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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1952)
Mesdames Tams, Tuttle Join Unit EWING—Plans for a Christmas party December 17, were dis cussed at the regular session of the Women’s Society of Christian Service at the Methodist church parlors Wednesday afternoon, December 3. A 6 o’clock din aer will be served and gifts will be exchanged, followed by games end caroling. Final preparations for the ba zaar, Wednesday, December 10, were completed. Mrs. Florence Butler opened the meeting with an appropriate Christmas poem. Mrs. J. L. Pruden conducted the devotion fids. The worship table featured the ‘Madonna,” an open Bible find white candles in crystal can UMKdders. Airs. William Spence presented the lesson. “Tidings of Great lw" Lunch was served by the o hostesses, Mrs. Benjamin Larsen find Mrs. Archie Tuttle. A mini ature Christmas tree, banked W&Ui gifts for all made up the QOrtteapiece. Twenty-two mem bers and six guests were present. The guests were Mrs. Harriet Wfelke and her sister, Mrs. Dell Houston, Mrs. Robert Tams, Mrs. Huford Carlson, Miss Fern Pru dn and Mrs. Archie Tuttle. Mrs. Tams and Mrs. Tuttle be came members of the society. Other Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and James Wilson were enter tained at dinner recently at the home of Mrs. Minnie Primus. Carpenters and workmen are taking advantage of the warm er weather, and are making con siderable progress on the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood in north Ewing. The work was started last fall. Leslie Cary, who is employed fid Pickstown, S.D., spent the weekend with his family in Ew ing. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lar sen accompanied by their guests, Mr. and [Mrs. Harry Larsen of Alvada, Mont., and Mrs. J. L. Pruden went to Ft. Randall, S.D., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larsen went to Lynch where they were overnight guests of relatives, leaving on Tuesday for their home in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Larsen and Mrs. Pruden returned to their homes in Ewing the same day. The Birthday club gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies on Sunday where one of the members, Mrs. Hans Peter son was the honored guest at a 1 o’clock dinner to celebrate her birthday anniversary. Turkey and all the trimmings were served. Card games and visiting were the afternoon pastime. Mrs. Peter son received many gifts. Guests present were: Mrs. Harriet Kelke, Mrs. Alfonso Beelaert, sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Wulf, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson, Mrs. Dell Houston, all of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Verge Cratty, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben, Miss Minnie Neiderheider, all of Clearwater. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Hazel Kimes were her daugh er, Mrs. Joe Kusek and family of David City. Sunday callers were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Filsing er and children of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kimes and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lucas and daughters of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming spent last Thursday in Plainview where they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heater. Ray Sedivy had charge of the worship hour at the Ewing Meth odist church Sunday morning in Ewing and also at Inman. Rev. C. C. Chappel is confined to his home with influenza. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Bomer and sons returned home Wednesday, December 3, from Des Moines, la., where they were guests of rela tives. Reverend Bomer has com pleted his college work at Pitts burgh, Pa., and was ordained on Sunday, November 30, at a church in Des Moines. Benjamin Larsen took his sis i ■ "» ter, Mrs. Ida Kemnitz, to her home in Wood, S.D., on Mon day, December 1. She had been a guest at the Larsen home for the past two weeks. The Thursday Bridge club met Tuesday evening, December 2, at the home of Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard. Scorewinners were Mrs. Lyle Dierks and Mrs. John Archer. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ogier of Downey, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Odern of Tilden were re cent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard. Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard went to O’Neill Friday. Mrs. Ebbengaard called on her aunt at the hospital while Mr. Ebben gaard transacted business. Mrs. Frank Vandersnick was hostess to her pinochle club on Thursday at her home in Ewing. Guests were Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Robley Sisson, sr., and Mrs. John Vandersnick. A social hour and refreshments were en joyed after the games. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larson of Alvada, Mont., were weekend guests at the home of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. John Wunner left last Thursday to spend a few days at the home of her sister in Stanton. Mr. and Mr. Ray Tucker had as their guests on Sunday his mother, Mrs. Clara Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bollwit and fam liy, Miss Darlene Bollwit, all of Ewing, Miss Patty Tomlinson and James Tomlinson, both of O’Neill. Mrs. Grant Mott received a message on Tuesday afternoon, December 2, telling of the sud den death of her mother, Mrs. Frank Wondercheck, at the home of relatives in Atkinson where she was visiting. Funeral serv ices were held Friday afternoon at Wesleyan Methodist church in Atkinson, Rev. F. A. Hand offi ciating. Friends of the Mott family attending were Mrs. F. A. Hand, Mrs. Howard Miller, Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Bert Fink, Mrs. James Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Doty, Mrs. Edna Lofquist. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Soren son of Omaha spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robley Sisson, sr. Miss Marcella Sisson, who had been a guest at their home since Thanksgiving, returned home with them. 2 Clubs Merge into Single Unit — The Up and At It and Sons of the Soil 4-H clubs held a reor ganization meeting at the home of Melba Dobrovolny on Decem ber 7. The two clubs joined to gether in one club under the title of the Up and At It. Officers for the year were elected: Mary Schmitz, president; Gordon Slaight, vice-president; Patty Pierson, secretary; Robert Young, treasurer; Joanne Lans worth, news reporter; Doris Pier son and Jim Schmitz, song lead ers; Jack Schmitz and Emma Pierson, leaders; Lawrence Dob rovolny and Florence Schmitz, assistant leaders. The Sons of the Soil boys re ceived $15 on their stocker-feed ers and two of the Up and At It girls received money amount ing to $4. The club has started a new year with 21 members. Five new members joined the group this year. They are Mildred Schmitz, Ester Young, Nicky Hammerlun, Jerry Schmitz and Larry Dobro volny. Several projects were taken this year and everyone is starting out to work hard. Pro ject mothers were elected to help with our work for the year. No definite date was decided for the next meeting. At the close of our day every one enjoyed a weiner and marsh mallow roast.—By Joanne Lans worth, news reporter. Improvement Club in Yule Party — PAGE—The Page Improvement club held a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Ralph Bros trom Monday evening with 13 members and one guest present. Roll call was answered by the reading of a Christmas greeting. At the business meeting all ar rangements were made for the visit of Santa Claus, Saturday af ternoon, December 20. There' will also be free movies for the youngsters. For entertainment there were several contests. A no-host lunch was served. The table was dec orated in keeping with Christ mas. METHODIST (O'Nei 1) Rev Wallace B. Smith, pastor Today (Thursday): Woman’s Society of Christian Service Christmas meeting with devo tions, program and gift ex change, beginning at 2 p.m. Pray er circle at 1:45 p.m. Friday: Dorcas Society, quilt in and fancy work, starting at 2 p.m. at the O. W. French resi dence. Choir rehearsal at 7 p.m. Sunday: Cnurch school, a train ing program for Christian living for the entire family. Begins each Sunday at 10 a.m. Morning worship service at 11 a.m., with Christmas hymns to sing, an anthem by the choir, a solo (from the “Messiah”) to be sung by Mrs. Grant Peacock, a story for the children, “The Light at the Window,” prayers of help and strength, and a sermon by the minister on the advent theme. The play, “Christmas Flowers” will be rehearsed at an earlier hour, 2 p.m., Sunday so that all may go to the school auditorium to hear the “Messiah” presented by the community chorus. Methodists realize that their church was born singing! One of the founders of the Methodist church was a songwriter by the name of Charles Wesley. The love of music has continued to this day in Methodist churches. So, all Methodists in O’Neill and surrounding territory will be an xious to hear the community chorus sing Handel’s “Messiah.” An especial item of interest is that three of our choir are solo ing in this presentation. * They are: soprano, Mrs. Grant Pea cock; alto, Mrs. Don Loy, and tenor, Rahe (Benny) Johnson. The youth fellowships both meet at 6:30 p.m. in th church basement. The intermediates will con tinue preparation of the Christ mas toys for the children’s home. They will work some more on the choral number they will present the following Sunday morning in the worship service. There’ll be a chance to worship God together. lne senior MYF will have a worship service and a reading on “Marcia’s Christmas,” given by Miss Alice Young, president. (Monday: The Wesleyan service guild will have a Christmas par ty. The evening beins at 7 o’clock with a dinner at the M & M cafe, the group will adjourn to the church for the rest of the evening’s festivities. Tuesday: The young adult fel lowship Christmas family night will be held. This begins with a covered dish supper (each fam ily should bring their own tablei service). The program for the evening will be furnished by the children of the family groups. Time: 6:30 o’clock. Wednesday: Any folks of the ONeill church who wish to at tend the Bible study meetings at Emmet are welcome. The time is 8 p.m. Contact the pastor of the two churches for place of meeting. ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neligh) Rev. Wm. H. Cowger, Vicar Sunday, morning prayer 9 a.m. Church school 10 a.m. Quiet day beginning at 11 a.m. with Holy communion on Decem ber 6. Holy communion at 8 a.m., Wednesday, December 17. Ordination of your vicar to the sacred priesthood on Wednesday, December 17, 11 a.m. The preach er will be David S. Rose of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Corpus Christi, Tex. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” II Cor. 9:15. At this season of the year when everyone is gift conscious, may we remember to rejoice and give thanks to God for His gift, Christ Jesus. It is one thing to know of Him; it is quite another thing to know Him. All who have re ceived Him as their personal Saviour can sing from their hearts, “Joy to the world! the 1 Lord is come.” Today (Thursday) there is a sectional fellowship meeting at Bassett. Services are at 2:30, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. What a privilege to study the Word of God in Sunday-school! We invite you to study with us. A new record in attendance was reached Sunday. Each class is growing. Join us in our Sunday evening service at 8 o’clock and blend your hearts with ours in song, testimony and prayer. The young people invite all who are interested in finding Jesus as a personal Saviour to attend their service on Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. They will be presenting a play, “No Room In the Inn,” as their contribution in the Christmas program to be given December 21 at 8. Prayer service and Bible study Wednesday, 8 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Samuel D. Lee, pastor Sunday-school, 9:45 a.m. Wor ship 11 a.m.; junior high West minster fellowship, 5 and 7. Spiritual life group, Monday, 3 p.m. Cherub choir practice, Satur day, 10 a.m.; children’s story hour, 11 a.m. Circle III will meet on Tues day evening next week instead of of Thursday evening. The moderator of general as sembly, Dr. Hermann N. Morse, will speak at our church next Thursday evening, December 18, at 7:30 oclock, and will probably speak informally at the turkey dinner earlier in the evening. The moderator holds the highest of fice in our church, and we are extremely fortunate to have him in O’Neill. He is speaking at only two other cities in Nebras ka. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Prayer meeting dismissed this week so folks could attend the revival meetings at Page an ex tra night. Saturday at 2 p.m.: Practice for the children for our Christ mas program. Sunday, December 21, 8 p.m.: Christmas program. Sunday, December 14: Sun day-school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; Sunday evening service at 7:30 o’clock. We are planning a watch night service December 31. You are welcome to our ser vices. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) (Located three miles west of drive-in theater and one mile north) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Prayer meeting each Wednes day. December 17: Missionary pray er meeting in the parsonage; also election of officers for the com ing year. December 14: Worship, 10 a.m.; Sunday - school, 11 a.m.; young people’s service and Bible study, 7:30 p.m. .You are welcome to our ser vices. ___ •Zjtmm.... ...... METHODIST (Emmei) Rev. Wallace B. Smith, pastor If the reader is looking for ward to the rewarding spiritual adventures that come with the Christmas season, then he should by all means attend the services of his church. The Methodist church at Emmet invites her neighbors to be present for any and all of her observances of the season. The first of these services is on Sunday, December 21, at 9 a.m. This is a worship service. There will be the singing of the fine old Christmas songs. There’ll be the message of the minister. He’ll be telling about the significance of the three gifts that the wise men brought to the Christ Child. The second of these services is that afternoon at 3 o’clock. A service of carols and scriptures will be blended into the sacra ment of communion. The Bible is being studied at Emmet t hese days. The first meeting was on Wednesday eve ning, December 10, at the homo of John Conard. For an an nouncement of the next meeting on December 17, attend the serv ices of the church or call the pas tor. In the words of the pastor’s sermon Sunday (quoting John the Baptist), “Prepare Ye The Way of The Lord!” The Women’s Society of Chris tian service of the Methodist church at Emmet meets on De cember 18, at 2:30 p.m. Next week’s notes will cany the place of meeting announcement. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Comer of Sixth and Grant John Thomas, minister Bible school, 10 a.m., preaching and communion, 11 a.m. The morning message will be “Faith and Courage.” The evening message will be “A Successful Christian’s Great est Temptation.” Bible study and prayer session Wednesday, 8 p.m. “For the promise is unto you, been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” (Galations 3:27). ‘For the promise is unto you, and unto your tehildren, and to all that are afar off, even as many os the Lord our God shall call.’’ (Acts 2:39). METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor Sunday-school at 10:30 a.m., Clair Grimes, superintendent. Worship, 11:30 a.m. The Women’s Society of Chris tian Service will have its .meet ing and Christmas party today (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. Darrell Gillette. LEAVES FOR GERMANY CHAMBERS—Sgt. Frank Scott left the U. S. Wednesday, De cember 3, sailing for Bremersha ven, Germany. He recently spent 10 days—November 6 to 16 —with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, and family. Ser geant Scott has been stationed in Germany for 8*6 years. In Yule Party — LYNCH—The Happy Hour j club met for the December meet ing at the Jerry Sixta home on Monday evening, December £. A Christmas party was the occasion. Book Reviewed for Club ai Spencer— SPENCER — A book review and two selections by the club chorus featured the program of the Spencer Woman’s club last Thursday evening at Community hall. Mrs. Clyde Fisher reviewed “Who Walk Alone” by Perry Burgess. Mrs. R. G. Tomlinson was pro gram chairman and Mrs. Arlan Kirk, president, conducted the , business meeting. A Christmas program, with Mrs. F. F. Martin as chairman, will be given at the next meet ing, December 18. Free Show and Card Parly The Film. “Realm of the World,” a story about the grain that built a hemisphere, will be shown. . CARDS: Pinochle, pitch and bridge will be played. Prizes for ladies' high score and men’s high score. Bring Sandwiches or Cake . . . Free Coffee Friday, December 12th . . . Legion Hall CHAMBERS Sponsored by Chambers Legion and Auxiliary 25 Registered Aberdeen Angus 15 Registered Hereford Bulls Sell at AUCTION Atkinson, Nebraska TUESDAY. DECEMBER 16TH 2 O'Clock P.M. 8 Coming 2-year-old Angus Bulls from the Wm. Drahota Farms of Columbus, Nebr. 15 Coming 2-year-old Angus Bulls from the Blackridge Stock Farms of Everest, Kans. All T.B. & Bangs tested — Eilen meres, Prince Sunbeam breeding — from Penney & James nationally known herd in Missouri. 15 Registerd coming 2-year-old Hereford Bulls, consigned by local Hereford Breed ers. THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING OFFERING OF RANGE BULLS ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET Atkinson, Nebraska Everything That’s Good In Gas At Leidy’s ★ Coleman Blend Air Furnaces ★ Magic Chef Stoves I it Dearborn Space Heaters ★ Johnson Stock Tank Heaters ★ Servel Refrigerators ★ Roadmaster Carburetion for Tractors ★ Empire and Coleman Floor Furnaces ★ Johnson Smoke House Burners RALPH N. LEIDY Res. Phone 208-W Store Phone 410 ;.. * - ' iij1# o The Sandhills Foremost CATTLE AUCTION SALE EVERY TUESDAY HOG AUCTION: Starting at 11 O'Clock A.M. CATTLE AUCTION: Starting at 1 O'Clock P.M. Under the same mangement : for over 20 years. Bonded— Insured —Reliable For Highest Net Results — Sell Them at Atkinson Phone 5141 Atkinson Livestock Market Atkinson, Nebr. Ernie Weller General Manager I EARL W. RALYA Owner Gerber’s Cereal Food ..Pkg. 18c French’s Worcestershire SauceM 15c (Limit One Bottle) Minute Rice, pre-cooked_Pkg. 15c Fels Naptha Soap Chips.Lge. box 29c MORTON’S— (Ilimit One Can) Sausage Seasoning.10-oz. can 28c Alaska Pink Salmon.1-lb. tall can 49c Heinz Oveii Baked Beans. 16-oz. can 15c Do n.. •........ .. .. -.. .- . . Pickled Gre&vp-. Kellogg’s Variety— Peppers J. 3-oz. btl. 10c Cereals-Per tray 3gc Lia: ,0 FRIDAY and SATURDAY SWIFT PREMIUM— Sliced Dried Beef.4-oz. pkg, 39c — -- ■ - - - - 1 .- . .. Spiced Luncheon Meat.Lb. 39c Calif. Large Lemons.4 for 17c --—... . ... -.—... Calif. Fresh Carrots, in plastic bag.. 15c 1111 ——— ■ | ■ ; * * | ♦ fljl I ------—- ------- _ .. ^ - - ~„ '£:g<g.''3>Q{£!g;g{gi>g(g{g>g'g>g';,.s,C,€,^s€,€*S‘2,S*'Sf'S,-€,€,;S*2,€'I’€,€!'€*€,-2,€!2>€,’S’'C‘;^i"^CtS*g,S«6*g|!€!S?g«€*€*C*e,€*€*e*-C’< The Whole Family Will Applaud. . . ■-r'C H £ r _n LJ