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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1954)
William Hoffman Rites at Spencer SPENCER— Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, July 28. at 2 o’clock at the Spen cer Methodist church for William Hoffman, 77. a long-time resi dent of Boyd county. He died suddenly early Sunday morning, July 25, at his home in Spencer. Rev. Marjorie Johnson offici ated and music was furnished by a mixed quartette with Dick and Don Black. Mrs. Ray Nemec and Mrs. Ralph Black singing “Rock of Ages,” “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” and “Till We Meet Again,” accompanied by Mrs. P. O. Friedrich. Pallbearers were Mandus Olin, Bud Johnson, Raymond Nemec, Harv Hohnberg, Fred Coleman and Paul Reel Burial was made in the west Spencer cemetery. The late William Hoffman was POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT EDWARD A. DOSE K LINCOLN, NEBRASKA For United States Senator (FULL TERM) fThis Space Paid For Sy Edward A. Doaek) born April 1, 1877, in Fremont, Hodge county He spent his early life in eastern Nebraska. He was baptized and confirmed in the Missouri synod Lutheran church at Lynch. After moving to Spencer in 1950, he attended the Spencer Methodist church. He was married March 6, 1907, 1o Caroline Harms of Fremont at Stanton. They farmed near Lynch until 1936 when they moved to Bristow and later to Spencer. Survivors include; Widow; daughters — Mrs. Fred (Irene) WieSman of Gregory, S.D.; Mrs. Henry (Myrtle) Brown of Cham bers; Mrs. Aimer (Esther) Berg of Bristow; Mrs. Albert (Ida) Nemec of Spencer; Mrs. Jerry (Fern) Boska of Emden, Mo.; Mrs. Art (Leona) Zander of Laramie, Wyo.; Mrs. Dale (Geneva) Mi chealis of Norfolk; Mrs. George I (Eloise) Kolund of Plainview; Emma of Norfolk and Maxine of Spencer; sons—Martin of Spen cer and Earl of Butte; 23 grand children. He was a member of a large family, all of whom preceded j him in death except a stepbroth er, Charles of Minneapolis, Minn., and two half-sisiters, Elsie of Virginia and Charlotte of Cal ifornia. * Relatives and friends who came from a distance to the fu neral were- Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Seely, Mrs. Henry W. Chris tensen and Martin Harms, all of Fremont; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hoffman, Mrs. Johanna Hoff man, Miss Emma Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Michealis and Caroline and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Michealis, all of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nelson and sons of Madison; Mrs. Hans Osterman, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Bahr and sons, all of Lake City, S.D.; Mrs. Chester Fordahl of Sisseton, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. George Ko lund, Sharlene and Lynn of Plainview; Mrs. Art Zander and son of Laramie, Wyo.; Mrs. Jerry Eoska of Emden, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedman and family of Gregory, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown and family of , Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs. Har old Potter of Lynch. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal oj wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon aids. tj W. F. FINLEY, M.D. O’NEILL Downey Building OFFICE PHONE: 28 **********’*^* ' " • Tires • Batteries • Parts • Oil • Grease • Accessories 69.95 Worth of ANY Merchandise IN OUR STORE! ' r This freezer's a real space- [ saver! Has room for everything but doubt. Fast freezing on all 5 inside surfaces. Outside walls won’t "sweat”—and the counter ton gives you extra working r • r-. Easy to pay fori PAYMENTS TO FIT YOUR INCOME Shelhamer Equip. Phone 370 O’Neill Dreamers Do Win j .. .....- —----■..... Gary Graham, left, Bellingham, Washington, 19-year-old winner of $4000 university scholarship in the senior age group of the 1954 Fisher Body Craftsman’s Guild model car competition, and James Fry, right, Clinton, Illinois, 15-year-old winner of a like award in the junior age group, receive congratulations of James E. Goodman, president of the Craftsman’s Guild. Graham’s award-winning model is shown at top, young Fry’s model is at bottom. Stock Car Race Winners Named Winners of the stock car races Sunday at the Municipal Airport speedway follows; First heat: First—Roy Wagner of Norfolk; second—Stanley Elk ins of Chambers; third — Ben Hartgrove of Ainsworth. Third heat: First—John Brad ley of