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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1954)
Annual Club Picnic Held in City Park LYNCH—The Rural Progres sive extension club members and their families enjoyed the an nual club picnic at the Lynch city park Sunday afternoon. Other Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jehorek were last Thursday evening vis ilors at the D. C. Kube home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bjornsen and family of Sioux City spent the weekend visiting relatives here POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT EXPECTED TO WIN Carl T. Curtis An independent study of Nebras ka Republican voters, completed this week, shows Carl T. Curtis of Minden substantially ahead of all other candidates for the United States Senate long term nomina tion. Observers believe that Mr. Curtis’ long experience in Congress, his work on lowering taxes, and his ceaseless fight for fair treatment for agriculture are the basis of Mr. Curtis’ strong state-wide pop ularity. Thia ad sponsored by Curtis lor Senate Committee. Col. "Art" Thompson. Lincoln. Ncbr. Honorary Chairman. and at Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nemic of Spencer were Sunday guests at tr.e Martin Jehorek home. Mrs. Anne Chasedelski and Miss Nettie Wieczorek of Buffa lo, Pa., left Monday for Omaha where they will visit a few days before going to their home. Mrs. Martin Jehorek and son, Martin, were business visitors in eoencer Wednesday, July 28. They also called at the Joe Nemic and Bill Hambek homes. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zach and family of Osmond were recent visitors at the Mrs. Mary Zach home here. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Barnett re turned to their home in Atlanta, Ga., after visiting their daughter, Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mag nuson of Huron, S.D., visited at the parental Francis Shrunk home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McMeen returned home from a two-weeks’ vacation trip to the western states. Tuesday evening guests at the Vince Jehorek home were Miss ARTHRITIS? I have been wonderfully blessed in being restored to active life ofter being crippled in neorly every joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism, hands de formed and my ankles were set. Limited space prohibits telling you more here but if you will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I received this wonderful relief Mrs. Lela S. Wier 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. O. Box 2695 Jackson 7. Mississippi POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT VOTE FOR Henry Winkler REPUBLICAN SUPERVISOR, THIRD DISTRICT Holt County, Nebraska Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated Primary Election August 10, 1954 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT | Vote For j Kenneth Waring { Republican Candidate for HOLT COUNTY CLERK Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated! Primary Election — Tuesday, August 10 _ .QwUjD Ot><? 1' steam IRON ibE3i • Use* Top Water • Easy to Fill Tilt-back Handle • Easy-Drain Spout, safe to empty even when hot • Form-Fit Handle • Button Nooks • Accurate Temperature Selector • All-Over Steam Spread FULLY GUARANTEED LAZY SUSAN S AV E By Famous California Designer $396 Ideal for serving relishes, snacks, cheese spreads. Handsome 14" lazy Susan. Free-form ceramic center dish and three outside trays in dark and lime green, light mahog any finished base. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT OFFER! Now at Your Drug Store GILILIG&N'S REXALL DRUG Phone 87 O’Neill Nettie Wieczorek and Mrs. Anne Chasedelski of Buffalo, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkowski and Mrs. Martin Jehorek. C. B. Darnell was a business visitor in Spencer Tuesday, July 27. Mr. and Mrs. George Barta were Verdel visitors on Sunday, July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Compton spent last week in Creighton. Donald Gallop of Colorado Springs, Colo., spent several days last week in the old home town vvith friends. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeFries of California visited at the Harry Mulhair and Rose Brunson homes last week. Jack Kinport of Naper vistied with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keller, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Cameron and children of Niobrara visited relatives Here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ching Davey of Norfolk visited relatives here on Sunday. Connie Bowlby spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, in Holt coun*y. Wayne Blair of Spencer visit ed his wife and children at the Don Stewart home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison James of Spencer visited at the Fred Wurtz home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Barnes and family of Pleasant View visited at the Guy Barnes home. Mr. and Mrs. George Barta were Niobrara visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonasek and daughters of Verdige visited relatives here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mulhair were Sioux City visitors Friday. Don Walker and Wesley Ku bena of Butte are installing a new heating system in the Don Allen home this week. Byron Lower of Verdel was a business visitors here last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Art Barta of Ver del were Lynch visitors Satur day. lvir. cUlU 1V11 o. vv diica^c and Eugene attended the centen nial celebration in Sioux City Saturday. Peter Mulhair was a business visitor in O’Neill Saturday. Robert Harris is home for a short stay from his work in Om aha. Jack Bowlby and Gene Harris are working at Pickstown, S.D. Joseph Slechta, sr., is assisting in the France grocery. Joyce Haselhorst and Joan Ro sicky are vacationing in Ari zona with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Slechta called at the Ed Whetham home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Uhlir and Ricky of Niobrara were Sunday, July 25, dinner guests at the Wayne Christensen home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hornback of Spencer visited relatives here Sunday, July 25. Mrs. Lois Bowiby, R.N., is as sisting at the hospital. Mrs. Antonia Scheda and son, Frank, of Fairfax, S.D., visited at the James Maly home. Phyllis Whetham of Omaha called at the home of her grand pardents, Mr .and Mrs. Ed Whet ham. . Mr. and Mrs. Ira Edwards of Omaha called on Lynch friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Walker of Butte were Lynch callers Wed nesday, July 28. ‘Warm’ Water from New Artesian Well LYNCH — The well drillers who have been drilling an ar tesian well for the swimming pool left Wednesday, July 28, naving drilled the well to 727 feet with water temperature of 76 degrees. The drillers plan to return in two weeks time to drill deeper in the well. The swimming pool is much more comfortable for the swim mers with warmer water. Mrs. G. C. DeBacker, Miss Diane and Mrs. Edna Coyne spent last Thursday in Sioux City. Miss Diane registered for the coming school year at Briar Cliffe college. She will be a soph omore. Mrs. William J. Biglin met her daughter, Mrs. Donald Berg, and iamily of Mandan, N.D., in Sioux City Sunday. They will visit with Mrs. Biglin for several weeks. 31st ANNUAL NEBRASKA’S BIG RODEO BUBWELL AUG. 11-12-13-14 $10,00000 MONEY 4 AFTERNOONS CHAMPIONSHIP RODEOS 4 NIGHT SHOWS with BRAHMA BULL FIGHTING and CUTTING HORSE CONTEST QUARTER HORSE SHOW RACES and SALE donTmiss NEBRASKA'S BIGGEST OUTDOOR RODEO Write R. A. Mitchell—Ticket Supt. H. D. Delashmult—Sec'y. % McNichols in Narrow Escape Patrolman Robert Gude of Plainview examines the damage done to a semi-trailer truck, driven by Robert E. McNichols, 26, of O’Neill, when it rolled down a 20-foot embankment Tuesday night, July 27, in a heavy rain four miles west of Plainview. Mc Nichols was not thrown from the cab and escaped with bruises and shock.—Photo courtesy Norfolk Daily News. Consumers Marks 15 th Anniversary Today (Thursday) marks the 15th anniversary of Consumers Public Power district which pro vides electric service for 355 Ne braska communities and some 3.000 farm',. Significant of this anniversary is the fact that direct benefits to Nebraskans served by the dis trict have amounted to $52,899, 188 during the first 15 years, con siderably more than the total or iginal cost of the system. These benefits were listed by officials of Consumers Public Power district as $16,541,584 in savings to electric customers as a result of rate reductions; $14, 595.000 of bonds retired from earnings to pay for the system, and additions to the system of $21,762,604 which have been paid for out of earnings to increase and expand service facilities. It