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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1953)
Future Subscribers TUNINK—Mr. and Mrs. Her man Tunink of Butte, a son, Da vid Herman, weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces, bom Sunday, August 2, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. EBSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ebsen of Verdel, a son, weighing 5 pounds 15 ounces, born Monday, August 3, at Sacred Heart hospi tal, Lynch. LARSEN—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larsen of Butte a daughter, Jo Ann, weighing 6 pounds 14 ounc es, born Thursday, July 30, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. MOORE—Mr. and Mrs. Ower. Moore of Omaha, a son, Bruce Allan, weighing 9 pounds, born Saturday, August 1, in St. Cath erine’s hospital, Omaha. Mrs. Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Earley of O’Neill, died following the birth of the child. SCHULTZ—Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz of O’Neill, a daughter, Debra Lynn, weighing 5 pounds 1 ounce, born Wednesday, July 29, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O' Neill. KESTE.NHUJ-.iZ — Mr ana Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz of In • man, a daughter, Georgiana, weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces, born Friday, July 31, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. DRUEKE—Mr- and Mrs. Os wald Drueke of O’Neill, a son weighing 6 pounds 11% ounces, born Sunday, August 2, in St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. COBB—Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cobb of Stuart, twin daughters, Mary Jane, weighing 6 pounds 1 V? ounces, and Marcia Jean, weigh ing 6 pounds 8Vfe ounces, born Sunday, August 2, in St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. BOYLE—Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Boyle of O’Neill, a son, Edgar James born, born Friday, July 24, in Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital, Norfolk. Mrs. Boyle is the former Miss Alice Dunkelberger, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Ralph Dunkelberger of Page. KIRKPATRICK—Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kirkpatrick of O’Neill, a son, Danny Morris, weighing 9 pounds 9 ounces, born Sunday, August 2, in St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. This is theiir first child. Mrs. Kirkpatrick is the former Darlene Summers. LARSON—Mr. and Mrs. Har ley Larson of Burwell, a son, Harold Dale, weighing 8 pounds 13% ounces, born Wednesday, July 29, at the Burwell hospital. The Larsons were formerly of Chambers. Mrs. Larson is the former Phyllis Wood. COOKE—Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Cooke of Harrison, Ark., a daugh ter, Debra Ann, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce, born Monday, August 3. Mrs. Cooke was for merly Celesta Gleed of Cham bers. Reverend Cooke is the son of Mrs. Letha Cooke, also of Chambers. To Perform at Burwell— The O’Neill Saddle club will go to the Burwell rodeo on Wed nesday and Thursday, August 12 13. A practice will be held Sun day, August 9, at 7:30 p.m., in the club arena. All who plan to participate must attend this prac . tice, a spokesman for the club taid. RETURN FROM FAR EAST Among servicemen from this area returning from the Far East were A/lc Charles L. Lynch of Lynch, due Monday at Seattle, Wash., from Korea, and Cpl Bobbie Anderson of Butte, due Wednesday at Seattle, also from Korea. Visiting Here— Mrs. O. A. Herley of Neligh came Monday evening to spend a few days in the Reed Herley home while Mrs. Herley is visit ing relatives in Colorado. MARRIAGE LICENSE James Raymond Davis, 23, ar.d Adelia Frances Walnofer, 19, both of Stuart on Thursday, July 30. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and Veldon of Star spent Sun day afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reirner and family of Niobrara spent the weekend here visiting Judge and Mrs. Louis W. Reirner. Too Late to Classify USED furniture bargains at Gam bles: 5-pc. white enamel di nette set, $9.95; 4-pc. golden oak dinette set, $7.95; full size coil bed spring, $9.95.—GAM BLES, O’Neill. 14c FOR SALE: Apples.—IV4 miles west of Midway, Mrs. Paul Woidneck. 14-15p60 CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank all my friends and relatives for the manv visits and nice cards while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital. I also sincerely wish to thank Doctor Brown and the hospital staff for their kind attention. Your thoughtfulness will long be remembered. 