert Wal nofer was in charge of the guest book. Assiting with the gifts were Mrs. J. Alex Thramer and Mrs. Mark Thramer. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Thramer will make their home on a farm southwest of Clearwater. The bride was graduated from the Ewing high school with the class of 1953 and for two years has taught in a rural school. The bridegroom was graduated from the Clearwater high school with the class of 1952 and is employed farming and trucking. Guests attended from Ewing, Clearwater, Norfolk, Elgin, Page, Neligh and Spalding. Out-of-state guests were from North Dakota and Washington. Postoffice Offers Yule Mailing Tips The O’Neill postoffice, soon to reel under the impact of Christ mas and holiday mail, offered these recommendations for speedy, sure delivery. 1. Wrap well. 2. Tie securely. 3. Address plainly inside and out. 4. Mail early. “In fact,” said Postmaster Ira H. Moss, “the earlier a package is mailed, the better chance it has of reaching its destination on time.” Packages mailed by December 14 should arrive in time for Christmas delivery, Moss said. All cards should be mailed by December 20. Unsealed cards, signatures, may be mailed for two with no written messages except cents. To Wed Sunday at Butte— BUTTE—Miss Joyce Fay Holm daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmei Holm of Butte, will be married Sunday, December 4. at the Butte Community church, to Garj Sedlacek of Spencer. The Holir family formerly resided at Royal Mr. Sedlacek is stationed wit! the navy at Portsmouth, Va. Thanksgiving guests at the Earl Farr home were Mr. anc Mrs. Bert Henning and Mr. anc Mrs. Albert Henning and family of Atkinson, Mrs. William Gro the, sr., of Emmet and Clarence Farr of O’Neill. Afternoon caller were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks Mr. and Mrs. Durvin Kipple anc family of O’Neill and Mr. anc Mrs. Lou Prange of Stuart. - ~! Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Thramer ... to reside on farm southwest of Clearwater.—Westland Studio. r— --—— — ■ 1 ■ ■■■■■■ ■ ; Courtneys Note 40th Anniversary LYNCH—Sixteen couples came to the Wallace Courtney home Thursday evening, November 24, to help them celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. Progressive pitch served as en tertainment for the evening. The table was adorned with a four-tier wedding cake and two double pink candle holders. Mr. Courtney presented his wife with a center piece of beau tiful red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Koscan and Dr. and Mrs. Donald Bendorf of Butte were out-of-town guests. Other Lynch News Mrs. F. Fiala and Miss Emma Pucelik of Spencer visited Mrs. Vincent Jehorek at her home here. Rev. John Wieczorek spent the past week in Omaha on busi ness. Pauline Mulhair accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harold Micanek to Miami Fla., Tuesday, November 22. Pauline will spend the winter with ivir. and Mrs. Erwin Kerbel and the Micanek’s will vacation there for three weeks. Clarence Coulthard and Lettie of Oakland were Sunday visitors at the Clare Coulthard home here. Mrs. Edith Lang visited at the Stanley Lang home in Norfolk the first part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Combs of Yakima, Wash., are here visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Lettie Combs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spencer and Miss Joyce Spencer, all of Lin coln, spent Thanksgiving weekend at the parental Fred Spencer home. They returned to Lincoln Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hammon and family attended the Hammon Thanksgiving dinner festivities at the Frank Hammon home Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. William Mahlen dorf and daughter were O’Neill visitors Wednesday, November Mrs. Marjorie Dix and Mrs. W. T. Alford visited at the Bill Al ford and Lorell Alford homes in Omaha the first part of the week. Mrs. Sadie Sinclair of Denver, Colo., is here visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Don Bare. A neighborhood card party was held at the Fred Spencer home Friday evening, November 25. Three tables of six-handed pro gressive pitch was played with Arden Spencer, Mrs. Albert Spen cer and Mrs. Glenn Davy win ning high scores. On Sunday, November 20, Mr. and Mrs. George Barta attended the 62nd wedding anniversary of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Barta at Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Barta have three ; sons, four grandsons and two ! great-granddaughters. Joy