is also interesting to note that during these 15 years, users of electricity have constantly in creased their consumption of electricity on the farm, in the home and in industry so that the average annual residential KWH consumption has jumped from 746 KWH per customer in 1939 to 2,226 KWH per customer at the beginning of 1954. During this same period, while oilier costs have sky rocketed, fne cost of electricity for residential use has drop ped from an average of 4.71c per KWH in 1939 to an average of 2.78c per KWH in 1954. While constantly building and expanding its facilities to pro vide additional benefits for its users, Consumers has enabled many communities to enjoy new and valuable industrial progress and community development, since its interconnected state wide system makes available an adequate supply of low cost, dependable power for any com munity, large or small, on its system. Noteworthy of this develop ment are the many new modern street lighting systems which nave been installed in coopera tion with communities served under a plan instituted by Con sumers following the close of World War II. Looking to the future, officials of Consumers district see enor mous progress during the next few years. They pointed out that, while some communities have already reached an average annual kilowatt-hour consump tion per customer of over 4,000 KWH, it is easy to foresee con sumptions of 5,000 or even 10, 000 KWH per customer within a few years as the many electrical conveniences such as air condi tioning, waste disposers, home heating, and the many other new electrical conveniences continue to increase in popularity. O’Neill is district headquarters for CPPD, administering its op erations in 13 north-Nebraska counties. C. E. A. Johnson is dis trict manager. Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Werd Wilcox and family of Norfolk visited Sun day with his sister and brother in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd An gus. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus of Lincoln also were weekend at the Angus home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham and son, Butch, went to Spalding on Sunday where they were guests at the Jacob Bauer home. The Birthday club gathered at the home of Mrs. Hans Peterson on Friday to celebrate the birth day anniversaries of two mem bers, Mrs. Berg Cratty, which occurred on August 2, and Miss Minnie Neiderhelder, who’s an niversary occured last March but who was ill at the time. Each was presented gifts. The tradi tional birthday cakes formed the centerpeice for the luncheon table. In attendance besides the honored guests were Mrs. Harriet Welke, Mrs. Alfonso Beeleart, sr., and Mrs. William Wulf, all of Ewing; Mrs. Mark Maben. Allen and Elwood Peterson are now employed at Gibbon by the Camel Potato Company. Hans Peterson and daughter, POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ' VOTE FOR JACK ARBUTHNOT Republican Candidate tor CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT ★ Lifetime Resident of Holt County ★ Overseas Veteran of World War II if Education; College and one year law; knows the duties of the office and can perform them ★ If elected I will devote full time to the conduct of the office. I Your Vote and Support Appreciated . . Primary Aug. 10 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT • POLIT.CAL ADVERTISEMENT FRANK NELSON O’Neill, Nebraska Candidate for Renoniinalion the Non-Political Ballot to the S1 AIL LUjlSLA 1 UKL from the 28th District HOLT — BOYD — ROCK KEYA PAHA COUNTIES A Farm Operator of Northern Holt County Since 1906 Your support will be appreciated at the Primary Aug. 10, 1954 | ELKHORN FLOWER SHOP ! New Location: 413 East Douglas Street (Four doors east of former location) j O’NEILL, NEBR. j j Night Phone 530W Day Phone 579 j We Telegraph Flowers ! Flowers For All Occasions I__! POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ---: i Ronching * Forming * Education * Business Experience J JAMES L. BOURRET FOR GOVERNOR ON TH1 Republican Ticket ■PWP——■ ' Cl II I —— ■ — Maryetta, went to Grand Island on Monday a combined business and pleasure trip. IMrs. Gene Strong and children of O’Neill are vacationing at the horn of her mother, Mrs. Eula Eppenbach. Mr. Strong is em ployed at Norfolk at present. Mr. and Mrs. Ebben Grafft re cently returned from a vacation trip which took them through