34p50 —D. F. MURPHY Cookies Judged; Cattle Dehorned— EWING— The Happy Hollow 4-H club met Friday evening, July 24, at the home of Sharon and Owen Schmidt. The meeting was opened with group singing and the 4-H pledges, followed by a discussion of achievement day, which will be held in O’Neill. Norma Ruroede and Patricia Mosel garve a demonstration on canning string beans. Cookies were judged by the girls. Paul Gunter and Dennie Scheer gave a lesson on dehorning cattle. Sandra and Douglas Shrader will entertain the club for the August meeting. Sick & Injured AMELIA — Judy Withers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cap Withers, was released from the Atkinson hospital last Thursday. She had been treated for asthma. . . . Raymond Kenny received a dislocated shoulder when he fell from a hay stack Saturday, July ! 25, while working in the hay i field. He was in the Atkinson hospital overnight. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett were in At kinson Tuesday, July 28, where Mr. Barnett consulted a doctor. He was suffering with a congest ed lung. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Newkirk and Dell Kramer of Lincoln visited Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kay Andersen. Mrs. Kramer, who had been staying with her mother, Mrs. Andersen, while Mr. Ander sen was in the hospital, returned to Lincoln with them Sunday evening. Mr. Andersen was able to return home from the hospital Sunday morning. O’NEILL — C. E. Yantzi was dismissed from St. Anthony’s iiospital on Monday. . . Billie Ly ons, who was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, walked Sunday afternoon for the first time since the accident. . . Paul Shelhamer, who received a pistol wound in his leg, is reported as “getting along satisfactorily” in an Omaha hospital. It is expect ed that he will have to remain there for at least two more weeks. His mother, Mrs. Roy Shelhamer, is with him. His fa ther returned to O’Neill. CHAMBERS—Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson left Sunday for Omaha because of the serious ill ness of her sister, Mrs. William Sprandle, who is in a hospital there. . . Eugene Adams under went an appendicitis operation at the Antelope county hospital in Neligh Thursday, July 30. . . Ron nie Young had the misfortune to strike his ankle with a hoe one day last week, causing a severe wound. LYNCH — James Klasna of Spencer was released from the Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch recently. He had suffered consid erably with the small bone in his forearm which was broken when his glove became caught in the belt of his elevator. . . Mrs. Pete Gengler is getting along as well as could be expected at the local hospital. CELIA — Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks went to Norfolk Tues day, July 28, where Mrs. Hend ricks underwent surgery for an embedded wisdom tooth. Jimmy, Jerry and Nina Hendricks spent the day with the Mark Hendricks family. EWING — Dollie Shilousky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Shi iousky, returned Sunday from the Tilden hospital, where she had been a patient since July 28. . . Mrs. Frank Noffke, sr., and Mary Lois had physical checkups in Tilden, Wednesday, July 29. . The youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming fell last Thursday while playing at his home and he suffered two broken bones in his arm. PAGE—Larry Taylor received a severe jaw injury last Thurs day while working on a recrea tion floor at Orchard. He spent two days in St. Anthony’s hos pital, O’Neill. DELOIT—Keith Bartak was a patient at a Norfolk hospital for several days last week. EMMET NEWS William Crawford of Pamona, Calif., came last week to attend the funeral of his father, the late Joseph Crawford, a long-time resident of the Emmet communi ty. William also was a resident here several years ago. Miss Norma Lou Foreman ac companied David Eby and Miss Sharon Hancock of O’Neill to Fremont on Friday evening where they were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Buckmas ter, Virginia and Gary. They cel ebrated Gary’s birthday anniver sary which was August 1. They drove to Omaha where they vis ited Paul Shelhamer, wrho is a patient at St. Joseph’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates and family spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman and sons at Battle Creek. Mrs. Wayne Fox and children spent Saturday visiting Mrs James Kendall and sons Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McConnell spent last Thursday visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Kendall and sons. Rod Falls News Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family were guests at James Mc Nulty’s Wednesday evening. Several families from this com munity attended the Knox county Farmer’s Union picnic at Nio brara Sunday so that accoraian artists of this group could play. There were 82 accordianists there. Those who went included Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and girls, Mrs. Celia Grutch. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and fam ily. Laurine Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James MdNulty and LaDanna, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lansworth and Jo Ann. A picnic supper was held at the Lynch swimming pool. Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins were guests of Don Hynes Tues day evening. Dave and Henry Vequist visit ed Lyle Vequist Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stems were supper guests Sunday eve ning at Albert Stern’s. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda visited George Calkin’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Ardell were guests at Albert Stem’s Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen visited Wilbur Smith’s Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran and children to Minn eapolis. Minn.. Saturday to visit Joe Curran and family they planned to return weanesaay. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen, Mrs. Marie Lewis and Eddie at tended the Farmer’s Union picnic at Niobrara Sunday. Guests at Arthur O’Neill’s Wed nesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rakes and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen visited Mrs. John Schultz and Miss Debra Lynn at Floyd John son’s Monday afternoon. Henry Murray was a guest Sun day at Levi Yantzie’s. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yantzie and Gene were supper guests Friday at Levi Yantzie’s. Mr. and Mrs. Muriel Spangler were guests Sunday at Sammie Derickson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yantzie and son Mr. and Mrs. Levi Yantzie were guests to an ice cream party at Sammie DeTilksin’s on Friday eVMrngand Mrs. Warren Holder were guests at Chuck Felvers Tuesday night. They left Wednes day morning for their home in Vancouver, Wash. . . Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Denck son and Russell and Mrs. Levi Yantzie were dinner guests (Mon day of Alice Hill Mrs. Fritz Yantzie and Joe visited Monday evening at Levi Yantzie’s. Lester Boshart called at Chuck Felver’s Tuesday morning. Levi Yantzie was in Atkinson on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Felver were guests Sunday at Albert McDonald’s. Bill Allendorfer s were also there. That afternoon they went to Pickstown. Ardell Curran was a dinner guest Monday at Francis Curran s Mrs. Francis Curran and girls visited Monday afternoon at Bert ° Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst and children and Mrs. Fannie ^ Ernst were dinner guests Tuesday at Louis Vitt’s. Mr. and Mrs. Elvan Dikeman and family of Sioux City, la.. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Storm of Royal were guests Monday night at Fred Ernest’s. They are on the way home fron a vacation in the Black Hills. . Mrs. Louis Vitt and girls were dinner guests Sunday at Fred Ernst’s. Vincent Ernst visited Mickey Miller Monday afternoon. Fred Ernst and Mrs. Fannie Ernst were dinner guests Satur day of John Grutch’s. Mrs. Orville Miller and children called at Francis Curran’s Wed nesday morning. Guests at Fred Ernst’s Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rakes. Peggy and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O’Neill and Gene, Mr. and (Mrs. Francis Cur ran and girls, Mrs. Orville Miller and children. . . Carol Ann Drueke is visiting a few days at Louis Brown’s. Mrs. Louis Brown visited Mrs. Oswald Drueke in St. Anthany’s hospital Monday morning. Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt and children wert guests at Louis Brown’s Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sterns and Gene and Mrs. Kathern Johnson visited Floyd Johnson’s Thursday evening. Mrs. Johnson stayed un til Friday evening. Miss Gwenda and Trudy Sc hultz visited from Monday until Friday at Floyd Johnson’s and at Frank Schultz’s from Friday evening until Monday morning where they welcomed home their new baby, sister, Miss Debra Lynn. . Linda Johnson accompanied Mrs. Don Hynes to have a check up on her broken leg Tuesday morning. (Mr. and Mrs Ray Margritz and John Richardson were guests Monday evening at Albert Stern’s. Highway 281 Meeting Today at Bartlett— The Chamber of Commerce will hold a meeting on Monday, August 10, in Slat’s cafe at 7:30 p.m. “The dues for the new year have been coming in very well," according to President G. C. De Backer, “but there are a number of firms we have not yet heard from.” At Monday’s meeting there Will be a report of a Nebraska High way 281 session to be held today (Thursday) at Bartlett. Among those representing the Chamber at the Bartlett meeting will be William McIntosh, Fred Heer man, Julius D. Cronin and sev eral others. State Sen. Frank Nelson plans to accompany the group. Try Frontier want advs. for quick results! Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: July 29 — Mrs. John Schultz, O’Neill; Mrs. Remi Duhon, O’Neill; Mrs. Walter Hunt, Page; Mrs. Glen Cobb, Stu are; Thomas Scott, Chambers; art; Thomas Scott, Chambers; Baby Girl Schultz, O’Neill. 30 — Larry Taylor, Page. 31 — Bobby Jones, Chambers; Mrs Kenneth Kestenholtz, Inman, Mrs. Donald Hoffman, Chambers; Baby Girl Kestenholtz, Inman’ August 1 — Albert Scheinost, Spencer; Mrs. Morris Kirkpat rick, O’Neill. 2—Baby Boy Kirk patrick, O’Neill; Mrs. Oswald Drueke, O’Neill; Mrs. Bernard Clouse, Bartlett; Mrs. Alvin Vorce, O’Neill; Miss Elaine Cox, Spencer; Mrs. Earl Bauld, O’ Neill; Baby Boy Drueke, O’Neill; Twin Girls Cobb, Stuart. 3—Mrs. Harold T. Young, O’Neill; Mrs. James Pokorny, Spencer; Mrs. C. E. A. Johnson, O’Neill; Law rence Smith, Atkinson; Charline Boyle, O’Neill; William Moriari ly, O’Neill. 4—Phyllis T. Tielke, Stuart. 5—R. V. Crumly, Page. Dismissals: July 29 — Leona Jean Dusatko, Emmet; Mrs. Ben nie Hill, O’Neill; Mrs. Marvin Piklapp, Monowi. 30 — Mrs. James Earley and baby girl, O’ Neill. 31—Mrs. Remi Duhon, O’ Neill; Miriam Troshynski, O’ Neill.. August 1— Robert Jones, Chambers; Mrs. Walter Hunt, Page; Larry Taylor, Page. 2 — Mrs. Donald Hoffman, Chambers Mrs. Raymond Walter and baby girl, Chambers; Mrs. Kenneth Kestenholtz and baby girl, In man; Mrs. Gordon Hinkle, Spen cer. 3 — Mrs. John Schultz and baby girl, O’Neill; Mrs. Bernard Clouse, Bartlett; Chris Yantzi, O’Neill; , Thomas Scott, Cham bers; Mrs. Lewis McDaniel, Ains worth. 4—Mrs. Morris Kirkpat rick and baby boy, O’Neill; Elaine Cox, Spencer. Hospitalized: Richard Hill, O’ Neill; Albert Scheinost, Spencer; Mrs. Ida Calkins, Ewing; Mrs. Mary Mullen, O’Neill; R. V. Crumly, Page; George Laney, Inman; Lillian Fleming, O’NeiU; Mrs. Mary Fleming, O’Neill; Mrs Harold Young, O’Neill; Mrs. Law rence Jonas, O’Neill; Mrs. Glen Cobb, Stuart; William Moriarity, O’Neill; Mrs. H. W. Heriford, O’ Neill; Mrs. Oswald Drueke. O’ Neill; Mrs. Joe Jareske, O’Neill; Mrs. Earl Bauld, O’Neill; Mrs Alvin Vorce, O’Neill; Charline Boyle, O’Neill; Mrs. James Po korny, Spencer; Albert Otto, Winner, S.D.; Phyllis Tielke, Stu art; Mrs. C. E. A. Johnson, O’ Neill; Lawrence Smith, Atkinson; Fete Larson, O’Neill. SACRED HEART (Lynch) In hospital: Mrs. Louise Cihlar, Lynch, accident, good; Warren D. Collins, Butte, accident, improv ing; Mrs. Godfrid Danielson, Bristow, medical, satisfactory; Mrs. John Fredrickson, Bristow, major operation, good; Mrs. Pete Gengler, Lynch, medical, satis factory; Robert Johnson, Bristow, medical, unchanged; Mrs. Frank Jonas, Spencer, medical, fair; Martin Lang, Lynch, medical, satisfactory; Mrs. Mary Langan, Spencer, medical, unchanged; Mrs. Ernest Larsen and baby, Jo Ann, Butte, good; Mrs. Henry Luderhan, Naper, medical, satis factory; Miss May McGowan, O’ Neill, medical, good; Frank Schaefer, Butte, medical, satis factory; Mrs. Herman Tunink and baby, David Herman, Butte, good; Mrs. Donald Ebsen and ba by boy, Verdel, good. Dismissals: July 28 — James Klasna, Spencer; Mrs. Lyle Wat son, Chambers. 