Ainsworth; second—Bob Fox of Ainsworth; third—Wayne Fox of O’Neill. Second heat: First—Dude Dar nell of Lynch; second—Jim Gill of Stuart: third—Dwayne Phil brick of O’Neill. Fourth heat: First — Bob Kersch of Lynch; second—Chet Fees of O’Neill; third — Paul Shald of Stuart. Feature: First — Roy Wagner Shald of Stuart; fifth—Chet Fees of Norfolk: second—John Brad lev of Ainsworth; third— Jim Gill of Stuart; fourth — Paul Shal dof Stuart; fifth—Chet Fees of O’Neill. Consolation: First — Dwayne Borg of O’Neill; second—Chuck Fox of O’Neill; third—Dwayne j Landis of O’Neill; fourth—Tom Harding of O’Neill; fifth—Herb Underwood of O’Neill. Trophy dash: Fii’st—Chet Fees of O’Neill; second—Bob Kersch, of Lynch; third — Jim Gill of! Stuart. Powder puff: First — Nadine POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Fees of O'Neill; second—Marie Kelly of O’Neill; third—Lavone Micanek. Tag race; Jim Gill of Stuart. LEAPS FROM TRACTOR PAGE—A n accident occurred at the farm home of Harold Heiss last week. Mr. Heiss was driving a truck and was pulling a tractor with his son, Richard, as driver. The wheel of the trac tor caught the bottom of the steel windmill tower, causing it to fall on top of the tractor. Rich ard jumped from the tractor in time to escape injury and the tractor which was so close to the windmill wasn’t damaged. Ewing News Maj. and Mrs. E. D. McDonald left Wednesday, July 28, for St. Louis, Mo., from where they will move to Ft. Leavenworth, Kans., which will be their home while Major McDonald attends school. Their two children are guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler, during their parents’ absence. M/Sgt. Lyle Butler and family of Randolph Field, Tex., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler last week. Sergeant But ler left for Scott Field, 111., but Mrs. Butler and baby remained in Ewing for a longer visit. Pfc. Venron Rockey, who has been home on a two weeks leave from Ft. Bliss, Tex., left Sunday morning for Seattle, Wash., where he will report for duty. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Bohn and family of Moline, 111., were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Latzel. Steven Boies was the honored guest at a birthday anniversary party held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Boies, last Thursday evening. The birthday cake bearing two candles was served with ice cream after an informal hour and gifts were opened. Present were Mrs. Mabel Boies of Ewing, Mr qtiH flharles Luben of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luben of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Courtwright, William Luben and daughter, all of Clear water, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lub en of Wisner. Mrs. W. H. Melchor and daugh ter, Shirley, who have been visit ing at the homes of her sisters, Mrs. Nellie Komer and Mrs. Lee Spittler and family for the past few days, returned to their home in Omaha on Thursday. A family get-together was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan on the evening of July 27, honoring Mrs. W. H. Melchor and daughter, Shirley, of Omaha. A picnic supper was enjoyed. Others in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spittler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and fam ily, all of Ewing. Mrs. Earl Billings wnt to Hafc tings on Thursday where she will be a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Robert Dunway, and family for a few days. . Mrs. Rosa Vandersmck trans acted business in O’Neill on Thursday and also called at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clara Schaffer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler and For the “Short-Short” Term (2 months, Nov. '54 to Jan. '55) U. S. Senate Vote For Mrs.GeorgeP.Abel Only Republican Woman Candidate for U.S. Senate * A church, civic and community leader * A Republican leader * An Able woman leader [x] Mrs. George P. Abel This ad paid for by “Abel for Senate Com mittee." Mrs. John Dean. Ch.. Lincoln. Nebr. BasebalO GAME TIME: 8:15 PM. O’Niell Ainsworth I SUNDAY, AUGUST 8 CARNEY PARK — O’NEILL Admission: Adults 50c; children under 12, admitted free. p POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT r- - POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT ★ Now serving by appointment of Board of Supervisors. if Business college graduate in book keeping, banking and stenography. ★ Qualified to handle fees, disburse