Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1953)
f. Lynch News • . O Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davy and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer mo tored to Ainsworth on Sunday, July 26. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peters and Gorddn of Verdel motored to Grand Island Tuesday, July 28 where they met Mrs. Nata Bjorn sen and Miss Lanora, who were on their return trip home from a month s visit with relatives in California. Mr and Mrs. Phillip Hammon and family spent Wednesday July-29, at the. Ed Johns home.’ Vince Jehorek and Don Hoff man were Johnstown visitors the first of the week. Miss Clara Kohler and Law rence Gdowski of Fullerton vis ited at. the Vince Jehorek home Tuesday, July 28. Harry Mulhair was an O’Neill visitor Thursday, July 30. Mr. and Mrs. Lone Micanek are vacationing at Lake Okoboji, la. They left early Sunday morn ing, August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Papstein and son of Spencer visited at the parental Mrs. Nata Bjomsen home Wednesday, July 29. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Spencer were Sunday evening, July 26, visitors at the George Lee home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Slechta, sr., attended the funeral of a broth er-in-law at Wagner, S.D., Wed nesday, July 29. Mrs. Peter Nelson of Grand Island is staying with her daugh ter, Mrs. Ed Johns, and Mr. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek and Rose Ann Nemic were bus iness visitors in Spencer Wednes day, July 29. Lavonne Micanek is vacation ing in California from her duties at the Nebraska State bank of Lynch. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AUCTION AS WE ARE LEAVING O'Neill, we will offer the following goods a* Pu^^c auction at the residence located at 30o South Jefferson St., or 2xk blocks south of the Sno Creme Drive In, on — SATURDAY, AUG. 8th Starting at 1 P.M. Kroehler Davenport, nearly new, crescent shaped, and companion Chair, fringe trim Overstuffed Occasional Chair, Malelasse cover Walnut Desk and Matching Bench Carved Occasional Table, solid walnut Chickering Upright Piano and Bench, very good Walnut Coffee Table Westinghouse Electric Range, nearly new, deluxe style, color - glance cooking, dou ble oven, fully automatic Westinghouse Refrigerator Walnut Bedroom Suite Blonde Mengel Chest, dust proof Blonde Hollywood Bed, box springs 2—Innerspring Mattresses 1—Coil Spring Cedar Chest Blonde Drop Leaf Dinette Set (1 extra leaf), 4 chairs, nearly new Voss Washing Machine, double tubs and stands End Table Telephone Stand Magazine Rack \ Radio Record Player Lamps Kitchen Stool Ladder Back Chair (walnut) Girl's Bicycle Rakes Lawn Mower Ladder 50-Fi. Plastic Garden Hose Oscillating Electric Fans TERMS: Cash. No properly lo be removed until settled for. HAROLD C PETERSON Owner Phone 390-W Sale Conducted by THORIN - BOWKER AUCTION SERVICE 'CopieT wreckage was strewn over one hundred yard radius. (Arrow points to wind lower on test site in background a half-mile away.)—The Frontier Photo. General closeup view of 'copter wreckage.—The Frontier Photo. r " .. ..T1V* ' *..II TiiimiMn—Mini || limn mm i mm .. mm Captain Johnson (standing) and Sergeant Id e (kneeling) entertain excited O'Neill kids after arrival.—The Frontier Photo. / Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon ald's. change to MODERN GAS HEAT for IDEAL INDOOR WEATHER Like magic you enjoy spring weather in the dead of winter with a new Bryant Warm Air Natural Gas Furnace. Just set the thermostat; you and your family begin to en- ’ joy more comfortable, more healthful living. Your nearest Kansas I Nebraska office will gladly give you a free estimate ^ without obligation. INSTALL NOW! Save 107» Now — before the fall rush begins — is the time to replace old and worn-out heating equipment. Because an order this month helps us avoid a fall rush, we offer you a reward of 10% discount on Bryant heating equipment. Savings in fuel plus our SUMMER DISCOUNT will help your new Bryant Natural Gas Furnace pay for itself. Act now! This offer positively ends August 3i! i-rfiw*-11W*W MmtMmMmSmmmMHMiMMUnA For Dependable GAS Service James Corkle . . . witnesses crash from nearby pasture.— The Frontier Photo. O’Neil] News William (Bill) Moriarity, as sistant manager of the J. M. Mc Donald company store here, re turned Monday to his duties following a two weeks vacation. He visited relatives at Missouri Valley, la., and spent a few days in Casper, Wyo., and Denver, Colo. ,, (Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson, jr., and family of Creston spent Sunday here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kolterman and twin sons of Seward spent the weekend of July 25-26 In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gale Dier berger. Mrs. Kolterman and Mr. Dierberger are sister and brother. Sunday callers in te home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell were Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach and son, Marvin, of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach of In man. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bridge of Orchard were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har rison Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald London and family of Denver, Colo., re turned to their home on Monday after spending a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vern Tarr at Col ome, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Clauis Wagner of Central City were Sunday guests in the home of their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Mace, jr. Other guests in the Mace home were Mr. and Mrs. William Ritterbush, Mr. and Mrs. John Ritterbush, all of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsfoach of Ne ligh and Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach of Inman. Mrs. Loyd Godel and family visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Richard London and family of Spalding and Mrs. Fred Olson and children of O maha were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lon don. Mr. and Mrs. Mike London attended a London family reunion in the Vem Tarr home at Colome, S. D., on Sunday. Others from this area who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald London and family of Denver. Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Richard London and family of Spalding, and Mrs. Fred Olson and children of Omaha. ROYAL THEATER Thurs.