30—Frank Bar tos, Walnut; Baby Dale Roy Parker, Butte. August 1—Gene Engen,Na per. 2 — Mrs. Vernon Wendt and baby girl, Bristow; Mrs. Joe Keller, Spencer. Emmet News Mrs. Frank Foreman called on Mrs. Dean Perry and children Saturday morning. Miss Mary Belle O’Connor, who is a student nurse at Omaha and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James O’Connor, formerly of Emmet, celebrated her 22d birthday anni versary Saturday. Miss Carol Fox spent Saturday afternoon visiting Barbara Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox. Mrs. Charles Fox and Carol of O’Neill, Mrs. George Bosn and Mrs. William Kelly of O’Neill visited Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Bar bara Saturday afternoon. Thev were enroute to Atkinson. Mrs. Georgiana McGinnis en tertained Guy Cole, Mrs. Homer Lowery of Oakdale and Mrs. Esther Harris of O’Neill at din ner Wednesday evening, July 29. Mrs. Homer Lowery of Oakdale and Mrs. Allan Fricke of Creigh ton were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock and other rela tives Wednesday and Thursday, July 29 and 30. Mrs. Grant Pea cock took Mrs. Lowery to Oak dale on Thursday. Mrs. Alice Hill and Mrs. Duke Hoffman and sons of Atkinson called on Mrs. Emma Maring on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maroff and family of Greenwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fritton Sat urday. They were enroute to the Black Hills. Jimmy Dusatko returned home Sunday after spending two weeks visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Dusatko. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman, Norma Lou and Jeanie Kay, and Claude Baily were Wednesday, July 29, guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman and sons at Bat tle Creek. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan and daughters of Newport were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McMillan. Claude Baily left on Saturday a night for his home in Amarillo Tex., after spending a two weeks’ vacation visiting his brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Frank Foreman, and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jacu Baily, and family of O’Neill. Frontier for printing! 500 Cattle Expected Today • Around five hundred head of cattle are expected at the sale ^here today (Thursday). There'll be a special consignment of 57 head of Hereford heifers, weighing around 750 pounds, all one bra“*• ,There ^ several loads of yearling steers and heifers and light yearlings. Balance will be mixed cattle. Omaha's cattle market Tuesday was steady-to-strong although receipts tapered off* • We're expecting around two hundred feeder pigs in connec tion with today's hog sale. Hogs are still in a prolonged pnce sag. % O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET * . PHONE 2 — O'NEILL * ♦ i more kick in the spring bigger ears in the fall •■y UNITED-HAGIE from: FRANK MLNARIK, Ewing \ FARMERS STORE, Page O'NEILL. GRAIN CO.. O'Neill ■*■***•*■*•■■■■>■>■■■ :: I / 7 GOLDEN VALLEY 1 ICE TEA 3A-0Z. 27c 1 :: Up ALL FLAVORS ** | § GRAP-ETTE.16-oz. jar 37c ] j| |s4 OUR FAMILY 46-0*. Cans I ■ TOMATO JUICE.2 59c j if Ht % 5 FROZEN ? I | STRAWBERRIES.Pkg. 27c j (FROZEN |§ ORANGE JUICE.Can 19c | -- GOLDEN VALLEY § | - PINEAPPLE.2 303 cans 49c J » OUR FAMILY 12-0*. Jar fj | ii; , Strawberry PRESERVES.... 29c Jj 1 HOME RENDERED — BULK I LARD.Lb.l3V2c ‘"cT^T ♦♦ *♦ - CORN.2 303 cans 29c I __ ♦: OTOE 1 SPAGHETTI .2No.leans 19c f Hi __:: OUR FAMILY | MILK.2 tall cans 2?c J I PEAS..2 cans . I DEUGHTPULLY ASSORTED W YOUR CHOICE 11 0 OLIVE LOAF 2 Lbs. A PICKLE & PIMENTO ^ LIVER CHEESE X P4 All Meat MINCED HAM d - H ARMOUR'S STAR Whole or Bull Half I \> HAMS.-Lb.63c II d SHANK HALF__Lb. 49c r | -- S f J CENTER CUT I :! PORK CHOPS Lb. 59c I g PORK STEAK Lb. 4» il N U.S. GOOD—QUARTERS I g BEEF FRONTS Lb.34c Southern CANTALOUPE l | Washington APRICOTS & I p I California PEACHES I 1* RED WARBA I | POTATOES III 10 LBS. _ _ J only_ 33c I I Lb. Sc | j mil M IT yo nn & [GIANT TIDE Pfcg. 69c WTT QHN'Q CHOPPED BEEF -2 cans 85c MAYBELLE OLEO 5 Lbs. for... 99« OUR FAMILY „ OATMEAL Lge.pkg. 33c jf >♦ -1 • — ■ ■■■ — NASH TWO POUNDS « COFFEE $1.69 II ♦t " a DUNCAN HINES — SPICE CAKE MIX 2 pkgs. 69c jj DAVID HARUM 25-LB. BAG H FLOUR 1.59 I NORTHERN TOILET TISSUE 3 rolls 25c THE TOP MARKET FOR YOUR ! CREAM - POULTRY - EGGS I ! WE ARE MAKING COUNTRY PICKUP ON POULTRY. IF' YOU WISH YOUR I ! FLOCK CULLED OUR MAN WILL BE GLAD TO DO SO AT NO COST TO YOU. I | JUST CALL US! | I WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF NUTRENA POULTRY, HOC, amt FEEDS • -l- , , :: SPECIAL THIS WEEK COMPLETE EGG RATION C A 100 LBS. CRUMBLIZED_UliVV SPECIAL THIS WEEK 40% HOG BALANCER QC •JC P NUGGETS, PER 100 LBS___.WVa IV S BEEF CAKE “16”, Heavy Molasses, per cwt. $3.65 — ■ ■ I \ FRAN — SHORTS — TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS —BONEMEAL — LIMESTONE — SALT — KD RANGER BLOCKS H ! CUDAHY ALL-PURPOSE MINERAL & MINERAL BLOCKS — CRACKED CORN — CHICK & HEN SCRATCH — OYSTER H SHELL — BUTTERMILK — ETC. H All These Items and Many More on Hand at — ‘?sv SHELHAMER'S NO. 593 L L II #1 III * DELIVERY