ments, files, and records of this of fice. ★ I’m hog enough to want your vote in the primaries, but man enough to appreciate it. (REPUBLICAN) VOTE FOR (X) HOWARD D. MANSON son left for their home in Omaha on Sunday afternoon after spending the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spittler. Marcus Pierson, a member of the national guard, went to Minnesota this week, where he will take two weeks training at Camp Riley. Jim Wilson is spending some tune with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hart ford, at Bonesteel, S.D. Mrs. Eva Schroeder of Bone steel, S.D. was a recent guest at the home of her son, Herman Schroeder, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davis and children of Culver City, Calif., were guests on Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn. Mrs. Edna Lofquest attended a birthday anniversary party at the home of Mrs. Lillie Meyer at Clearwater July 27, honoring her aunt, Mrs. Carrie Bernhardt. Other guests from Ewing were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud and Shirley and Mrs. William Lof quest and son, Billy, also Miss Beverly Meyer of Neligh. Miss Beverly Meyer of Neligh is a guest this week at the home of Mrs. Edna Lofquest. THE FRONTIER for your print ing needs. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation Avoid Intestinal Upset! Get Relief This Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way! For constipation, never take harsh drugs. They cause brutal cramps and griping, disrupt normal bowel action, make re peated doses seem needed. When you are temporarily consti pated, get sure but gentle relief—without salts, without harsh drugs. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in ) Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna in \ Dr. Caldwell’s is one of the finest natural laxatives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell’s Senna Laxative tastes good, gives gentle, comfortable, satis fying relief of temporary constipation for every member of the family. Helps you get “on schedule" without re peated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell’s. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280l : New York 18, N. Y. | f DR. H. L. BENNETT VETERINARIAN Phones 316 and 304 __ DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Exar.-uned Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr. A Mrs. Wanda Jennings of St. Louis, recently named “Mrs. America 1955,” prepares a roast turkey as a mid-summer surprise for her husband, Madison, and 8-year-old son, Michael. The seasoning and the season are perfect, for "Mrs. America” is an excellent cook and turkeys are plentiful as the 1951 55 turkey marketing year gets under way across the nation. 400 Cattle Expected • Around 40 head of cattle are expected today (Thursday) for our regular weekly sale. There'll be one outstanding load of 38 head of 700-pound choice quality Hereford steers; also 20 black yearling heifers weighing around 550; also some nice steer and heifer calves. Hog sale starts at 12:30. O’Neill Livestock Market PHONE 2 I ■ c > .1. 1 1 "".*.1. 1 $5.00 For your old seat covers on a set of $24.95 New Deluxe Plastic Covers Imagine, regular $25.00 seat covers for only $19.95 and your old covers! (A small piece of an old cover will do) Plus c Free Installation! “SCOVIE’S” WESTERN AUTO_O’Neill I it’s time for Jt’ ; A I Fruits and VEGETABLES Elberta Peaches a».,i»b.-.‘l" it.15c ■ 2-PIECE JAR CAPS . qqzen 29c California JAR LI DS REGULAR OR NARROW . 2 DOZEN 25c Red Grapes ZINC JAR CAPS . ..... DOZEN 49c 2 Lbs.. 39c PEN-JEL OR SURE JEL 2 PACKAGES 25c Calif. Sunkist CIDER VINEGAR NEAR GALLON _1000Z. JAR 77c lemons -■■ . Lb.Idc meat Department r.p. Jr r BANANAS M suwm % Fresh Sliced > < I CLUB CRACKERS | PORK LIVER Lb. 23c Lb. ... jjc % ?C«* M Pure Pork, Midget U.S. No. 1 * LINK SAUSAGE „ Lb. 33c POTATOES ^.Oven Ready 10 I AII/* * CHUCK ROAST Lb. 43c ^. ADAM'S GRAPEFRUIT JUICE.46-o*. con 25V CLEARFIELD'S TAST-GOOD . CHEESE box 59v EXTRA STANDARD mm > TOMATOES.2 Ho. 2 Cons 35 V DELm A«x FREESTONE PEACHES . . . . . V/x Cob 2/ V GERBER'S - Strained or Chopped BABY FOODS 3 - 25 CAMPBELL'S ~ ~~ VEGETABLE SOUP 2 29 STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE 129 ! HOLSUM ~~ ICE TEA BLEND.3-0z. Tumbler 33c Best Buys! Char min Facial TISSUE 400 Sheets.... 23c Reg. Pkg. TIDE Limit.. 27c 1 WHEATIES Large Pkg.21c JJffl ji'i'I] j i FOURTH STREET MARKET We Deliver Phone 93-W