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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1952)
Visitor, 75, Finishes Gift Problem Early Mrs. Jewell Gives to 60 Relatives DELOIT—Mrs. Myrtle Jewell, 75, of Dallas, S.D., is visiting her daughters, Mrs. John Bauer and Mrs. Ralph Tom jack, and their families. Mrs. Jewell has her Christmas gift-making and shopping done. She remembers each of more than 60 relatives, including chil dren, grandchildren and great grandchildren, also the “in laws.*’ • Mrs. Jewell is a fine seam stress and does fancywork. She spends many months making gifts and preparing for Christ mas far in advance of the big day. Other Deloit News The electricity was turned on west of Pofahls Saturday, No vember 29. A party was held at the Ralph Tomjack home on Friday. About 20 ladies attended. * There was a Chinese program and box social at the Deloit school last Thursday evening. Maxine Bauer is teacner. A large crowd attended and spent an enjoyable evening. Jack Bartak left for camp on Monday, November 28. He will be sent overseas. Many farmers are shelling and selling corn. The Deloit Pinochle club met last Thursday at Werkmeister’s. Stanley Huffman was a visitor in Sioux City a couple of days last week. Vera Dell Funk, who attends St. Mary’s academy, O’Neill, spent the weekend at home. Zoe Huffman spent several days at the Stanley Huffman ranch home last week. Joan Thiele visited at the John Bauer home last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huffman visited at the Shavlik home last Thursday evening. There was a singspiration at the Christian church in Orchard on Sunday afternoon. The HEO club held their De meister home last Thursday. A cember meeting at the Werk tea was held in the late after noon. Jean Eloise Woods Weds at Lincoln PAGE—The marriage of Miss Jean Eloise Woods, daughter of C. A. Woods of Raymond and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes of Page, to Harry Pappas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pappas of Lincoln, was solemnized at 4 o’clock Wednes ay afternoon, (November 26, at the First Presbyterian church at Lincoln. The lines of the service were read by Rev. C. Vin White. Lighted tapers in floor candelabra and arrangements of white chry santhemums appointed the chan cel. The tapers we!r< < lighted by Ronnie Pappas. Miss Grace Finch played the wedding marches and accom panied Mrs. Frances Mace who sang, “O Promise Mev and “The Lord’s Prayer.” The bride wore a gown of bri dal satin designed in the after five mode. Rolled hollar and yoke of chantilly lace accented the snugly buttoned bodice which was completed by jlbng sleeves and a gored skirt flared into hem line width. A satin cap trimmed with pearls held her short illu sion veil. She carried a white Bible ornamented with an orchid. | The maid-of-honor, the bride’s only attendant, was Miss Margaret Olson, who was frocked in mint green taffeta fashioned with a full ballerina-length skirt. She carried a nosegay of pink carnations and wore a coronet of the blossoms in her hair. Sam Pappas served as bestman. Ushers were Dale Woods and Jim Van Horn. A reception was held at the church following the ceremony. Upon their return from a trip to Chicago, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Pappas will reside in Lincoln. For her traveling costume, Mrs. Pappas wore a rust brown frock with brown accessories. Mrs. Pappas is a graduate of the Page high school. She made her home with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Copes of Page for a number of years. She is a member of the Kappa chapter of Beta Sigma Phi at Lincoln. 1953 Hudsons Stress Beauty, Performance The new Hudsons have sleek, low-sweeping lines and a road-hugging appearance made pos sible only by Hudson’s famed “step-down” de sign, according to Gerry Gonderinger of the Gonderinger Motor company, Atkinson, where the 1953 Hudson is on display. Front end has been restyled with modem, air scoop type hood ornaments blending into sleek hood lines. Lux urious interiors are decorator-planned to com plement a wide range of new exterior car colors. Shown (above) is the Hudson Hornet, record smashing performer in stock car racing and hold er of all national AAA records for stock cars. Take Part in Pastor’s Shower CELIA — The Clarence Fock en family and Alex Forsythe attended the Presbyterian church dinner and food shower after services Sunday morning for the new minister, Rev. Frank F. Payas, and family who arrived in Atkinson late Saturday night from El Paso, Tex. Reverend and Mrs. Payas have two sons, Paul and Bradley. He preached his first sermon as min ister of the Atkinson Presbyter ian church Sunday. Other Celia News Herman Frickel was a Sioux City visitor last Thursday. Werner Poessnecker was a Tuesday, December z, visitor at the Hans Lauridsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken, the twins and Danny were Wed nesday evening, December 3, vis itors at the Donald Focken home. P. W. Kilmurry was a Sunday dinner guest at the Frank Kilh murry home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease and 9on, Robert, attended a basket ball game in Atkinson Monday evening, December 1. Bobby Knudson visited