-FrL-Sat. Aug. 6-7-8 Jeanne Crain and Dale Robertson in CITY OF BAD MEN Color by technicolor. Miss Crain is the charming young la dy who loved Robertson before he embarked on his crime ca reer. Adult 50c; children 12c; tax incl. Matinee Sat. 2:30. Children un der 12 free when accompanied by parent. Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 9-10-11 John Wayne, Charles Coburn in TROUBLE ALONG THE WAY Cross “Going My Way” with the yearly football epic, add a generous dash of humor, and you have this affable John Wayne movie. Charles Coburn gets his juiciest role in years as the long time headmaster of a small Cath- ^ olic college. Adult 50c; children 12c; tax incl. Matinee Sun. 2:30. Children un der 12 free when accompanied by parents. Wed.-Thurs. Aug. 12-13 Damon Runyon’s non-stop laugh sensation A Warner Bros. riot. STOP. YOU'RE KILLING ME Starring Broderick Crawford and Claire Trevor. Color by Warner color. Family night/ $1.00; adult 50c; j Children 12c; tax incl. i ELKHORN FLOWER SHOP 405 E. DOUGLAS ST. j O’NEILL, NEBR. j Night Phone 530W Day Phone 579 We Telegraph Flowers ' Flowers For All Occasions Chambers News 1 Mrs. Cletus Hoerle and two sons left Sunday morning for their home at Seattle, Wash., af ter several weeks’ visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerle, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Wagner of Central City were weekend guests of Arnie Mace, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. William Ritterbush. Mrs. Wagner is a sister of the late Mrs. Mace. Other dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Ritterbush. In the afternoon the group drove to O’Neill where they visited in the Arnie Mace, jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Elkins moved the first of last week to Norfolk where he toill work on the farm of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Olson. Miss Joan Beed returned Fri day from Seward where she at tended summer session at the Seward college. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Johnson and family and Carolyn Frickel of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Friedrich and family of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper of Chambers were Sunday guests in the Zuelke home. Mr. and Mrs. Wood Jarman left Saturday for Colorado to visit their sons, Stanley Jarman, and family at Winsor, and Clifford Jarman, and family at Loveland. Mrs. Genevieve Bell accompanied them and will visit her son. Rev. and Mrs. Ward Smith and family plan to leave next week for Homer City, Pa., where he will be associated with the West Indies mission. Friends of the family plan to hold a linen shower at the Baptist church parlors Friday evening in their honor. He will preach at the Bap tist church Sunday, August 9. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beed of Lin coln were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beed, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harley drove t.o Grand Island Sunday to visit their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Strue bing, and family. Cpl. Raymond Walter left on Bragg, N.C., after spending about Tuesday for his station at Ft. three weeks with his wife, his new infant daughter, Linda Rae, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. A. Walter. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart of Page were Sunday dinner guests in the Art Miller home. Their son, Loren, who had spent the week in the Miller home, ac companied them home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harley and two sons left Saturday for a two-weeks’ vacation with rela tives in Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon and Utah. Mrs. William Turner returned Sunday from Grand Island where she has spent the past two weeks with her son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, and family. Miss Joan Daas and Miss Kay Eisenhower, who have been at tending the state university, Lincoln, came home Sati ** ay and will spend until September 6 with their parents. Both girls will return to Lincoln to resume their studies in September. A birthday anniversary dinner in honor of Cpl. Raymond Walter was held Monday evening at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter. Other guests were Mrs. Raymond Walter and daughter, Linda Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland of Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith and family of Chambers. A group from the Better Ways extension club and their families enjoyed a picnic at Ford’s park in O’Neill Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werner and Dennis drove t0 Emmet Sun day to visit his mother, Mrs. Hen rv Werner, and brother, Harry Werner. Their daughter, Connie, who had been visiting there for several weeks, accompanied them home. Phone us your news — 51. Dine and Dance Ewing AT SUMMERLAND Open from 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT. to 12:30 a.m. Open Sundays 5 p.m. Money to Loan — on — AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS I TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones. Manager O'Neill : Nebraska Insurance of All Kinds INSURANCE Bonds — Notary Public 20% SAVINGS ON YOUR PREMIUMS RELIABLE COMPANIES PROMPT SETTLEMENTS Office in Gillespie Radio Bldg. PHONE 114 or 218 — O'NEILL — L. G. GILLESPIE AGENCY Established in 1893 WANTED MEN TO TRAIN FOR REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS Age 21 to 60. Musi be residents of this county two or more years. Competent appraisers receive $325 to $350 per month. Farm experience valuable. Write Box A, The Frontier * Sanfcrlzcd Denim I Regularly 1.98 Tailored for gradesters in medium-weight denim. Bar tacked and riveted at all points of strain. Zip placket, roomy pockets. Blue, 7-14. 118-8062 II 4 A 4 Save on Girl’s Plaid g Gingham Shirt Regular Price 1.69 ^ SALE 144 4 Gassic-styled with convertible g collar, short sleeves. Sanfor- " ized and vat-dyed. Sizes 7-12. g V i 4 M < i Misses’ Novelty Stripe j Wool Sweaters j ! Classic, turtle neck or mock g turtle neck styles in blue, rose, ™ green, or aqua. Sizes 34-40. d 111-5101 ™ * * ♦ * e *> Nationally Advertised g "Blue Bell” Jeanies ) 219 ! Sanforized blue denim, copper- g riveted, bartacked at strain * points. 3 pockets. 12 to 20. d 111-8612 “ M . i Back to School with Fashion Honors ; : EJIW SCi^OI DRESSES 1 I > I > I I I I I 'ft .—" » ALWAYS BETTER BUYS AT I | HENRY LOFFUN. Mgr. 4 k Phone 8 * 0