Slack is the new local tele phone operator replacing Mrs. Bonnie Johnson, who resigned since her recent marriage. Dr. G. B. Ira left Sunday, No vember 20 for Indianapolis, Ind., where he will visit at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Naomi Douglas, before going to Miami, Fla., to spend the winter with his son, Gordon, and family. Miss Iris Craig of Atkinson spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer and Mrs. Gracia Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkow ski and Lawrence accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Dale Barta of Ver digre to Bonesteel, S.D., to spend Thanksgiving at the Herman Schochenmaiers. Miss Grace Mannen of Omaha I spent Thanksgiving weekend here with Mrs. Josie Mannen and Herb i and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Darnell. O’Neill News Thursday evening callers at the Marvin Anderson home were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Prescott and fam ily of Dixon. Mrs. Nellie Baker of Casper, Wyo., is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Becken hauer returned Wednesday eve ning from a visit to Milwaukee, Wise. Carleen, Jeanne and Donnie Schoenle were Thanksgiving din ner guests at the Henry Benze home. Food sale Saturday. Sponsored by the Methodist WSCS at Shel hamer’s from 10 to 4. 31c Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bowen and Donald Bowen spent Thanks giving in Hastings visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bowen and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Becken hauer spent Saturday in Norfolk visiting Mrs. Mary Beckenhauer. Mr. and Mrs. Dickie Fernau and daughter of Neligh spent Sunday at the F. S. Brittell home. They brought Beverly Brittell back home after spending the past two days in Neligh with them. , Monuments of lasting beautv made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmett Crabb, O’ Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Johnson and daughter, Diane, of Hyannis were Thanksgiving weekend) guests at the Dr. L. A. Burgess home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marston daughters are spending two weeks at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harden Ans pach. _ Miss Betty Harmon of Scotts bluff spent from last Thursday night until Sunday visiting rela tives and friends in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Baker en tertained 16 guests at a Thanks giving dinner at their home. ^ Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones, Manager O’Neill Nebraska » __ _ _ See Us for BIDS o ... on that new home or business building. WE SPECIALIZE in custom cabinets, fixtures and furniture. FREE ESTIMATES Gerald W. Monk Phone 431-M Box 205, O’Neill END OF MONTH "CLEARANCE WOMEN’S BETTER COATS REDUCED — NOW SI 8 - $20 - $24 - $28 GIRLS’ WINTER GOATS Reduced — Now ___ S8-S1D-S12 WOMEN’S BETTER COTTON BLOUSES Size 32 to 38 - Now-"1,50 BOYS’ WINTER JACKETS Reduced—Now-$7 - $8 - $9 ’ “ BLANKETS Solid Colors, 3Vi-Pounds, 90% Rayon, 10% Nylon Now Only -5.00 TODDLERS’ NYLON DRESSES Beautiful Styles Sizes li 2, 3 ...._2.00 MEN’S WORK GLOVES Double Nap-Out Gloves, 3 pairs. 1.00 Heavy Canvas Gloves, 5 pairs1.00 - MEN’S WORK OVERSHOES Heavy Red Sole Made for Heavy Duty 4-Buckle. 4.98 5-Buckle. 5.50 “ CHILDREN’S BROWN OXFORDS Reduced - Sizes 82 to 3 - Now ... 3.00 CHILDREN’S NYLON SNOWSUHS One-Piece, Full Zippers - Now... 0.00 o o I o « FRESH PICNIC : ■ MB Mk h mk 1b % h l ROASTS in. I III, __ t* ARMOUR'S * \ SMOKED * PICNICS V i 6 to 8 LBS. Ill/ FRESH "'// PORK STEAK » 3 FRESH BULK f PORK SAUSAGE » | FRESH SLICED f PORK LIVER \ SWIFT’S PREMIUM A ^ ‘ Bacon B3ff i FRESH SPICED PORK FEET LUNCHEON \\ or NECK BONES LOAF I “ 9* ‘ 39c \ . s 1 FLAV-R-PAC FRESH FROZEN t STRAWBERRIES Sr Jh V FANCY GOLDEN YELLOW % BANANAS A - ¥' mu A ■ ¥ Hill -— A PLUMP, JUICY JA IA4 t GRAPEFRUIT 10 49* A RED TOKAY or EMPEROR a# d i GRAPES 2«.2&* FRESH HAMLIN JUICE | ORANGES | // GET A BIG JUICE BARGAIN ROME BEAUTY or DELICIOUS ' APPLES U FRESH* PLUMP, RUBY-RED CRANBERRIES, I PLYMOUTH MAID „lU> m QAL.awr. CREAM i X (LIMIT I CARTON PLEASE) ” \U-^ TZZZ WT. j FOLGEtl'S COFFEE j >, DRIP on REGULAR J » , /-LB. CAN_I | ‘hanl Mile | V P/LLSBURV'S I CHOC., WHITE oa YELLOW CAKE \ Wl^ lM ¥ a^,,a, ^ ■* “? 2 i^yri; * i j a j 1 ere I SCO, /-LB. CAN.,35* ry \ oxyooL ,0/ANT PACKAGE..77$ M HU) CHEEP, MCKABE..33$ ^ f DPEFT, LARGE PACKAGE.... .33 ‘ H f SP1C and SPAN, /-is. -box.29$ 43 1 CAMAY SOAP, PEG. BAR.. 105 2SS2 27* p y JOY Liquid Detergent, 6/ANT BOTTLE - 774 y JjSZMXSKZSSm.