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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1954)
Harmony Club at Thompson Home INMAN—Mrs. Lottie Thomp son entertained the Harmony club at her home on Friday after noon. The time was spent social ly. Mrs. Ralph Brittell of Albion, who spent the past week in the Thompson home, assisted her •mother. A lunch was served at the close cf the afternoon. Other Inman News Mrs. David Morsbach enter tained the Woman’s department of the RLDS church at her home Tuesday for a regular study period, followed by a social hour. Mrs. Morsbach served refreshments in late af ternoon. Mrs. Helen Sholes of Buhl, Ida., arrivtd here on Tuesday. She left soon afterward for Omaha to visit her father, Nels Christensen of Ewing, a pa tient in an Omaha hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Chase of Sheldon, la., are spending sev eral days at the home ol their son - in - law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McCabe, and family at riage, also at the home of Joseph and Beatrice Galla gher here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coven try and son. Bob, left Friday for Omaha where they spent several days visiting in the home of their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Pinkerman, jr., and family. They returned home Sunday night. Mrs. Vaden Kivet and Larry Sawyer returned from Wayne on Friday. They attended the summer session at Wayne State Teachers college. - Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Clark of Durweu were inman visitors on Friday, calling on Mr. Clark’s niother, Mrs. Axrna Clark, and their brother-in-law and sister, M.. and Mrs. Ralph Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Luben and family of Oak and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Luben and daughter of Wisner are visiting' at the Charles Luben and May Fraka homes. Miss Mary Morsbach is spend ng this week visiting in the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser, and sons at Neligh. Mrs. Pete Palleson and daugh-, ters of Neligh were Saturday1 visitors in Inman. Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and daughters spent Sunday in Norfolk visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brittell and daughters. Miss Lois Morsoacn returned ■ home Sunday evening after j spending a week in Neligh visit-! ing Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser and sons. Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbach re turned Sunday from Clearwater where she visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morsbach and family and from Neligh where she visited Mr. and Mi's. Levi Morsbach and son. Miss Lois Morsbach left Mon day evening for O’Neill where! she will visit in the home of Mr.! and Mrs. Arnie Mace, jr. James Banks and son have returned from Elgin where they were employed for a few weeks. Ralph Brittell spent the week end visiting in the home of Mrs. Lottie Thompson. He returned to Albion Sunday evening accom panied by Mrs. Brittell and daughter, who spent a week in the Thompson home. Mrs. James Kelley came Sat urday from Columbus. On Sun day, Mrs. James Kelley, Mrs W E. Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. Dale --- DANCE BUTTE LEGION BALLROOM Tuesday, Aug. 10 Music Styled by— JIMMY THOMAS and His Band ONE-DAY ONLY SPECIALS Friday Only . . . Reg. 7:95 Samson Vinyl Covered Steel Card Tables 4.95 Saturday Only ... Limed Oak 30x24 Picture Frames Regularly 8.95 3.95 MIDWEST TURN. & APPL. Phone 346-J West O’Neill ___ll Lines attended the funeral of their cousin and uncle, George Parks, at the Methodist church in Page. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan drove to Page Sunday evening where they called on Mrs. George Park and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and sons of Lo gan, la., at the Park home. They also called on Mr. and Mrs Rollie Snell. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Liedtke of Chambers spent Sunday in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruther, and son. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ticknor of Denver, Colo., arrived Satur day evening and are visiting Mrs. Ticknor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Laney, and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moor of North Bend were Sunday callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Watson and Sam. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and family and Mrs. Wolfe’s fa ther, Walter Jacox, were Sunday visitors here. Guests m the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson and family on Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dittbumer, Newell and Virginia Krogh, Mr. [ and Mrs. Richard Unkie, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Wagner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Moening and son, all of Madison. Mr. and Mrs. William Hibbs and family of Star were guests ;n the home of Mrs. Hibbs’ par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siders, and Marilyn. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark drove to Sioux City Sunday to meet their daugnter, Mrs. Roy Tjes sem, and two daughters of May wood. 111., who will visit her parents for several days. • Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thompson and sons of Grand Island are vis iting Mr. Thompson’s mother, Mrs. Lottie Thompson. Leonard Sawyer of Orchard was a dinner guest Friday eve ning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tompkins and family. Mr. Sawyer conducts band both afternoon and evening each Fri uay at Inman. Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Lottie Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brittell and daughter, Betty Jean, of Albion, and Mrvand Mrs J. T. Thompson and sons of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Conger and family of Omaha spent a few days last week visiting in the | liome of Mrs. Conger’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Conger, sr. I Soil Program | Changes Time— L. F Bredemeier, former work | unit conservationist for the Holt soil conservation district, will be i interviewed by C. K. fBob) Hill over radio station WJAG, Nor- j folk, on Wednesday, August 11, at 9:35 a.m. It is pointed out , there is a time change from the ' regular period for the program , which has been at 10:05 a.m., I following the “Voice of the Frontier.” I Due to station committments and program scheduling, th» | time has been altered and will continue to be heard at the new \ time 9?35 a.m. i Mr. Bredemeier will discuss \ some of the important factors , governing range mangement. He I is now state range specialist with the soil conservation service and | has his headquarters at North Platte. I Vacation in Norfolk— I The Misses Mema and Verna Butterfield, daughters of Mr. and i Mrs. Eldon Butterfield, returned Saturday from a week’s vacation ‘ in Norfolk at the home 6f Mr.; and Mrs. Ellridge Maynard. Lois Maynard returned with her cou sins for a visit here. Complete Courses at Wayne— Among those returning last week from an eight-weeks’ sum mer session at Wayne State Teachers college were: Mrs. Flor ence Schultz, Mrs. Harold Seger, Mrs. A1 Fritton and Miss Claire Tomjack of Ewing. On Leave— Pfc. Ted Lindberg of Ft. Bragg, iN. C., arrived in O’Neill Monday for a two week leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lind berg. Kellar Group Learns About Composer CHAMBERS— The Kellar La dies’ club met Wednesday, July 28, at the home of Mrs. Alfred Maas. Mrs. Orville Svatos was assistant hostess. Thirteen mem bers and one child were present. The program was in charge of Mrs. Ernest Farrier, who played several piano numbers and gave a number of interesting facts • bout Came Jacobs Bond, whose song, “Perfect Day,” prefaced the program. Mrs. Louis Neilson read two selections from the book, “Poems by Nebraska Po ets,” and one from Zondervan’s “Christmas Program Hand Book >«o. 2.” Mrs. Orville Svatos won the door prize. Because everyone is so busy it was decided to omit the August J1 meeting. The program com mittee for the next meeting is Myrtle Bell, Anna Alderson and Ruth Harley. The place and date will be announced later. Other Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lewis of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Clair H. Kerr of Edgemont, S.D., were visitors at the Louis Neilson home Sunday. Mr. Lewis is Mrs. Holloway’s brother and Mrs. Kerr is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilbert were callers in the Louis Neilson home late Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jarman and Jim were Sunday dinner guests in the Glen Adams home. Norman Walter, who is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter, was guest speaker Sunday evening at St. Paul’s Lutheran church. Mr. Walter has been attending theological semi nary in St. Louis, Mo. Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Dale and family of Pratt, Kans., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter the first of the week. Monday visitors in the E. R. Carpenter home were Melvin Armstrong, daughter, Elaine, and son, Dennis, of Marlette, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong and Mrs. Floyd Vames and son of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wester man and Larry Lee of Kensing ton, Kans., came Friday and vis ited until Tuesday with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fagan, and fam ily. Judy and Gary Fagan ac companied them home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jarman and family of Ft. Collins, Colo, came Monday and visited over Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wood Jarman, and his brother ana sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jarman, and Jim. Louane Brown spent a week Visiting her cousin. Shirley Berg. Sunday, July 25, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown and children were called to Spencer by the death of her father, William Hoffman, who died early that morning. Mrs. Brown and daughters stayed until Wednesday, July 28, with her mother. Attend Music Camp at Wayne— The Misses Shirley and Betty Lou Schultz, Jeannette Seger and Betty Harmon left Sunday to at tend a music camp for a week at Wayne State Teachers college. The Misses Schultz, daughters of Mrs. Florence Schulz, plan to go on to Omaha to visit their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hiatt, and chil dren and to Ralston to visit an other brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Beranrd Sprv, and sons. Beckers Visit in Kansas and Texas— Miss Barbara Becker spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker. Miss Becker is taking a hospital tech nician’s course in Kansas City, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. Becker took her back and will drive on to Ft. Bliss, Te:c., to visit their son Don, and take his car to him. Vacation in Minnesota— Mr. and Mrs. William C. Artus and children left Tuesday for a vacation in Minnesota. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT VOTE FOR ALBERT (AL) SIPES Republican Candidate for Sheriff of Holt County ■MMMFfSMHI experienced — capable Your Support in the August 10 Primary Will Be Appreciated I r Meadow Gold First Quality s HE [REnm FLAVORS I BEAT THE HEAT.. SERVE VaMfai IlvK ikem |a&t„ Ae'wJe tkem picudfiij August is the month when everyone wants to spend less time in ihe hot kitchen .. . and still have light tempting food on the table! SANDWICHES ARE YOUR ANSWER! They're so good on these hot days and they save you money, too! Our luncheon cuts, spreads, meats and produce . . . everything for perfect sandwich fixing .. . are priced just right for you! Save time, energy and money . . . SERVE SANDWICHES! iSATHER CELLO ASSORTED COOKIES^ $1 GIANT SUHF 491 STEM 39 CHOPPED PORK u.-5Si CUDAHY’S SKINLESS 3 LBS. UIIEIIERS 991 PIONEER SLICED BACON EROS 2lbs-4|i LIVER 2 35 SUTLETS49 I FORBES BLACK PEPPER, 2 J-oz. pkgs. 29« KOOL AID.6 for 25c TANG.12-oz. can 45c PLANTER'S CAL rva ITTrm ntw tthtv v a a HI - C ORAN GAOS™29 ? ROCHESTER Ml IK 211, 25? BROWN or POWDERED 2*25f NORTHERN NAPKINS 2*»23t IFORNIA ELBERTA 17-Lb EVERBEST PEAS & CARROTS 2 Pkgs..19c • Lug ^ rL.A11 1 LI\ o PEANUT BUTTER. Jar 29c WILMAR PEARS.2 303 cans 49c LIBBY’S DILL PICKLES.Qt. 29c DROMEDARY CAKE MIX.Pkg, 29c CURTISS PKG. MARSHMALLOWS.17c MISSION POP...... 6 for 55c LIQUID LINIT STARCH.Qt. 23c WATERMELONS Lb. $/4c APRICOTS.Lug 2.19 CARROTS (in cello).Pkg. 10c GRAPEFRUIT. 10 for 49 c CRAPES-231 ROSEDALE PEAS OR COOL SPRING CORN OR Royal Rio Tomatoes 2 303 Cans 25c