Larry and Paul Poessnecker Saturday afternoon. Hans and Jim Lauridsen help ed Ira Lange last Thursday. Thilo Poessnecker was a Satur day morning visitor at the Hans Lauridsen home. Natchel Rzesotarski picked com for O. A. Hammerberg on Friday and Saturday. He ex pected to finish Monday. R. M. Pease of O’Neill was a Sunday dinner guest at the Ray Pease home. Shirley and Denton Colfack were last Thursday evening vis itors at the P. W. Kilmurry home. Mrs. Clarence Focken and chil dren attended missionary meet ing at the Presbyterian church Wednesday afternoon, December 3. Pie, jello and coffee were served. Vincent Obermire visited Hans Lauridsen on Monday afternoon, December 1. Wednesday, December 3, was the birthday anniversary of Wil liam Coleman and his daughters, Mrs. Victor Frickel and Mrs. Gene Tooker, planned a surprise card party for him at his home. Fifty-five to 60 persons attended the party. Cake, coffee and sand wiches were served. Hans and Jim Lauridsen help ed Aaron Lange build a cattle shed Friday. Leona Beckwith accompanied the Rex Cobum family to At kinson Monday evening where they attended the basketball game. Alex Forsythe was a Sunday evening visitor at the O. A. Hammerberg home. David Phipps helped Joe Hendricks from Friday evening until Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family were Sunday dinner tsMMMCMEMMEMManMMemncmnBlCWMMM guests at the Leonard Chaffin home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath nie and Darrel visited the Her bert Rouse family of O’Neill on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family were O’Neill visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Risor and Marilyn of O’Neill were last Thursday afternoon visitors at the Milton McKathnie home. Mrs. Milton McKathnie and son, Darrel, visited Mrs. Lee Ter williger Friday afternoon. Conrad Frickel, sr., and Mar vin Focken helped Clarence Focken and boys reshingle the west side of the roof of their home Saturday. Mrs. Marvin Focken came, too, and helped Mrs. Clarence Focken. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott and Mrs. Gene Livingston were Wed nesday, December 3, visitors at the H. O. Stevens home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken and Marjorie were O’Neill visit ors Tuesday, December 2. Sunday dinner guests at the Mark Hendricks home were Mr and Mrs. Cliff Meisner and sons, Kenneth and Bryce, of Royal and Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and Markita were O’Neill visit ors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck were Sunday dinner guests at the Clarence Johnson home neai Stuart. Other dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mlinai and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mli nar. Emil Colfack and son, Denton helped Duane Beck Saturday af ternoon. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg anc Mrs. H. O. Stevens were O’Neil visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hend ricks left Monday morning, De cember 1, for Milton vale, Kans. to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Ernst, and family also Leon Hendricks who is attend ing school in Miltonvale. They returned home Wednesday eve ning, December 3. Denton and Shirley Colfack and Alex Forsythe were Tuesday evening, December 2, supper guests at the George Beck home. Several from this community attended the funeral services for Mrs. Frank Wondercheck at the Wesleyan Methodist church Fri day. Mrs. Wondercheck died of a heart attack while visiting her daughter - in - law, Mrs. Oscar Wondercheck. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott at tended the funeral services for Mrs. Florence Downey, 80, of Cincinnatti, O., .which were con ducted in the Stuart Community church Friday. Mrs. Downey was a sister of Fred Zink of Stu art and a former Holt county superintendent of schools. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken and children were last Thursday evening visitors at the Jake Braun home. Gary Meisner and Marsha Hammond of Royal were dinner guests at the Robert Hendricks home Sunday. g'gigieig-etgietzifneigieigtgigiemgtgtgtgtgigtr * inman news Harlan Morsbach and Don Lines of Rapid City, S.D., spent the weekend visiting in the homes < of Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach : and Mr. and Mrs. Dana Lines. J Gordon Sholes and Pat Harti- ■ gan of Mellette, S.D., spent the 1 weekend here with relatives and j friends. Ralph Herold Sholes of Emer son spent the weekend visiting his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Miss Luella Watson of Atkin- « son spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson. Larry Sawyer of Stuart spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer. Miss Grace McGraw of Atkin son spent the weekend in In man. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark were hosts to a district meeting of the rural letter carriers’ associa tion which was held at the Meth odist church annex Saturday eve ning. A no-host dinner was served following the business meeting. Guests at the meeting were Post master and Mrs. James McMa han and Substitute Carrier Don ald Keyes. M!rs. Ira Watson, Mrs. A. N. Butler and Mrs. James McMahan attended a meeting of St. An thony’s hospital auxiliary at the hospital Monday evening. Nine pairs of outing flannel pajamas made by members of the Inman project club were turned in at this time. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson I of O’Neill were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary re turned last Thursday evening from Iowa where they had been visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Louis Feidler of Aurora, 111., came Friday to visit in the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes. Mrs. Ray Siders entertained at a party Thursday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Albert Reynolds was demonstrator. Mrs. Siders served lunch at the close of the afternoon. Melvin Michaelis and Horace Kiel went to Omaha Tuesday, December 2, where they met Miss Lela Ermer of Washington, D.C., who was called home by the death of her father, Fred Er mer, of Chambers. The Anniversary cub surprised Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson Friday at their home. The self invited guests served dinner at noon and the afternoon was spent playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Tom linson were presented a gift from the group. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kiel of Al len and Horace Kiel of Inman left Wednesday morning for Wor land, Wyo., being called there by the death of Mrs. Kiel’s sister, Mrs. Agnes Garwood. The Kiel’s returned Saturday. The Inman extension club met Wednesday evening, December 3, ; with Mrs. Ira Watson. Mrs. A. N. Butler was cohostess. Mrs. Bob Cook and Mrs. Charles Beilin of O’Neill demonstrated making ny , Ion corsages. A Christmas ex ■ change of gifts was enjoyed by the group and lunch was served at the close of the evening. Venetian blinds, prompt deliv ery, made to measure, metal 01 Wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon ’ aids', O'Neill. —m—1——■———~——— _ .. - ._____ . .__ Former Bristow Man is Promoted — BRISTOW—Word has been re vived here that Milton Johnson, formerly of Bristow, has been jiven a promotion by John Mor rell and company, packing firm >y which he has been employed i number of years. He will bo ocal buyer for a new hog buying >tation the company is establishi ng at Wakonda, S.D. For the past 10 years Mr. * ° Johnson has been employed by Morrell at Sioux Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and three of their four children will move to Wa konda as soon as possible. One daughter will remain in Sioux Falls where she is employed. Mr. Johnson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Johnson of Bris tow and the son-in-law of M!r. and Mrs. Harry Peppel of Spen cer. 1 DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, Dec. 14 MUSIC BY WNAX Bohemian Band «■ — - — ...'m& rwwo :;;;r That's right! Santa, himself, finds it hard to pass up playing with the realistic, pint-size toy John Deere Farm Implements. See them and you 11 . understand why youngsters, too, like them so well. I • * There's a complete line for the young farmer—a plow that raises or lowers for transporting or plowing; a rubber-tired wagon that handles a big load of play grain; a toy manure spreader that actually spreads sand and sawdust; a disk harrow that angles and straightens, and, of course a sturdy, toy tractor that will be your youngster s prize posses r *• Boys and girls, alike, get a big thrill out of being farmers just like I Dad. This Christmas, set them up in farming with these wonderful, small-scale implements. See us now while there s still a good supplv. HARRY R. SMITH IMPL. "YOUR JOHN DEERE DEALER" I pi_OWS Phone 562 — O’Neill 1 I For a Festive Holiday Setting ... \ Send your Christmas greetings with flowers! ... The most wonderful way in the world to say "thank you" to I If your hostess and a "Merry Christmas" to your friends. See our | selection of holiday plants and flowers today. | We j Telegraph | Flowers for AO Occasions \ Night Phone 530-W J Day Phone 579 | 1 at • « * * Scovie's S’ X5^. 'V-*^** 1 BICYCLES.WAGONS S? TRICYCLES | BOLLS.DOLL BUGGIES !I ELECTRIC TRAINS CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS i Toys of Every Description j USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN j Western Auto j j g A. P. Jaszkowiak, Prop. O’Neill j I .—- -. ■ CAMERAS & KODAKS e In every price range—may be purchased with or without accessories t T - ■ ' | COLOR FILMS I COLORED SLIDE PROJECTORS I I What finer gift could there be than a kodak or camera for the service man or woman . . . the high school or college student . . . for Mom or Pop? M Photographs live forever and a camera or kodak will pro vide year - around remem brance of the giver, because picture-taking is not a sea- jfi sonal hobby. It’s fun and it’s r a permanent record of living. .. * | FLASH CAMERA | if WITH ATTACHMENTS | 10.70 Up i I ; BPH 5 * I O’NEILL PHOTO CO. I Phone 1 I *u' ^ Dress Him Up For Christmas With a New i SUIT | TOPCOAT I STORM COAT ! SPORTCOAT j HAT I SLACKS ! SHOES ! SHIRTS f TIES » GLOVES | jjf SOCKS _ .! j | BELTS i ] | PAJAMAS CLOTH j | | SWEATERS | ‘ 1 BEFORE YOU BUY . . . FIRST TRY i i \ McCARVILLES 1 | For Style • Quality © Value I, y \ I Shoes for the Entire Family 5 h?