Minnesota. Mrs. Maud Boies is back at her home in Ewing after spending a few days at Orchard and Plain view with relatives and friends. Mrs. Wilda Carr and family ar rived in Ewing on Tuesday from Denver. Colo., where Mrs. Carr has completed a summer course at a university. They are guests at the home of her father, M. H. Direks. Miss Joellyen Eacker came home Friday from Lincoln where she had finished a summer course at the Univesity of Ne braska. She will continue her studies at the university this fall. Miss Marcia Gibson, who is em at Norfolk, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gibson. Miss Eleanor Pollock, who is employed in Omaha, was a week end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler are enjoying a television set, a gift from their daughter and son-in taw, Major, and Mrs. E. D. Mc Donald and family. Wanted: Your support in the primary election—August 10. — S. H. LYMAN, non - political candidate for state legislature. pol. adv. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Prellwitz of Mahaska, Kans., were guests the past week at the home of their niece, Mrs. Gail Boies, and I Mr. Boies. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bohn and daughter of Morrowville, Kans., are guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies, Mrs. Rose Bauer and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn. The Bohn family is en route to the Black Hills and will also visit relatives in Utah and Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies drove to Tilden on Sunday to spend the day with his niece, Mrs. Ver non Johnson, and family. Frontier for printing! Royal Theater — O'NEILL. NEBR. — Thurs. Aug. 5 Big Double Bill PRIVATE EYES Half-wit hawkshaws! Leo Gor cey and the Bowery boys. It’s a keyhole riot . . . when a blonde gives ’em the slip . . . but keeps the mink! — also — Roy Rogers and Trigger in GOLDEN STALLION A remake. The best Rogers picture. Family admitted for 2 adult tick ets—one parent and children, 50c; regular adm.: Adults 50c; children 12c — Fri.-Sat. Aug. 6-7 RAILS INTO LARAMIE Color by technicolor. Johr Payne, Mari Blanchard and Dan Duryea. Showdown at Laramie where Shanessey rules with a loaded gun and waits for Jefi Harder to make his play. Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee Sat. 2:30. All children under 12 free when accompanied by parent Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 8-9-10 LUCKY ME Doris Day, Robert Cummings, Phil Silvers. A racy, ultra-happy hit that hardly stops to breathe •ushers in the ultra-modern look in screen musicals. Extra-lively, extra-colorful, extra-ordinary in each razzle-dazzle department. Adults 50c; children 12c; matinee Sun. 2:30. All children unless in arms must have tickets Your Treasure Chest of m CONVENIENCE and d BETTER LIVING • SAVES SHOPPING TRIPS • SAVES SHOPPING TIME • SAVES MEALTIME “MENU WORRIES” • CUTS HIGH FOOD COSTS Mealtime Magic—plus time-sav ing and labor-saving conven ience, are yours with a modern Electric Home Freezer! Your mealtime “Menu-Worries” are over when you can select de liciously fresh out-of-season v foods from your Electric Home Freezer and serve them when ever you wish! Bulk buying of | in-season foods, plus your own garden vegetables, fruits, and fish and game brought in by the man-of-the-housc, mean budget saving economy when frozen and stored in your Electric Home Freezer! I N I Low Down-Payments and Easy Monthly Terms AT YOUR FAVORITE ELECTRIC DEALER'S or, | I POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT FLOYD FRAHM Republican Candidate Supervisor, District 2 Your Support in Primaries Will Be Appreciated JOE CHICOINE Candidate for Office of STATE BOARD of EDUCATION Sixth District — (36 Counties) PRIMARY — AUGUST 10, 1954 Wayne (Nebr.) College Graduate. Superintendent, Principal and In structor in Nebraska Schools. Serv ed 21 years on School Boards. En gaged in automobile business since 1941; also maintains agricultural interests. A ?ound, successful busi ness man in Valentine, Nebr. Paid Political Advertising POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT “ -> Vote for Fay Brlttell Republican Candidate for HOLT COUNTY ASSESSOR ★ Resident of county for 35 years. ★ Time does not permit me to call on each of you as I would like to. ★ However, I will appreciate your vote and support this coming primary elec tion — Tuesday, August I Oth.